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Sterilise Dogs, End The Meat Trade From Thailand: Soi Dog Foundation


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Sterilise dogs, end the meat trade

John Dalley,
Gill Dalley
Special to The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Many of your readers will not be aware of the despicable trade in dog meat from Thailand to neighbouring countries like Vietnam and Laos that has been going on for a number of years.

We would like to bring attention to what we call this "trade of shame" and to the work of the Soi Dog Foundation (SDF), a voluntary organisation based in Phuket that has been undertaking to try and stop this trade, as well as our sterilisation programme to reduce the number of dogs on the streets.

The task is gigantic. For example, after recent interceptions there were over 5,000 rescued dogs in Nakhon Phanom, Khemmarat and Buriram livestock shelters. Today the figure is down to 4,400 with around 20 dogs dying per day, according to staff on site. The traders had kept them hidden in the jungle for days, crammed into cages without food and water, so most of the dogs are sick and not well enough to be vaccinated. Although doing their best for the dogs, the Department of Livestock Development has no budget for them, and the fund set up by the Governor of Nakhon Phanom province in August 2011 has now run out of money.

Soi Dog Foundation is currently providing food, vaccines (over 2,500 sent to Nakhon Phanom this week alone at a cost of nearly Bt250,000), and other drugs and even financing the construction of additional shelters at Buriram. However it is costing well over Bt1 million per month to support the dogs, and donations are desperately needed. Please visit www.soidog.org to learn more and donate today.

If your readers are able to offer one of the dogs a home, SDF will transport the dog to Bangkok with the support of Nok Air, and de-sex and vaccinate it free of charge. Many of the dogs are stolen pets. Prior to SDF's involvement, over 70 per cent of intercepted dogs died from starvation, disease or injury. On May 17, SDF sent a team of vets to Khemmarat to de-sex all remaining unsterilised dogs there.

Pet owners should be aware that gangs are now travelling across Thailand snatching pet dogs in addition to carrying out the old-fashioned method of purchasing unwanted animals in exchange for plastic buckets from poorer areas of the country.

No penalties have ever been imposed on the traders who are making millions of baht per year from what is an unimaginably inhumane trade. The dog meat trade and eating of dog meat is abhorred by the vast majority of Thais, and the multi-million baht industry based on incredible cruelty is run by, in effect, a criminal mafia. Despite this being open knowledge, the Thai authorities appear unable or unwilling to halt the dog meat trade at its source and thereby prevent this suffering from continuing.

Regarding sterilisation as a means of controlling animals, SDF this week reached the significant milestone of sterilising its 50,000th animal since starting in late 2003. SDF also operates in Bangkok and through mobile clinics in southern Thailand with a target of sterilising 15,000 animals per year. The foundation hopes at its current rate to have sterilised around 100,000 animals in about three years' time.

The current mobile clinic programme on Phuket, working closely with the province's local authorities, aims to have the island's stray population under control in two years and to continue the province's rabies-free status.

SDF is discussing with the Department of Livestock in Bangkok introducing a national programme based on SDF's activities on Phuket. Thailand has pledged to eradicate rabies by 2020 in accordance with Asean agreements.

John and Gill Dalley are the founders of the Soi Dog Foundation.

-- The Nation 2013-05-18

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The traders had kept them hidden in the jungle for days, crammed into cages without food and water, so most of the dogs are sick and not well enough to be vaccinated. Although doing their best for the dogs.....

I dont know what to do but this is messed up to say :D

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Whats despicable about dog meat?even here in thailand people eat dog so what's the big deal? just can't get it.

Depends on what sort of dog you sit down to eat, one with mange, rabies, worms, skin rash and all the other crap they can pick up, I'd rather go to the China's latest disgrace , Rat dressed up as ham slices.

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For what its worth

I have 2 dogs, love them to bits, but they are pets although both are rescued soi puppies, on the other hand soi dogs are a nuisance they are basically feral dogs, surely its best to cull them or sell them for food, although having worked in both Vietnam and Laos dog meat is tough and very unappealing (yes i have eaten it ,I see nothing wrong in that)and then people who want dogs care for then as pets

However I am aware in Thailand where the simplest problems eg (checking if all the children are out of the car ) cannot be solved this is a long way off.

