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Those Petchabun Gals...


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I once had a long term relationship with a Petchabun girl. Wichian Buri babe to be precise, so totally hot that just a touch of her hand would get me raging for sex even after half a dozen Singhas and a bottle of Mekkong... but there were sort of like elderly foreigners keeling over from heart attacks far too often in Wichain and when I began to sweat and get surreal erections after eating my daily fried rice I began to wonder if I was next in line (common arsenic poisoning symptoms that get worse when you stop ingesting it, BTW!)... I made my excuses and left eventually, crying muself to sleep like a baby for the next six month (and okay I have been in Thailand far too long!).

And once I mentioned to a Bangkok taxi driver that I had a Petchabun gal - he almost swerved off the road, waving his hand and saying no, no, no - anywhere but there.

And then there was the Yank who seemed to jump out of his skin when I mentioned Petchabun, saying he had been in the town itself (a totally dreary hole IMO) and had had to leave with frightening rapidity, fearing for his very life after taking a couple of local girls to a disco, all smiles and charm until a couple of Thai louts turned up and he saw the way things were going. He was so frightened he didn't wait for the bus back to Bangkok but hired a car on the spot to aid his escape!

The sad thing, the gals there are so beautiful and sexy but impossible for them to have a relationship with a foreigner unless they ply the local men with loads of dosh and make sure he has zero face.

The worse province in Thailand?

BTW, the best ###### chicken I have ever tasted.

Edited by gregchambers
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The sad thing, the gals there are so beautiful and sexy but impossible for them to have a relationship with a foreigner unless they ply the local men with loads of dosh and make sure he has zero face.

The worse province in Thailand?

Looks like you had a bad time in Petchabun, I'm the opposite, I met local people in Petchabun City who were really friendly, plus I used to have a GF from Wichian Buri too, great gal, and we are still friends to this day.

I find Thai people react to Farangs very well up country, it all depends on your attitude, if you act like a <deleted>, expect to be treated like one, same as you would anywhere else in the world. :o

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My wife was born in Petchabun, and i am still alive 5 years later so they cant all be bad :o She does try sometimes to talk me to death, but no luck yet :D

Were off upto petchabun in July to see a lot of her family. Most of her family now live in Sakaeo, and she hasnt seen the family in Petchabun since she was a little girl, so i think she is going to have a great tme. Same as her mum and dad who are coming with us. :D

Edited by daleyboy
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I went out with a girl from a tiny village a couple of klicks outside of Wichian Buri.

Excellent girl (woman). Wanted me to marry her. Introduced me to the clan, had a great time (except for drinking all the Lao Khao :D )

You always hear about girls looking to escape to the land of the big PX (trying to get out of their homeland any way they can).

I thought she might be like that, so I told her it was my intention to retire in Thailand, to see what her reaction would be.

Big mistake. She couldn't have been happier (I didn't realize back then that Thai girls would rather stay in Thailand). She showed me her farmland she would let me use for what ever I wanted (I know, I couldn't "own" the land).

She almost had me set up to start teaching english classes and tutoring on the side. All this in less than 6 days (the time we spent in her village) !

Her family seem to think it was a done deal, soon as I came up with the dowry. Fortunately I had to leave before it could get any further. Good thing too.

As circumstances had it, I was only able to return once, for two weeks, in the next 6 years. Wouldn't have been a happy marriage (from my point of view any ways).

I think about her once in awhile. She apparently met someone else and married him. Hope it works out.

I don't think she tried to poison me at all. Maybe she was waiting to get married first, to better know what my net worth was ? :o

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this was a period seven to sixteen years ago that included a few six month periods of living on the outskirts of Wichian Buri in a concrete house I build for the GF (land one rai 6ok, house 120k - Thai prices... if I had actually been anywhere near town when the deals went down they would have been three to five times that, to give you a taste of the rip-offs). One thing I seemed to be really good at, after the surface smiles and pleasantness of the locals, turn my head back towards them quickly as I walked off to clock the nasty scowls. This was an amazingly two-faced place and it would be easy to lose your mind there as it also seemed completely isolated and cut off from Thai civilisation in its location (and was occassionally completely cut off from the world by floods in the rainy season!). The only way I survived there was with the carrot of a large inheritance from an elderly relative (as soon as I got it I disappeared!).

BTW I really did enjoy buying the local gut-rot whisky lao for the babe's relatives and watching them disintegrate before me whilst I swigged my ice cold bottles of Beer Chang (at one point five large ones for 100 baht!). One Norwegian guy liked to join the locals in the whisky lao and ended up completely off his rocker, introducing people to non-existent friends who he claimed were sitting next to him! Some relatively young German guy - who didn't drink - would speak for hours and hours as soon as he turned up, in English, as I was the only one who could understand him! An elderly Swiss basically locked himself in his house whenever the German turned up because being Swiss he could actually understand German and there was no stopping the youth in his verbal gymnastics! Basically, myself aside, natch, most farangs I came across were a bit mad!

The only reason I lived there for any length of time (besides the obvious wild sex, the only time (no vitamin V then) I'd come in the conventional manner and moved straight on without any kind of breather to some backdoor action) was because it was possible to survive very nicely on 200 baht a day for two people - inc lots of beer, whisky lao and the gorgeous chicken. This was not just free sex but I was making a nice montly profit out of my UK house rental and internet business (in the last year or so)...

no wonder I was in line for an early death!

Edited by gregchambers
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