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Set Index And Thai Mutual Funds

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I'm curious as to why so many think that an economic collapse would necessarily drive up the price of gold. Isn't it instead a possibility that governments might need to unload gold to meet exchange needs if currencies collapsed? Or if a particular government got into a real bind, might it not need to unload its gold, especially governments that can't print money?

I don't predict anything, but in my mind I can see a time when gold is unloaded by governments to meet financial needs, driving the price down.

What's this about France. Have they done that? I don't really study France.

If there is a major collapse, won't people be poor? Wont' they have many other needs and enough trouble meeting those needs that gold will be low on their list of priorities?

If there is a currency collapse resulting in massive inflation then yes, many things including gold should go up in price against that currency. But is that a real win? Might not other things that are more useful on a daily basis also go up proportionally, giving better liquidity and value?

Would I be just as well of with 10,000 bottles of whiskey as I would the same purchase price today in gold? Yes, gold can be stored in a small place, but what can one do with it if he's broke and hungry, or needs a drink?


problem is theres probably no gold left to sell

Germany asked for its gold from USA and they said yes but it would take up to 7 years

Gold has derivatives, swaps, OTC, futures, etc etc and they are simply playing with numbers on the computer.

If one day everyone decides to ask for their gold it would be impossible to hand it over as there simply is not enough physical gold to match the markets manipulation of it.

From WIKI we have "

Derivatives, CFDs and spread betting

Derivatives, such as gold forwards, futures and options, currently trade on various exchanges around the world and over-the-counter (OTC) directly in the private market. In the U.S., gold futures are primarily traded on the New York Commodities Exchange (COMEX) and Euronext.liffe. In India, gold futures are traded on the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) and Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX).[60]

As of 2009 holders of COMEX gold futures have experienced problems taking delivery of their metal. Along with chronic delivery delays, some investors have received delivery of bars not matching their contract in serial number and weight. The delays cannot be easily explained by slow warehouse movements, as the daily reports of these movements show little activity. Because of these problems, there are concerns that COMEX may not have the gold inventory to back its existing warehouse receipts.[61]

Its only a matter of time. Meanwhile the smart money is buying up physical gold like there is no tomorrow.

BTW I am not a gold bug - i am sitting on cash for when gold gets lower

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Its only a matter of time. Meanwhile the smart money is buying up physical gold like there is no tomorrow.

BINGO! it is a well known fact that smart money purchases are driving down the dumb gold price.

conclusion: once smart money stops buying and dumb money kicks in the gold price will rise whistling.gif

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what are you talking about Naam, "hangthebankers.com" is a perfectly reputable, unbiased source!

is this source forecasting 28,000 dollars per ounce of gold? that the slave girls you were lusting after will try to kill you and then copulate with wild dogs in rice fields? that the skies will fall and all your fiat money will become even more worthless than it is already? that goldshops on a global scale have run out of supplies?

answer 'yes' to all my questions... and i agree with the statement "reputable and unbiased source".


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what are you talking about Naam, "hangthebankers.com" is a perfectly reputable, unbiased source!

Of course they are unbiased. All they want to do is hang bankers. How much more unbiased and civil can you get?

Oh, did I mention the money they make from their scaremongering?

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problem is theres probably no gold left to sell

Germany asked for its gold from USA and they said yes but it would take up to 7 years

I see the crap websites still pushing out that fake German gold story.

put up another story that proves its wrong

BTW - LME = 100 days for delivery - is that a lie too

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problem is theres probably no gold left to sell

Germany asked for its gold from USA and they said yes but it would take up to 7 years

I see the crap websites still pushing out that fake German gold story.

put up another story that proves its wrong

BTW - LME = 100 days for delivery - is that a lie too


not quite the loonytune websites you inhabit, but never mind.

August gold delivery price down http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323993804578612040900246914.html?KEYWORDS=gold+bullion+delivery+prices

Any more rubbish to report from you?

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problem is theres probably no gold left to sell

Germany asked for its gold from USA and they said yes but it would take up to 7 years

I see the crap websites still pushing out that fake German gold story.

put up another story that proves its wrong

BTW - LME = 100 days for delivery - is that a lie too


not quite the loonytune websites you inhabit, but never mind.

August gold delivery price down http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323993804578612040900246914.html?KEYWORDS=gold+bullion+delivery+prices

Any more rubbish to report from you?


your link points to COMEX

which is the source I used before to show the manipulation of gold

truly truly amazing

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problem is theres probably no gold left to sell

Germany asked for its gold from USA and they said yes but it would take up to 7 years

I see the crap websites still pushing out that fake German gold story.

put up another story that proves its wrong

BTW - LME = 100 days for delivery - is that a lie too


not quite the loonytune websites you inhabit, but never mind.

