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I Want To Go Home


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Prompted by Jai Dee's comment, I took a look at the OP's other posts.........

To state the obvious, LOS is not for everyone and (as he says) he'd love to be located in Singapore - which I've always regarded as westernised "Asia Lite" and very much not for me (but each to his/her own, mileage may vary etc). I'd say that KL would probably also suit him better than BKK.

But, as it seems that he's 25, his complaints got me wondering whether that generation is inherently less likely to adjust well to living/working in LOS - compared with the 40+ generation? And, if so - why?

Thoughts from other members?


Most of my generation (I´m 26) have grown up spoilt to some degree. Notice I do not distinguish between rich and poor, I just state, spoiled.

Look at the world of "travellers" today. hundreds of thousands of young kids go out armed with their lonely planet to go and visit 500 identical places per year.

Identical, in the sense that, everywhere they go, they end up in the same "comfortable" place... with it´s predicatable guiesthouse, cats on the street whispering "ganja, coca..:" internet shops and local stores that store hershey´s kisses.

THere´s no more adventure, kids whine when they get uncomfortable, and by uncomfortable, I mean, anything that is out of the ordinary, not to their liking, not what they "expected".... Most cats couldn´t survive a night out on the scottish highlands, much less try to live in other cultures...

I could probably go on and elaborate... .

....But I think you got my point.

Edited by kayo
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In my experience, to learn Thai is not really worth the enormous effort. Most Farangs who "speak Thai" generally cannot be understood outside the tourist areas.

You may consider returning to OZ and return when you are old, fat and can fit in better.

If you are planning to live in another country for a long periods of time. Its seems to me you would want to learn their native lanuage to survive. That would be common sense anyway.

BTW, I have no problem getting around or being understood anywhere in Thailand, so you are dead wrong about "cannot be understood".

Don't come back to Thailand when you're old, fat and arrogance.. you'll just give us all a bad name. Stay in your nativeland and be dumb, blind and stupid to the rest of the world.

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FYI you make some excellent points, displaying wisdom beyond your years.

In my experience, to learn Thai is not really worth the enormous effort. Most Farangs who "speak Thai" generally cannot be understood outside the tourist areas.

You may consider returning to OZ and return when you are old, fat and can fit in better.


That's rich.

Dude ... go to the Thai language forum. There are lots of us here that can speak Thai well enough to be understood. In fact, I am understood even in places that speak regional dialects that I can't understand.

But if you agreed with his post from the closed thread ... why are you here?

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FYI you make some excellent points, displaying wisdom beyond your years.

In my experience, to learn Thai is not really worth the enormous effort. Most Farangs who "speak Thai" generally cannot be understood outside the tourist areas.

You may consider returning to OZ and return when you are old, fat and can fit in better.


That's rich.

Dude ... go to the Thai language forum. There are lots of us here that can speak Thai well enough to be understood. In fact, I am understood even in places that speak regional dialects that I can't understand.

But if you agreed with his post from the closed thread ... why are you here?

Always amazes me how so many farangs lack original thought and revert to this particular view.

I did not say I agreed with his post, I said he makes some excellent points about Thailand. I like his post because it reflects some objectivity about Thailand which I find lacking throughout many of these little chatty sites.

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lol ... what excellent points?

90% are ethnocentric based upon his not "getting" that he is NOT in an Englih speaking country.

the other 10% are just wrong.

I assume you don't speak Thai ... can't manage on your own in the country ... think that life is unfair here ... get on the plane with him then!

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I want to go home now

2 choices

work hear untill i get fired in may 2006 this cannot be stopped as it a major disagreement OR

return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

someone please give me some advice

First thing to do is GROW UP....

Second thing to do is GROW UP....

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thank you to the replys who where postive rather than abusive

the reason why im stuck in this place is simple because of love and nothing else i came hear because of love and thats why i try to put up with all the crap

the unemployment thing is because of a massive oversupply in the labour market in my home country ie most jobs get 500 people apply for 1 job and getting experance is close to impossiable but 20 years ago it was no problem not today even with a high level of education.

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(gwmss15 Posted on: Yesterday, 2006-03-20 15:07:08)

Does anyone know if government employees "thai university staff" can do visa and work permit extentions at the office on ratchadaphesik road "suttisan"

the office has been upgraded lately new computers and waiting areas

(gwmss15 Posted on: Yesterday, 2006-03-20 16:03:52)

I want to go home now

2 choices

work hear untill i get fired in may 2006 this cannot be stopped as it a major disagreement OR

return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

someone please give me some advice

If you look at the two posts by gwmss15 above you will see that within one hour he has moved from trying to extend his visa to wanting to go home immediately! This is a huge mood swing - maybe he does need psychiatric help.

