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Thaksin's Niece Set To Marry Son Of Hun Sen's Right Hand Man


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Isn't the marriage of powerful families from different countries a relic of feudal societies?

Yes, it persists today with these examples of elite Sinai-Thai/Sino-Cambo families.

Another tradition, though, isn't being followed from these relic practices. The bride has an older sister that remains unmarried. Chinnicha Wongsawat was the disqualified MP that lied about assets, should have been married off first.

It seems that even despite these old traditions, Chinnicha's lack of looks, had her younger sister leap-frogging over her to the altar.

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Isn't the marriage of powerful families from different countries a relic of feudal societies?

Yes, it persists today with these examples of elite Sinai-Thai/Sino-Cambo families.

Another tradition, though, isn't being followed from these relic practices. The bride has an older sister that remains unmarried. Chinnicha Wongsawat was the disqualified MP that lied about assets, should have been married off first.

It seems that even despite these old traditions, Chinnicha's lack of looks, had her younger sister leap-frogging over her to the altar.

There aren't many around who could afford the dowry. Beyond that, who really fancies living in exile should the entire Shinawatras ever be banished?

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So is this a sin sot or a dowry situation?

Wonder how many zeroes, either way?

The Cambodian father providing sin sot for his son, is in charge of the Sieng Nam City investment project with US$500 million invested from multiple sources.

Calculator broke, so not sure just how many zeros of Cambodian riel that is equivalent to, but I think it's high.

(US$1 = 3,985 riel)

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Isn't the marriage of powerful families from different countries a relic of feudal societies?

Yes, it persists today with these examples of elite Sinai-Thai/Sino-Cambo families.

Another tradition, though, isn't being followed from these relic practices. The bride has an older sister that remains unmarried. Chinnicha Wongsawat was the disqualified MP that lied about assets, should have been married off first.

It seems that even despite these old traditions, Chinnicha's lack of looks, had her younger sister leap-frogging over her to the altar.

There aren't many around who could afford the dowry. Beyond that, who really fancies living in exile should the entire Shinawatras ever be banished?

On another aspect, there aren't many around who really would fancy living with the older sister that inherited an extra helping of her mother's dinner-time DNA when compared to her younger sister.

If the Shinawatras ever did get banished, they'd still be quite comfortable as the elite of the elite of Cambodia.

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What pussy needs his parents to ask someone else's if they can marry?

Oh but of course he never intended it to come to this -- but being from a dictatorship they must comply.

I might not have wealth from corruption like these dictators do, but I'm glad I have my freedom.

It is common in some cultures. Prince Philip is hardly a pussy and he had to obtain permission to marry Princess Elizabeth.

Probably, the Queem Mum didn't want a Greek in the family.

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That will just create "the false image" that Thailand and Cambodia care for peaceful Prea Vinhear temple solution, .... but we all know that this battle will continue anyway...

All any juristic Thai person should want is a clear judicial summary that reinforces a verdict based and the balance of covenience between Thailand's claim of sovereignty over the Temple and land that harmonises with historical fact and flaws (if any) in Cambodia's arguments.

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Very big of the Shinawatra's to allow this union. Imagine it, the champion of Thai democracy, well on the way to beatification, giving his blessing to the marriage of his niece to the son of a brutal dictator that came to power in the 1997 Cambodian coup. I realize there are good coups and bad coups, but still, very big of Thailand's first family.

She is not going to be married to the son of a brutal dictator but the son of the right-hand man of Hun Sen.

Edited by thairookie
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The complaints department told me some time back that this was on facebook so no surprise.

ties between the two countries might get stronger.

Will certainly strengthen ties between Thaksin and Hun Sen,

The family business, Thailand and Cambodia.


a decent man from a good family


Cant comment on the good man but from a decent family ????? Hun Sen's son and heir to Cambodia's dictatorship.

He's not Hun Sen's son!

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Very big of the Shinawatra's to allow this union. Imagine it, the champion of Thai democracy, well on the way to beatification, giving his blessing to the marriage of his niece to the son of a brutal dictator that came to power in the 1997 Cambodian coup. I realize there are good coups and bad coups, but still, very big of Thailand's first family.

She's not marrying the son of a brutal dictator. Why is it so many people here cannot read?

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Seems it isn't Hun Sen's son at all, but his right hand man's son.

Well done the Nation. What a stunning screw up trying to make the story fit. This really is a rag of a paper, barely good enough for tomorrow's fish and chips.

You're another one making a stunning screw-up. Read it again.

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Isn't the marriage of powerful families from different countries a relic of fuedal societies?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thailand still is a feudal society.

That's why democracy has had such a bad run in it's political world.

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I have seen it all before. When the grandson of the shoddy barber got married to the girl who helps out at the wigmaker, everyone cried foul.


Edited by Morakot
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The complaints department told me some time back that this was on facebook so no surprise.

ties between the two countries might get stronger.

Will certainly strengthen ties between Thaksin and Hun Sen,

The family business, Thailand and Cambodia.


a decent man from a good family


Cant comment on the good man but from a decent family ????? Hun Sen's son and heir to Cambodia's dictatorship.

At noted previously, some of you need to read more carefully: "...the son of Cambodian PM Hun Sen's right-hand man."

And yes, "arranged marriages" do still happen. I personally know the 23 yr old daughter of one of Thailand's richest. She has a business degree from Chulalongkorn Univ, and works in her father's company "learning the ropes" to take over from him when he decides to step down. She told me a few months ago that her father arranged a "Coming Out" party for her, inviting many of BKK's elites with eligible sons. and that her father then made the selection of which one she would marry. She has zero say-so in the matter, unless she wants to be "expelled" from the family.

Edited by Just1Voice
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