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What Qualifies As Monthly Income For Marriage/retirement One-Year Extension

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I have been on a marriage visa for years and used my UK Army pension, requiring a letter from the UK consul in CM (2,500฿+).

If I wished to top-up the amount because the exchange rate is low....could I get a monthly payment from a relative or friend or organisation into my Thai bank account?

Would this be acceptable to immigration?

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Thai immigration accepts what your Embassy accepts for there letters. If you are over age 50 you would have the option to use retirement with combination of pay and bank deposit combination.

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I wouldn't expect any problems on the Thai side as it is all income to them but in my experience, the girl at the UK Embassy who does the 'conversion' of the bank statements into the letter, may get confused if there are more than 12 deposits for the calendar year. My bank statements showed only 8 deposits for the year and despite the total funds being well in excess of the minimums, I needed to explain I didn't get paid every month... but I did get paid enough!

I would suggest that you try and arrange for your top-ups to fall on the same day as your pension deposits. That may be easier to explain away as a 'new' payment method by your government or bank.

Edited by NanLaew
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My UK pension goes into my UK bank account...and is shown on the annual P60 from UK which is what i show the girl at the Consulate.

So you are saying that any regular payment into my Thai bank would also be able to be shown her and allow her to give an annual total?

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If you have savings in the UK you could use that to raise your monthly income when you get letter from embassy. I don't think you have to show a monthly income just a gross amount for the year that can then be divided by 12 to get the monthly income.

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If you have savings in the UK you could use that to raise your monthly income when you get letter from embassy. I don't think you have to show a monthly income just a gross amount for the year that can then be divided by 12 to get the monthly income.

Doesn't the "Bank Funds" contribution to the "Combined Income Route" have to be in a Thai bank in Baht?
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We are not talking about combined bank deposit and income but only what may be accepted as income by Embassy for issue of letter. Many people have more than one pension or annuity that can be combined on an income letter.

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We are not talking about combined bank deposit and income but only what may be accepted as income by Embassy for issue of letter. Many people have more than one pension or annuity that can be combined on an income letter.

My mistake...

I have two pensions which are taken into consideration for my income letter, however, as I read it, ubonjoe is suggesting that savings in a UK account could be included in your qualifying income, maybe by transferring an amount monthly.

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Does the UK Embassy make you prove your income or just swear to it and then give you a letter saying your income is whatever you swore to them it was?

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You must present supporting paperwork to Embassy.

Thanks was just curious because it is my understanding through friends (not personal experience) that the USA Embassy will give you an income letter based on whatever you tell them your income is with the only verification being you have to sign and swear you are telling the truth.

Edited by Nisa
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I use Tax statement as evidence for UK Consul to provide letter, but this year the Immigration Officer at CM, ( not the nice one, the other one) decided that it wasnt acceptable, even with supporting tax statement, pension statements etc. as the amount was, as always, in dollars. Had quite enough of her nonsense, so went to Laos, got a Non O retirement, which I will convert to a 12 month retirent visa at the appropriate time.

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The British Consulate in CM have accepted printouts of a UK bank account where the pension payments were highlighted (at their request, to help them), also gave the same from a Euro account with a state pension, also highlighted. The UK pension is paid monthly on the same day but the state pension is paid 4 weekly, however, the highlighting solves all those problems. Further more I only gave a couple of pages of statement, not necessarily the whole year.

On the statement I had hand written Monthly Pension of £x,xxx x 12 = £xx,xxx per annum.

I wrote paid every 4 weeks approx xxxEuros (depends on exchange rate) = x,xxxEuros per annum.

The lady used her own exchange rate for the letter.

If you have the qualifying lump sum in your Thai bank for the required time, it it sufficient to take the bank book(s) or can you get a certificate from the bank?

Cheap Charlie trying to deny the Consulate £50 for a simple letter that they make you come back the next day for, thus adding to the costs one (at least) overnight stay in CM, plus transport etc.

But TiT, why make a simple job easy when it can be dragged out and cause bigger local spending.

It's all a game LOL.

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I intend to go and ask at the UK Consul in CM ...if monthly funds paid into a Thai Bank account can also be added to my pension to increase the total amount....when I next visit CM.

Well I think that you would need some proof that they are going to continue being given to you.

I don't think a letter from a friend saying they are have and are going to continue to put X amount of your money into your account.

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I have used my pension for the last three extentions . I provided the letter from the US embassy the first year , that was fine . The next year at immigration I was told I needed the letter and also proof of my pension , I have talked to some that have never had to provide proof other than the letter and some others like me who have had to . So who knows really ...

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You must present supporting paperwork to Embassy.

Thanks was just curious because it is my understanding through friends (not personal experience) that the USA Embassy will give you an income letter based on whatever you tell them your income is with the only verification being you have to sign and swear you are telling the truth.

That is correct for the US. I have three pensions and total the amount and tell them what it is. I don't mention that 2 of them are from Canada. I have the papers to prove all three of them and so far they have not asked to see them. When I go for my extension (I take them with me). I think if a person caries a big manila envelope with them they will be less likely to ask to see the proof. I have heard of situations where they ask to see the proof in addition to the consulate letter.

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You must present supporting paperwork to Embassy.

Thanks was just curious because it is my understanding through friends (not personal experience) that the USA Embassy will give you an income letter based on whatever you tell them your income is with the only verification being you have to sign and swear you are telling the truth.


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Like all UK OAP's on Gov. Pension, mine is fixed. The only variable is the exchange rate as far as Immi is concerned.

I have not yet had to resort to topping up to achieve the B800,000, but may one day.

Would Ineed a letter every year although the sum and conditions do not change?

I can see the possibility that say I left only B600,000 on deposit the exchange rate might only raise it to say B798,111, so I could be SOL.

anyone else coping with this dilemna.?

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isn't it the easiest way to just have 800.000 baht parked on a thai bank account?

For some of us lucky ones - of course it is.

But the others who rely on the pension and have no capital assets - no.

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Thank you for your request for information regarding visas for Thailand. The mutual funds/investments can be used in lieu of a bank account with 800,000 baht.

All very confusing at times, especially for us newer guys to the forum, so I posed this question to the Thai Consulate in LA.

Essentialy what I was asking is can't we just show assetts of 800,000 in a bank account or investment fund, not neccesarily in Thailand?

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No you can not use for extensions of stay and Thai Consulate in LA has nothing to do with extensions of stay from Immigration Police. They would only be talking about getting a visa - not for extensions of stay. And for visas there has never been any requirement for money to be in Thailand.

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If you have savings in the UK you could use that to raise your monthly income when you get letter from embassy. I don't think you have to show a monthly income just a gross amount for the year that can then be divided by 12 to get the monthly income.

Why don't you simply take 500 and open another account in your UK bank. Each week do an online transfer of that 500 into the UK account you will show the embassy; then transfer the 500 back to your newly opened account over the next few days. Do that four times a month and you have shown an additional 2000 monthly income.
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isn't it the easiest way to just have 800.000 baht parked on a thai bank account?

For some of us lucky ones - of course it is.

But the others who rely on the pension and have no capital assets - no.

wouldn't income be the best way? Why would you want to deposit B800k into a Thai bank and pay the tx and FX charges when there are so many other worthwhile places to hold that sum.
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