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The best thing about being a young man is that you already know it all. That is, until you get older and find out you never will.

I don't care if young men are jealous that I have a prettier and classier young gal than they do. When they get older and have some money, they can buy one too. Yes, buy one.

I can spend my money on whatever I'd like. It's cheaper to buy a young girlfriend than it is to buy a bar girl every night. Besides, I'm not a drinker so I don't like bars.

Or, I could fly to Paris and buy a beautiful young French woman for the night.

Go ahead. Be jealous. I know what I'm doing and so do you. The important thing is that I know. It's the guys who don't know, and think they've found true love who get into trouble.

Just stand back and let me enjoy myself while I willingly improve the financial well being of some really cute young thing. When that is no longer working I'm fine with it and she can find someone else.

Just understand something. Even though she's a teacher with a bachelor's degree, we both know she's not really being any different from a bar girl except she's not doing it in a bar, or with dozens of guys a week.

When you get to be my age, I hope you are able to enjoy yourself too.

got a wife and kids, wifes my age, dare say I will not be doing what your doing in the future because i'm not looking for charity cases as you pretty much put it.

one thing you will learn, knowledge does not come with age, some people live a lifetime and do nothing, in fact most do.

you say she is not being any different from a bar girl, very sweat how you view your woman.

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The best thing about being a young man is that you already know it all. That is, until you get older and find out you never will.

I don't care if young men are jealous that I have a prettier and classier young gal than they do. When they get older and have some money, they can buy one too. Yes, buy one.

I can spend my money on whatever I'd like. It's cheaper to buy a young girlfriend than it is to buy a bar girl every night. Besides, I'm not a drinker so I don't like bars.

Or, I could fly to Paris and buy a beautiful young French woman for the night.

Go ahead. Be jealous. I know what I'm doing and so do you. The important thing is that I know. It's the guys who don't know, and think they've found true love who get into trouble. That happens to a lot of young farangs too. If you think that being a young farang immunizes you for being taken for a ride as some Thai gal tries to improve her lot in life you really do have a lot to learn.

Just stand back and let me enjoy myself while I willingly improve the financial well being of some really cute young thing. When that is no longer working I'm fine with it and she can find someone else.

Just understand something. Even though she's a teacher with a bachelor's degree, we both know she's not really being any different from a bar girl except she's not doing it in a bar, or with dozens of guys a week.

When you get to be my age, I hope you are able to enjoy yourself too.

Classier ?


Yep, I'm sure Mick Jagger, Ronnie Wood, Rod Stewart will look at a bunch of old losers on ThaiVisa, drop their girlfriends immediately, and go after the grandmothers instead.

I know a guy who is in his late 70’s, he has a very young wife, she's still in her teens, he treats her like a princess and she seems happy enough, of course, there is more to it than that, but the old bitter and twisted men of ThaiVisa would never understand, they are just jealous, same as I am.

Lets see, he's happy, you're not, not much more to say.

Correct! the Young guys get bitter,because the old guys are taking their young women,and on their territory too,makes me smile when they come over all moralistic,and playing the Puritan.

the type of girls that go to an old guy are a blessing to have taken of our hands, you keep keep taking out the trash and we will be happy my friend.

If you were that happy I doubt you would have bothered to answer me, and calling other mens wives and girlfriends Trash was totally uncalled for .


The best thing about being a young man is that you already know it all. That is, until you get older and find out you never will.

I don't care if young men are jealous that I have a prettier and classier young gal than they do. When they get older and have some money, they can buy one too. Yes, buy one.

I can spend my money on whatever I'd like. It's cheaper to buy a young girlfriend than it is to buy a bar girl every night. Besides, I'm not a drinker so I don't like bars.

Or, I could fly to Paris and buy a beautiful young French woman for the night.

Go ahead. Be jealous. I know what I'm doing and so do you. The important thing is that I know. It's the guys who don't know, and think they've found true love who get into trouble.

Just stand back and let me enjoy myself while I willingly improve the financial well being of some really cute young thing. When that is no longer working I'm fine with it and she can find someone else.

Just understand something. Even though she's a teacher with a bachelor's degree, we both know she's not really being any different from a bar girl except she's not doing it in a bar, or with dozens of guys a week.

