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Triple Entry Visa Questions

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at the end of july i'm applying for my triple entry 6 month visa at the embassy in Amsterdam. They told me before i need proof of moving in and out of the country 3 times in 6 months, so i started looking for plane tickets in and out of the country.

Since this will be expensive as i'm not going to use them, i contacted them again and they said i can apply for a visa with a single ticket into Thailand and a signed itinerary that shows when i'm going to do what. That means; i don;t need any flight tickets to show i'm leaving the country at least 2 times.

What should i send them? I'm planning to stay at least 6 months on Koh Samui and will do the usual visa runs. If possible i want to extend the visa as close as i can to 9 months. Is it wise to tell them i'm going to stay in one place? Or is it possible to play with the itinerary a bit? And what are my chances of them turning the application down?

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