Lastly having worked in Saigon a large percentage of people do have dogs as pets BUT they are cared for as pets,( my Vietnamese neighbors had 2 beautiful Retrievers and there were at least another 5 or 6 houses with dogs in my small street but obviously they are kept on the property and walked in the park on a lead and not allowed to roam free) and they live a far far better life than any scabby soi dog in Thailand

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Like most meat I have no problem eating dog but it does disgust me how some of these animals are treated.

I agree with you. If they where farmed like pigs or sheep, then there should be no reason for it to be illegal.

Why should it be any different to roo meat or pig meat?

On that question... why is it illegal to keep dogs for the meat? Is their meat harmful?

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Like most meat I have no problem eating dog but it does disgust me how some of these animals are treated.

I agree with you. If they where farmed like pigs or sheep, then there should be no reason for it to be illegal.

Why should it be any different to roo meat or pig meat?

On that question... why is it illegal to keep dogs for the meat? Is their meat harmful?

Spot on. Dogs should be farmed like pigs, cattle, (not sheep - Thais don't like it much smile.png ), etc. They are all animals and raising them for food should be regulated so they do not suffer.

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Quote: "If your readers are able to offer one of the dogs a home, SDF will transport the dog to Bangkok with the support of Nok Air, and de-sex and vaccinate it free of charge."

This is not a good idea. Dogs do not belong in the concrete jungle. A farang lady friend of mine who lives in a village near Khon Kaen has a "dog home" - of course there is only so much she can do but SDF should focus on raising funds to support such centres up country. And yes sterilizing is the only solution but it will take time and money.

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No money to take care of them. Better they starve in the 'safety' of an unfunded shelter (over 70% of those intercepted died of starvation) than provide protein to poor people, money or plastic buckets to those who don't want to take care of them, and deprive traders of a livelihood supplying a market. Is starvation a more merciful death than a quick death at the hands of a skilled butcher?

There are truly needy people, including children, who don't have enough to eat every day in Thailand. What caring person would donate to feed and vaccinate dogs that no one will ever adopt when there is so much need among the human population. Some people need to get their priorities straight. I can hardly wait to hear from those who value stray dogs more than human children.

Quick death at hands of skilled butchers? Watch http://www.cinando.com/DefaultController.aspx?PageId=FicheFilm&IdF=160984&IdC=29068

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Like most meat I have no problem eating dog but it does disgust me how some of these animals are treated.

I agree with you. If they where farmed like pigs or sheep, then there should be no reason for it to be illegal.

Why should it be any different to roo meat or pig meat?

On that question... why is it illegal to keep dogs for the meat? Is their meat harmful?

Spot on. Dogs should be farmed like pigs, cattle, (not sheep - Thais don't like it much smile.png ), etc. They are all animals and raising them for food should be regulated so they do not suffer.

Problem is even where legal it is not regulated which has led to outbreaks of cholera, trichinosis and helped the spread of rabies

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I am all for taking care of stray animals until a home is found but when you are dealing with a few thousand unwanted dogs you have to be realistic and humanely end their lives.

Spend your resources on animals that do have a chance to being adopted but in Thailand most soi dogs will never have a home.

These dogs are not pets but pests,many people are feeding them but not really taking care of all their needs.

Be kind to the dogs and put them out of their misery,there are just too many.

As far as people eating dog,i have no problem with that.Regulate the trade and it will be a lot better for the animals,it is not only Thailand not doing enough but what about the countries that let these animals pass into their territory.

Many tourist are also guilty of the problem,in high season they feed the nice little puppies but what happens when they leave?

Valid comment however Thailand do not humanely euthanize animals as contrary to Buddhist beliefs. As long as they die naturally the suffering is OK.

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Dogs are beaten for hours with sticks and bats while they're still alive, to "soften" the meat. After which, the dogs are being skinned, often times while still alive. I suggest you research dog trade in SEA before make silly statements like the one above...

What a load of crap.

