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Woolwich Attack: ' Soldier Beheaded' By Ranting Fanatics On Busy London Street


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Someone mentioned Chamberlain; anyone who lived in Germany in the 1930's would recognise many of the posts here.

Same rhetoric; just a different target.

I am obviously banging my head against a wall of prejudice here. I'll leave this topic to the ignorant.

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I live in Malaysia, a very nice place and the people are absolutely lovely. I do prefer the company of the Malay muslims to the Indian and Chinese here.

Just a question. Has it become the norm for every assault to now be labelled a terrorist attack? Just seems to me that any assault or murder to do with race or religion these days is a terrorist attack instead of just saying some mentally retarded morons murdered and innocent person.

The language of using the word 'terrorist' in this instance seems to be begging for reprisals and inflammation. That's just my 2 satang worth anyway.

PS: No I don't think they should be shot, hanged, executed etc. I would prefer they were tied to a pole in Hyde Park and let the locals throw rocks at them for a few days then set them on fire.

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The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack "a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam,"

Presumably then, the MCB would not object if an Islamic punishment were meted out to these two excuses for human beings, especially since it oversees the use of sharia law in the UK (yes, the UK has sharia law already for some situations).

Perhaps they could use their good offices with the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia, and get them to lend us their official executioner with the big scimitar to carry out the punishment somewhere appropriate -- Wembley Stadium, perhaps.

Even if it doesn't deter other fanatics, it might defuse some of the anger among the real knuckle-draggers of the EDL.

One stark lesson that history teaches us is: appeasing fanatics never works, it only encourages them.

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I'll revisit this later, I've already scored one point in another topic lol All religions share one thing. You don't believe in their version, you burn. Only muslims terrorists seem determined to send you there pdq

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I know many Muslims and have lived in Muslim countries. The vast majority I've met are decent law abiding people who want the best for their families and respect everyone, regardless of religion or ethnic origin. Attacking these people drives them into the arms of the terrorists who will gladly manipulate them.

The french freedom fighters in German occupied France were the hero's, and the average man on the street were banking on them to deliver results, but of course the general public could not come out and openly express their support for the freedom fighters.

My experience in Malaysia - it was clear that the average guy in the average village was in support of Osama Dead Bin Laden.

Hit em where it hurts bad enough for them to call the dogs back in

Don't kid yourself

Edited by skippybangkok
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Outrageous, what has Britain become, where a member of Her Majesty's Armed Fforces can't walk the streets without facing attack? Powells "Rivers of blood" speech may actually have prophesied just that, although probably not his intention.

For too long have the "British" people been like a sleeping dog, laying complacent at the hearth. Now these animals welcomed in & given every opportunity have become so emboldened as to commit this horrific act on Britains streets.

Too late for government to act, as "they" are already embeded in every aspect of political life in the UK. The "mindless morons of the EDL" as some on this forum have called them, are now apparently the last bastion for repriasal as far as Britain is concerned & good luck to them.

Every Muslim living in Britian should should feel shame upon themselves & Islam for breeding, & harbouring such hatred for a country that allowed them to thrive.

Regardless where these animals came from, they are Muslims, no matter what denials or renunciation the Islamic mouth piece in the UK comes out with.

I've read some absolute wet liberal crap on here regarding this & most of it from brits, no wonder the country is in shit, for want of a better term. All Muslims in the UK are now fair game, month after month I read of "home grown" would be Islamic terrorists, of Muslim men colluding on child grooming & rape. Enough is enough...

You're a nasty piece of work, aren't you? I know plenty of peaceful and kind Muslims in the UK- my best friend being one of them- and to label them "fair game" is ridiculous and frankly disgusting... What about those of Pakistani descent who are atheists? Like a mate of mine who had his head kicked in for the odious crime of being the wrong colour, thanks to people like you.

And as for child grooming and rape...

Well, you're right about that. The white community should be ashamed. It's disgusting what white people are doing. I'm with you on that. So, fair play... I don't know I'm not sure why it's white English thing to want to have sex with little children, but I guess you'll agree that any white English folk are 'fair game'... :)


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If this attack had been the other way round, What do you think would be going on in places like Dewsbury and Batley and Bradford?

