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Lumps, Blurred Vision And More

the gentleman

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Lately I have been having weird experiences - Everyday I have semi blackouts - it feels like "waves" through my head - its like everything stops for 2 seconds and then Im OK again - It now happens about 5 times a day and is gradually building in momentum. I have also two lumps on the right side of my neck, quite large (can put my finger between them) and lately they have become sore. I also have blurred vision sometimes, that might take an hour to get better. I also am tired quite often. (sounds like Im finished :o - Georgie will be pleased)

I have been to the doctor and there seems nothing out of the ordinary in his view, other then the lumps and he said, they are only cists - no he didnt take a biopsy.

I have only ever been to a doctor for injuries and never get sick.

I am unsure if there is a real doctor on this forum, but if so, I need advice.

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you need to get a thorough check over by a competent and professional doctor.

if it were me i would go to either bumrungrad or samitivej hospitals if you are in bangkok and bugger the expense.

your symptoms are in all probability indicative of something minor but could be indicative of something more serious.

as with all medical conditions, the sooner a correct diagnosis can be established then the sooner a remedy can be found, and as this condition of yours seems to be getting worse then early treatment will be easier and cheaper than if you let this progress.

although the hospitals in thailand are gleaming and of a high standard, i find the diagnostic capabilities pretty lax and often wrong. get a list of recommended doctors from your embassy and take it from there.

i wish you a speedy and straightforward recovery and let us know what it is you are suffering from.

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I have recently been very impressed by Dr. Yotin Chinvarun who works at Bangkok General Hospital, Bumrungrad Hospital, Latphao General Hospital and some government hospitals. He has a PhD in neurology from Melbourne University and his English is excellent.

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All good advcie gentleman. The blackouts could be mini seizures and without wanting to be negative I think you should have this checked. Some Docs jsut dont seem to want to give you bad news in Thailand. Definitely you should describe your symptoms clearly and then if not happy with the diagnosis ask the doc for a referral to someone who can do a more thorough check. Good luck.

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Thanks for the post guys, I went to the doc and am waiting for my biopsy results.

Now my left eye wont stop twitching - I am falling apart - Ill wink with my right :o

Standing on a street corner winking madly may well bring unexpected surprises and could boost your sex life gentleman :D

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You didn't mention whether any doctor has given you a full panel of blood work. With the results in hand, you can at least tell yourself if there is something systemically wrong, including, infection, clotting, etc.

Keeping a file of your blood work, keeps you looking over the doctors shoulder, which is your responsibility, especially in Thailand. Comparing a yearly or bi-yearly panel with the former one, your protecting your own health. A PSI every year or two for over sixty is a must. (Dectects prostate cancer long before a doctors finger does) Modern blood panels come with the norm range printed alongside your test results so you can see yourself if there is anything seriously wrong.

You don't metion your age. Pushing 60 or older and you can expect dissiness upon rapid arising, sudden movement, etc.

When told by an internest that my chloresterol was 220, which is considered marginally high, I responded, what is the HDL and LDL readings. He was embarrased and had to look. His only concern was total chloresterol. A men's fitness magazine avid reader I was tuned into the issue, he was not. When he covered himself by saying that indeed my HDL was quite high and my LDL was quite low, he felt my total level should be brought down. I said to him, I can do it in three weeks. He bet me it wasn't possible.

I merely went off virgin olive oil, my only fat intake at the time. Three weeks later, my total chloresterol was 180. One red faced doctor who knew little about nutrition. Back on the life saving virgin olive oil and my total chloresterol remains at 220 with HDL at 180. Research avail today, 20 years later reveals that it is the LDL level that is a health risk if too high, but more importantly, it is the high HDL

that is the great life saver even with elevated LDL. So much for doctors.

My experience with doctors in Thailand has been good but they do represent an older style type of U.S. doctor and that is the one that doesn't feel communication with the patient is important, as long as his care is. Wrong. Add in the mai pen rai syndrome and your Thai doctor will be difficult to deal with in most cases when you ask him questions and he gets defensive.

