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Foreigner Killed In Bangkok Bar Fight


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OR spend 50 years as "enlightened" Commies.

My Thai girlfriend bought me a small and easily hidden razor cutter, the kind kids have in their stationary bags to cut paper. No explanation but she DID think I should always carry it. I don't but I might start. Perhaps the Libyan didn't realize that Thailand is such a dangerous place and he should have been armed himself.

2 weeks ago I was in a new coffee shop in the new gas station and chatting with an old guy. His family was with him. He asked if I speak Thai and I said that I speak a little. Then, out of the blue, he said, "you know people around here don't like foreigners." His daughter/granddaughter understood and turned bright red. My response was quite Asian, I nodded and said, "I see," and then excused myself and left.

I run into it allot also. I do not drink, and have never been in a bar here in Thailand. And have lived here for a few years. I love photography and travel extensively all over Thailand. It is amazing how many Thais really dislike foreigners. Many times when shooting with other Thais I am confronted or treated with disrespect. I personally am tired of it. I look at it as a no win for me. Better to leave than fight IMO.

There is good reason for that. History teaches that two of the most undesirable things have come in the wake of farang: Imperialism and Ethnocentrism. Any guess why Thailand did not succumb?

Pity they don't teach the Thais That it was Falang that kept there freedom for them, and why they don't speak Japanese today.

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I sometimes wonder why I stay reading how dangerous Thailand is. After 15 years haver never seen an inkling of a fight. Maybe am going to the wrong places and have the wrong sort of friends.

Maybe you are not observant enough. For example, last Sunday at around 1pm, 27th May, I was driving back home from Sukumvit, and as I turned left off Sukumvit and onto the Bangna Trat, just where the mini-vans all stop, there was a hell of a punch-up going on between a few Thais. Another time, I saw a bloody beating given to a tuk tuk driver just outside of Central Chitlom as I was approaching Sukumvit from Petburi road. I was waiting outside a petrol station in Chonburi, last November, and I saw a bus suddenly stop, the driver leap out with an axe and proceed to batter 2 motorcycle riders senseless (apparently one died later).

I could go on and on and on.

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My advice is; avoid altercations and major disputes in Thailand, including the whole South Asian region.

Guns here are as easy to obtain as a bar of candy, if you know where to look, some make their own guns, even my mother in law, obtained from a cousin, has a gun in her home, although I doubt she has the knowledge to use it.

The philosophy here is; shoot first, worry about the consequences later.

Avoid road rage, arguments in bars, with neighbors and in other public places. Pick and choose the company you keep carefully in Thailand, stay within the boundaries of the laws, keep smiling, don`t lose your rag, calm any Western aggressions and keep a low profile.

My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai and the above is his advice. Ignore at your peril.


Edited by Beetlejuice
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We all know how this went down so let's stop the BS please :

Spicy,Boss and Bossy are all owned by high-ranking Policemen.There's a table of off-duty Police in there and an Arab drunk guy,Arab drunk guy's probably been groping girls all night and been turned down by more than a few!
He's probably looking for trouble anyway,doesn't want to pay his bill or maybe he's told,very politely,to stop giving the girls a hard time.He flies into a rage because he's a tough guy Arab who can't handle his drink and comes out swinging,maybe picks up a bottle or glass and threatens the off-duty Police Officer.
Police Officer not wanting to get hurt,draws his gun and shoots a few rapid-fire shots,unfortunately there is some collateral damage to some innocent bystanders but the job is done and the Arab is down.

Self-defense,end of story,move along please nothing more to see here!

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My advice is; avoid altercations and major disputes in Thailand, including the whole South Asian region.

Guns here are as easy to obtain as a bar of candy, if you know where to look, some make their own guns, even my mother in law, obtained from a cousin, has a gun in her home, although I doubt she has the knowledge to use it.

The philosophy here is; shoot first, worry about the consequences later.

Avoid road rage, arguments in bars, with neighbors and in other public places. Pick and choose the company you keep carefully in Thailand, stay within the boundaries of the laws, keep smiling, don`t lose your rag, calm any Western aggressions and keep a low profile.

My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai and the above is his advice. Ignore at your peril.

Really,well I never!Have you ever told anyone on here before?rolleyes.gif

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land of guns !!! 47 % have a gun the copy the style of thai tv series you only cool when you have a gun , chai mai krap ?

Expensive resorts offer bulletproof wests for free, if you go out !!!