Exactly Mosha, the cities would be burning, Brits killed by the hundreds.

Defend the indefensible, but any religion that is intolerant of others is more than dangerous.

Muslims are attacked and discriminated against on a regular basis in the UK; yet the violence you hint at doesn't happen.

Muslims being physically attacked and harassed because of their faith

Muslims call for action against hate crimes

>MCB secretary-general Farooq Murad will tell the council's AGM in Birmingham that there must be more monitoring of anti-Muslim crimes in response to incidents including violent assaults, death threats and the desecration of graves. He will also complain that not enough is being done to encourage communities to report crimes to the police.

Nothing on the hate crime figures against Jews, and Muslims are responsible for 50% of those.


It's a good thing the Jews in 30's Germany didn't go around blowing up trains and decapitating people, or they would have got the Nazis really riled.

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If this attack had been the other way round, What do you think would be going on in places like Dewsbury and Batley and Bradford?

Exactly Mosha, the cities would be burning, Brits killed by the hundreds.

Defend the indefensible, but any religion that is intolerant of others is more than dangerous.

Muslims are attacked and discriminated against on a regular basis in the UK; yet the violence you hint at doesn't happen.

Muslims being physically attacked and harassed because of their faith

Muslims call for action against hate crimes

>MCB secretary-general Farooq Murad will tell the council's AGM in Birmingham that there must be more monitoring of anti-Muslim crimes in response to incidents including violent assaults, death threats and the desecration of graves. He will also complain that not enough is being done to encourage communities to report crimes to the police.

Nothing on the hate crime figures against Jews, and Muslims are responsible for 50% of those.


It's a good thing the Jews in 30's Germany didn't go around blowing up trains and decapitating people, or they would have got the Nazis really riled.

One word in retort: Palestine.

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To be a true Muslim, one must take the Quar'an as being the literal word of god. For the benefit or anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to read the full text I refer you simply to the verse of the sword;

"Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them: seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)."

Gods don't kill people

People with Gods kill people

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To be a true Muslim, one must take the Quar'an as being the literal word of god. For the benefit or anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to read the full text I refer you simply to the verse of the sword;

"Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them: seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)."

Gods don't kill people

People with Gods kill people

Another shoddy smear attempt. You claim to have read the Quran. At worst, I call unequivocal BS.

At best, you didn't understand a single word and lack any intelligence to understand context.

Stop cherry-picking and post the whole chapter. Or people in this thread, read the whole of Chapter 9.

There is nothing in the Quran that justifies the complete freedom to kill non-believers.

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I live in Malaysia, a very nice place and the people are absolutely lovely. I do prefer the company of the Malay muslims to the Indian and Chinese here.

Just a question. Has it become the norm for every assault to now be labelled a terrorist attack? Just seems to me that any assault or murder to do with race or religion these days is a terrorist attack instead of just saying some mentally retarded morons murdered and innocent person.

The language of using the word 'terrorist' in this instance seems to be begging for reprisals and inflammation. That's just my 2 satang worth anyway.

PS: No I don't think they should be shot, hanged, executed etc. I would prefer they were tied to a pole in Hyde Park and let the locals throw rocks at them for a few days then set them on fire.

When the murderer(s) scream allah akbar, and then offer their sick explanation as to why they killed the "infidel", I don't think one need doubt this is anything but a terror incident.

Utter nonsense.

It's two loonies..................

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I'll revisit this later, I've already scored one point in another topic lol All religions share one thing. You don't believe in their version, you burn. Only muslims terrorists seem determined to send you there pdq

That's not quite true...................

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To be a true Muslim, one must take the Quar'an as being the literal word of god. For the benefit or anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to read the full text I refer you simply to the verse of the sword;

"Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them: seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)."

Gods don't kill people

People with Gods kill people

Another shoddy smear attempt. You claim to have read the Quran. At worst, I call unequivocal BS.

At best, you didn't understand a single word and lack any intelligence to understand context.

