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Acting Irs Chief Ousted Over Tax Scandal As Obama Vows Change


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My god, you don't quit.

Rep Kelly is not a buffoon?! Sounded to me he rehearsed his Rush Limbaugh in front of the mirror very well this morning.

As we saw in 2008 and again in last year's election, voter demographics are an 8.0 earthquake occurring under the Republican's feet but they think it's only a minor rumble of a temporary and quickly passing phenomenon. Even as they have to get up off their <deleted> because of its force.

Edited by Publicus
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My god, you don't quit.

Rep Kelly is not a buffoon?! Sounded to me he rehearsed his Rush Limbaugh in front of the mirror very well this morning.

He is not a Buffon. He is bozo the clown. Look at that hair. I just want to put one of those big red noses on a rubber type band on him. How can anyone take guys like that seriously! I think he is just over compensating for grade school abuse.

I am sorry, but this guy screams used car salesman.

Edited by F430murci
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It gets worse.

Turns out IRS officials have been releasing tax records of people on the enemies list to opponents.

I'm thinking barry has handed us a victory.

Because no one in their right mind would want the IRS administering Unaffordable Care Act.

In fact they wouldn't want the IRS within 50,000 miles of obamacare.

D.O.A. so sad.

Actually, the story that is about to break is even bigger. Hold the phones. Obama is BigFoot and, therefore, he surely cannot be President. The Donald was right all along, just for different reasons.

Four conspiracies in one week? OGM, what will they think of next?

So now you're slandering Bigfoot?

Haha, I gotta say I love this! Levity makes the world a better place. Everyone needs to look for the good in people have a better heart. These smear campaigns do nothing for America except cause hate and animosity. Thank god I don't encounter this negativism during my daily life. The funny thing is I come here (a Thai forum) to keep track and hear about things I don't hear about on a daily basis. Haha, I work in a big defense firm where I would never say ,anything bad about Republicans or praise Obama or some of my colleagues would never look at me the same. Yet, I don't hear any of this negativity or scandal this, scandal that at all!

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You can stop with the insults slung at politicians, or you can spend some time in the penalty box.

It would appear some of you have nothing left to say ON THE TOPIC.

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My god, you don't quit.

Rep Kelly is not a buffoon?! Sounded to me he rehearsed his Rush Limbaugh in front of the mirror very well this morning.

As we saw in 2008 and again in last year's election, voter demographics are an 8.0 earthquake occurring under the Republican's feet but they think it's only a minor rumble of a temporary and quickly passing phenomenon. Even as they have to get up off their <deleted> because of its force.

Political calculation is not a good substitute for integrity. From Wall Street to Washington that calculating short term view brings nothing but problems down the line. Lead with ethics and integrity and success will take care of itself in time. Worked for me.

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It gets worse.

Turns out IRS officials have been releasing tax records of people on the enemies list to opponents.

I'm thinking barry has handed us a victory.

Because no one in their right mind would want the IRS administering Unaffordable Care Act.

In fact they wouldn't want the IRS within 50,000 miles of obamacare.

D.O.A. so sad.

Actually, the story that is about to break is even bigger. Hold the phones. Obama is BigFoot and, therefore, he surely cannot be President. The Donald was right all along, just for different reasons.

Four conspiracies in one week? OGM, what will they think of next?

So now you're slandering Bigfoot?

Haha, I gotta say I love this! Levity makes the world a better place. Everyone needs to look for the good in people have a better heart. These smear campaigns do nothing for America except cause hate and animosity. Thank god I don't encounter this negativism during my daily life. The funny thing is I come here (a Thai forum) to keep track and hear about things I don't hear about on a daily basis. Haha, I work in a big defense firm where I would never say ,anything bad about Republicans or praise Obama or some of my colleagues would never look at me the same. Yet, I don't hear any of this negativity or scandal this, scandal that at all!

But it isn't a smear campaign. This congressman is looking for some accountability where there is strong evidence of government abuse of power. That's his job, to sort that stuff out. Only a really partisan individual wouldn't be happy to see their elected representative, of either party do that on the public's behalf.

I'm not a partisan but I hate government overreach no matter which party it stems from. I expect the loyal opposition to call them on it whenever it happens. If I had a "team", I wouldn't care if they came after my team or not. I want government abuse rooted out.