Edited by aechzen
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I think we're all missing the point here. Going to places full of alpha males who have a high probability of being intoxicated is a high risk scenario. Ego's are high and reasoning is low.

Why would an "alpha male" be looking to pay for sex with a prostitute in a low grade bar in a third world country?

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The first couple of years that I lived here, I spent practically every night in either a karaoke bar, pool bar or one of those roadside bars along Sukhumvit (Bangkok). The only trouble makers that I ever saw were either farangs or Middle Easterners. Most of the male Thais that were around were either workers or bouncers - it is not in their interest to create trouble as it would be bad for business.

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"The gunman, now in police custody, is said to have told authorities that he drew the gun only as a last resort as it became obvious that he and his pals were about to lose the fight"

Poor guy. Got into a fight and couldn't win it so he had to shoot. Let him go.

Yup don't get into fights with Thais, you can't win.

They will either gang up or pulling knifes/guns or whatever they can find.

Better loose face and walk away and live another day.

Thais may lose face by walking away. Mature adults don't.

So you've just painted millions of people with a single brushstroke. Very mature...

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I think we're all missing the point here. Going to places full of alpha males who have a high probability of being intoxicated is a high risk scenario. Ego's are high and reasoning is low.

Why would an "alpha male" be looking to pay for sex with a prostitute in a low grade bar in a third world country?

Yeah ... impossible ... could never happen ... 'alpha males' stick to high end bars working on 'regular girls' ... /sarcasm off

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My advice is; avoid altercations and major disputes in Thailand, including the whole South Asian region.

Guns here are as easy to obtain as a bar of candy, if you know where to look, some make their own guns, even my mother in law, obtained from a cousin, has a gun in her home, although I doubt she has the knowledge to use it.

The philosophy here is; shoot first, worry about the consequences later.

Avoid road rage, arguments in bars, with neighbors and in other public places. Pick and choose the company you keep carefully in Thailand, stay within the boundaries of the laws, keep smiling, don`t lose your rag, calm any Western aggressions and keep a low profile.

My son is a policeman in Chiang Mai and the above is his advice. Ignore at your peril.

Really,well I never!Have you ever told anyone on here before?rolleyes.gif

Than no need to bother reading my post.

In Thailand, it`s up to you. Do what you feel you know best.

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Why is a Pattaya radio station reporting this? Didn't BKK newspapers pick up this story and report it? Or have I just missed it? Somethings smells here and it ain't the rotten fish in Denmark

It has been reported by Bangkok papers, yesterday.

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Poor Lybian bloke ... living in Lybia dangerous as heck

comes to Thailand to nail a few Thai bar girls and gets shot


Great speech man. Keep on spreading the idea that every guy who comes to Thailand is a whore hunter. Bravo.

I think the comment was relevant as they were at a bar that no doubt procures these services. I did not take it that every male coming to Thailand was as you said. Why would you think that unless....
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Why is a Pattaya radio station reporting this? Didn't BKK newspapers pick up this story and report it? Or have I just missed it? Somethings smells here and it ain't the rotten fish in Denmark

No it's the smelly fish in NEP

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A tragic accident. The Arab was almost certainly lost and had stopped to ask directions. Everybody knows that Arabs do not frequent bars that serve alcohol and have scantily clad tarts everywhere.

Are you trying to take the pi$$? You ever been to the ME?

Yes you might have a 'jaidam' but that's where it ends.

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I have no doubt that Alcohol will have played a large part in this incident .

I think so too, but the alcohol drug itself rarely takes much of the blame in this and similar incidents. If instead the people involved in the fight were on some other illegal drug then a large weight of the blame would go to that drug.

The problem is that there is no other alternative party drug that is legal, so people just consume alcohol as it's the only option. Many of the currently illegal drugs like cannabis or MDMA would be much better alternatives as they are much less harmful to both users and others than alcohol.

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Yesterday's Thai Daily News (28/05/13) is reporting that the gunman, 30 year-old Ektana Saengdawkmai, is a sergeant in the Thai army and the deceased was a Libyan businessman in the clothes industry.
The soldier said he'd gone out for a drink to the pub with a friend and the Libyan was sitting with friends at an adjacent table. The incident was sparked by them [accidently?] bumping into each other in the pub, which lead to a fist fight, followed by the shooting.
Police have charged the soldier with murder and carrying and discharging a weapon in a public place without proper reason.

Tharath described the soldier as being drunk and smelling strongly of alcohol when arrested.

Edited by katana
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