Stop cherry-picking and post the whole chapter. Or people in this thread, read the whole of Chapter 9.

There is nothing in the Quran that justifies the complete freedom to kill non-believers.

Why don't you have a quiet word with the bloke with the blooded clever then. coffee1.gif

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The majority of Muslims in the UK are of Pakistani descent.

Not Arabic descent; not Arabs either ethnically nor by any other measure!

Prejudice and facts; oil and water.

I initially wanted to write Muslim countries, but changed it to Arab countries to avoid smart arse remarks in the line of, what are muslim countries.

I think you get my point.

Of the ten countries in the world with the most Muslim populations none are in Arabia.

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Outrageous, what has Britain become, where a member of Her Majesty's Armed Fforces can't walk the streets without facing attack? Powells "Rivers of blood" speech may actually have prophesied just that, although probably not his intention.

For too long have the "British" people been like a sleeping dog, laying complacent at the hearth. Now these animals welcomed in & given every opportunity have become so emboldened as to commit this horrific act on Britains streets.

Too late for government to act, as "they" are already embeded in every aspect of political life in the UK. The "mindless morons of the EDL" as some on this forum have called them, are now apparently the last bastion for repriasal as far as Britain is concerned & good luck to them.

Every Muslim living in Britian should should feel shame upon themselves & Islam for breeding, & harbouring such hatred for a country that allowed them to thrive.

Regardless where these animals came from, they are Muslims, no matter what denials or renunciation the Islamic mouth piece in the UK comes out with.

I've read some absolute wet liberal crap on here regarding this & most of it from brits, no wonder the country is in shit, for want of a better term. All Muslims in the UK are now fair game,

Even the bloke who delivers my newspaper every morning?

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I'll revisit this later, I've already scored one point in another topic lol All religions share one thing. You don't believe in their version, you burn. Only muslims terrorists seem determined to send you there pdq

That's not quite true...................

Then visit Dewsbury

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The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack "a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam,"

Presumably then, the MCB would not object if an Islamic punishment were meted out to these two excuses for human beings, especially since it oversees the use of sharia law in the UK (yes, the UK has sharia law already for some situations).

It also has Beth Din courts for some situations too.

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The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack "a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam," the Press Association reported.

That's why the two murderers were shouting Allahu Akbar. It's strange how such violent acts have apparently no basis in Islam, yet this seems to be misunderstood worldwide on a daily basis. I wonder why no other religion seems to be so misunderstood.
So if they where resisting a Buddhist chant would that make it a busiest thing or if they where to say in the name of god through Jesus we offer this sacrifice would it mean it was a act of Christianity? No it wouldn't it would mean it was a sick twisted individual.

As is goes Islam is prevalent in many illiterate populations with many educated people twisting the Quran to to get people to do barbaric disgusting things.

These people are the biggest enemies of Islam and all Muslims that want to live peacefully.

I fortunate to be very mixed with three very different ethnicities one of them happens to be Nigerian, I am a Muslim and served in the British forces, my youngest brother is at navy officers academy and the other younger brother at uni on a millinery scholarship in the UK. I have friends who are Muslims who have given there lives fighting these people and I believe it very ignorant for people to see it as a act of Islam, but non the less, it surprises me not its just a shame that the un educated trolls can course so much damaged fuelled by crazy twisted people who don't deserve the death penalty and should be left to rot in a cold damp castle cell in with white noise constantly playing.

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I live in Malaysia, a very nice place and the people are absolutely lovely. I do prefer the company of the Malay muslims to the Indian and Chinese here.

Just a question. Has it become the norm for every assault to now be labelled a terrorist attack? Just seems to me that any assault or murder to do with race or religion these days is a terrorist attack instead of just saying some mentally retarded morons murdered and innocent person.

The language of using the word 'terrorist' in this instance seems to be begging for reprisals and inflammation. That's just my 2 satang worth anyway.

PS: No I don't think they should be shot, hanged, executed etc. I would prefer they were tied to a pole in Hyde Park and let the locals throw rocks at them for a few days then set them on fire.

very well said, a post is needed every now and then that has had some thought and common sense put into it. :)
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