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Eva Air


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So, booked Eva flights Lhr-BKK end July.

Child has asked whether they still have the 'secret' noodles if you don't the dinner?

Any experience of this? They used to serve but you needed to be in the know and ask!


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Thanks all. So the secret noodles still do exist.

No point in ordering a child meal as the food is crap,filth.

In your honest expert opinion................. Anything else you want to condemn whilst you are at it?

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Thanks all. So the secret noodles still do exist.

No point in ordering a child meal as the food is crap,filth.

In your honest expert opinion................. Anything else you want to condemn whilst you are at it?

I thought the food in Premium Economy was OK. Just OK and no more. The sweets were better than average for economy.

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Chupup thx but I don't care what you think.

I've flown Eva many many times and hate the food on all aircraft.

I even flew Concorde back from JFK once and thought that was crap and filth too.

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Thanks all. So the secret noodles still do exist.

No point in ordering a child meal as the food is crap,filth.

I find the food on EVA really good..... for airline food
Seems to be a common theme here.......
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I really do not think they would be allowed to serve Filth:

filth [filth]
offensive or disgusting dirt or refuse; foul matter: the filth dumped into our rivers.
foul condition: to live in filth.
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I travel extremely frequently and apart from one meal on Turkish airlines and one on Aeroflot (both over 10 years ago), I find mist airline food adequate and in some cases (klm / cathay) very good. Bearing in mind you aren't in a restaurant I think they do OK.

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I really do not think they would be allowed to serve Filth:






offensive or disgusting dirt or refuse; foul matter: the filth dumped into our rivers.

foul condition: to live in filth.

Maybe a bad choice of wording Inedible more like. When I went back last year with EVA the roll that went with the meal was just that it was more like a crisp bread hot but as you tried to pull it apart it just crumbled in your hand and there I was looking like I had very bad dandruff.

What I do now is eat a good meal before I travel and only take the food offered so I can get the cup for coffee. In my opinion peep's that like airline meal's are not a very good judge of food maybe spend most of their time eating in burger joint's.

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If the OP doesn't like any airline food, that's certainly his right.

But to call the in-flight meals on EVA "filth" is absurd and ridiculous.

I've flown on many different carriers... usually in economy or premium economy. And EVA's meals have been among the better ones I've had in the air -- and there have been a whole lot far worse.

Also, at least as of the last time I flew with them, even in economy, you had quite a choice of different meals based on health/diet considerations -- like vegetarian, low carb, low salt, no meat, etc etc.

Frankly, if the OP thinks that of EVA's inflight meals, I don't see how he could ever eat ANYTHING prepared in Thailand!

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I really do not think they would be allowed to serve Filth:





offensive or disgusting dirt or refuse; foul matter: the filth dumped into our rivers.

foul condition: to live in filth.

Maybe a bad choice of wording Inedible more like. When I went back last year with EVA the roll that went with the meal was just that it was more like a crisp bread hot but as you tried to pull it apart it just crumbled in your hand and there I was looking like I had very bad dandruff.

What I do now is eat a good meal before I travel and only take the food offered so I can get the cup for coffee. In my opinion peep's that like airline meal's are not a very good judge of food maybe spend most of their time eating in burger joint's.

Quite strange as I often arrive at Heathrow having just eaten in a Michelin starred restaurant in the area, so I am certainly not an eater of pig swill. Although the food onboard is by no means 5 star, for the majority of the time it is the best of a bad job. To call it filth is an insult and shows a total lack of comprehension/understanding of the airline meal business. To me people who use the word peeps to describe human beings are not very good......

Edited by RabC
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Thanks all. So the secret noodles still do exist.

No point in ordering a child meal as the food is crap,filth.

Those instant noodles are the biggest crap, it contains palmoil, msg and wax.

When departing from the Netherlands the EVA Air food is not too bad, I love it.

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Thanks all. So the secret noodles still do exist.

No point in ordering a child meal as the food is crap,filth.

In your honest expert opinion................. Anything else you want to condemn whilst you are at it?


Everybody has different likes and dislikes and taste choices. No problem with that for me. i've flown EVA a bunch and sincerely think their meals are quite good. Now JAL is is a different matter altogether unless floating fish parts in a clear gelatin as a main course is one's preference. The Japanese lady sitting next to me finished off mine as well as hers.

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If the OP doesn't like any airline food, that's certainly his right.

But to call the in-flight meals on EVA "filth" is absurd and ridiculous.

I've flown on many different carriers... usually in economy or premium economy. And EVA's meals have been among the better ones I've had in the air -- and there have been a whole lot far worse.

Also, at least as of the last time I flew with them, even in economy, you had quite a choice of different meals based on health/diet considerations -- like vegetarian, low carb, low salt, no meat, etc etc.

Frankly, if the OP thinks that of EVA's inflight meals, I don't see how he could ever eat ANYTHING prepared in Thailand!

If you are comparing airline food to food in Thailand you are crazy!!!

I agree with an earlier post in that those who actually believe that airline food is decent probably frequent burger joints often and do not eat good food.

It's rubbish, pre prepared in massive bulk. Not for me as I say.

I always take sandwiches from M&S, crisps, and other snacks.

This cost originally asked about noodles served in board which are edible (just) but one again its turned into a bun fight!!!!

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Flying them next month with no great expectations for the food. And if that is how it turns out I think we will manage to survive 12 hours in the air, M&S sandwiches, tub of fruit, choccie bar. Not difficult.

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