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War On Drugs Hitting Poor Women Hard: Thai Study


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It doesn't matter what it is, be it drugs, rhinocerous horn, elephant ivory etc., demand will always lead to supply. Going after "big-fish" dealers/suppliers does absolutely nothing to reduce or eliminate the problem. It is only by dealing with the demand that any of these issues will be solved. One would think after the USA's disastrous experiment with Prohibition we would have learned, but no, they never do.

All those who propose a "war on drugs" methodology are the idiots Einstein spoke of when he said "The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

Chasing big dealers makes for fantastic media, but does nothing about the issue. If you really want to make an impact on drug harm, you have to deal with the users. Dry up the number of users and the suppliers have no market. Compulsory rehab, treating drug addiction as a disease rather than a crime (a la alcoholism), these are the ways drug issues can be minimised.

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Why doesn't Thailand have a concerted effort to go after the Thai Mr. Bigs instead of small time petty criminals and hand to hand dealers? Why doesn't the press make this drug dealing a major investigative cause and be relentless about it?

I think we all know the answer to that.

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anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

So you'd suggest putting the manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco into jail, as well as the owners of the shops (including Big C and 7-11) and bars and nightclubs that sell them?

I wouldn't think so, because they are not illegal.

I don't think seajae was suggesting to put drug producers in jail just because of the legal status of the drugs, but because of his misconceptions of their harmfulness.

Alcohol and tobacco might be legal but they are still very harmful as evidenced by the three separate scientific studies that I listed previously. Should alcohol and tobacco therefore be made illegal? Or should they remain legal, whilst the much less harmful drugs that are currently illegal made to be legal?

That is up to the lawmakers. Individuals cannot chose which laws they obey and which they don't. "Scientists" are wheeled out on both sides of the argument. as are lobbyists and advertisers. In many countries tobacco is being almost driven out of social acceptibility - bans on advertising, sponsorship, smoking in public places etc. There are many campaigns promoting the sensible and responsible use of alcohol, which many people don't see as a drug for some reason. I'm not qualified to comment on the pros and cons of so called "soft" drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes. But, whilst they are illegal, then people have to obey the law in that particular country, or be prepared to face the consequences.

There is a good post detailing the Laos approach to drugs, which I commented on. However, the criminal scum who trade in hard dangerous drugs that destroy lives, purely for their own profit, deserve the severest of punishments.

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Good old Thailand

Jail all the small time dealers / mules and user instead of trying to get them to turn on the people higher up.

I guess if they pressed the small time people then too many big wigs higher up will be exposed for what they are.

Then again, they should be thankful that guy is still in dubuy or they might all be dead now

It has nothing to do with Thailand.

Police anywhere in the world try to jack up their performance level by arresting small time offenders.

Simply because the big cannons can not be touched, found or arrested for whatever reason.

And of course, the poitico's and the chiefs of police, in concert, cry "look how good we are, give us more money, prisons, and power".


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It doesn't matter what it is, be it drugs, rhinocerous horn, elephant ivory etc., demand will always lead to supply. Going after "big-fish" dealers/suppliers does absolutely nothing to reduce or eliminate the problem. It is only by dealing with the demand that any of these issues will be solved. One would think after the USA's disastrous experiment with Prohibition we would have learned, but no, they never do.

All those who propose a "war on drugs" methodology are the idiots Einstein spoke of when he said "The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

Chasing big dealers makes for fantastic media, but does nothing about the issue. If you really want to make an impact on drug harm, you have to deal with the users. Dry up the number of users and the suppliers have no market. Compulsory rehab, treating drug addiction as a disease rather than a crime (a la alcoholism), these are the ways drug issues can be minimised.

I believe the word Einstein used was "insanity"... doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

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anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

So you'd suggest putting the manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco into jail, as well as the owners of the shops (including Big C and 7-11) and bars and nightclubs that sell them?

I wouldn't think so, because they are not illegal.

...pass the ProZaK puh leeze

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anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

In general the so called "war on drugs" has been a huge failure and waste of money. Theres no lack of data and reports that show that. No lack of highly educated, smart experienced people with drug enforcement backgrounds that have shared this opinion. Alternative options have been suggested that could have improved results and serve society better. And yes, alcohol kills more people than all illegal drugs combined.

Those that you refer to as "apologists" seem to share the opinions per the above paragraph. There are no apologists for your ignorance.

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Alcohol and tobacco might be legal but they are still very harmful as evidenced by the three separate scientific studies that I listed previously. Should alcohol and tobacco therefore be made illegal? Or should they remain legal, whilst the much less harmful drugs that are currently illegal made to be legal?

