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Recommended Bkk Covert Video Vendor?


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We have probably all seen the MBK and Panthip Plaza kiosks selling 'spy pens' and various other objects intended for surveillance. And as westerners we might be familiar with US companies selling a gamut of law enforcement or private investigator quality equipment - where fps, angle of view and all that technical stuff that matters to investigative journalist exposes I see on Thai TV must buy.

I used to buy very high end equipment from a Texas supplier where the amount of wide angle varied from model to model of pinhole camera, as did light sensitivity, number of pixels, size of CCD etc. But thst was back in pre-digital days when I had to so what would now be considered monstor size squares of electronics into bags, attached to camcorders. Times have changed, but I don't want to sacrifice quality for low price.

My question is this...

Where in Bangkok do those seeking high standard covert equipment purchase? A friend bought a wristwatch at a low-end retail shop but every single motion shows up as video noise. Ideal would be where English is spoken, and salesmen let prospective buyers try out models in different lighting conditions and testing resultant 'footage' on their laptop. I am happy to pay a higher price for professional salespeople and a reputable shop. Of course I can buy this in Canada or USA (though I am not uptodate on laws there. It used to be video devices with audio capability were illegal to sell/possess.

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