When you get to be my age, I hope you are able to enjoy yourself too.

got a wife and kids, wifes my age, dare say I will not be doing what your doing in the future because i'm not looking for charity cases as you pretty much put it.

one thing you will learn, knowledge does not come with age, some people live a lifetime and do nothing, in fact most do.

you say she is not being any different from a bar girl, very sweat how you view your woman.

"Knowledge does not come with age"

And, "Youth is wasted on the Young" .....Gerge Bernard Shaw.


Again, PaiMan makes a lot of good observations regarding relationships. Why should it matter to others what works for other people?

  • Like 1

We all know the truth.

It's more or less prostituting yourself to one full time customer.


There are younger women with older men relationships and there are young women with old men relationships, and there is a difference.

I do believe that some women maybe attracted to guys up to 15 years older than themselves. For example a guy in his early 40s is still considered young and probably still desirable to a women in her late 20s and 30s, but 20 years plus difference in ages, the majority of women do not find these guys physically attractive, therefore it`s a money thing.

Any guys in their 50s, 60s and older who believe they are still God’s gift to young women and that girls are attracted to them because of their cute smile and charm are living in cloud cuckoo land.

From my experience of living in Thailand is that most of the young girls who latch on to old farangs are from the poorer, lower classes of Thai society. This is because they are more desperate and looking for fast track methods to obtain some status and wealth for themselves and families and the old farangs if they have money, can literally buy these women as tied wives in Thailand. In the majority of cases, a decent middle or upper class Thai women would never consider hitching up with a farang, especially some guy old enough to be her father or grandfather.

One thing that does sicken me and I find extremely embarrassing when out and about, is the sight of an aging fat gross farang holding hands with a young Thai girl that has the appearance of a bar girl on her day off. I am sure we have all seen them. The first thoughts that enter my mind are; how much is she costing him and who will she be with next week?

A fact is a fact, old farangs with young Thai women are rent a wife relationships and only there as long as the money lasts and the guy is able to keep up with her financial expectations each month. The same principle also applies within gay relationships.

With all due respect, what do you really care what other people do? This forum is full of posts and threads denouncing judging others' lifestyles. I don't think you should even care how others choose to live as long as it doesn't hurt you. Would a thread about guys paying bar fines draw this much ire?

For your information, I'm in my 60's but I'm not fat. Genetically I got lucky because I've never lost any hair and it's not even gray. My mother had almost no gray hair when she died past the age of 90.

That doesn't mean I think I'm attractive to a gal in her mid 30's, but I'm also not the fat ugly guy you describe or perhaps imagine. I am attractive to her but only for what I can do for her lifestyle. She knows that and I know that.

The part about it being only poor girls from Isaan is just that. My current is a school teacher with a master's degree. She makes as much as farang English teachers do in her district. What she did is pursue education and career ahead of marriage until she was past her sell by date to Thais who can match her in education and income. She doesn't want some uneducated beer swilling Thai from her area.

Next, she "took advantage" of both the government's new car scheme and their new home scheme, and like a lot of Thais didn't really consider the debt or the payments. Add cell phone, internet, etc. and - oops. So along I come, decent, clean, and able to make the house and car payments in return for companionship and a place to live if I choose.

So I agree it's a business deal but you're mistaken about the poor Isaan girl and the fat old man. I also would like you to know that her English is excellent and we talk a lot and she certainly doesn't dislike me.


  • Like 1

We all know the truth.

It's more or less prostituting yourself to one full time customer.


There are younger women with older men relationships and there are young women with old men relationships, and there is a difference.

I do believe that some women maybe attracted to guys up to 15 years older than themselves. For example a guy in his early 40s is still considered young and probably still desirable to a women in her late 20s and 30s, but 20 years plus difference in ages, the majority of women do not find these guys physically attractive, therefore it`s a money thing.

Any guys in their 50s, 60s and older who believe they are still God’s gift to young women and that girls are attracted to them because of their cute smile and charm are living in cloud cuckoo land.

From my experience of living in Thailand is that most of the young girls who latch on to old farangs are from the poorer, lower classes of Thai society. This is because they are more desperate and looking for fast track methods to obtain some status and wealth for themselves and families and the old farangs if they have money, can literally buy these women as tied wives in Thailand. In the majority of cases, a decent middle or upper class Thai women would never consider hitching up with a farang, especially some guy old enough to be her father or grandfather.

