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Australian Bodybuilder Gives Insight Into Thailand Steroid Holidays


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I have received a nearly complete education in human physiology just by reading the posts in this thread. Thanks to all contributors.

Old, outta shape, nearly outta time farang.

Too be honest there is always time to get into shape.. it just takes longer and if your older you have to be more careful. But its a choice and a time investment.

Just come to Isaan...you will see the most fit older men on this planet. No junk food and hard physical WORK. that's all it takes

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I have received a nearly complete education in human physiology just by reading the posts in this thread. Thanks to all contributors.

Old, outta shape, nearly outta time farang.

Too be honest there is always time to get into shape.. it just takes longer and if your older you have to be more careful. But its a choice and a time investment.

Just come to Isaan...you will see the most fit older men on this planet. No junk food and hard physical WORK. that's all it takes

Yeh, me. intheclub.gif

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Thailand's food&drug administration does a lot of random "undercover" checks in pharmacies, well at least in phuket. As a result the pharmacists are really careful when selling to a thai customer and they pretty much follow the rules by the book.

But as soon as it's foreigner customer, then it becomes open bar. Sleeping pills, viagra, steorids, growth hormone or watnot. I don't know if they don't want to do that or haven't tought about it, but they could bust so many pharmacies just by hiring a few foreigners with the bodybuilder/fighter look...

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Oh yeah big body and small dick here we come.

Steroids actually , makes ur dick bigger !

It's an illusion. Actually, the testicles shrink up from non production of natural testosterone.

So having little peanut sized balls makes a shriveled prick seem big...even though its atrophied, which is not a trophy!

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

Then why am I not as strong as I was when I was working?

Same size arms.

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat


Nonsense,  Muscle doesn't turn into fat.


Then why am I not as strong as I was when I was working?

Same size arms.

muscle with fat on top ?

Sent from my HTC Desire using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

Then why am I not as strong as I was when I was working?

Same size arms.

muscle with fat on top ?

Sent from my HTC Desire using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Good explanation.. size alone does not say a thing. You need to know bodyfat too at both measurements.

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

Then why am I not as strong as I was when I was working?

Same size arms.

If you don't ''use'' the muscle they will shut down. When I developed a disease many moons ago my Consultant/doctor told me that. It took me 30 years to get back to doing some weight stuff, and yes l got the strength back, I only eat once a day whistling.gif but I did a couple of months work on my traps and triceps last year and they have now increased smile.png , remember I am in my seventh decade. Sadly cannot do leg stuff cos of my condition so I wear long trousers. laugh.png

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Anyone who does steroids is a dumb fool....actually if you look up the definition of "dumb, steroid using fool" in wikipedia, you will see a picture of the guy in this article. You can see from his eyes there's not much going on inside his head. Having lifted weights for sport and fitness for more than 25 years, I appreciate natural bodybuilders who rely on legal supplements, immaculate diet and good old fashioned hard work to achieve their goals. No short cuts, no cheating and better health in the long term. Anyone who thinks steroid abuse does not have long term effects on the body, just do some research on the disproportionate numbers of bodybuilders who die from heart related issues at very young ages. The most famous being Schwarzennegger who know openly admits that he abused steroids, advises to stay away from them and had two major heart operations in his early fifties. Yes Arnold says he was genectically predisposed to heart problems, but Im sure the horse steroids he was taking in the 60s didnt help.

Im sure this post will get the usual reaction from the roid heads living in denial, but its fickle human nature to attack something you dont want to hear. As is the human trait of vanity, that leads naive 21 year olds to inject themselves with harmful chemicals in the hope of improving their bodies, when they are actually doing the opposite.

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

the muscles are replaced by fat.

Muscles can be replaced by fat if you don't properly monitor it. If you just gradually eat less you won't get fat, its not rocket science even you with your limited grasp of things should understand that. (hope your humor still works)

About a decade or so ago, I used to be very serious about my diet and exercise. I was never Arnold, and never roided (I was scared of losing my hair, but that happened anyhow over the following decade). I stopped after a shoulder injury whilst snowboarding, and never resumed, and got fatter as my calorie intake was still high but my energy expenditure was much lower, plus a job that required being either in the car or at a computer, grabbing fast food late at night etc.

