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English Pronunciation Tutor Wanted


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You are completely wrong on my sources. It comes from 30+ years of language, linguistics and history study, both American and British authors/research. You just assume (ass-u-me) that anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant. I'm not and *I* assume you are less educated on the subject in question, hiding behind your arrogance.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by asupeartea
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You are completely wrong on my sources. It comes from 30+ years of language, linguistics and history study, both American and British authors/research. You just assume (ass-u-me) that anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant. I'm not and *I* assume you are less educated on the subject in question, hiding behind your arrogance. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So these are entirely your words then, devised entirely from your subject knowledge, thought up today and not lifted/copied from any journal, paper or book and the like!!!

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First, Issan is not Lao, as Lao has hundreds of words not used in Thai, Shan, Northern Issan or North Eastern Issan.

Although all the dialects are considered to be of the TAI language, spoken from India to Taiwan.

As for English, are you seeking the most common pronunciation - American, or the less common British or Australian accents...???

There is only one proper pronunciation and that is ENGLISH from an ENGLISHMAN and not these poor and adulterated fake attempts at speaking the QUEENS ENGLISH (especially Ameriglish)!!!

It's been stated that the name of the language needs to be changed since the Eglish are such a small percentage of those who speak it and they are so difficult for all but Britts to understand.

American "English" is the most widely used and most understood, probably do to the American film industry's world wide popularity.

As your post shows, the English are still pom pas arrogant asses who love only themselves.

That's why the rest of the world revolted against them and kicked their asses back to their soggy little island ( and yes, America kicked your as big time in the 1770s and then saved it in both world wars)

You are welcome!cowboy.gifcowboy.gifcowboy.gif

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First, Issan is not Lao, as Lao has hundreds of words not used in Thai, Shan, Northern Issan or North Eastern Issan.

Although all the dialects are considered to be of the TAI language, spoken from India to Taiwan.

As for English, are you seeking the most common pronunciation - American, or the less common British or Australian accents...???

There is only one proper pronunciation and that is ENGLISH from an ENGLISHMAN and not these poor and adulterated fake attempts at speaking the QUEENS ENGLISH (especially Ameriglish)!!!

It's been stated that the name of the language needs to be changed since the Eglish are such a small percentage of those who speak it and they are so difficult for all but Britts to understand.

American "English" is the most widely used and most understood, probably do to the American film industry's world wide popularity.

As your post shows, the English are still pom pas arrogant asses who love only themselves.

That's why the rest of the world revolted against them and kicked their asses back to their soggy little island ( and yes, America kicked your as big time in the 1770s and then saved it in both world wars)

You are welcome!cowboy.gifcowboy.gifcowboy.gif

They didn't teach you how to spell at school then (or how to use a spellchecker)!!!

On the subject of wars and battles I think that you have been watching too many Hollywood movies or reading fictional books.

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As far as a choice of accent/dialect goes, figure out who she communicates with the most and suggest that she learn that one.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Surely the one that she communicates with most IS the one that she is learning at the moment.

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As far as a choice of accent/dialect goes, figure out who she communicates with the most and suggest that she learn that one.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Surely the one that she communicates with most IS the one that she is learning at the moment.

Please inform us your insightful source on this OR is it just another assumption on your part.

I taught British English in China because that was the dialect used in the university entrance exams. No problem. It's what they needed, not what suited my bias in any way.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by asupeartea
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Don't waste any more of your time on shichumsteve (or whatever it is). He won't discuss things but just throw barbs.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Now, now, your defeatist attitude and lack of fight are showing now.

By the way, its Sichonsteve schmucks.

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Depending on her level, I recommend a book with CD specifically designed to help with pronunciation called 'Ship or Sheep'.

Hello again. After Goggling that book I found it on line with voice help. Also I found lots of YouTube videos with pronunciation help. So......will have G/F do some of these practice stuff. Thanks for you suggestion and I should have Goggled it first as lots of stuff there on line.

This might be useful for showing the difficulties even native speakers sometimes face.