I had eye surgery, and a very serious anomoly arose in my mind regarding my treatment, in which I feel I should take an active role. After a little initial embarrassment and alot of my buttering him up with almost every sentence, I explained to him that it was my problem that I had to know about my own condition and to please forgive my impertenent questions, but I was used to my U.S. doctor/friend that told me everything, and I was so appreciative of the opporturnity to learn a as musch as possible of my condition from such a good doctor.

Who knows what he wrote in my hospital chart regarding this crazy farangs need to know, but after that, the Rama doctors can't stop telling me about my various conditions.

With the internet at our findertips, most medical knowledge, other than diagnosis and treatment is available to us, so its up to us to protect our own health with a pro-active approach to our health care here in Thailand and ###### the mai pen rai.

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Thanks mrmnp - I am having a complete blood work done on the 6th of next month. The doctor said that it is probably stress related and gave me some sleeping pills and some tranquilisers (xanax), I am not a pill popper, but have had 1 of each over the last week and do feel a little better - I have a few "worrys" at the moment, so he might be right - Ill be happy when I have done the stress test and the blood work - then I will see.

Thanks again to all.

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the gentleman posted on Thu 2004-02-26, 13:57:05

The doctor said that it is probably stress related

It certainly is stress related; Did you ever see the movies with Peter Sellers as Inspecter Clueso? Your symptoms sound very much like the ones his boss was suffering, and he ended up in the looney bin - for life! I'm afraid that you are suffering from acute Georgie-Porgie-itis! :o

The only cure is to go back to Australia - and stay there (stay off of computers too)!

(sorry you are feeling poorly)

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It is just like a medical doctor to give you two addicting drugs. Bandaids, or what they call palliative treatment for an internalized problem.

One a week of both, no problem.

Can you get to the root of the problem, if it is stress? Get at the business of releiving the stess if you can. The suggestion of Australia is an excellent example, if Australia relaxes you and relieves your stress.

I took blood pressure medication for thirty years, and when I finally quit my profession becasue I didn't want to drop dead in my tracks like a former partner did who was younger than me, my blood pressure has been normal ever since. The best decision I ever made for longevity, if not for riches.

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Get back to the pit Georgie and stay there, dont flatter yourself. :o

mrmnp - yes I realise the doctors here prescribe bags of pills for everything, as I have written before, I am not a hospital/pill type guy and over the week, have only had one of each.

My worrys are not because of a country or Georgie, it is a financial situation -I have large sum invested here and it will be a worry until the deal is done - should be by the end of next month (Thai time) and then I will definately semi retire and relax a bit more.

Also my father passed away about 3 months ago and I am having a few problems that side as well, so its a culmination of both really - incidently he was only 57 (Im 36) and had a massive heart attack and died on the spot... Without getting to personal here, we were also estranged for the last 6 years and when you never get to say the things you want before its to late, you live with some regrets, but that will pass, Im sure.

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Thanks mrmnp - I am having a complete blood work done on the 6th of next month. The doctor said that it is probably stress related and gave me some sleeping pills and some tranquilisers (xanax), I am not a pill popper, but have had 1 of each over the last week and do feel a little better - I have a few "worrys" at the moment, so he might be right - Ill be happy when I have done the stress test and the blood work - then I will see.

Thanks again to all.

Not being personal, but why wait so long for a blood check? I felt pains on my right hand side this week and went up to Bangkok next day to see my doctor at Bumrungrad for a complete blood works and had the results back this morning. I have been previously diagnosed with a fatty liver three years ago (then 31) and had this vision that my liver was collapsing. Luckily nothing wrong with the liver or other vital organs. I put it down to too much beer Chang in the last week :o

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the gentleman: Why not get personal or do I need to read forum guidelines?

If you are speaking of yourself, surely you can share your problems, any personal matter you choose. It is when you "get personal" by attacking another member that I would think therer might be some prohibition by admin. I just don't know.

You sound like you have a good fix on the stress causers. It is very easy to say but a very difficult thing to do: that thing is following the advice of all: Don't Worry, it is unproductive. Since being retired in Thailand, I have had very little to worry about, so now I worry about the smallest of things, since that is the size of my worry things.

