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Online Dating In Thailand?


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You rather miss the point, not everything is as it seems in the LoS. Have you read this book?

You use the term hooker freely, how would you describe the many western female celebs who marry and divorce in short time?

They do not take all of his money, do not marry someone double or triple their age, and do not ask for him to buy houses for mama, papa, brother and soi dog


Misinformed halfwits.

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Some good advice in the last few posts. After 3 to 4 messages get her over to Skype or Line / Whatsapp and then push for the data ASAP. No point in hanging around, it's too easy for it to fizzle out.

Online dating is also a great way to have a harem of girls lined up on the ground for you arriving if you live outside Thailand. You can literally hit the ground running and have dates every night even on your first week. First time I came to Thailand I did just that, 6 dates in my first 7 nights. Won't go into how many of them I banged, people will think I'm boasting. wink.png

What I don't get is the guys who use the sites to look for hookers then pay them? Why bother going online to do that? Just go to a bar.

Whilst on the subject though it does bother me when some girls write an essay for an opening gambit. 'Please read everything in my profile before say hi me' ...yawn

Happens everywhere not just Thailand. Women who think they have something important to say and that we should all listen to them. They write thousands of lines of absolute dross and demand you read EVERYTHING before messaging them or they won't reply. So you read it all and send a well considered message about the things they wrote....then they don't reply anyway. If you don't read it and send a message they always pull you up saying you clearly didn't read their profile.

They always have a ton of unreasonable demands that you must meet before you send them a message. I think they need to be reminded they are on a dating site for good reason.

Edited by TheSpade
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I have used OK Cupid to get laid when I have been back in the UK, it's very 'American' though. Some of the questions on there, <deleted> biggrin.png

Can't imagine too many Thai chicks being bothered to trawl through those questions, which supposedly assist the matching (keeps matching me with bi-sexual women :/

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You rather miss the point, not everything is as it seems in the LoS. Have you read this book?

You use the term hooker freely, how would you describe the many western female celebs who marry and divorce in short time?

They do not take all of his money, do not marry someone double or triple their age, and do not ask for him to buy houses for mama, papa, brother and soi dog

I'm betting they would, if they thought they could get away with it.

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Let me give a bit of female perspective from someone who has actually been on the site (gasp!). All too often, guys just don't have any patience. I am not a model or beauty queen by any means, but it is surprising the types of mail that I get from guys. I mean, come on, at least take the time to read the profile. If you are looking for just sex, then I think the approach that a lot of the posters here say probably will work. Guess it all depends upon what you are looking for. :P

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Let me give a bit of female perspective from someone who has actually been on the site (gasp!). All too often, guys just don't have any patience. I am not a model or beauty queen by any means, but it is surprising the types of mail that I get from guys. I mean, come on, at least take the time to read the profile. If you are looking for just sex, then I think the approach that a lot of the posters here say probably will work. Guess it all depends upon what you are looking for. tongue.png

Why would anyone read the profile, it's usually just lies.

As the men are only looking for sex, might as well ask everyone and try for the instant sex.

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Let me give a bit of female perspective from someone who has actually been on the site (gasp!). All too often, guys just don't have any patience. I am not a model or beauty queen by any means, but it is surprising the types of mail that I get from guys. I mean, come on, at least take the time to read the profile. If you are looking for just sex, then I think the approach that a lot of the posters here say probably will work. Guess it all depends upon what you are looking for. tongue.png

Why would anyone read the profile, it's usually just lies.

As the men are only looking for sex, might as well ask everyone and try for the instant sex.

As I said, I guess it depends on what a person is looking for. As for reading the profile, I guess the same statement is true. 5555

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Let me give a bit of female perspective from someone who has actually been on the site (gasp!). All too often, guys just don't have any patience. I am not a model or beauty queen by any means, but it is surprising the types of mail that I get from guys. I mean, come on, at least take the time to read the profile. If you are looking for just sex, then I think the approach that a lot of the posters here say probably will work. Guess it all depends upon what you are looking for. tongue.png

Yes - 'Patience' - something that seems very much lacking in the attitude of a large number of posters.... This 'debate' will go on endlessly because of the different ages of TVF posters, different objectives (quicky vs long term), different attitudes, and due to some just plain silly blanket statements that do not truly apply to ALL women on dating sites.

