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Will Deleting My I-tunes Library Effect My I-pod When


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I recently had my PC cleared/ reformatted in an attempt to sped it up and make it more efficient. That was a waste of time, but that’s not the point. Whilst being cleaned the guy wiped my i-tunes library. I am now afraid to connect my i-pod in case it deletes its memory to match the empty library. Will this happen?


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I recently had my PC cleared/ reformatted in an attempt to sped it up and make it more efficient. That was a waste of time, but that’s not the point. Whilst being cleaned the guy wiped my i-tunes library. I am now afraid to connect my i-pod in case it deletes its memory to match the empty library. Will this happen?


If you have it set to Auto Sync - yes you should be worried. :o You need to reload your entire library back into the itunes software.

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If you have it set to Auto Sync - yes you should be worried. :D You need to reload your entire library back into the itunes software.

Unfortunately you can not change/edit that setting if your ipod is not connected... :o

Happened to me before.. :D

But like Brit said, if you have access to your songs elsewhere, just reload them back...

Edited by Miaow
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Do a "ctrl-alt-delete" and go to the Task Manager. Go to the process tab; close anything that says "ipod". You can back up all the music on your iPod by just copying it to your music directory in Windows Explorer.

It's been a while since I did it myself, but it isn't a big deal. You might want to do a google search on it to make sure you have all the steps right.

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You know i have thought about buying an I-pod. But i wont as i dont want I-Tunes taking over my music library on my PC. Instead i just have 526mb MP3 player that i can change when i wish. I personally dont like that a company insists that you MUST use their software. Sorry i have no idea about your questions. I just wanted to rant. The missus just bought a nice new Motorola L7 phone. But when i plugged it in and done the software install. Which wasnt I-tunes as i have that already. As soon as the phone is plugged in I-Tunes comes up. Very annoying. Ok i'll stop now. Just ranting again

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This is a good post - it has reminded me to back up my Library when I get home tonight! The thought of losing my songs sends shivers down my spine

Got myself one of those apple Hi-Fi speakers over the weekend BTW - very nice!

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Dont panic! you can buy a programme on the internet called ipod copy costs about £6 you can use it to copy everything from your ipod back onto your pc make a back uop then re load!

simple as that :o

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Well basically you are adding the files to software library in itunes, for example all of my mp3(s) 20gig worth are on a exterior hard drive, so basically itunes software just points to the location. It will never delete the actual files for example they are not in the itunes software, just on the ipod.

BTW yes I hate Itunes too, but I quite like IPOD player.

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