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They have a website: www.shiporsheep.com thefreedictionary.com has excellent definitions and sound files of British and American English. I'd suggest she focus on one dialect but listen to others so she is able to understand more than one. VOA.gov, the New York Times, NPR.Org have American English. The BBC has an excellent site. Either ABC.com.au or Australianet. com.au has a top notch English learning site.

Depending on her level, I recommend a book with CD specifically designed to help with pronunciation called 'Ship or Sheep'.
Hello again. After Goggling that book I found it on line with voice help. Also I found lots of YouTube videos with pronunciation help. So......will have G/F do some of these practice stuff. Thanks for you suggestion and I should have Goggled it first as lots of stuff there on line.
This might be useful for showing the difficulties even native speakers sometimes face.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by asupeartea
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Now, now. Your ignorance and arrogance are showing.

Dialects naturally occur when communities of language speakers are separated or overlap (sometimes called "rub against each other" in linguistics). The dominant (most powerful) region's dialect almost always becomes the official "language" as such. That is why English contains so many words with French origins as well as two words for the same/similar things. The ruling French-speaking Norman rulers used the French word for cow meat -- beef, which they ate, while the English-speaking peasants/serfs/slaves spoke "Anglo-Saxon" and used the Germanic word -- cow, which they raised but rarely ate. Over hundreds of years the Norman rulers became anglicized as well as the power shifted and what we call English today became the dominant and official language.

As the British empire expanded, English-speaking communities were spread around the world. These communities were separated by great distances and so naturally developed their own dialects with the differences becoming more pronounced with the decline and almost complete collapse of the British empire. As it declined, the USA, left largely unscathed by WW II, rose to dominance. With its rise in power came much greater use of American English. Now the UK, as a member state in the EU, has its dialect largely used in European business, especially since English is the lingua franca of the EU.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"Now, now. Your ignorance and arrogance are showing".

So using Wickileaks or something similar makes you clever does it??

Go on, tell me you never plagiarised this from another source and these words are purely on account of your expertise on the subjectclap2.gif.

If I am wrong on this, remind me never to arrange to meet you in a pub for a nights stimulating conversation!!!w00t.gif.

Sent from my little pink Nokia that my wife gave me when she upgraded to an I-phone 5.

clap2.gifcheesy.gif Finally a TV-member with a sense of humor and intelligence end common sense behind it. Why do mostly posts on the Pattaya Forum immediately turn into the negative. Much more so than any other regions?? PF.

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Now, now. Your ignorance and arrogance are showing.

Dialects naturally occur when communities of language speakers are separated or overlap (sometimes called "rub against each other" in linguistics). The dominant (most powerful) region's dialect almost always becomes the official "language" as such. That is why English contains so many words with French origins as well as two words for the same/similar things. The ruling French-speaking Norman rulers used the French word for cow meat -- beef, which they ate, while the English-speaking peasants/serfs/slaves spoke "Anglo-Saxon" and used the Germanic word -- cow, which they raised but rarely ate. Over hundreds of years the Norman rulers became anglicized as well as the power shifted and what we call English today became the dominant and official language.

As the British empire expanded, English-speaking communities were spread around the world. These communities were separated by great distances and so naturally developed their own dialects with the differences becoming more pronounced with the decline and almost complete collapse of the British empire. As it declined, the USA, left largely unscathed by WW II, rose to dominance. With its rise in power came much greater use of American English. Now the UK, as a member state in the EU, has its dialect largely used in European business, especially since English is the lingua franca of the EU.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"Now, now. Your ignorance and arrogance are showing".

So using Wickileaks or something similar makes you clever does it??

Go on, tell me you never plagiarised this from another source and these words are purely on account of your expertise on the subjectclap2.gif.

If I am wrong on this, remind me never to arrange to meet you in a pub for a nights stimulating conversation!!!w00t.gif.

Sent from my little pink Nokia that my wife gave me when she upgraded to an I-phone 5.

clap2.gifcheesy.gif Finally a TV-member with a sense of humor and intelligence end common sense behind it. Why do mostly posts on the Pattaya Forum immediately turn into the negative. Much more so than any other regions?? PF.

I'm glad somebody appreciated it as I think that I was becoming something of an irritant with all my so called barbed comments with a certain Mr Asupeartea (I wonder what Asu pear tea tastes like)?

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