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As A Foreigner, What Is Your Advice For Today's Thai Youth?


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How about finding a job or vocation that you enjoy doing, and be the 10% of happy working people, instead of being in a miserable existence that traps you into a vicious circle that feeds itself by making you work hard to keep doing the things you don't enjoy. Think long term too. Learn a musical instrument too.

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Don't do drugs no matter how it's offered to you,who it's offered by and be strong and say no,no matter who say's it is ok and does no harm.Be strong even if it's your best friend who is trying to convince you.

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Learning English opens up so many doors for you. That's #1.

#2 - DO NOT let the "hip hop" American culture influence the way you act in any way, shape or form. Please. It's stupid and has ruined the youth over here in America. They go from acting intelligent and striving to be a better person to acting like they are "gangsters" and trying to imitate a way of life that only a small percentage of the youth over here actually grow up and experience without having to try. I'm sure those kids wish they did not have to and could "have it good" like the rest of the idiotic kids who want to banish the resources of a good upbringing just to act like they come from the "projects" and are "thugs" or whatever. Most of them end up doing dumb stuff that gives them a criminal record and lands them in jail. Be yourself and not try to be like the guys you see on TV and the radio rapping about that life, because it's all fake. They don't live like that. It's entertainment.

Yes, the instant gratification mode is driving that ugly machine, glamour, badness,self expressionism,ego,sex,sex,sex,drugs,designer drugs, designer everything, it is a topographical thinking of no depth or insight. Shallow and mean, angry and dis-respectful. Too much negative energy.

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Do not learn English or you will have to put up with whinging Farangs.Get as much education as you can to follow one of two professions.Become a Plumber or a Doctor.The big money is in shit

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Stop wasting so much time in front of the mirror!

And using so much time taking photos of yourself with mobile phones whatever. Recently the PM said that Thailand was the biggest brothel in the world, or words to that effect. I have not been to other countries to compare, but I think Thailand would also be up there when it comes to having the most self involved, conceited kids per capita of anywhere. They have at their finger tips, via state of the art technology, access to the world, absolutely everything, but use it for games and showing off their own faces. No wonder they are ignorant. Why do companies outsource call centres and other facilities to India? Because the Indians WORK, and also know the value of English. How many Indians are there in Silicon Valley? .. against how many Thais? ... hmmm.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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don't become like farang youth

Care to elaborate?
Have you been on the town in a western country of a Friday or Saturday night lately.

Need I say more, Girls laying in the gutter with their legs open, covered in their own vomit, friends laughing.

Girls and guys fighting with police.

could go on and on, no respect for teachers, parents or themselves.

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Education. Doesn't necessarily have to be College. The Thai Elite will always need Satellite dishes, Air Conditioning,

Mechanics, plumbers, Electricians.

As someone else posted , forget about trying to keep up with the other punks in your group. Its like a dog chasing its tail.

If you do go to college, go to the USA, England, or Australia.

Chulai 6768

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I love it, everyone wants Thais to do things the western way.

But hang on a minute, didn't we come here because we didn't like the western way.

My advice, don't take any advice from western foreigners, their economies are in ruins, their women hate them, and they just want their banks to own you.

Oh, oh, and if you really want to learn a foreign language, try Mandarin, more visitors speak that than English.

I was thinking similarly, only I would add, keep producing those sweet young ladies
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"Learn as much English as possible. Master the language."

It depends on what Thai youth you are talking to. The emphasis on the learning of the English language for the majority of Thais is quite frankly overrated, as most of them will never use it! This will probably upset the teaching fraternity on TV, but for the majority of the country outside the commercial areas they speak and run their lives using Thai as they have done for centuries.

Why would a rice/sugar cane farmer need to know another language as all his trading is done inside Thailand? If he doesn't need to know, why should his workers? These type of workers will never be trading in the international markets. They will have minimal contact with foreigners. That is the way it is and for people who think that learning a new language is going to change this, sorry, you are living in a dream world.

I think you might be living in a dream world. Do you think that Thai youths want to become farmers and work hard? (for little money).

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So much good advice OMG! as they say in Thailand. The problem is education. Thais are taught to learn school by rote, thinking is not encouraged unless you are very bright. The custom of giving things to kids without them having to earn anything is not good. So the best things for kids - 1. Learn English and anything else you are interested in.

2. Work a bit to earn money - even when you are at school

3. Travel to another country - you might discover that everyone else is not rich

4. There is more to life than technology - have a phone free day.

5. If you are a boy - the girls here are already ahead of you.

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Learn with diligence and humility, especially English and other languages. Don't waste your 20s, otherwise you'll regret it in your 30s, 40s, 50s... Bear in mind that many farangs are relatively well-off because they had been working hard (e.g. studying into their mid 30s, often working full-time at the same time, instead of hanging out with drinking buddies every evening or chasing săao săao and making them pregnant) before they came to Thailand.

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Learn with diligence and humility, especially English and other languages. Don't waste your 20s, otherwise you'll regret it in your 30s, 40s, 50s... Bear in mind that many farangs are relatively well-off because they had been working hard (e.g. studying into their mid 30s, often working full-time at the same time, instead of hanging out with drinking buddies every evening or chasing săao săao and making them pregnant) before they came to Thailand.

"many farangs are relatively well-off because they had been working hard" - many farangs think that their relative "success" is down to themselves but fail to realise that they made their "wealth" (not SUCCESS) by having the luck to be born into a rich, democratic society which gave them the opportunity to work........

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