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Chinese Hack New Danish Super Fighter Project


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The CCP's cyber warfare against the United States, which has been occurring for more than ten years, is now the number one national security threat to the U.S. That's the threat assessment to the United States by James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, in his presentation to Congress earlier this year.

And Prez Obama has spoken directly to the PRChina for the first time. His National Security Advisor, Tom Donlon, has his own story below.

Cyber Security, Not Terrorism, Number One Threat to National Security[/url]

Defense Science Board Warns Of 'Existential Threat of Cyber Attack'
Read more: [http://www.businessinsider.com/cyber-exploits-turn-weapons-on-us-2013-3#ixzz2N3o1Wrrh[/url]Cyber Attack'

Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies


Donilon Says China Cyber Attacks Hurt Bid for Better Ties


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Twenty-four U.S. most highly classified weapons systems have been penetrated by PRChinese cyber spies. The U.S. government systems are secure, so the PRChinese army and military cyber spies go after the private contractors, whose systems are not as secure as they should be.

This morning on CNN Congressman Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, confirmed that the hacking was done by the Chinese CCP and its military.

Rogers also said other governments which are involved are Russia, Iran, North Korea. Rogers said the U.S. has little or nothing to fear concerning an immediate military conflict with the CCP-PRC or against Russia. He said, however, that governments in Pyongyang or Tehran are realistically considering disabling U.S. power grids, and that any U.S. military response could be seriously compromised.

This is a whopping theft of the most important weapons systems the United States has. And for what purpose does the CCP in Beijing carry out such espionage concerning the most sensitive and highly classified U.S. weapons systems? For peaceful coexistence? Not on your life.

Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyber spies


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You don't have to look at the Chinese, about hacking into Americas Computer systems, An English Boy did it from his bedroom. Fact,

The English schoolboy isn't the only kid hacker to penetrate the cyber systems of major U.S. defense contractors. None of these overachievers have nuclear bombs however.

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To which I would add that in 2008 Beijing sent an ICBM into space to successfully destroy a failed weather satellite. The important point of it is that the CCP-PRC in space successfully hit a bullet with another bullet.

Subsequently, Dr. Geoffrey Forden of the MIT Defense Labs wrote the articles linked below as a deterrence to Beijing's aggressive rocket show high above the earth's atmosphere. Unfortunately however the Boyz in Beijing just don't learn.

How China Loses the Coming Space War


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