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(gwmss15 Posted on: Yesterday, 2006-03-20 15:07:08)

Does anyone know if government employees "thai university staff" can do visa and work permit extentions at the office on ratchadaphesik road "suttisan"

the office has been upgraded lately new computers and waiting areas

(gwmss15 Posted on: Yesterday, 2006-03-20 16:03:52)

I want to go home now

2 choices

work hear untill i get fired in may 2006 this cannot be stopped as it a major disagreement OR

return home and face decades of unemployment that will lead to my death

someone please give me some advice

If you look at the two posts by gwmss15 above you will see that within one hour he has moved from trying to extend his visa to wanting to go home immediately! This is a huge mood swing - maybe he does need psychiatric help.

reason i just went to that place as i jusy did my 90 day report and i asked them and they where not sure so i posted it on the site to see if others knew about it.

also the huge fight with my boss occured a few mins after i posted that and is still not resolved so i have taken choice 1 stick it out and hope it works out if not ill just get out of this shithole for good

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reason i just went to that place as i jusy did my 90 day report and i asked them and they where not sure so i posted it on the site to see if others knew about it.

also the huge fight with my boss occured a few mins after i posted that and is still not resolved so i have taken choice 1 stick it out and hope it works out if not ill just get out of this shithole for good

Sorry you are having problems but if you think that Thailand is a (quote) shithole(/quote) then you may find that it would be better to return to your homeland sooner than later. By staying in LoS you will only become more frustrated and angry, this could lead you into conflict with the Thais or the authorities, better to "walk" now than wait to be "pushed".

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Be a man, either deal with it and learn to fit in...... or go home. Simple choice an dyou don't need advice from strangers who dont' know you...

Go home get a job and a real life...... If your love returns the favour she will follow you ...... if not ....... thats life too, deal with it and move on.

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think it´s a name given to... wait, let me chack my douglas adam´s dictionary...

nope... Didn´t make it in there...

QUABBS (pl.n.)

The substances which emerge when you squeeze a blackhead.

QUALL (vb.)

To speak with the voice of one who requires another to do something for them.


A rabidly left-wing politician who can afford to be that way because he married a millionairess.


Something that happens when people make it up after an agglethorpe (q.v.)


A stubborn spot on a window which you spend twenty minutes trying to clean off before discovering it's on the other side of the glass.


A person that no one has ever heard of who unaccountably manages to make a living writing prefaces.


The hatefullness of words like 'relionus' and 'easiephit'.

Dunno...maybe it is a ...


Sex... Sex... Sex... This article is supposed to be about sex... But I have something more intimate I’d like to talk about - albeit it is sexual, or it can be, or it has been depending on how you look at it. I feel like I’m disclosing something so personal but perhaps if other people know there’s someone like them out there, then they’ll be less embarrassed because let me tell you. I was embarrassed and I have been since I was twelve years old.

Picture this: you’re in eighth grade doing your health and fitness testing. You do a sit-up and you fart, but it’s not really a fart because it didn’t come from your rear end. You do another one and then another, the sound keeps coming. From your vagina. What the hel_l? This happened to me. I quiffed. How I don’t know, but I swear to god it was the most awkward situation I’ve ever been in.

So how does this get sexual? For a long time, I was afraid of quiffing so I wouldn’t allow anyone “down there.” I was terrified - what if they were disgusted, if they thought there was something wrong with me. How do you explain to a new partner before you have sex that you may quiff when you start to climax? So I didn’t. Only my current partner knows about this. I finally felt comfortable with myself; mostly because she made me feel comfortable. Only another woman could actually understand that a noise coming from your vagina is mostly uncontrollable. I say mostly because the ######ed up thing is I can do it on command. I can just be sitting there, pull some air up my vagina and push it out. Quiff. I can even change the tone of it by putting pressure on different parts of my vagina. It feels kinda nice. I can even squirt water from the bathtub up into the air. Sometimes I squirt it at my girlfriend’s back when we have baths together. I don’t know how I learned; Kegel exercises, perhaps?

I told my girlfriend one day when she was sweeping the kitchen. We had only been together for a few weeks but I felt it was okay to tell her. I mean, I wanted to let out a full orgasm without fear of the noise, without fear of embarrassment. I didn’t tell her in the most appropriate way, though. Seeing as I tend to make light of things, I lay on the couch and as she came near me I said “what’s that, vagina?” And I did it. I quiffed. She didn’t look at me in disgust, she laughed and said “what was that? Do it again.” We went over to a friend’s house shortly thereafter and she told me to do it in front of them. Party favour, anyone? The first time I met her sister and brother-in-law, I did it. Way to break the ice. But the best part is, now I can orgasm, climax, whatever you want to call it without all the bullshit fears of my vagina making an embarrassing noise. It still does from time to time, but we laugh and then I do it again - on purpose.

a vagina fart, then...

Edited by kayo
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