One thing that does sicken me and I find extremely embarrassing when out and about, is the sight of an aging fat gross farang holding hands with a young Thai girl that has the appearance of a bar girl on her day off. I am sure we have all seen them. The first thoughts that enter my mind are; how much is she costing him and who will she be with next week?

A fact is a fact, old farangs with young Thai women are rent a wife relationships and only there as long as the money lasts and the guy is able to keep up with her financial expectations each month. The same principle also applies within gay relationships.

Well your last paragraph covers every group, except the same things apply to a the young men,who think they are exempt,but are most definately not. How old are you BTW?

  • Like 1

We all know the truth.

It's more or less prostituting yourself to one full time customer.


There are younger women with older men relationships and there are young women with old men relationships, and there is a difference.

I do believe that some women maybe attracted to guys up to 15 years older than themselves. For example a guy in his early 40s is still considered young and probably still desirable to a women in her late 20s and 30s, but 20 years plus difference in ages, the majority of women do not find these guys physically attractive, therefore it`s a money thing.

Any guys in their 50s, 60s and older who believe they are still God’s gift to young women and that girls are attracted to them because of their cute smile and charm are living in cloud cuckoo land.

From my experience of living in Thailand is that most of the young girls who latch on to old farangs are from the poorer, lower classes of Thai society. This is because they are more desperate and looking for fast track methods to obtain some status and wealth for themselves and families and the old farangs if they have money, can literally buy these women as tied wives in Thailand. In the majority of cases, a decent middle or upper class Thai women would never consider hitching up with a farang, especially some guy old enough to be her father or grandfather.

One thing that does sicken me and I find extremely embarrassing when out and about, is the sight of an aging fat gross farang holding hands with a young Thai girl that has the appearance of a bar girl on her day off. I am sure we have all seen them. The first thoughts that enter my mind are; how much is she costing him and who will she be with next week?

A fact is a fact, old farangs with young Thai women are rent a wife relationships and only there as long as the money lasts and the guy is able to keep up with her financial expectations each month. The same principle also applies within gay relationships.

Well your last paragraph covers every group, except the same things apply to a the young men,who think they are exempt,but are most definately not. How old are you BTW?

Well said. Sorry, I'm out of "likes" for the day.


from BJ's Post #100: One thing that does sicken me ... when out and about ...

I've solved that problem -- I'm rarely out & about


reality is lost on so many people

And kids have to learn it.


It's not the business of anyone else and, in any case, who has the qualifications or right to decide what is an acceptable maximum age difference?

This subject is rather overdone on forums and, I suspect, by young and impecunious young men who may take a different view when they are older with some change to jingle in their pockets.

Stand down, gramps.

Of course it's no one's business but if you're a pensioner and your wife/GF is 20 or 30 years your junior, you can't blame people for thinking she's being financially compensated.

I feel sorry for the young Thai women having to endure the embarrassment and shame of running around with fossils because of financial imperatives

I'm not yet a grandfather, young chap.

My wife is a good bit younger than me and has her own business. She relies financially on me for nothing but I do like to treat her to nice things like a second home and a second car. You'll understand when you are more mature that life isn't simply the black and white picture that you see at the moment.

You will also learn in time that people who are happy in their relationships don't give a damn what other people think.

Sounds to me more like you're attempting to buy your wife's love.Why would she need a second car when she can only drive one at a time,ridiculous!


I'm not a fan of woman who seek older men, I'm not saying i'm right but i'm entitled to my thoughts.

I don't think highly of girls that accept gifts like Houses or cars, more so if they have one already,It does not say much about the womans character as she could say no being that it's not needed.

I also could not understand from any point of view why anyone in the right mind would purchase a house in Thailand, It's not and never will be yours.

So you're just not a fan of women then?All girls like older guys because all girls are in love with their Father,it's called the Electra Complex and the male version is the Oedipus Complex.

Some of you wet-behind-the-ears kids on here are very naïve,then again I knew it all when I was in my twenties also!rolleyes.gif

Hot twentysomething girls don't like guys the same age because they are all like dogs with two dicks,it's not a challenge for a hot young girl to date some young idiot who has no idea how to treat her and is way too immature for her!