Edited by lannarebirth
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It gets worse.

Turns out IRS officials have been releasing tax records of people on the enemies list to opponents.

I'm thinking barry has handed us a victory.

Because no one in their right mind would want the IRS administering Unaffordable Care Act.

In fact they wouldn't want the IRS within 50,000 miles of obamacare.

D.O.A. so sad.

And therein is the true motivation for the GOP grabbing onto this. It's not about the IRS, but is all about the ACA. This is the big push to stop the implementation of rudimentary basic health care for the USA. People are going to understand that once they see how what the GOP pursuing this issue. In yesterday's hearings, the terminated IRS head was bombarded with questions and wasn't even allowed to answer many of them as the questions kept on coming. Did the House want to get the facts or just use the hearings for grandstanding in an effort to redirect the disgust the US electorate has for most of its members?

BTW, I notice that no one wants to acknowledge that the Inspector General J. Russell George was appointed by George W. Bush., nor that the officials in charge while this event was occurring were also appointed during the George W. Bush administration. If you want to blame President Obama, oki dokie, but at least acknowledge that the implicated officials were leftovers from the Bush era.

Edited by geriatrickid
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And therein is the true motivation for the GOP grabbing onto this. It's not about the IRS, but is all about the ACA.

Are you kidding? You really think that the Republicans would be ignoring the purposeful targeting of conservative organizations by the IRS to slow down or prevent them from getting tax free status - possibly in order to to win the last election? The fact that "no one in their right mind would want the IRS administering Unaffordable Care Act" is just icing on the cake - not the true motivation.

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It would seem the IRS Actor as Commissioner doesn't even have an answer to possible First Amendment violations by his agency,


Congressman: IRS asked pro-life group about 'the content of their prayers'
May 17, 2013 | 2:27 pm
Charlie Spiering
During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing today, Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., grilled outgoing IRS commissioner Steven Miller about the IRS targeting a pro-life group in Iowa.
“Their question, specifically asked from the IRS to the Coalition for Life of Iowa: ‘Please detail the content of the members of your organization’s prayers,’" Schock declared.
“Would that be an inappropriate question to a 501 c3 applicant?” asked Schock. “The content of one’s prayers?”

“It pains me to say I can’t speak to that one either,” Miller replied.



...yet the IRS was devious enough to come out with this way to beak bad news to the public...


Lerner’s admission of IRS’s inappropriate behavior was pre-planned public disclosure
11:43 AM 05/17/2013
WASHINGTON – Last week, Lois Lerner, head of the tax exempt division of the Internal Revenue Service dropped a bombshell: The IRS had been applying extra scrutiny to conservative groups claiming tax exempt status.
The revelation came seemingly out of the blue, in response to a question during a panel at an American Bar Association conference, leaving the audience baffled, according to reports.
As it turns out, it was not a spontaneous revelation. The question, said outgoing IRS Commissioner Steven Miller in testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee Friday, was planted, as part of a prepared strategy for the IRS to release this information to the public.
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My god, you don't quit.

Rep Kelly is not a buffoon?! Sounded to me he rehearsed his Rush Limbaugh in front of the mirror very well this morning.

As we saw in 2008 and again in last year's election, voter demographics are an 8.0 earthquake occurring under the Republican's feet but they think it's only a minor rumble of a temporary and quickly passing phenomenon. Even as they have to get up off their <deleted> because of its force.

Political calculation is not a good substitute for integrity. From Wall Street to Washington that calculating short term view brings nothing but problems down the line. Lead with ethics and integrity and success will take care of itself in time. Worked for me.

You just don't quit. I begin to see how you are pushing 12,000 active posts in some seven years.

You'll be pleased to know that probably comes to an end today.

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My god, you don't quit.

Rep Kelly is not a buffoon?! Sounded to me he rehearsed his Rush Limbaugh in front of the mirror very well this morning.

As we saw in 2008 and again in last year's election, voter demographics are an 8.0 earthquake occurring under the Republican's feet but they think it's only a minor rumble of a temporary and quickly passing phenomenon. Even as they have to get up off their <deleted> because of its force.

Political calculation is not a good substitute for integrity. From Wall Street to Washington that calculating short term view brings nothing but problems down the line. Lead with ethics and integrity and success will take care of itself in time. Worked for me.

