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Received communication from a former manager that he's seriously contemplating a visit to SE Asia and spending time in Thailand. This is someone I worked with for several years, is the director of a very large clinical operation in Southern California and has been successful in life. He was also a good person to work with and treated me well. I know that's moot - and not trying to be pretentious or establish a person's value on their career -- but, he's asking me where are the gay-friendly areas in Thailand.

I'm straight (but couldn't give less of a shit about someone's orientation), the thing is I'm not sure what to recommend to him. As far as I'm concerned all of Thailand is gay-friendly (or at least moreso than other places). I know there are more focused areas of Silom in Bangkok and close to Walking Street in Pattaya, but I don't think he's looking for clubbing/P4P but more a resort or Island type area where he'd be comfortable.

Anyway, will probably direct him to TV and the sub-forum here - but was curious if there was any input. What would you tell him? Where would you recommend?

In advance, many thanks.


tell him to do that himself. Go to any of the main Thai gay sites-which will also pop up in any google search; gaythailand, gaybuttonthai (mainly Pattaya oriented) or sawatdee-gay-thailand. A commercial site named travelgayasia will head them in google-for those unable to do it on their own.

Listings etc- there are scores for that in the gay world, replacing the old-style books. try (google for) nickysgaythailand, gaysamui, gayscout. if some like minded ''guide'' needs to be contacted before hand-nonsense for me, but some seem to prefer taht, try gayromeo. FYI; ANY of Thailands most known and frequented farang-tourist palces has some major or minor gay ''area''/places, which are mainly ''for rent''.

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Thank you Asanee, appreciate. Will copy and paste (and make a little diplomatic) your response. smile.png

Seriously - thank you. He's smart enough to google but seems to think I have some special insight due to staying here, hell - I'm still trying to get the lay of the land of generic Bangkok. My username should actually be "utterly clueless but trying."



I would think your former manager knows how to work the internet. Silom Soi 4 is a good place for elbow-bending. If he comes with his partner and is looking for a beach resort, no need to actually look for gay places, but anyway, he will know the websites were to ask. There are even gay travel agencies specialised in catering to the "pink dollar".


Just point him at *Direct link edited out*

Lots of gay-owned, gay-friendly and just gay hotels listed there, as well as a wide range of other resources.


Sorry, but we can't allow direct links to other commercial sites. Feel free to send links by PM or deactivate the link before posting.

Actually, your friend might want to post here for a bit more of a discussion about the gay scene and get some perspective from foreigners about what he might enjoy and what he might like to stay away from.


I would think your former manager knows how to work the internet. Silom Soi 4 is a good place for elbow-bending. If he comes with his partner and is looking for a beach resort, no need to actually look for gay places, but anyway, he will know the websites were to ask. There are even gay travel agencies specialised in catering to the "pink dollar".

Oh, he definitely knows how to work the internet and how to work sophisticated systems and algorithms re: medical software. And is pretty damn good at it. But you guys just helped me out - can demonstrate now that I made an effort to help (someone who's helped me plenty of times in the past).

And for that thanks. Info passed on. Links passed on. This thread passed on.

Peace out yo. :)

-chiang mike

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