Your worry things are huge! I once read a book on stress control, and since I am one of those who always dwell in the "worst case scenario" so I won't be surprised by the severety of my problems, what negaive thinking! The book said to make an appointment to worry, write it down and then try to keep the appointment.

Example: I am worried about my visit to the Emabassy to get a visa next month.

Make an appointment with yourself to worrry about the "problem" every Wednesday at 3pm or everyday, if you wish, at 1pm. Keep the appointment if you can remember to, but more importantly, worry about the problem only at that time and when you catch yourself worrying at any time other than the appointed time, discipline yourself to put off the worrying to the appropriate time. That way, if you feel worrying is productive, you have alloted plenty of time in your schedule to complete this "important activity".

Keep in mind that a "problem" is a judgement of a happening or event to be. Things happen in our life and they only become a "problem" when we ourselves make that judgement to call them a "problem"

I am one of those people who must analize to the point of parelalize. If I have a flat tire, I must figure out why it went flat. If possible, conduct an investigation into the flat tire, if you will. Most Thais just say they had a flat tire and forget it. I have alot to learn from them.

Since we mere mortals have no ability to predict future events, worrying about something we can't predict is wasted energy, since it certainly isn't going to occur as we predict.

Dyer in his book "Your Erroneous Zones" advanced the concept of what he called, "immobilization". His thesis is that when you dwell on the past, you are immobilizing the present, ie. you are for as long as you are dwell in the past, your not living in the present and it is escaping from you. When you dwell in the future, likewise you are likewise immobilizing the present, it is excaping you.

Today is yesterday's future and tomorows past and to dwell in those two places, the future and the past, causes you to not live in the present, which is your only real existence. Worry does the same thing, your really not living in the present when you worry and therefore your really not living at those times. What a waste.

I am very conscious of not learning anything while I am talking, so I am off to other threads to learn, but I try to give back a humble contibution to this forum from which I have learned so much. Good luck will your stress release project.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi mrmnp

you just got it.You are right learning about how your mind works is half way to solution, but it remains difficult. That worry is like a pattern in your way of being.It just happens with or without a cause. Get rid of it an be happy that's what I say to myself everytime.


I wish things get better with your health. Don't ever ignore the signs your body gives you, and if you feel something is not OK just search until you find the answer.

Loosing one of your parents is quite hard. Specialy if something went wrong and one didn't take the chance to make it right. Because you probably would feel beter if you had had a good talk with your father and given each other a hug sometime before he died. It's a pitty, because you loved each other in a genuine way, only expressing it had became difficult.

If you still have other people you care about but you haven't been talking with because of some kind of quarrel, try to get in touch. Often this situations are due to hurted ego's and misunderstandings, but it feels so much better to get it right, even with someone we don't see often. Be in peace with yourself and life will be easier.

take care


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Guest IT Manager
Thanks for the post guys, I went to the doc and am waiting for my biopsy results.

Now my left eye wont stop twitching - I am falling apart - Ill wink with my right :o

Standing on a street corner winking madly may well bring unexpected surprises and could boost your sex life gentleman :D

I think he should save his money for the Doc, Doc, but thats just my opinion.

To extend MRMNP's idea, my dad told me The Past is History, The future is a Mystery, The Present is a gift.

Take care man

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Troll of the week~!

Have we acquired a new man in charge of part liners hereabouts ? It just seems that we have ( although the style is vaguely familiar )

I had the same symptoms yesterday, dizzy, blurred vision and woke up this morning with lumps on head.


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I had very similar symptoms myself a while back, consulted the doc and between us we discovered that I had a Marmite deficiency.

I had been eating Vegishite as Marmite had not left the civilized world at that time. I called a mate, he hand carried some over for me and I threw the vegishite in the bin, since then normality reigns.

On analisis it was found that Vegishite has a high female hormone content, as opposed to Marmite which is full of manly testosterone and makes young boys into men.

I will drop a jar round mate, hope you feel well soon.


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no mate a much simpler explanation, once the VB took over dizzy and giddy then I spilt some food over one of the strifes books then the lumps came :o  :D

She beat the living <deleted> out of you did she Bronco ? Well deserved.

she only little but, when Im asleep and she has a cricket bat :D

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