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Is Queen Elizabeth Ii Among The Top Three Of The Richest Monarch In The World?

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Q: Of the five or so 'great religions' which onr heavily weights the top ten? Christian, Buddhist, or Muslim?

Q: Which region is heaviky weighted in the top ten wealthy monarchs?

A: Middle East, southeast asia, North Africa or Europe?

Think up your own skill-testing questions, being careul of course to never question authority and legitimacy.

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Q: In wikipedia's list of the wealthiest top 13 monarchs in the world, how many times richer is the person in number one versus number thirteen?

A: 100

Q: Why is the religious leader of one Shi'ite sect of Muslims (Ismailis) considered a monarch, when he is a wealthy religious leader, an immam, not a head of state?

A: I honestly have no idea, he is called a prince by his followers in much the same way as the Bishop of Rome is considered leader of the faithful by Catholics - but the Pope (bless his soul, especially the new one) is not on the list.

None of this thread should be considered disrespectful.

In fact, and with no sarcasm, I admire the Aga Khan. His organizations do a lot of good in the world. No one forces members of his community to pay multiple tithes to the immamate. He is a progressive voice in a largely backwards looking religion. This is not only my opinion, ask Muslim organizations. I recall an young Afghani firebrand once telling me, in complete sincerity: "There is no such thing as a progressive Muslim" In his opinion, and perhaps even based on reading the Koran, you can be a good Muslim or a bad Muslim but not a dissenting one. Yet the Ismailis disagree as do many Muslim scholars.

Isn't religion a funny thing?


Edited by hermespan
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