  • Like 2


It's not the business of anyone else and, in any case, who has the qualifications or right to decide what is an acceptable maximum age difference?

This subject is rather overdone on forums and, I suspect, by young and impecunious young men who may take a different view when they are older with some change to jingle in their pockets.

Stand down, gramps.

Of course it's no one's business but if you're a pensioner and your wife/GF is 20 or 30 years your junior, you can't blame people for thinking she's being financially compensated.

I feel sorry for the young Thai women having to endure the embarrassment and shame of running around with fossils because of financial imperatives

I'm not yet a grandfather, young chap.

My wife is a good bit younger than me and has her own business. She relies financially on me for nothing but I do like to treat her to nice things like a second home and a second car. You'll understand when you are more mature that life isn't simply the black and white picture that you see at the moment.

You will also learn in time that people who are happy in their relationships don't give a damn what other people think.

Sounds to me more like you're attempting to buy your wife's love.Why would she need a second car when she can only drive one at a time,ridiculous!

Try reading my posts and you will see why. She drives and I drive. Never come across a two car family before?


Yep, I'm sure Mick Jagger, Ronnie Wood, Rod Stewart will look at a bunch of old losers on ThaiVisa, drop their girlfriends immediately, and go after the grandmothers instead.

I know a guy who is in his late 70’s, he has a very young wife, she's still in her teens, he treats her like a princess and she seems happy enough, of course, there is more to it than that, but the old bitter and twisted men of ThaiVisa would never understand, they are just jealous, same as I am.

Lets see, he's happy, you're not, not much more to say.

Correct! the Young guys get bitter,because the old guys are taking their young women,and on their territory too,makes me smile when they come over all moralistic,and playing the Puritan.

the type of girls that go to an old guy are a blessing to have taken of our hands, you keep keep taking out the trash and we will be happy my friend.

If you were that happy I doubt you would have bothered to answer me, and calling other mens wives and girlfriends Trash was totally uncalled for .

calling other mens wives and girlfriends Trash was totally uncalled for

Precisely the point I've been trying to make.


I love these threads. They're full of the usual judgmental bitter bigots who tell us that they've moved to Thailand to escape the political correctness of the west and who then use their freedom to whine about relationships that they don't approve of. Here's a CLUE. The lack of political correctness works both ways and applies to you too. If you see people doing things you don't approve of then look the other way or move back to Rochdale.

Nice one!


It's not the business of anyone else and, in any case, who has the qualifications or right to decide what is an acceptable maximum age difference?

This subject is rather overdone on forums and, I suspect, by young and impecunious young men who may take a different view when they are older with some change to jingle in their pockets.

Stand down, gramps.

Of course it's no one's business but if you're a pensioner and your wife/GF is 20 or 30 years your junior, you can't blame people for thinking she's being financially compensated.

I feel sorry for the young Thai women having to endure the embarrassment and shame of running around with fossils because of financial imperatives

That's an interesting point you raise HS. I wonder how many actually do feel embarrassment or shame?

I get the sense it is more seen as just a way of getting by and doesn't carry a lot of shame.


I know a 70 year old man with a woman in her early 30's, he is a good friend of mine and is incredibly fit for his age. He is a good laugh and he was teasing his wife so I replied "why do you put up with that" she replied "because he gives me money".

They both get on together they laugh and joke but they both realise it's a business deal he even says so, she runs a business he paid for and they are all happy.

As long as people are not fooling themselves into thinking love is the driving force behind the relationship then no one gets hurt.

Could I give a rats backside if these aged men pay for young girls? No, go for it, I am still under 40 but I am sure I will still like 25 year old girls when I am 60.

You final sentence

What would be the point of coming to Thailand and not 'dating' girls much younger?

(Assuming you aren't one of these young losers who can't pull a girl your own age in your home country)

(Assuming you aren't one of these young losers who can't pull a girl your own age in your home country)



to many people assume young men are not financially stable.

to many assume youth is an indication of a lack of maturity when they are acting in a less then mature way themselves.

Maturity and experience has nothing to do with age, like I said most people live a life time having done very little yet claim to know so much simply because they are older.

On another note, I really wish people would stop thinking we really give a hoot about any ones relationships, It is however a forum and we were kind of asked to give our view, giving your view does not mean you really care,

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