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N A S A's Apollo Navigator Found Dead With Rope Around Neck In Thailand


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Pity they have to include so many details, The family would probably prefer to have keep this quiet.

nothing is private in Thailand and respect for family doesn't exist. I agree there didn't have to be so much detail.

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Wow some TVFers either are incredibly ignorant or derive pleasure from spreading lies.

Claiming that the Russians who currently are the ferry service for NASA need NASA's special secrets is downright idiotic. There are no secrets. The Russians and USA have been working together for a decade on the space station. Let me guess? The Russians covet a design where gaskets fail on an an engine causing it to explode? The deceased was long out of NASA and any technical knowledge he had was obsolete. It is more likely, the USA would be spying on the Russians as the US space program has been underfunded and neglected for over a decade.

He was about to break the news that America never really landed on the moon, so he had to go, and go in a way that destroyed his credibility.

The drugs, hanging, nakedness is all a bogus CIA set-up plot.

But on a brighter note, he was having fun, 76 was a decent age to go, and he was healthy when it ended. Good luck to him.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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David Carradine seems to have set a trend for "choking" oneself to death.

You beat me too it. This looks like a copycat wierd sex scene gone wrong similar to David Carradine in a BKK hotel.

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David Carradine seems to have set a trend for "choking" oneself to death.

You beat me too it. This looks like a copycat wierd sex scene gone wrong similar to David Carradine in a BKK hotel.

Mike Hutchence (INXS) started this ball rolling in 1997 in Sydney.

David Carradine was the copycat in 2009.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Pity they have to include so many details, The family would probably prefer to have keep this quiet.

Well, you can't please everyone. With fewer details, all the usual guys would be out now claiming he was killed and how it's all a cover up.

Can't win, reporting news.

Right, we need details. And seeing these details it becomes obvious that he was killed. If all they need to persuade you it was not a crime is to bring sex toys and meth then you're naive. Anyway try to hang yourself with a rope around the genitals. And yes, thanks the media for reporting details. Some news need even more details.

What do you mean we need details? You have no right to require any more details unless you are immediate family and family would be unlikely to publish it unless they suspected foul play. There is no reason to suspect that it was anything other than an unfortunate accident. There were two ropes. He may have tied up the "lower" rope first then the second one around the neck so your suggestion that he couldn't have done it himself is not correct.

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David Carradine seems to have set a trend for "choking" oneself to death.

What idiots. Thousands and thousands of young, beautiful, very willing sex partners ... male and female ... easily and readily available, and these fools choose to masturbate alone in a closet. Go figure.

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I fail to see how reporting the more salacious aspects of this tragic incident serves anyone. Except the media outlets trying to profit off of it.

And the public who loves this stuff ... and TV members who like to discuss it.

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Apart from the Mae Tao clinic, little in Mae Sot is what it appears to be, . Many foreigners in Mae Sot are not who they claim to be. But when in Mae Sot, well all those alphabet soup NGO lasses sure are cute. But why was this old guy in, of all places, Mae Sot? It is not exactly a tourist town.

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In my opinion, the media should not have the right to give out such details and simply announce that person X was found dead and that circumstances surrounding the death are yet to be determined. As long as family and heirs not give an ok, these details need to stay private - full stop!

If it would have been a Thai who had means or was well known, none of that would have been mentioned. They would have simply said he hung himself at best.

Since foreigners mean less to most Thais than a buffalo, there is no harm or wrongdoing in their eyes by embarrassing his family and dishonoring his life and tragic passing.

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A very good friend died in his rented room a few years ago. The local police were laughing when they saw the body, and totally devoid of any compassion or decency when dealing with the situation. When it comes my time to pop my clogs I will be in a much more civilised country, where the hams (hairless asian monkeys) connot go through my apartment, grinning while they take whatever they please. Third world squared !

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David Carradine seems to have set a trend for "choking" oneself to death.

I was wondering what the final verdict on his death was. Some one had said it was a sex related issue.

Death by "thousand palms masturbation technique". :(

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Thank god for through reporting on the part of the BKK Post. Without mention of the reported "sex toys" the article would have had little relevance.

I see no mention of that tidbit in the original article online by the Houston Chronicle.

I wonder if the gentleman died from a heart attach before he managed to tie himself up in a knot or afterward? I suspect he did it after his death.

"I wonder if the gentleman died from a heart attach before he managed to tie himself up in a knot or afterward? I suspect he did it after his death." Aren't you the "astute" one? A large amount of methamphetamine and asphyxiation may just possibly have put a bit of strain on his 76 year old heart. Eh Watson?w00t.gif

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A very good friend died in his rented room a few years ago. The local police were laughing when they saw the body, and totally devoid of any compassion or decency when dealing with the situation. When it comes my time to pop my clogs I will be in a much more civilised country, where the hams (hairless asian monkeys) connot go through my apartment, grinning while they take whatever they please. Third world squared !

Why wait, why not just leave now? Clearly you hate the Thais. But rest assured, when you do drop dead, wherever you are, the "local police will be laughing when they see your body, and totally devoid of any compassion or decency when dealing with the situation." It's called karma and it happens to haters such as yourself.

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NASA's Apollo navigator found dead with rope around neck in Thailand

By Robert Stanton

BANGKOK: -- A retired NASA official who served on the Apollo Navigation Team has been found dead inside a home in Thailand, the Bangkok Post reported Tuesday in its online editions.

Police Col. Ekarat Intasueb, chief of Mae Sot police station, told the newspaper that Paul Milford Muller, Ph.D., was found with a rope tied around his genitals and waist and another rope tied around his neck, hanging from a knob of his bedroom door.

There were no signs that Muller, 76, had been assaulted, according to the Bangkok Post.

Muller appeared to have died from asphyxiation or from a heart attack after a drug overdose, police said.

Investigators told the Bangkok Post that equipment for injecting crystal methamphetamine, five methamphetamine pills and several sex toys were also found in the room.

Police suspect that Muller had been dead about three days when his body was found in the Tak province of Thailand. The body was sent to Mae Sot hospital for a post-mortem examination.

Full story: http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/NASA-s-Apollo-navigator-found-dead-with-rope-4553725.php

-- Houston Chronicle 2013-05-29

His name was "Muller" or "Mulder" ... The truth is out there !

And it wasn' any trace found from Scully near him?

I guess it must have a Scully in the story, maybe a Thai version of her...

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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He had a PhD, decided to spend some time in Mae Sot of all places rather than living it up in a mansion in the good 'ol USA and then did crystal meth while screwing himself. OMG this is all so confusing I can't make sense of it.

With his very special tastes I doubt the fact he had a PhD played much part in his decision to move to Thailand versus some boring mansion miles from anything in the states. Though I believe rope and crystal meth is also readily available there. And I think Michael Hutchence from INXS had the dubious pleasure (no pun intended :o))) of being way ahead of Carradine when it comes to death by auto erotic asphyxiation. How can you hang yourself from a door knob anyway?

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A very good friend died in his rented room a few years ago. The local police were laughing when they saw the body, and totally devoid of any compassion or decency when dealing with the situation. When it comes my time to pop my clogs I will be in a much more civilised country, where the hams (hairless asian monkeys) connot go through my apartment, grinning while they take whatever they please. Third world squared !

Why wait, why not just leave now? Clearly you hate the Thais. But rest assured, when you do drop dead, wherever you are, the "local police will be laughing when they see your body, and totally devoid of any compassion or decency when dealing with the situation." It's called karma and it happens to haters such as yourself.

I hope you realize Ffiddler, your clearly smaller than average penis will raise laughs everywhere.smile.png

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