August gold delivery price down http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323993804578612040900246914.html?KEYWORDS=gold+bullion+delivery+prices

Any more rubbish to report from you?

the Bundesbankers are liars. it is an established fact that ze Tcherman Gold was stoled. no more lame explanations Yoshiwara! the resident experts have proved that beyond any reasonable doubt.

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On the Co-op bonds, seems the equity they will have in the new structure comes only from new investment. Not impressed with the UK government and FSA/PRA though. Then again nothing new there :)



3. Is the Group being left with equity in the Bank and doesn’t the Exchange Offer therefore go against customary capital hierarchy?Hide
  • The Group is making a substantial fresh contribution of equity capital of approximately £1bn through its subscription for new ordinary shares in the Bank using the proceeds of (a) the Group’s issuance of a senior unsecured fixed income instrument in the exchange offer and (B) the sale of the Group’s insurance assets.
  • The Group’s equity stake in the Bank following the successful implementation of the Exchange Offer will come only as a direct result of its planned substantial contribution of £1 billion of fresh capital.
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I don't have any exposure to Thailand stock markets, but i have some baht's here to invest and an account with a broker.

What is your opinion of TDEX exchange traded fund? (fees etc.)
Is it good to invest TDEX or should i choose some mutual fund from Thai banks?

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I don't have any exposure to Thailand stock markets, but i have some baht's here to invest and an account with a broker.

What is your opinion of TDEX exchange traded fund? (fees etc.)

Is it good to invest TDEX or should i choose some mutual fund from Thai banks?


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I don't have any exposure to Thailand stock markets, but i have some baht's here to invest and an account with a broker.

What is your opinion of TDEX exchange traded fund? (fees etc.)

Is it good to invest TDEX or should i choose some mutual fund from Thai banks?


Some impressive YTD returns there. Well done.
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I don't have any exposure to Thailand stock markets, but i have some baht's here to invest and an account with a broker.

What is your opinion of TDEX exchange traded fund? (fees etc.)

Is it good to invest TDEX or should i choose some mutual fund from Thai banks?


Some impressive YTD returns there. Well done.

I got in and out

main reason was that i bought on the rumour of

the rice scheme

the dams

the high speed rails

the infrastructure projects


and one by one these things fell apart

so I bailed

sitting on the sidelines now

UNTIL these projects are confirmed and the MONEY to pay for these (2trillion ) is confirmed (World Bank still suggesting alternatives)

I still think theres some gas in the Thai economy tank when the money is there and the work starts

otherwise its all huff and puff - populist nonsense that will ruin Thailand

I figure August or Sept is not to late - IMHO - this is not financial advice - just what has worked for me - as I have credits in the Karma bank

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I don't have any exposure to Thailand stock markets, but i have some baht's here to invest and an account with a broker.

What is your opinion of TDEX exchange traded fund? (fees etc.)

Is it good to invest TDEX or should i choose some mutual fund from Thai banks?


Some impressive YTD returns there. Well done.


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I got in and out

main reason was that i bought on the rumour of

the rice scheme

the dams

the high speed rails

the infrastructure projects


and one by one these things fell apart

so I bailed

sitting on the sidelines now

UNTIL these projects are confirmed and the MONEY to pay for these (2trillion ) is confirmed (World Bank still suggesting alternatives)

I still think theres some gas in the Thai economy tank when the money is there and the work starts

otherwise its all huff and puff - populist nonsense that will ruin Thailand

I figure August or Sept is not to late - IMHO - this is not financial advice - just what has worked for me - as I have credits in the Karma bank

In all seriousness, you are right about the above-listed factors falling apart diminishing the domestic outlook. Sitting on the sidelines is probably the best bet unless you are on a long-term horizon, which then means you could do some serious value-shopping over the next 6 months.


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Would certainly want to know what the bargains are! I know what the bargains were, like for examples, RAM, CMR, OISHI, BGH, BTS, ADVANC, MALEE, MAKRO, etc. I have been owning some of them and gotten rid of some.

Some people talk about averaging (a fixed amount to buy more shares when it drops). Forgot the term momentarily! Sure way for investing? Not always though! Look at SSI! Boy, am I glad to get rid of all my shares between 1.7 to 1.9; then gathered a whole bunch more between 0.38 to 0.4 and got out all at 0.44.

Tell me the bargains!

I'm quite heavily loaded on BTS, but I'm not qite sure it's a bargain, but I have had quite a few below the current price!

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