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A friend has written a WIKI on the archlinuxfr website inspired by this page: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Nvidia_Dri...Band_Addressing

Can be interesting to get more out of your NVIDIA AGP card. :o Of course you have to adapt it for your favourite distrib.

Not written in the thread but you can add some more options to your xorg.conf "Device" section:

Section "Device"
Identifier  "GeforceBiduleUltrFastDeLaMortQuiArracheXP"
Driver	  "nvidia"
BusID	   "PCI:01:00:0"				#lspci pour savoir
VideoRam	262144					   #taille de la ram
Option	  "RenderAccel" "true"		 #pour l'extention composite
Option	  "NoLogo"	  "1"			#"0" pas de logo au lancement de X
Option	  "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True" #permet d'avoir l'extention composite + GLX
Option	  "backingstore" "true"
Option	  "DPMS"					   #gestion d'énergie
Option	  "NvAGP" "3"


Another thing not only reserved to NVIDIA . Many apps have what we call a fake transparency (the effect just reproduce the wallpaper under your app). If you would like to have the true transparency it's not so difficult.

1. Install "xcompmgr" and "transset"

2. Modify your /etc/X11/xorg.conf by adding these few lines:

Section "Extensions"
  Option "Composite" "Enable"
  Option "RENDER" "Enable"

Now you can lauch xcompmgr without shadows:

 xcompmgr -fF &

or with shadows

 xcompmgr -c &

If you want it enabled when you launch X, just add it to your .xinitrc.

Now to bring transparency to an app, type

transset .x

where x can be a value between 1 and 9 (a low value = higher transparency). Your cursor will become a cross then click on the app.

Example in image: gkrellshoot033ew.th.jpg

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