You just don't quit. I begin to see how you are pushing 12,000 active posts in some seven years.

You'll be pleased to know that probably comes to an end today.

No, not particularly.

i'd be disappointed if it did. You're nothing if not persistent.

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I was watching Miller being grilled in Congress on tv today. Seems to not know much though, which makes one wonder why he had such a top job if he was so incompetent, or more likely, he is covering up for the real culprits.

Should be an interesting few weeks ahead, as more info gets dragged out of reluctant participants.

BTW, it's good to see the IRS getting a damn fine kicking!

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The truth is this scandal stuff is just how hard core conservatives act when a liberal get into power. In the 1990s, Pat Buchanan et al attacked Hillary, wife of candidate, as a anti family fundamentalist lawyer spouse that cannot be trusted and continued the personal attacks for 8 years all thecway to trying to impeach Bill!!!

This IRS stuff is not new news. This is old news and has been going on in some form or fashion at least since the Bush Jr. era. So why now do Republicans make such a big deal about anything and everything. This is what they do when things start getting better under democratic power and they begin to feel threatened.

Hillary is perceived as a 2016 threat so what do they do. Obama's policies start working, economy gets better, deficit numbers were shockingly improving, unemployment back to 2007ish levels and so what do Republicans do? Dig up stuff like IRS, AP or whatever they can find to create as much whirlwind as possible.

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Didn't Bush use IRS against Green Peace, NAACP, liberal churches and etc? In 2006, the Bush IRS hired a contractor to collect party affiliation data.

Trying to put the blame on Bush once again. He has not been in power for over 5 years. The buck stops here never seems to apply to this particular President for some reason. rolleyes.gif

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Didn't Bush use IRS against Green Peace, NAACP, liberal churches and etc? In 2006, the Bush IRS hired a contractor to collect party affiliation data.

Trying to put the blame on Bush once again. He has not been in power for over 5 years. The buck stops here never seems to apply to this particular President for some reason. rolleyes.gif

No. Seriously. Cannot you not actually keep what I say in context. I said not approve anything and just alluded to double standard and witch hunt mentality apparently motivated by some other factor. Its called healthy skepticism about real issues and validity of allegations. Jeez. Talk about credibility. Edited by F430murci
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If there is an impeachable offense, impeach him and be done with it.

Otherwise, please don't waste the world's time on this crapola for the next three years.

But we must eat up all of obama's time in office... keep him dodging and running - out of focus... keep him so busy dodging political bullets that he has no time to do more dastardly things to my country.

Is there an impeachable offense that you can see or find?

Give the Congressional hearings time to run their course, at which time collusion will be evident throughout the House and Senate Dems. This evidence is already being reported by the media. And not by Fox, but by the NY Times. The next step will be naming a special prosecutor to investigate and prosecute those responsible due to the collusion on the Hill. The fact that the IRS works for Treasury and that Treasury reports directly to the White House means there are only two short steps from directive to becoming an action item for the IRS. The GOP have already stated that this is the path they are exploring. Whether it will bear fruit or not only time will tell. These events will take at least a year to play out, so get the popcorn ready as the show is only beginning.

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It would seem the IRS Actor as Commissioner doesn't even have an answer to possible First Amendment violations by his agency,


Congressman: IRS asked pro-life group about 'the content of their prayers'
May 17, 2013 | 2:27 pm
Charlie Spiering
During a House Ways and Means Committee hearing today, Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., grilled outgoing IRS commissioner Steven Miller about the IRS targeting a pro-life group in Iowa.
“Their question, specifically asked from the IRS to the Coalition for Life of Iowa: ‘Please detail the content of the members of your organization’s prayers,’" Schock declared.
“Would that be an inappropriate question to a 501 c3 applicant?” asked Schock. “The content of one’s prayers?”

“It pains me to say I can’t speak to that one either,” Miller replied.



...yet the IRS was devious enough to come out with this way to beak bad news to the public...


Lerner’s admission of IRS’s inappropriate behavior was pre-planned public disclosure
11:43 AM 05/17/2013
WASHINGTON – Last week, Lois Lerner, head of the tax exempt division of the Internal Revenue Service dropped a bombshell: The IRS had been applying extra scrutiny to conservative groups claiming tax exempt status.
The revelation came seemingly out of the blue, in response to a question during a panel at an American Bar Association conference, leaving the audience baffled, according to reports.
As it turns out, it was not a spontaneous revelation. The question, said outgoing IRS Commissioner Steven Miller in testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee Friday, was planted, as part of a prepared strategy for the IRS to release this information to the public.