That is up to the lawmakers. Individuals cannot chose which laws they obey and which they don't. "Scientists" are wheeled out on both sides of the argument. as are lobbyists and advertisers. In many countries tobacco is being almost driven out of social acceptibility - bans on advertising, sponsorship, smoking in public places etc. There are many campaigns promoting the sensible and responsible use of alcohol, which many people don't see as a drug for some reason. I'm not qualified to comment on the pros and cons of so called "soft" drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes. But, whilst they are illegal, then people have to obey the law in that particular country, or be prepared to face the consequences.

There is a good post detailing the Laos approach to drugs, which I commented on. However, the criminal scum who trade in hard dangerous drugs that destroy lives, purely for their own profit, deserve the severest of punishments.

Ordinary people collectively have power to push for and change things through various ways, with the most obvious way being through voting in a democratic election. Laws can be abolished by majority support. Yes, people have to obey laws, but they should also be allowed to voice their objection to any of them and garner support for their abolishment.

Alcohol and tobacco destroy lives and families too, so I'd put the producers of them in your category of "scum" too.

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anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

So you'd suggest putting the manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco into jail, as well as the owners of the shops (including Big C and 7-11) and bars and nightclubs that sell them?

I wouldn't think so, because they are not illegal.

I don't think seajae was suggesting to put drug producers in jail just because of the legal status of the drugs, but because of his misconceptions of their harmfulness.

Alcohol and tobacco might be legal but they are still very harmful as evidenced by the three separate scientific studies that I listed previously. Should alcohol and tobacco therefore be made illegal? Or should they remain legal, whilst the much less harmful drugs that are currently illegal made to be legal?

Well, Nepal I think, banned tobacco. Not sure how the ban is going.

I do forsee in the future that adults will not be able to purchase and consume unlimited amounts of alchohol also. Having had an alcoholic in the family, it used to drive me crazy that Tesco would keep delivering it.

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the drug trade in thailand (and other third world countries) is run and controlled by politians and police who profit from it, the reason for the laws etc is to remove compitition and to stir the public with some raw meat on the TV news, same reason they have pretend wars on all their borders

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anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

So you'd suggest putting the manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco into jail, as well as the owners of the shops (including Big C and 7-11) and bars and nightclubs that sell them?

taking drugs and selling them is a personal choice and as such people should take responsibility for it themselves. I stopped smoking 20 years ago, I only have the occasional drink and havent touched drugs since I was a bent teenager, all my choices. If you are not able to take responsibility for what YOU choose to do then as far as I am concerned you are asking for everything thaqt happens to you. By the way, alcohol is legal, getting pissed and killing others is your own choice, grow some balls.

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Why doesn't Thailand have a concerted effort to go after the Thai Mr. Bigs instead of small time petty criminals and hand to hand dealers? Why doesn't the press make this drug dealing a major investigative cause and be relentless about it?

I think we all know the answer to that.

The infamous newspaper line " a local politician / influential person in the area " is never far away.

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The war on drugs in the US is a joke and has failed miserably. It is really must a scam and used as a political point for the idiots that still believe they can cure the problem with jail. The cost are also out of control as is the cost of 250 million non violent users in prison.

But I must say that Thailand is much worse and a travesty beyond words. 12 years for 4 plants?

I also disagree with the idea that poor people use them to make up for anything. Wealthy people use them also, maybe as much and can afford it better not having to steal or sell themselves in order to get them. They are also less likely to be bothered by police and can afford better lawyers.

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You idiots that think all druggys should go to jail are as blind as the stupid politicians that think they can slove the problem by wasting billions arresting people and spending billions keeping them behind bars.

Portagal legalized all drugs and nothing changed. Just because something becomes legal dosen't mean everyone will take up heroin use. That is just stupid thinking.

And those who have no sympathy for these woman who are exploited and think they deserve the absurd punishment needs to get a life and stop being such heartless, souless, Aholes.

Seeing a life wasted for something like drugs which should not be illegal (has that really helped society?) are so utterly braindead and will continue to keep the stupidity going.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same bad results. Lets think outside the box and stop being such heartless jerks.

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the drug trade in thailand (and other third world countries) is run and controlled by politians and police who profit from it, the reason for the laws etc is to remove compitition and to stir the public with some raw meat on the TV news, same reason they have pretend wars on all their borders

You forgot to mention the Thai military also.

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anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

So you'd suggest putting the manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco into jail, as well as the owners of the shops (including Big C and 7-11) and bars and nightclubs that sell them?

taking drugs and selling them is a personal choice and as such people should take responsibility for it themselves. I stopped smoking 20 years ago, I only have the occasional drink and havent touched drugs since I was a bent teenager, all my choices. If you are not able to take responsibility for what YOU choose to do then as far as I am concerned you are asking for everything thaqt happens to you. By the way, alcohol is legal, getting pissed and killing others is your own choice, grow some balls.

