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Is Traveling To And In Thailand Dangerous?


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P.S. Make sure you have travel insurance.  If you fall ill here, up front cash payments are not unusual before they'll admit you.

How bout that young guy recently in Thailand had a heart attack. No travel insurance. Can't remember the bill but it was massive. Something like 30k baht a day. If you can't afford health insurance, you can't afford the holiday.
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Mate your an American and your parent's are worried about you being safe in Thailand! :lol::lol:

Just don't wear your I love George Bush t-shirt and you will be fine!

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Probably like many others I decided that I would never ride a motorcycle in Thailand when I first came here in 2010. After a while I realised that riding a motorcycle was the easiest way of getting around where I lived in Chiang Mai. Ever since, that's been my transportation around town.

If you think there's the smallest chance you'll end up riding a motorcycle I suggest you read your insurance policy thoroughly. Most travel insurance won't cover you for motorcycles bigger than 200cc or 250cc, and won't cover you at all if you don't have a license - and what makes a license? That requirement can vary from insurance company to insurance company (for instance, some want you to have a Thai license, while others insist you have a license from your home country). I still visit for short periods, so for the particular credit card insurer I'm with now, I use my Australian motorcycle rider's license and an accompanying international license - the insurance company has no 'out' if I have an accident.

And if you don't have a motorcycle license - it's real simple: never ride one here no matter how many are thrown in your path at rental shops.

Edited by dundas
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Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries you can visit on the planet. For example, for British citizens, it is the number one death destination in the world. More Britons die while in Thailand than in any other country on earth. Many such deaths can be ascribed to irresponsible and risk-taking behaviour; however, Thailand also has notorious corruption, an ineffective police force, weak regulations in matters of health and safety and little or no enforcement of them, and inadequate infrastructure that can pose many dangers on a day-to-day basis. You can quite easily be maimed or killed just walking down the street, due to the dangerous conditions of the street infrastructure. Never travel to Thailand without a very good travel insurance policy that should cover you for unlimited medical expenses and repatriation to your home country in the event that you are gravely injured.

Thailand is one of the nicest countries to visit in this world.

Where have you been traveling before to have an opinion like that of Thailand? L.A. and Florida perhaps....

And if you go to Alaska, there are polar bears there.... Frightening is it not?

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Ensure you don't sit on tall bar stools. I once fell off one of those and sustained severe bruising!!

Seriously, it's been said further up in this thread, I'm sure, use common sense (the most uncommon of the senses, incidentally!!), and don't hang out at bars in the early hours, overnight buses should probably be avoided, avoid jet skis at the beaches, and don't travel alone.

I've spent a lot of time in Thailand, ridden motorcycles from the top to as far down as Hua Hin, and never had a problem, apart from locals trying to overcharge me. I've never been stopped by police or asked for 'tea money'.

You're more likely to be the subject of stealth crime (pick pocketing, theft, and the like) rather than violent crime. Be vigilant as you would anywhere else in the world, because there are a million scams operating, and if it (whatever 'it' is) sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

There's a lot to see, great culture and food, so enjoy your vacation/travels.

dundas, you have an International Driving Permit, not a licence. You must still carry your home country licence, and IDP's are no more than a scam operated by motoring associations in many countries. They are rubbish, but unfortunately demanded by some third world countries,or perhaps just an excuse for a bit of sly cash. I agree with you about not having driven a motorcycle previously though, and if you're not a competent rider, don't go near one in Thailand. There road rule is handy to know though, and there IS only one..........there are NO rules!!

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Thailand's great I've lived here for 12 years, had a very few small problems but no different to anywhere else. You'll find the place safer than most of Europe, US and Africa. As fot the roads they are a nightmare, don't think that official buses or mini buses are any safer than being in a Porsche with a 6 year old boy racer.

Find a driver and arrange a price then offer to give him a tip of 10-20% if he drives slowly (cha-cha), you'll have to keep reminding him, but the prospect of a tip will work.

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Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries you can visit on the planet. For example, for British citizens, it is the number one death destination in the world. More Britons die while in Thailand than in any other country on earth. Many such deaths can be ascribed to irresponsible and risk-taking behaviour; however, Thailand also has notorious corruption, an ineffective police force, weak regulations in matters of health and safety and little or no enforcement of them, and inadequate infrastructure that can pose many dangers on a day-to-day basis. You can quite easily be maimed or killed just walking down the street, due to the dangerous conditions of the street infrastructure. Never travel to Thailand without a very good travel insurance policy that should cover you for unlimited medical expenses and repatriation to your home country in the event that you are gravely injured.

