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Israeli Warplanes ' Launch Air Strike In Syria'


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Israel had to act to prevent these chemical weapons from falling into the hands of their enemies. Israel had to act since the "red line" had been crossed and the US is in a quandary as to what to do. Arm the Syrian rebels who turn out to have ties to Al Qaeda or attack the rebels for the same reason? In the mean time, real WMD are in play this time. With Mr Obama's vocal support for the Palestinians and a Palestinian state, what else could the Israelis do?

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I am simply not so sure that I want to believe any source from any country; especially those countries who have the upper hand in the world media, and whose intentions pretty much run the show in which way the world will turn.

Is it possible either way, and whoever says what? Absolutely! Could there have been chemical weapons or not? Absolutely! Could Syria be telling a truth here? Absolutely! Could Israel be lying? Absolutely! Does anyone give a rat's ass? Not me.

Am I going to trust any government that has media sovereignty and pumps my head full of sound bites and compelling music and slick graphics? Well, considering the way they have been behaving towards their citizens versus the way they have been behaving towards their own personal goals? Absolutely not! In hindsight, a lot of what has already happened recently proves my choice to remain neutral.

The only solution? Sit back and watch and wait. Whatever will be will be; but from a personally moral and ethical standpoint, I will reserve my opinions for hindsight. Hindsight seems to be the only way these days to interpret the bums from the heroes; because the truth is that no one knows except the ones who are right there in the thick of it. Pride does not make it right or wrong.

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I hope Israel knows what she is doing. Of course if you bomb chemical weapons and they are released killing people, you are responsible for launching those weapons even if your intent was to prevent their use.

If you conspire to put chemical weapons into the hands of a terrorist organization, who have a track record of targeting civilians then you are morally responsible for any repercussions. Israel has clearly warned where her red lines are and acted to defend them, I hope Washington has similar clarity of purpose should it's own red lines be crossed.

As if Israel didn't have a track record targeting civilians as well..

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Well I loved reading all the posts (so far) but begs the question, what proof does Israel have of chemical weapons and intent to transit? Mossad said so? US media 'suggest'??? Or is this another WMD BS raid by US using Israeli pawns... Facts please, because when you start a conflict of this nature the whole world is gonna get included one way or the other and US/Israel don't have my endorsement, let alone yours. Don't be fed by any manipulated biased media and then wave your patriotic flags. And why did the source stated be an 'unamed' US source, when it concerns (fingers) Israel?

It wasn't about chemical weapons. The latest reports indicate that the IAF took out long range missiles capable of hitting Eliat. The warehouse facilities targeted are operated by Iranian Special forces and Hizbollah. Let's not be coy, ok? Iran has used Syria as the resupply route for Hizbollah for at least the past decade. I think it is expected that the logistics chain of Hizbollah is a legitimate target.

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Russia finally has its own reasons to intervene and as sooner as better it will be.

So, you're advocating escalation of conflict? Odd.

Russia has no intention of spilling its own blood for people it doesn't even like. It's all about keeping Iran onside and trying to show its allies that it is loyal. I'm sure that makes the despots of the former "stan" republics and Belarus feel much better.

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Let's not hope for another Israeli-Hezbollah war. Last time, they got their ass kicked.laugh.png

Oh really?

Israel had to bow to pressures from other countries stupid enough no to see further as the length of their stupid noses.

Edited by hansnl
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I hope Israel knows what she is doing. Of course if you bomb chemical weapons and they are released killing people, you are responsible for launching those weapons even if your intent was to prevent their use.

If you conspire to put chemical weapons into the hands of a terrorist organization, who have a track record of targeting civilians then you are morally responsible for any repercussions. Israel has clearly warned where her red lines are and acted to defend them, I hope Washington has similar clarity of purpose should it's own red lines be crossed.

As if Israel didn't have a track record targeting civilians as well..


But most of the cases, if not all, would have been unavoidable.

The use of human shields made up by women and children is of course acceptable for Israels' s enemies.

In any case, the islam/the arabs (so sorry) have a bigger track record in targeting non military.

Do not forget that in the last 20 years around 19,000 acts of terrorism in the world more than 90% was islam related, and of that a huge part was done by arabs.

And that is the enemy Israel has to fight.

Anyway, I am convinced that the situation in the middle east could have been solved years ago if the parties in the conflict would have to solve the problem by themselves.

With that I mean without all the countries, groups and religions that play their part, for their own spiteful reasons.

Edited by hansnl
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I hope Israel knows what she is doing. Of course if you bomb chemical weapons and they are released killing people, you are responsible for launching those weapons even if your intent was to prevent their use.

If you conspire to put chemical weapons into the hands of a terrorist organization, who have a track record of targeting civilians then you are morally responsible for any repercussions. Israel has clearly warned where her red lines are and acted to defend them, I hope Washington has similar clarity of purpose should it's own red lines be crossed.