So it seems that you are talking about being content with whatever restrictions are imposed on you, and accepting the consequences if you breach those restrictions, no matter how draconian or totalitarian or illogical those restrictions are. If so, you'd be one of the few who'd do fine living in a place like North Korea.

I and others are expressing discontent with policies and laws that have not worked to fix the problems for which they were originally designed, and have instead caused other problems that may be worse than problems that the drugs themselves may cause (depending on the drug). Does someone really deserve to be locked up for 11 years in jail for growing four cannabis plants, plants that have grown naturally long before humankind ever existed? Cannabis has been used (for a wide variety of purposes) by humans for thousands of years and had only been made illegal in the late 1930s. For some background information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis

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anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

Hmm - a UK Daily Mail reader perhaps?

Attitudes like this are, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the primary exacerbations of the global drug harm problem. These sort of offhand, glib comments have no place in finding an effective solution to the problem - please, do your research before you regurgitate the same old twaddle that Nixon spouted at the outset of the failed 'War on Drugs' all those decades ago.

This article describes how ordinary, decent people are directly suffering. The current holier-than-thou, mass-media-fuelled public attitudes only serve to prevent politicians from being able to enter rational debate on the subject - so the completely unnecessary breaking up of families continues and people with real drug problems continue to be criminalised instead of receiving the medical assistance they need.

If you really care about drug harm, I urge you to do some research and re-evaluate your opinions.

If you don't really care, then I'd respectfully ask that you please don't further exacerbate the situation by regurgitating decades old, baseless rhetoric.

Prohibition has failed. Drug harm is at an all time high. A new way of tackling the problem must be found.

Ok here goes, my younger brother(mid 50's) smokes constantly, he cannot maintain a conversation without going blank for a few seconds, paranoid as hell, my mates in Ballina, NSW, are all in their 50's and cannot go more than a few hours(if that) without having to have a joint, they are all paranoid as hell and keep telling everyone that it does nothing to them (apart from destroying their brain cells). It is a personal choice but those that say it isnt addictive or harmful are full of sh*t and are only trying to cover their own habits. I can understand it being a good relief for pain in chronic cases but everyone else is just playing with themselves. As a teenager I was right into it, smoked it heaps and get stuck into the various dots available at the time for several years, it was great until I suffered a flashback while driving, nearly killed myself and stopped using pretty quick. For the past 20 years I have been on morphine based crap due to an injury and chronic pain but I weaned myself of it, it took almost 2 years and a few cookies as well to help with the withdrawals I suffered but I did it. I have a lot of friends that smoke/take drugs and have seen first hand what they can do, I also know that you can stop doing it if you really want to, there is no excuse apart from the fact that it is easier to deny the truth, like I said, if you use then you deserve whatever happens to you until such time it is legal, you are adults not kids, time to wake up to yourselves .

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anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

So you'd suggest putting the manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco into jail, as well as the owners of the shops (including Big C and 7-11) and bars and nightclubs that sell them?

taking drugs and selling them is a personal choice and as such people should take responsibility for it themselves. I stopped smoking 20 years ago, I only have the occasional drink and havent touched drugs since I was a bent teenager, all my choices. If you are not able to take responsibility for what YOU choose to do then as far as I am concerned you are asking for everything thaqt happens to you. By the way, alcohol is legal, getting pissed and killing others is your own choice, grow some balls.

So it seems that you are talking about being content with whatever restrictions are imposed on you, and accepting the consequences if you breach those restrictions, no matter how draconian or totalitarian or illogical those restrictions are. If so, you'd be one of the few who'd do fine living in a place like North Korea.

I and others are expressing discontent with policies and laws that have not worked to fix the problems for which they were originally designed, and have instead caused other problems that may be worse than problems that the drugs themselves may cause (depending on the drug). Does someone really deserve to be locked up for 11 years in jail for growing four cannabis plants, plants that have grown naturally long before humankind ever existed? Cannabis has been used (for a wide variety of purposes) by humans for thousands of years and had only been made illegal in the late 1930s. For some background information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis

There is nothing wrong if you grow for yourself, especially if its medicinal, its those that do it to make cash that need to be done up for growing it. I know a sh*tload about this subject, the only ones protesting are just too piss poor to be able to control themselves, almost like its a measure of their d**k size and to let people know how "manly" they are. Using any excuse apart from chronic pain is simply pathetic, people keep doing it because its easier for them to do so and they lack the balls to stop.

