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Superiors Of Bribes Taking Bangkok Traffic Police Officer Transferred

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great , so he can continue his "business" but in another part of Bangkok. I would suggest to put cameras on the toll way after Don muang airport , there is a speed gun everyday and full of police if you speed up ... how many time I have been asked to pay something while I did nothing wrong. this is normal practice in all the Thai society , it will need a big change in mentality to go over this corruption .

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Metropolitan Police Commissioner Khamronwit Thupkrachang yesterday ordered one of the officers, Police Lieutenant Colonel Suphachai Chaisuwan, transferred to Bang Saothong police station.

He was last seen with a calculator poring over google earth and streetview images of Bang Saothong and working out maximum traffic flow vis a vis speed limits and convenient pre-pounce" hiding places,.......

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Rotten to the core from top to bottom. The Royal Thai Police is a national disgrace and their nefarious activities are well known and documented which indict both the Government and Thai society as a whole

But why pick on Thailand for this? Corruption of this type is endemic in many SE Asian countries – and other regions too.


Why aren't we prosecuting the people who give the bribes as well? People take the fact that they can for granted.

I have had my fair share of people trying to bribe me on the job and record every converstion. I only ever charged one. I was working in an area with a high Indian and Asian population (University close by) This particular guy tried to bribe me and after two warnings he came with the line "take the money and go buy yourself some nice doughnuts and a coffee" Apparently he thought Australian and American cops were the same. Aussie cops don't eat doughnuts. It was ok to try and bribe but never insult an aussie cop.


Rotten to the core from top to bottom. The Royal Thai Police is a national disgrace and their nefarious activities are well known and documented which indict both the Government and Thai society as a whole

But why pick on Thailand for this? Corruption of this type is endemic in many SE Asian countries – and other regions too.

No one is picking on Thailand just commenting on a Thai incident. If they put stories about Indian or Korean, whatever on here then people would comment on them also. Some will even say why pick on Indian cops it happens in Thailand also.


The office of inactive posts must be bursting at the seams. If they try to shove one more in there it is going to burst flooding the streets with corrupt officers.

Where I am from these guys would be sttod down without pay, be charged internally and criminally and then fired. (if found guilty in criminal court)

To be serious for a moment from what I can tell their pay does seem to be based on the idea that they will have to supplement it with bribes. If they want to stop it then there needs to be a basic change in this to a reasonable salary and strict adherence to rules. This is very much as you've described.

I think publically rooting out corruption should come before a pay rise. Just giving them a pay rise won't achieve any drop in bribery.


Why aren't we prosecuting the people who give the bribes as well? People take the fact that they can for granted.

I have had my fair share of people trying to bribe me on the job and record every converstion. I only ever charged one. I was working in an area with a high Indian and Asian population (University close by) This particular guy tried to bribe me and after two warnings he came with the line "take the money and go buy yourself some nice doughnuts and a coffee" Apparently he thought Australian and American cops were the same. Aussie cops don't eat doughnuts. It was ok to try and bribe but never insult an aussie cop.

So Aussie cops think it's ok to try and bribe them, according to you?

Attempting to bribe a poice officer is an offence in lots of countries. If you are being arrested and/or charged and attempt to bribe your way out then that offence will be added to the charge sheet. Yes there are corrupt people everywhere - but in Asia, the Indian sub-continent, Africa and South America it seems the norm rather than the exception.


Rotten to the core from top to bottom. The Royal Thai Police is a national disgrace and their nefarious activities are well known and documented which indict both the Government and Thai society as a whole

But why pick on Thailand for this? Corruption of this type is endemic in many SE Asian countries – and other regions too.

Perhaps because this a story about corruption in Thailand, committed by Thai's under Thai law. The plea that people are picking on Thailand, belies the question, "Is there any good type of corruption?" To which I can't think of any type which is good.

It is a very black or white issue, and as such, it isn't picking on Thailand, it is just stating the obvious, that it is an illegal practice. If people considered the true cost to the country of corruption, instead of moaning "but it goes on elsewhere", and united to really stamp it out, I can't think of anything that could happen that would be bad for the country. It would universally an improvement for EVERYONE in the country.

So you see, to not be outraged, could be construed as not loving Thailand, and we all know how uppity people in Thailand get when they are accused of that.


Thank you very much for this enlightening article. Slowly, slowly I begin to understand the true meaning of "thainess & thai tradition."

I wonder what I will learn tomorrow...


No one takes a bribe in Thailand, donations are OK to take

Exactly - the officer may have simply been giving sound advice on road safety and good driving and the recipient simply tipped the officer in apprecaiton for his time and effort whistling.gif


Does the convoluted phrase translate in Thai as "promotion" ?

Are these numerous YouTube clips of police raking in the cash used as talent spotting by the heads of department?

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I don't see the problem...

Bung them a couple of hundred and on your way....would you rather the UK/US style alternative???

In UK/US you actually have to do something wrong and not just be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Why aren't we prosecuting the people who give the bribes as well? People take the fact that they can for granted.

I have had my fair share of people trying to bribe me on the job and record every converstion. I only ever charged one. I was working in an area with a high Indian and Asian population (University close by) This particular guy tried to bribe me and after two warnings he came with the line "take the money and go buy yourself some nice doughnuts and a coffee" Apparently he thought Australian and American cops were the same. Aussie cops don't eat doughnuts. It was ok to try and bribe but never insult an aussie cop.

So Aussie cops think it's ok to try and bribe them, according to you?