I can't speak about the site you are on - but I have found not only nice women but have found great women on other sites. I have posted my experiences earlier in the thread and the highlights of a half dozen quality women in Thailand. I know they are of good quality - because I have weeded the lesser qualified ones out and I have talked with these women, their children, their family, their coworkers and even their boses. And after many months (even a year or two) they have become true friends and one day I plan on 'taking up' with one of of them for a long term situation. Of course I am older and have developed a bit a patience and perspective - that seems to help . Yes - some of the women lie on these sites - but if a guy cannot filter through the liars on dating sites - then I don't see how they will do much better in person.

Perhaps the discussion thread should be separated by objective and maybe even age range. (One) Any age looking for quickies and or disposible women... (Two) Any age looking for long term romance and more. Both these end points are on various dating sites - at the same time. Or divide these two categories in to four by age range of the men.

Bottom line if a guy is 25 to 35 years of age, has a job or income of some sort, doesn't weight 160 Kilo. and can't find a quality woman in Thailand, then he likely cannot find one anywhere... And I think that this is the heart of the problem with all the negative and flippant comments that abound on this thread. Guys if you have no 'gift of gab', no personality, no patience, you have a flippant - potential jerk attitude, not much to offer - then just go buy yourself some 'relief' and quit fooling yourself that it is all the girl's fault - she is a 'ho and all that crap, there are no good women on dating sites, yada yada yada.

Surprise - Surprise fellas, there are women in Thailand who want and expect money for sexual favors - imagine that... I think you'll find them also in Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Maccau, Panama, Belize, Columbia, Mexico, Costa Rica, India and a dozen other places where it is accepted or tolerated and the average income is very low for far too many.

And just as important - there are fine quality women on the better dating sites everywhere - especially in Thailand - thousands of them - and they can be found if you know how to look and have some skills and a little patience - and last but not least - something to offer a quality woman. But if you are not looking for a fine quality women and just want a physical 'fix' - then please don't confuse the objectives... you only muddy the water of the discussion.

P.S. Remember - a lot of the girls on these sites know each other - one recommended it to another - soon there becomes a circle of friends - AND they compare notes... If you are broadcasting a lot of crude sexual come-ons then when they have a chat and look at the photos of who has been contacting them - then your're labeled as a 'ho'... and the nice gals won't touch you even with the proverbial ten foot pole.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Thought this was a great profile


looking for nice man

I never thought to have a family, but no one marries the Hon.

now i work in bar

i not belever love only i bever when you want to have sex with me and when you give money

i not free for you

if you no have money not contack me

She claims to be 24......24 stone maybe?

She must be deluded if she thinks anyone is going to pay HER. If she paid me I still wouldn't.

Saying that I bet someone has paid her. Fool.

Let me give a bit of female perspective from someone who has actually been on the site (gasp!). All too often, guys just don't have any patience. I am not a model or beauty queen by any means, but it is surprising the types of mail that I get from guys. I mean, come on, at least take the time to read the profile. If you are looking for just sex, then I think the approach that a lot of the posters here say probably will work. Guess it all depends upon what you are looking for. tongue.png

I don't read the profiles (most are nonsensical or they say one thing and mean another) and I pretty much just use these sites for sex though I'm not interested in meeting bar girls or paying for it. The way to go about it is not to send messages about sex or money or treat the girl like she's a sex worker. That will only attract the 'bad' girls and scare away the good ones.

It's not rocket science but most guys don't seem to get it.

Why would anyone read the profile, it's usually just lies.

As the men are only looking for sex, might as well ask everyone and try for the instant sex.

Even if you are looking just for sex sending messages saying so will get you either nowhere or meeting with bargirls who expect payment and then what's the point in that?

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  • 7 months later...
met many many many over the years.

90% were hookers

5% were looking for someone to support them and their family, ie hookers

5% were ok, but rather delusional and somewhat crazy

I find when i confirm i live in Thailand, many loose interest

Many use Google translate, so most of what they write makes no sense at all.

Didn't have that problem at all. I chatted enough to know their motivations first. Had some amazing gf's that way. Not wanting crazies, hookers, non-English speakers, etc. I just filter them out right away.

David Deangelo has a weminar on this, but I never checked it out. Good luck ;-)

Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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