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those that say it isnt addictive or harmful are full of sh*t.

I can understand it being a good relief for pain in chronic cases but everyone else is just playing with themselves.

Nobody said cannabis is not at all addictive or harmful. There would be sad anecdotal stories associated with every drug, including legal ones, but in the bigger picture, cannabis is relatively much less harmful than other legal drugs like alcohol, tobacco, benzodiazepines and other legal opiates like morphine and oxycodone.

Should drugs only ever have medical or practical uses? Should we then have tobacco and drinking alcohol be made illegal (whilst keeping alcohol legal only for use as a disinfectant and fuel - it's exactly the same chemical (ethanol, CH3-CH2-OH))? I assume that you'd also agree with a ban on all psychedelics such as ayahuasca and peyote, which have been used for thousands of years in religious, ceremonial and healing practices by indigenous people of Mexico and South America. Who cares about their cultures and traditions, as they are all just drug abusers aren't they?

As a teenager I was right into it, smoked it heaps and get stuck into the various dots available at the time for several years, it was great until I suffered a flashback while driving, nearly killed myself and stopped using pretty quick.

What kind of drug education did you receive before you started? It seems that you didn't take it in moderation but instead overindulged. Overdoing anything can cause problems, e.g. junk food causing heart disease. Should junk food be made illegal?

For the past 20 years I have been on morphine based crap due to an injury and chronic pain but I weaned myself of it, it took almost 2 years and a few cookies as well to help with the withdrawals I suffered but I did it.

I have a lot of friends that smoke/take drugs and have seen first hand what they can do, I also know that you can stop doing it if you really want to, there is no excuse apart from the fact that it is easier to deny the truth

Opiates like morphine are on a different level than cannabis in terms of harm. Different drugs have different levels of harm - that is one of the main points that I try to get across. You seem to mix it all up into one category and state the simple-minded cliche "drugs are bad", but the reality is more complicated, as has already been discussed so far in this and other threads.

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if you use then you deserve whatever happens to you until such time it is legal

So if it's legal everything is fine? Did you deserve all the suffering that you had to endure during the 2 years of withdrawal after morphine? Legal status of drugs should be a separate issue, as currently it has very little correlation with harm.

you are adults not kids, time to wake up to yourselves .

Adults should have the freedom to choose what they consume, and they should be educated with facts (not unscientific scare-mongering propaganda) of any potential problems. It seems that you'd prefer to live in a nanny state, in which people are treated like kids.

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There is nothing wrong if you grow for yourself, especially if its medicinal, its those that do it to make cash that need to be done up for growing it.

There is something wrong - it's illegal to grow cannabis plants in many parts of the world, even for medicinal purposes. A woman here was sentenced to 11 years in jail for growing it. I and many others find that "wrong". Or do you mean there's nothing wrong with the punishment?

So you think cannabis should never be exchanged for cash? Would barter be OK?

Using any excuse apart from chronic pain is simply pathetic, people keep doing it because its easier for them to do so and they lack the balls to stop.

People use drugs for many different reasons, one of which is for enjoyment. What's wrong with people choosing to consume things that make them feel good? Some people are extremely addicted to the caffeine in coffee and need to have at least a cup every day, but as long as they can afford it and don't harm themselves or others then it isn't too much of a problem. Should caffeine be made illegal?

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Too Many people unknown but drug related Laws in Laos are considered lean in comparing with neighboring countries.

The reason is that Laos (as the ONLY country in ASEAN) has labelled drug use and abuse in 3 categories.

1. recreational use (family discouragement )

2, regular use (community discouragement i,a village militia)

3. daily abuse (harsh treatment in rehabilitation centers)

Addicts (cat 3) are treated as patients by law and receive treatment instead of jail time.

As Laos moves forward in a fast pace,other countries in the ASEAN pac might be encouraged to look at the jurisprudence of Laos in this matter.

Quite a good method . . . but isn't this article about distribution/selling?

anyone that is involved in the drug trade in any way deserves everything they get, if that is jail time then so be it, why do these appologists make excuses for the idiots.

So you'd suggest putting the manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco into jail, as well as the owners of the shops (including Big C and 7-11) and bars and nightclubs that sell them?

You're mistaking something that is legal to something that is illegal, and doing so does your cause no good whatsoever. This is the situation, change it. Until then it is what it is - complain about it, certainly, but don't try to rationalise something that isn't open to rationalisation.

Does tobacco and alcohol kill thousands? Absolutely. Are they legal? Yes.

Do drugs kill thousands? Absolutely. Are they legal? No

(Before obfuscating the issue, I think it is quite clear what 'drugs' are meant)

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