As if Israel didn't have a track record targeting civilians as well..

Really? please post links to civilians being targeted?

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If the checkpoints, embargoes, sieging entire towns with illegal settlements, etc is not enough for you then I don't know what it will be. It may be not as fast as chemical weapons (which could be as true as in Iraq case) but is killing people too.

Of course, you guys maybe think the entire Palestine population are terrorists...

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If the checkpoints, embargoes, sieging entire towns with illegal settlements, etc is not enough for you then I don't know what it will be. It may be not as fast as chemical weapons (which could be as true as in Iraq case) but is killing people too.

Of course, you guys maybe think the entire Palestine population are terrorists...

clap2.gif , yeah they suffering so much that still have the means to make, get and fire rockets. Must from all that tough liferolleyes.gif

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Former Bush official says Syria chemical weapons allegations could be ‘Israeli false flag operation’

" In what was a quite astounding statement, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of Staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell under George W. Bush, said that the chemical weapons allegedly used in Syria could in fact be “an Israeli false flag operation.”"


Whoever said this doesn't know what a 'false flag operation' is, but that shouldn't be surprising given that it comes from a 'former Bush official'.[After all, who remembers the WMD rationale for the invasion of Iraq?] A false flag operation is when your combatants pretend (through their uniforms, insignia on their vehicles, etc.) to represent a different group, faction or nation (etc). It comes from times past when a ship from one nation would raise the colours of another nation (i.e., a false flag) in order to break through maritime defences, etc. In modern times, insurgents and counter-insurgency groups groups often use the same tactic: the insurgents will dress as regular military to gain access to secure areas and counter-insurgency operatives will pretend to be NGO workers, etc, to gain access to unsecured areas. But giving a false pretext for military action (e.g., weapons that don't exist, an attack that never happened) is not a false flag operation....

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You have to realise that Israel and the US are one country and neither give a shit about anything but money and power, they will bomb anyone anywhere and at anytime they feel like it. No reasons given ("it's classified", "National Security") and both are supported by the press and answerable to no one.

The west including the US are currently supporting the "rebels" in Syria, which includes all these nasty groups we are all so fearful of, so when they do get their hands on the WMD's the US and Israel will have to excuse to bomb, kill and mame even more people.

However, I have complete sympathy for this philosophy, it cost a lot of money to set up these arms companies, if you stop the production line, it will lead to huge financial losses, unemployment, which is already very high and homelessness. The arms manufacturing industry is the only one left that hasn't gone to off China, so it is very important. So a few million people get killed, big deal, children get their heads blow off, they would probably grow up to become terrorists anyway, kill them when they are young just in case.

Chemical weapons eh, you mean like Napalm, Agent Orange, Depleted Uranium, Mustard Gas, who would think of using those ghastly things?

I suggest you climb down off your soap box. The west, particularly the USA has been very cautious as to who it has supported in Syria, and this is one of the reasons why the rebels have turned to unsavoury groups. The USA has its hands clean in the Syria conflict and has instead been blamed by the arabs for not intervening. The folks with blood on their hands are the Russians and Iranians that have been supply the Assad regime. However, with the latest missile launches at a Russian civilian aircraft last week, I believe Russian sentiment is changing.

The weapons being supplied to the Syrian Free Army by the Sunni dictatorships in Qatar & Saudi Arabia are being supplied by whom, if not the USA?

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I am simply not so sure that I want to believe any source from any country; especially those countries who have the upper hand in the world media, and whose intentions pretty much run the show in which way the world will turn.

Is it possible either way, and whoever says what? Absolutely! Could there have been chemical weapons or not? Absolutely! Could Syria be telling a truth here? Absolutely! Could Israel be lying? Absolutely! Does anyone give a rat's ass? Not me.

Am I going to trust any government that has media sovereignty and pumps my head full of sound bites and compelling music and slick graphics? Well, considering the way they have been behaving towards their citizens versus the way they have been behaving towards their own personal goals? Absolutely not! In hindsight, a lot of what has already happened recently proves my choice to remain neutral.

The only solution? Sit back and watch and wait. Whatever will be will be; but from a personally moral and ethical standpoint, I will reserve my opinions for hindsight. Hindsight seems to be the only way these days to interpret the bums from the heroes; because the truth is that no one knows except the ones who are right there in the thick of it. Pride does not make it right or wrong.

I suspect we are perhaps very slightly different in our political views (I think I am a wee bit more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to certain parties in certain situations) but that was an excellent post and it delineates a very reasoned and reasonable stance.


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You have to realise that Israel and the US are one country and neither give a shit about anything but money and power, they will bomb anyone anywhere and at anytime they feel like it. No reasons given ("it's classified", "National Security")...