Attempting to bribe a poice officer is an offence in lots of countries. If you are being arrested and/or charged and attempt to bribe your way out then that offence will be added to the charge sheet. Yes there are corrupt people everywhere - but in Asia, the Indian sub-continent, Africa and South America it seems the norm rather than the exception.

No I didn't say that at all. Aussie cops can also be understanding and accept cultural differences. Like I said it was an area with universities and people from india and asia (international students) Police in thier home countries may very well accept bribes and they possibly believed the same traditions applied in Australia also. Using a little common sense and discretion they were generally warned the same does not apply in Aust as it does back home. Only after they had be warned and informed you can't do it in Aust and they persist in trying to bribe then would they be charged. The majority accept it after being told.


I don't see the problem...

Bung them a couple of hundred and on your way....would you rather the UK/US style alternative???

In UK/US you actually have to do something wrong and not just be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Tell that to Stefan Kiszko....


The deputy PM (in charge of the RTP) a few weeks ago, mumbled thru a reported bribe transaction as just part of the holiday season. Maybe the transfers of people should include this fellow? The real problem is finding a post which suits them, to send them to.


Got no problem with it, in all my time driving in thailand iv only ever been stopped for something that is my fault and rather than have all the shit of going down the police station, paying fine(probably double) its far more convinient that the BIB will take the money and save me any more hassle.


Just cough up...or would you rather they framed you and stung you for far more down the station for all your protests?

Bear in mind that at times 'doing something wrong' can merely be having white skin here...

Don't sweat it...

I don't protest and give my 200 baht donation. However that doesn't mean people should accept it.

I think Thais are getting sick of it also but could not complain. It was pointless for them to go and report an officer to a station as they knew nothing would come of it and there was also the fear factor. Now Thais have found a better way and that is the social media where the officers and the Police force are being publical ashamed across the world. It has actually forced authorities to do something (as little as it may be).

Absolutely...what a fine post.

The drawback is though, when people can no longer get off with bunging the coppers a few hundred, and have to pay the full wallop, they'll be clamouring for a return to the current status quo.

I think this was a fine post, but to the last poster..... its not a few 100baht any more....... its 400, 500, 1000b much more than the orig fine, if you have white skin and are not from BKK according to lic plates as the BIB can see.... I was told I ran a light when there was none to be seen (NO TRAFFIC LIGHT AT ALL) they jack up the rate and as I have been told "pay or come back tomorrow" as they hold your Drivers Lic.


The other week I was stopped by a lone police in the outskirts of Korat when I was on my way to Nong Khai.

He couldn't have possibly known what speed I was travelling but told me I must have been over the limit as I was in the outside lane!

he asked me for 200 Baht, but my girl friend pleaded poverty and asked him if he would accept 100.

He thought for a moment, then pointed to the gold chain on her wrist.

Quick as a flash, I pointed out that the price of gold had recently plummeted.

He considered my argument carefully and finally agreed to reduce the bung to 100 Baht.

With a smile and a handshake we were on our way again.

God Bless Thailand and the Thais....


The office of inactive posts must be bursting at the seams. If they try to shove one more in there it is going to burst flooding the streets with corrupt officers.

Where I am from these guys would be sttod down without pay, be charged internally and criminally and then fired. (if found guilty in criminal court)

To be serious for a moment from what I can tell their pay does seem to be based on the idea that they will have to supplement it with bribes. If they want to stop it then there needs to be a basic change in this to a reasonable salary and strict adherence to rules. This is very much as you've described.

I think publically rooting out corruption should come before a pay rise. Just giving them a pay rise won't achieve any drop in bribery.

Fair point. The biggest department in the Victoria Police Melbourne is the Ethical Standards Department. There are more police per head policing the police than police out policing the public. They are real pricks and will nab you for the slightest thing trying to protect and justify thier little empire. If you get a parking ticket they will know about it and hit you again, if you take a dump and forget to flush you are nicked. You are constantly watching your back all the time and you definately do not trust the guy/woman you are working with. You have to stay straight down the line or you are gone.


A few years back during the Asean conference in Hua Hin, I went north for a few days.

On my way home I was stopped near Bangkok and asked for my licence, after showing a Thai drivers licence the BIB asked my wife why I not have International Thai licence.

He only wanted 10,000 baht so I just said F- - - O- - and drove away

My friend behind me copped a 1000 baht fine that he paid.

Our offence we are farang.

We just love this country its soooo entertaining


Can we please get the police who take bribes to wear red arm bands

It will save on my time, as I just pay them as they wave me in

OOps Thai wife said they can not do this

would better if the ones that do not take bribes wear a yellow Arm Band

thi would mean less police wearing arm bands


>> But why pick on Thailand for this? Corruption of this type is endemic in many SE Asian countries and other regions too.

Love the SA version of corruption! At least here, you know where the money goes (feeds the cops kids, pays their rent, buys extra gifts during the holidays, etc.), but in the western version of corruption (in the form of crazy taxes, fees, and fines) that money is pooled into black holes.


I don't see the problem...

Bung them a couple of hundred and on your way....would you rather the UK/US style alternative???

But a couple of hundren doesnt cut it... The last 2 times I have been stopped it has been Tb1500 and 1000. I had my (thai) wife with me, and she "discussed " but to no avail. The guy wouldnt budge.

Now I know that I needn't have paid.. I could have just accepted the ticket.. but for reasons I didnt want to do this. (I'm here on a short term working contract so I would have left my wife to follow up for me)

How to get them to accept a "couple of hundred?"...

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