Yes, amnesia seems to be running rampant on the Hill these days.

Mr Obama knew nothing about the IRS investigations, yet his office runs that department.

Mr. Holder knows nothing about the FBI / AP wire tap investigation, yet he runs the DOJ

Mr. Smith, who runs the IRS, knew nothing about the targeting of conservative groups.

Mrs. Clinton knew nothing about the 18 sets of revisions requested by the State Dept to the CIA on revising the talking points on Benghazi, yet she runs that Dept. Then there is the famous "WHAT DOES IT MATTER" statement before a Congressional hearing.

Mr. Carny stated that the only changes to Benghazi talking points by the White House was to change the description of facility from a Consulate to Diplomatic Facility, yet the release emails conflict with this statement.

Perhaps all these folks should lay off the ganja as it is affecting their short-term memory.

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I was watching Miller being grilled in Congress on tv today. Seems to not know much though, which makes one wonder why he had such a top job if he was so incompetent, or more likely, he is covering up for the real culprits.

Should be an interesting few weeks ahead, as more info gets dragged out of reluctant participants.

BTW, it's good to see the IRS getting a damn fine kicking!

Especially since before he got the top job at the IRS, he was in charge of the division that investigated organizations requesting tax exempt status. Kind of makes you wonder who was running the shop if he didn't know what was going on? Either that or they are lying through their teeth. I know which I believe.

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Didn't Bush use IRS against Green Peace, NAACP, liberal churches and etc? In 2006, the Bush IRS hired a contractor to collect party affiliation data.

Trying to put the blame on Bush once again. He has not been in power for over 5 years. The buck stops here never seems to apply to this particular President for some reason. rolleyes.gif

No. Seriously. Cannot you not actually keep what I say in context. I said not approve anything and just alluded to double standard and witch hunt mentality apparently motivated by some other factor. Its called healthy skepticism about real issues and validity of allegations. Jeez. Talk about credibility.

Sorry to point out that your last few posts have been the same old spin. A lot of democrats are upset about the IRS scandal, so, NO it is not just business as usual.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I was watching Miller being grilled in Congress on tv today. Seems to not know much though, which makes one wonder why he had such a top job if he was so incompetent, or more likely, he is covering up for the real culprits.

Should be an interesting few weeks ahead, as more info gets dragged out of reluctant participants.

BTW, it's good to see the IRS getting a damn fine kicking!

Especially since before he got the top job at the IRS, he was in charge of the division that investigated organizations requesting tax exempt status. Kind of makes you wonder who was running the shop if he didn't know what was going on? Either that or they are lying through their teeth. I know which I believe.

The IRS has over 100,000 employees and processes maybe 200,000,000 returns a year with multiple offices through out the US. Yeah, one person will definitely know and remember every single thing that every single employee does involving every single return filed so he must be lying. Cannot believe the incompetence and inability of man to keep track of everything going on.

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Gotta love Mitch McConnell memo directing Republicans to stay on scandal and don't talk about anything regarding policies, economy or issues. This really illustrates true nature and purpose of what they are dredging up and trying to do. Funny part is how many people this actually works on as amply illustrated here so they keep doing it.

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I was watching Miller being grilled in Congress on tv today. Seems to not know much though, which makes one wonder why he had such a top job if he was so incompetent, or more likely, he is covering up for the real culprits.

Should be an interesting few weeks ahead, as more info gets dragged out of reluctant participants.

BTW, it's good to see the IRS getting a damn fine kicking!

Especially since before he got the top job at the IRS, he was in charge of the division that investigated organizations requesting tax exempt status. Kind of makes you wonder who was running the shop if he didn't know what was going on? Either that or they are lying through their teeth. I know which I believe.

The IRS has over 100,000 employees and processes maybe 200,000,000 returns a year with multiple offices through out the US. Yeah, one person will definitely know and remember every single thing that every single employee does involving every single return filed so he must be lying. Cannot believe the incompetence and inability of man to keep track of everything going on.

This was not a tax filing - tax return issue. It was the processing for issuance of a not for profit status - an entirely different department of the IRS.

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