Not even close...


Get your facts straight before bashing. Then bash away if you still feel you're right in spite of the facts.

"As a proportion of visitors British deaths are most likely to occur in Thailand, Germany,

India and Cyprus".......
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thailand ranks higher than the u.s. which i consider very violent in the follow area murders committed with firearms number thai 3 u.s. 1 . cosider the pop diff 60 versus 300 million.gun violence homoicide number 1 greater than the u.s. number 7 79% of murder are by guns, they have gun control laws go to nation master.com if you doubt my figures

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Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries you can visit on the planet. For example, for British citizens, it is the number one death destination in the world. More Britons die while in Thailand than in any other country on earth. Many such deaths can be ascribed to irresponsible and risk-taking behaviour; however, Thailand also has notorious corruption, an ineffective police force, weak regulations in matters of health and safety and little or no enforcement of them, and inadequate infrastructure that can pose many dangers on a day-to-day basis. You can quite easily be maimed or killed just walking down the street, due to the dangerous conditions of the street infrastructure. Never travel to Thailand without a very good travel insurance policy that should cover you for unlimited medical expenses and repatriation to your home country in the event that you are gravely injured.

You are talking a lot of rubbish, although what you say about corruption, an ineffective police force and travel insurance is true. Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world, and your'e comment "you can be killed or maimed just walking down the street", is such a load of nonsense, that just will not happen in 99.9% of the times, if you don't bother the Thais, then they won't bother you, how many people in Thailand are killed just walking down the street compared to the UK? How many Brits visit Thailand compared to people from other western countries? How many get drunk and then hire motorbikes compared to other Western countries. Although there are a very few exceptions, Thai people are the most non confrontational you will ever meet.

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To anyone here saying Thailand is dangerous I am more than happy to prescribe LITHIUM to you. you must be totally NUTS!!!

Have you ever travelled to other destinations???? Try Venice..Rome.. Paris.. COLUMBIA...Russia. oh my god so many people here obviously drinking too much..seniluty set in or just opiniated with no experiences.

Thailand has corruption. Wow! And no one else?

Thailand has lots of deaths! WOW! Maybe its because people are so friendly and helpful and do not want to upset tourists AND THEY BELIEVE THE LIES many tourists spread like how rich they are.. In my country.. And yes I can drive that motor bike (even though most have never been on one before)... so what do yiu expect when rude and arrogant nations get crazy drunk on excitement and go hell for leather on a rampage knowing a quick 1000 baht (whoopee do) will SOLVE 'that issue if caught'.

So get a life.. from what you idiots have left and experience how safe and fun this plce is IF YOU DO THE RIGHT THING... the same as anywhere.

Too many floaunt the laws here thinking because they are WESTERN hey can do ANYTHING. It seems to me to be very IMPERIALISTIC. ...

Or maybe i have been coming here for 18 years and blind the whole time?

I think we are talking about LOS here and not your holiday destinations. For some of us who live here and know dangers AND underlying dangers you should not plant a seed that LOS is Disney World. coffee1.gif

As l am a Tourist Police Volunteer in the N.E. we do learn stuff. thumbsup.gif

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Traveling in Thailand is dangerous, and there is a case right now where a group in UK are petitioning to the Coroner to have far more severe warnings posted.

Everything from wholly ignored pedestrian crossings and noodle carts blocking the sidewalks, to a serious deficiencies in aviation and other public travel oversight

This site below might be banned from this forum ( and if removed, ask yourself why some info is censored on various discussion forums, vested interests in keeping visitors a bit naive and advertisers happy? ) But this report is timely to your query.You can google for the article on <snip>

Crux is that Thailand is very very high on the list in traffic fatalities, yet the UK Govt travel site chooses to down play this fact.

You can also read www.InvestigateUdom.com for some rather eye opening facts on how civil aviation is overseen. Pretty scary and I don't think anything has changed since the crash in 2007.