Have you ever seen bruised meat?

I have, for I killed my own meat on the farm for years and any I can tell you bruised meat is inedible.

That reminds me I have to go for the next in a series of rabies injections on Monday after being bitten by one of these lovely stray dogs.

There are videos on youtube that suggest otherwise. While I can't comment on the benefits of bruising the meat, the videos show Chinese people beating the living daylights out of dogs and while the dog is docile they skin them alive. I looked around the time Morrissey was in the news for criticizing the Chinese and wished I hadn't. Be warned the videos on YouTube are really nasty stuff. I'm in China now and YouTube is blocked or I'd send you link.


Edited by Pui
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No money to take care of them. Better they starve in the 'safety' of an unfunded shelter (over 70% of those intercepted died of starvation) than provide protein to poor people, money or plastic buckets to those who don't want to take care of them, and deprive traders of a livelihood supplying a market. Is starvation a more merciful death than a quick death at the hands of a skilled butcher?

There are truly needy people, including children, who don't have enough to eat every day in Thailand. What caring person would donate to feed and vaccinate dogs that no one will ever adopt when there is so much need among the human population. Some people need to get their priorities straight. I can hardly wait to hear from those who value stray dogs more than human children.

Quick death at hands of skilled butchers? Watch http://www.cinando.com/DefaultController.aspx?PageId=FicheFilm&IdF=160984&IdC=29068

Wow that movie is shocking, seems they do beat the animal for a good hour before killing it to make it taste better. Pure Evil, why did I watch that!?!

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Dogs are beaten for hours with sticks and bats while they're still alive, to "soften" the meat. After which, the dogs are being skinned, often times while still alive. I suggest you research dog trade in SEA before make silly statements like the one above...

What a load of crap.

Have you ever seen bruised meat?

I have, for I killed my own meat on the farm for years and any I can tell you bruised meat is inedible.

That reminds me I have to go for the next in a series of rabies injections on Monday after being bitten by one of these lovely stray dogs.

Are you serious? You do know the internet exists right? You could, i dunno, look it up instead of claiming that your experience of a completely different animal within a completely different culture makes you an authority on a practice that exists nowhere in the country youre from... i assume. Go look it up. It takes less time than it took you to make a post decrying it as bullshit. In case you cant be bothered though, heres why they are abused - i used to live in korea and was even served dog soup at school (despite its dubious legality) and had it explained thus: adrenaline makes it taste nicer and fills the eater with lots of virility. And since dog meat is supposed to make you virile, the more suffering, the more adrenaline running through the animal and thus the tastier the meat.

Edited by weecree
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Quote: "If your readers are able to offer one of the dogs a home, SDF will transport the dog to Bangkok with the support of Nok Air, and de-sex and vaccinate it free of charge."

This is not a good idea. Dogs do not belong in the concrete jungle. A farang lady friend of mine who lives in a village near Khon Kaen has a "dog home" - of course there is only so much she can do but SDF should focus on raising funds to support such centres up country. And yes sterilizing is the only solution but it will take time and money.

Uh. I think that was what the article was about. They are supporting shelters up north or are you saying they should only support shelters run by your friends?

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"They are supporting shelters up north or are you saying they should only support shelters run by your friends?"

Of course he is not saying that, you silly.

Edited by metisdead
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It appears the way dogs are treated is abysmal. In general slater houses, whether for pork, beef, or chicken are inhumane when witnessed first hand. Prior to slaughter their living conditions are not exactly placid. Being man's best friend I guess dogs rank a higher level in our feelings of guilt and our sense of camaraderie.

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Actually in thinking about this post. I think I may have slightly different approach. If we sterilize humans. It would certainly diminish the appetite for our canine friends.(fewer humans) People could be sterilized at birth done by lottery.(seems fair) Also non continent specific. this would greatly reduce the stress we as humans put on the planet as well as other species. Remember sterilization of our species does not necessarily diminish a humans sex drive . Where as other species tend to be come eunuch.

The year I was born in America the population was 157 plus million today it is 314 million. It is time to do something. It is not only America's population that has doubled.

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