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Suggestions For Lawyer, Company Formation.


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Hello. Title says it all really. I need a lawyer to help me form a company in Hua Hin. The company in question will be a small call center employing a handful of Brits in office space so I guess I need a lawyer who is wise to the various tricks and angles required to meet to the whole work permit issue for Ferang staff.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.

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Also take a thought on BOI (Board of Investment) facilities... a lot of privileges as reduced taxes, duty free foreigner employment and so on...

It require an investmente (but you can do it in about 2 years)...

Just i have no idea if possible for a call center...

It worth to reach informations.


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Talk to Jane at Chavalit & Partners (British lawyer been in Hua Hin for yonks), not sure if company formation is her specialty, but if it isn't she will say so and won't waste your time. If it is, you are in very good hands.

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Also take a thought on BOI (Board of Investment) facilities... a lot of privileges as reduced taxes, duty free foreigner employment and so on...

It require an investmente (but you can do it in about 2 years)...

Just i have no idea if possible for a call center...

It worth to reach informations.


Thanks, that is something that I had considered but in truth, know little about so I will need consultation on this with the lawyer I guess.

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Talk to Jane at Chavalit & Partners (British lawyer been in Hua Hin for yonks), not sure if company formation is her specialty, but if it isn't she will say so and won't waste your time. If it is, you are in very good hands.

Indeed I will, thats very much appreciated thank you. I will call her on Tuesday and hopefull set up a meeting. Thanks again.

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Hua Hin....the hub of call centers

An other one that will bite the dust. Just let it roll. Advice is pointless.


With such a negative attitude delivered by one of life's defeated (Im presuming) I very much appreciate that you are unable to offer advice. It would have no value.

Knowing nothing about the call centre, the person driving the business or his/her background, the service/product at the heart of it OR where the hell the calls are actualy going to and to whom, you are convinced of failure. Incredible.

I know of only one or two international ferang run call centres's in Hua Hin. Im intrigued to know of the huge number of failures you refer to. Please elaborate.

I Guess my 10 years in Thailand running an extremely successful business with hearty revenues must have been a complete and utter fluke.

What a twit you are sir. Jump back into your Chang Beer and continue to hold nothing but contempt for the rest of us who make an effort in life.

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Hua Hin....the hub of call centers

An other one that will bite the dust. Just let it roll. Advice is pointless.


With such a negative attitude delivered by one of life's defeated (Im presuming) I very much appreciate that you are unable to offer advice. It would have no value.

Knowing nothing about the call centre, the person driving the business or his/her background, the service/product at the heart of it OR where the hell the calls are actualy going to and to whom, you are convinced of failure. Incredible.

I know of only one or two international ferang run call centres's in Hua Hin. Im intrigued to know of the huge number of failures you refer to. Please elaborate.

I Guess my 10 years in Thailand running an extremely successful business with hearty revenues must have been a complete and utter fluke.

What a twit you are sir. Jump back into your Chang Beer and continue to hold nothing but contempt for the rest of us who make an effort in life.

All the news points to the call centers doing quite well, hence the remark "hub of call centers"..good luck with your venture

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Hua Hin....the hub of call centers

An other one that will bite the dust. Just let it roll. Advice is pointless.


With such a negative attitude delivered by one of life's defeated (Im presuming) I very much appreciate that you are unable to offer advice. It would have no value.

Knowing nothing about the call centre, the person driving the business or his/her background, the service/product at the heart of it OR where the hell the calls are actualy going to and to whom, you are convinced of failure. Incredible.

I know of only one or two international ferang run call centres's in Hua Hin. Im intrigued to know of the huge number of failures you refer to. Please elaborate.

I Guess my 10 years in Thailand running an extremely successful business with hearty revenues must have been a complete and utter fluke.

What a twit you are sir. Jump back into your Chang Beer and continue to hold nothing but contempt for the rest of us who make an effort in life.

My dear longhsoot. If you would have been in Thailand, running a successful business for 10 years, you would not have to ask for any "Start-up-business-lawyers". You would already know where to go!


Newly formed call-centers are being scrutinized by Thai-Authorities far as their product is concerned. As far as I understand, you want to sell to Farangs (hiring Brits). Selling what to Farangs?

Is it condominiums, international health-insurance or are you in the posession of mobile numbers and sending out SMS claiming "you have won 650'000 pounds in the UK-Lottery"?

A call center in Hua-Hin: Most Fangs in Hua-Hin can be considered "wealthy". Will be hard to find english speaking staff, willing to work for 20'000 Bht a month.

But nevertheless, you can always PM me, if you think you have a viable (legal) call-center concept on hand.