At one point I'd say Thai Airways is the safest air option, , but since last year I would change my assessment as the new President is not so safety minded - the one who was was fired for it. ( IMO )

I only fly Malaysia or Singapore airlines. I'll never get on a Thai budget airline here- and that goes double for Thai Air Asia ( Malaysia Air Asia is OK )

Life does not hold the same value here-if you get killed, so what? You move onto a better life is the current philosophy. If a bus has bald tires and the driver is going too fast in the rain, your death was meant to be.

If you want to sample the infamous prostitution , then by all means, of course you'll love the visit and rave about how "awesome" it all is. But if you are a family instead or otherwise not sexually ( or party-time ) motivated, you might find Malaysia a better destination - it's about 5 decades ahead of Tland in way of a safety culture, cleaner and really a better value( than Phuket, anyway).

You could also not choose Thailand for its abysmal treatment of animals and minority groups.

Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries you can visit on the planet. For example, for British citizens, it is the number one death destination in the world. More Britons die while in Thailand than in any other country on earth. Many such deaths can be ascribed to irresponsible and risk-taking behaviour; however, Thailand also has notorious corruption, an ineffective police force, weak regulations in matters of health and safety and little or no enforcement of them, and inadequate infrastructure that can pose many dangers on a day-to-day basis. You can quite easily be maimed or killed just walking down the street, due to the dangerous conditions of the street infrastructure. Never travel to Thailand without a very good travel insurance policy that should cover you for unlimited medical expenses and repatriation to your home country in the event that you are gravely injured.

You are OBVIOUSLY nothing but a troll. I can't understand why the mods have not removed this blatantly untrue and deliberately inflammatory post.

I think your assessment of Thai based airlines in unfounded, I fly almost exclusively Thai for international and Thai Air Asia for short haul international, and there are never any issues related around the safety. Yes I do fly a lot, more that 30 flights a year so I think I am qualified enough to make my opinion. What does ones safety as a tourist got to do with animal rights?

CraigT sums up the safety of travel to Thailand quite well, take heed of that advice and you will be reducing the risk, travel to any country has risk. Be smart and alert.

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remember 25% of thai GDP is tourism, if i were in that situation i would under report crime and danger, everything from road accidents, dangerous bus, gun violence , street crime is all under reported to keep those tourist dollar,euro,rublesand now yuan coming. chinese have been in for a surprise no crime in china lots of it here.that why they have been staying norfth lot less crime .

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On my many visits to Hua Hin I have never had any trouble. A clean town and inexpensive. Koh Samet likewise was enjoyable and incident free. My many visits to Isaan, in particular Nong Khai and Udon Thani have also been trouble free. On recent anecdotal evidence Phuket is the place to avoid and so expensive. As mentioned above, travelling in the kingdom can be risky. The subway and elevated rail systems in Bangkok are excellent and safe but in order of risk, travelling by mini van from city to city is not a pleasant experience and usually way too fast, buses a little safer, the government buses more so. Travelling by train especially in ordinary 2nd class can be the most relaxing (open windows, natural aircon, avoid 2nd class diesel rail cars, too cold and noisy), a lot slower than buses they are the least risky apart from I guess travelling by air.

Thailand is probably no more or no less dangerous than most western countries. Visit Australia where there is a huge alcohol problem and you might be king hit from behind for no good reason on any city street. The Gold Coast might be Australia's Phuket. In Thailand the thing is to stay cool, respect the locals and they'll respect you, have a good sense of humor, have your wits about you and if you go out drinking not to stray too far from your hotel.

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Rehashing an old post of mine. Too lazy to rethink the thought and type it up:

But let’s go to another source: (Thanks Pompey50, Post #129) http://www.traveldai...port-240809.pdf

In that year, there were 7.2 million Brits living in and visiting the USA. 152 of them died. That’s one death per 47,200 Brits traveling to (and living in) that alleged den of gun violence- the USA.

In the same year, there were 853,000 Brits living in and visiting Thailand. 288 of them died. That’s one death per 3,000 Brits traveling to (and living in) Thailand.

One death per 47,000 in the USA and one death per 3,000 in Thailand. Now, perhaps that’s because Thailand is where old Brits go to retire and die. I'll be trying to get more info breaking down the causes of those deaths, but they're hard to find.