Chemical weapons eh, you mean like Napalm, Agent Orange, Depleted Uranium, Mustard Gas, who would think of using those ghastly things?

They are one country (yet you go on to say "neither") but they seriously differ in policy at times and they spy on each other. Odd.

Can you please give an example to support this "anyone, anywhere, anytime" targeting? And an example of air strikes where no reasons were given but rather only "it's classified" or "National Security", please.

Oh, and could also provide:

Any examples of either country using Mustard Gas

Any source that lists Agent Orange as a Chemical Weapon*

Any source that lists Napalm as a Chemical Weapon *

Any source that lists depleted uranium ammunition as a Chemical Weapon*

* This is not an attempt to imply the above can not or have not done horrible damage to both combatants and civilians.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I hope Israel knows what she is doing. Of course if you bomb chemical weapons and they are released killing people, you are responsible for launching those weapons even if your intent was to prevent their use.

If you conspire to put chemical weapons into the hands of a terrorist organization, who have a track record of targeting civilians then you are morally responsible for any repercussions. Israel has clearly warned where her red lines are and acted to defend them, I hope Washington has similar clarity of purpose should it's own red lines be crossed.
As if Israel didn't have a track record targeting civilians as well..

Really? please post links to civilians being targeted?

" (Gaza City, December 20, 2012) – Four Israeli attacks on journalists and media facilities in Gaza during the November 2012 fighting violated the laws of war by targeting civilians and civilian objects that were making no apparent contribution to Palestinian military operations, Human Rights Watch said today, after a detailed investigation into the incidents.

The attacks killed two Palestinian cameramen, wounded at least 10 media workers, and badly damaged four media offices, as well as the offices of four private companies, Human Rights Watch said. One of the attacks killed a two-year-old boy who lived across the street from a targeted building"


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Asiantravel, on 05 May 2013 - 16:00, said:

" (Gaza City, December 20, 2012) – Four Israeli attacks on journalists and media facilities in Gaza during the November 2012 fighting violated the laws of war by targeting civilians and civilian objects that were making no apparent contribution to Palestinian military operations, Human Rights Watch said today, after a detailed investigation into the incidents.

The attacks killed two Palestinian cameramen, wounded at least 10 media workers, and badly damaged four media offices, as well as the offices of four private companies, Human Rights Watch said. One of the attacks killed a two-year-old boy who lived across the street from a targeted building"


OH good you found some useless propaganda, I guess they removed the Rocket launching pads just in time

Hope, next you will not be quoting Goldstone reports

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Continued off-topic nonsense to support your love/hate of Israel, will be deleted. This is a thread. The thread has an OP. Read the OP and respond on topic.

Edit: More off-topic, baiting post have been removed.

Edited by Scott
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lol sounds like they can be trusted for accurate non biased information..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Human_Rights_Watch

Asiantravel, on 05 May 2013 - 16:00, said:
" (Gaza City, December 20, 2012) – Four Israeli attacks on journalists and media facilities in Gaza during the November 2012 fighting violated the laws of war by targeting civilians and civilian objects that were making no apparent contribution to Palestinian military operations, Human Rights Watch said today, after a detailed investigation into the incidents.

The attacks killed two Palestinian cameramen, wounded at least 10 media workers, and badly damaged four media offices, as well as the offices of four private companies, Human Rights Watch said. One of the attacks killed a two-year-old boy who lived across the street from a targeted building"


OH good you found some useless propaganda, I guess they removed the Rocket launching pads just in time

Hope, next you will not be quoting Goldstone reports
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I'm not an Obama fan, but really don't see how intervening in Syria is going to help anything. It's damned if you do or damned if you don't, so why waste money that we don't have? Let Israel protect their own interests there, but IMO we should not get involved - nukes in Iran are a different story.

Of course this US prez won't take action

For a morality tale of western intervention in Syria, check out what "allegedly" happened to TE Lawrence whilst on a recce in Daraa (now southern Syria)....

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Israel dropping bombs again?

I am sure there is a good reason.. like disarming terrorists for example.

Israel bombs only for the promotion of world peace, and for self defence (outside its territory!)


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Israel dropping bombs again?

I am sure there is a good reason.. like disarming terrorists for example.

Israel bombs only for the promotion of world peace, and for self defence (outside its territory!)


Would you prefer Israel drops bombs on itself?rolleyes.gif

You do not think there are enough people doing just that usually on daily basis?blink.png

Did Israel ever bomb a peace loving, peace promoting country? The whole world is whining about Syria but no one does anything.

Israel is the first to take out arms depo-Good on them.

It makes no difference to Israel who comes to power to posses the arms. If Assad stays in power or the rebel islamists either of them

hate Israel and are at war with Israel, something some US politicians are starting to comprehend, that even if US supports the rebels,

they NOW would be supporting Islamists ie El Qaeda.

Edited by lemoncake
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