Otherwise, keep us all posted and share your success-story as time and the project unfolds.


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I have been running a small but
very profitable company for 10 years working remotely, based out of Thailand.
The business I have had success with has nothing to do with Thailand,
other than I run it from here. That’s not uncommon in this day and age
and I should say that my experience is Telecoms related and does not involve anything
even slightly sinister. The Call Centre I plan to launch is service
related, targeting Brits in the UK and is a fairly recent, but common business
model employed by many call centers in the UK right now and I need staff for
outbound and inbound calls. Owing to
this, I need a call center. Owing to
that, I need a company. Owing to my love
of Thailand and reticence to ever return to the UK, I would like to do so here.
The business that I have been running
for 10 years has staff (albeit only a couple) in the UK and with this new
venture, I want British staff based here. It’s a simple as that. I have never had any reason to seek a lawyer
here and I genuinely, and foolishly just expected a couple of referral posts.

I appreciate your feedback but I must go on to say that this forum bewilders me.
It’s so hard to ask a simple question and receive a relevant answer
without lots of opinion and conjecture and it’s all so tedious and predictable
and annoying. I’m waiting for posters to hit me with allegations of boiler
rooms, SMS scams, lottery scams... It’s inevitable on this forum. It
truly is. You can’t win. Apparently, If you make a post about the viability
of running a bar or eatery in HH, you are destined to become an alcoholic and
lose every penny you have to a 4 foot bar girl from Nakhon Knowhere that you
are destined to fall head over heels for.
If you make a post regarding land and house, you must surely be involved
in something illegal and have acquaintances named “Tommy Two Toes” and now,
here we are discussing a Call Centre -
my first and only post looking for advice related to any kind of business – and
I am destined for failure. I just asked
for a bloody lawyer contact.

I don’t know why I allow this
forum to wind me up so much, but it does, and it shouldn’t because it is hugely
counterproductive and futile and for that reason, I would ask the mods to
kindly block this thread.

Rant over, sorry.

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I have been running a small but

very profitable company for 10 years working remotely, based out of Thailand.

The business I have had success with has nothing to do with Thailand,

other than I run it from here. That’s not uncommon in this day and age

and I should say that my experience is Telecoms related and does not involve anything

even slightly sinister. The Call Centre I plan to launch is service

related, targeting Brits in the UK and is a fairly recent, but common business

model employed by many call centers in the UK right now and I need staff for

outbound and inbound calls. Owing to

this, I need a call center. Owing to

that, I need a company. Owing to my love

of Thailand and reticence to ever return to the UK, I would like to do so here.

The business that I have been running

for 10 years has staff (albeit only a couple) in the UK and with this new

venture, I want British staff based here. It’s a simple as that. I have never had any reason to seek a lawyer

here and I genuinely, and foolishly just expected a couple of referral posts.

I appreciate your feedback but I must go on to say that this forum bewilders me.

It’s so hard to ask a simple question and receive a relevant answer

without lots of opinion and conjecture and it’s all so tedious and predictable

and annoying. I’m waiting for posters to hit me with allegations of boiler

rooms, SMS scams, lottery scams... It’s inevitable on this forum. It

truly is. You can’t win. Apparently, If you make a post about the viability

of running a bar or eatery in HH, you are destined to become an alcoholic and

lose every penny you have to a 4 foot bar girl from Nakhon Knowhere that you

are destined to fall head over heels for.

If you make a post regarding land and house, you must surely be involved

in something illegal and have acquaintances named “Tommy Two Toes” and now,

here we are discussing a Call Centre -

my first and only post looking for advice related to any kind of business – and

I am destined for failure. I just asked

for a bloody lawyer contact.

I don’t know why I allow this

forum to wind me up so much, but it does, and it shouldn’t because it is hugely

counterproductive and futile and for that reason, I would ask the mods to

kindly block this thread.

Rant over, sorry.

Longshoot, my critical comments should not be cause for you to throw yourself out of the basement window. Your above comments have meaning in a certain way.

- I myself made it possible to establish a Call-Center for UPS in Dublin (Ireland), strictly for the German- Speaking customers. Nothing but hard work. with little reward.

- After that, I took over the "European-Complaints-Departement" for DHL and "Deutsche-Post", since they merged their Business-Acitivities. I got this job by being fluent in english, french and german and had an unsurpassed skill as far as diplomacy is concerned. Along the way we sold a massive amount of by-products.

All this means to say, that I am not unfamiliar with the inner workings of a Call- Center and the development of call-centers in the first place.

Selling procedure: Must be 100% legal, otherwise, I will not touch it. If interested, PM me. And no, I will not work for 20'000 Bht a month.


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