I’m not saying stay away from Thailand. I live here by choice. I’m saying know where the dangers are and adjust your behavior and actions accordingly. I don’t rent jet skis, I rarely travel far by private car, I don’t pick fights with taxi drivers over $3, and you won’t find me passed out on the beach after a full moon- no matter how much fun it could have been.

I enjoy Thailand- but I do it with some knowledge of the dangers- and choose my activities and behave accordingly.

Still, 99.9% of the tourists go home without injury and 99.99+% go home alive. And about 90+% go home with their pockets a little lighter, but that's any tourist trap, and in exchange they get a lifetime of memories and stories to tell.

Traveling in Thailand is more dangerous than staying home, just like scuba diving is more dangerous than playing checkers. But I'd choose diving any day of the week.

Pay attention to the things to avoid, keep your wits about you and your nose clean and you can enjoy the heck out of a holiday in Thailand.

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remember 25% of thai GDP is tourism, if i were in that situation i would under report crime and danger, everything from road accidents, dangerous bus, gun violence , street crime is all under reported to keep those tourist dollar,euro,rublesand now yuan coming. chinese have been in for a surprise no crime in china lots of it here.that why they have been staying norfth lot less crime .

Many of the danger warnings cited in the posts above sound more like the U.S. than Thailand.

When preparing to visit Thailand, it's best to consider that there are two different Thailands in the one country.

The one Thailand appeals mostly to sex tourists. It attracts riff-raff from around the world. This Thailand comprises many of the well-known (but unseemly) tourist areas of Pattaya, Phuket and some areas of Bangkok. The advantages of visiting this Thailand is you don't need to learn the language. The down side -- you will usually pay 2-5 times as much for accommodations and food. You will also incur a much higher risk of being scalped by the scammers who congregate in these areas to prey on tourists. You will also miss out on the beauty of the Real Thailand.

The other Thailand (the Real Thailand) is an awesome place.

To get maximum enjoyment from your visit to the real Thailand, get online and learn at least a few dozen simple everyday expression in Thai. It will help a lot. Also, make sure to leave your condescending prejudices at home. It also helps to smile a lot. This is Asia, it's centuries old traditions and custom are very different from the West. With these ideas in mind, travel all over the country (except the far south) and you'll usually be treated with genuine politeness, warm kindness and respect.

Personally, I'd recommend visiting the old city (downtown area) of Chiang Mai. A marvelous place, full of ancient history, rich culture, modern infrastructure and all sorts of other enchantments. After 26+ years in Asia, living in many places in many countries, I chose Chiang Mai for my retirement home. Now, living here, I like it much better than anyplace I've ever lived in my life.

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Thailand is one of the most dangerous countries you can visit on the planet. For example, for British citizens, it is the number one death destination in the world. More Britons die while in Thailand than in any other country on earth. Many such deaths can be ascribed to irresponsible and risk-taking behaviour; however, Thailand also has notorious corruption, an ineffective police force, weak regulations in matters of health and safety and little or no enforcement of them, and inadequate infrastructure that can pose many dangers on a day-to-day basis. You can quite easily be maimed or killed just walking down the street, due to the dangerous conditions of the street infrastructure. Never travel to Thailand without a very good travel insurance policy that should cover you for unlimited medical expenses and repatriation to your home country in the event that you are gravely injured.

You are OBVIOUSLY nothing but a troll. I can't understand why the mods have not removed this blatantly untrue and deliberately inflammatory post.

Well, the mods did not remove this post to indicate that even people who know nothing about a subject can post.

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remember 25% of thai GDP is tourism, if i were in that situation i would under report crime and danger, everything from road accidents, dangerous bus, gun violence , street crime is all under reported to keep those tourist dollar,euro,rublesand now yuan coming. chinese have been in for a surprise no crime in china lots of it here.that why they have been staying norfth lot less crime .

Many of the danger warnings cited in the posts above sound more like the U.S. than Thailand.

Couldn't resist just a little USA bashing huh?

To your comment, I'd suggest you refer to the link in my post #53 which indicates a Brit traveling or living in your beloved Thailand is 15x more likely to die than a Brit in the USA.

Other than the US bash, the rest of your post was pretty spot on...

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...when I first came to Thailand....

...my wife said, 'Be very careful and don't go anywhere alone, it is very dangerous for foreigners'.....

....one component of that was that she wanted to isolate and control me......

...at the same time, it is prudent advice in this very foreign land....

...unfortunately, countless accounts, records, stories, incidents confirm....Thailand is not so friendly to foreigners...

...many scams, pitfalls, deceptions, lies, ruses, of course targeting unknowing,ignorant foreigners....

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OK. Enough with the harsh posts. Thailand has it's problems, but so do most other countries in the world.

Keep the posts helpful and avoid violating this forum rule:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Future posts violating this rule will be removed from view and the member warned.


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Life is Dangerous but I would say that Thailand is one of the safest places I have ever traveled to or lived in. I am a U.S. Citizen and have been living in Thailand for 11 years now and though there are many dangers all around, I have never felt safer in my life. It does help to have a bit of previous travel experience and to be aware of the obvious people who may try to take advantage of you (Tuk-Tuk's, taxis, people charging more, etc.) but that happens everywhere in the world. Keep your wits about you and it doesn't hurt to read the overly protective site that you posted just so you know, but for the most part you will be fine if you just follow these simple rules:

  • Look in ALL DIRECTIONS MULTIPLE TIMES before crossing the street. That's right, stepping off the curb can be deadly if you are looking the wrong way as traffic is on the opposite side of the road from the U.S. and many times traffic will not be following the laws and could be coming from just about any direction - you could even get struck from something above like a dangling live electrical wire. Stay Alert!
  • If you are going to have sex, USE A CONDOM!
  • Stay away from motorcycle and Tuk-Tuk taxis as motorcycles are extremely dangerous (everywhere, especially without helmet) and the Tuk-Tuk's are primarily looking to scam you. Stick with air-conditioned Meter Taxis and insist on using meter. If they won't use meter politely get out and find another taxi.
  • Don't say anything negative about the royal family. Just to make it a non-issue, don't discuss royalty at all - simple. Occasionally you will get some idiot that thinks he knows about the politics, cultures, or other sensitive matters of a country and they seem to find themselves getting into trouble (usually while drunk).
  • The Deep South (past Nakhon Si Thammarat on the East Coast and past Krabi on the West Coast) isn't advised but really hasn't been an issue for tourists. You'll find all the enjoyment you need in the rest of the country without having to go that far South anyway so it's really a non-issue.

I love living here though there are down sides to every place you go in this world so I can't say it's perfect, but I can say that being a tourist here is absolutely awesome in my book and you will enjoy freedoms you have likely never experienced elsewhere in the world. The trick is to realize that along with freedoms comes responsibility and you will need to look after yourself a bit more here and there. For example, there won't be a recording telling you to hold the handrail on escalators and most bartenders/waitresses won't say "hey buddy, I think you have had enough" if you are drinking too much. ;~))

Honestly, I think it would be really interesting to see what the warning message would be for visiting Washington, DC (if it were truly unbiased). Keep in mind that DC was the murder capital of the world for more than 10 years running a while back.

Safe Travels!

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remember 25% of thai GDP is tourism, if i were in that situation i would under report crime and danger, everything from road accidents, dangerous bus, gun violence , street crime is all under reported to keep those tourist dollar,euro,rublesand now yuan coming. chinese have been in for a surprise no crime in china lots of it here.that why they have been staying norfth lot less crime .

Where do you get the 25% from its more like 8,5%.

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remember 25% of thai GDP is tourism, if i were in that situation i would under report crime and danger, everything from road accidents, dangerous bus, gun violence , street crime is all under reported to keep those tourist dollar,euro,rublesand now yuan coming. chinese have been in for a surprise no crime in china lots of it here.that why they have been staying norfth lot less crime .

Many of the danger warnings cited in the posts above sound more like the U.S. than Thailand.

Couldn't resist just a little USA bashing huh?

To your comment, I'd suggest you refer to the link in my post #53 which indicates a Brit traveling or living in your beloved Thailand is 15x more likely to die than a Brit in the USA.

Other than the US bash, the rest of your post was pretty spot on...

Hehehe... it's not U.S. bashing. And I saw your post #53.

Just wondering why folks from the most powerful country in the world (my country, by the way) need to be so defensive?

I'm not a U.S.-basher. I'm a basher of all the blatant, rampant xenophobia and narrow-mindedness on TV.

That probably doesn't apply to you, so please ignore... biggrin.png

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