I do remember asking on a Body building website at the time "how do you guys manage to eat so much?" (their motto was "I am a warrior, and my fork is my weapon"). I was told not to be such a wimp and just get it down your throat. I got to the point where I could eat a whole chicken as 1 of 6 meals a day. I noticed that when I stretched my stomach I could eat more, and got hungry more. Now I don't eat much at all, and I think about nutrition more than calories (beer gives me way more calories than I need). Nutrition is harder these days, and eating raw is even more difficult. I do remember admiring glances from the girls though (I'm not good looking, never was, but I had a body that was in balance and lean. My ideal would be like a gymnast or professional swimmer, but haven't yet mustered the drive to do anything about it except talk and never act upon it. On thing I do remember though was the vanity and obsession that grew from it. I would weigh myself 3 times a day, and keep a spreadsheet of *everything* I did. When sat in public I would have my biceps tensed, concerned that they were always too small. Now that's all behind me, I'm more concerned about having flexible clean arteries and no blood clots than looking good and having a big unit. In Thailand it's more about being able to provide security for your loved ones, and looks are a bonus rather than a primary.

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Muscles can be replaced by fat if you don't properly monitor it. If you just gradually eat less you won't get fat, its not rocket science even you with your limited grasp of things should understand that. (hope your humor still works)

the muscles are replaced by fat.

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

About a decade or so ago, I used to be very serious about my diet and exercise. I was never Arnold, and never roided (I was scared of losing my hair, but that happened anyhow over the following decade). I stopped after a shoulder injury whilst snowboarding, and never resumed, and got fatter as my calorie intake was still high but my energy expenditure was much lower, plus a job that required being either in the car or at a computer, grabbing fast food late at night etc.

I do remember asking on a Body building website at the time "how do you guys manage to eat so much?" (their motto was "I am a warrior, and my fork is my weapon"). I was told not to be such a wimp and just get it down your throat. I got to the point where I could eat a whole chicken as 1 of 6 meals a day. I noticed that when I stretched my stomach I could eat more, and got hungry more. Now I don't eat much at all, and I think about nutrition more than calories (beer gives me way more calories than I need). Nutrition is harder these days, and eating raw is even more difficult. I do remember admiring glances from the girls though (I'm not good looking, never was, but I had a body that was in balance and lean. My ideal would be like a gymnast or professional swimmer, but haven't yet mustered the drive to do anything about it except talk and never act upon it. On thing I do remember though was the vanity and obsession that grew from it. I would weigh myself 3 times a day, and keep a spreadsheet of *everything* I did. When sat in public I would have my biceps tensed, concerned that they were always too small. Now that's all behind me, I'm more concerned about having flexible clean arteries and no blood clots than looking good and having a big unit. In Thailand it's more about being able to provide security for your loved ones, and looks are a bonus rather than a primary.

I do weigh myself everyday but that was during diet phase now actually its less. But, i read a lot and know a lot about the things that I do so its easy eat less if you don't want to get fat.

Keeping your biceps tensed in public, I would never do that, there is no need for that at all. The looks I get too but I don't need to show off get compliments enough. For me its just fitting nicely in my clothes no need to tense a biceps unless asked for by someone and even then it would be rare.

I think some people are like you who become real vain others can handle it better. Just like with everything in life there are those who can handle things and those who can't. I am no Arnold either and I don't wan't to be, but nice shapely abs are nice to have with a good build instead of a beer belly and a few extra chins.

Unfortunately this does mean i have to be careful what I eat, I don't mind the workouts that much, i actually like them as they relax me after a day of working with my brain. Diet is by far the hardest part of all.

Plus when you eat healthy and you don't smoke or drink alcohol and workout your way ahead of everyone else. The state of expats is in general appealing most are way out of shape in bars 24/7. Its not hard to be healthier then them.

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Muscle does not turn to fat.
Thank god for that.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yeah big body and small dick here we come.

Steroids actually , makes ur dick bigger !

Since when? lol

I believe the conversion of testosterone (excessively high levels due to steroids) to estrogen causes the shrinking of the testes and appendage. I've never heard of people claiming it's made them bigger.

The testes yes....Appendage - no. You are correct in saying estrogen can cause erection problems, but you have to manage that when taking testosterone. Easly done...

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I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

Then why am I not as strong as I was when I was working?

Same size arms.

If you don't ''use'' the muscle they will shut down. When I developed a disease many moons ago my Consultant/doctor told me that. It took me 30 years to get back to doing some weight stuff, and yes l got the strength back, I only eat once a day whistling.gif but I did a couple of months work on my traps and triceps last year and they have now increased smile.png , remember I am in my seventh decade. Sadly cannot do leg stuff cos of my condition so I wear long trousers. laugh.png


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Oh yeah big body and small dick here we come.

Steroids actually , makes ur dick bigger !

Since when? lol

I believe the conversion of testosterone (excessively high levels due to steroids) to estrogen causes the shrinking of the testes and appendage. I've never heard of people claiming it's made them bigger.

The testes yes....Appendage - no. You are correct in saying estrogen can cause erection problems, but you have to manage that when taking testosterone. Easly done...

A clothesline will appear taller when you mow the grass around it, likewise smaller meatballs will make your sausage appear bigger. Always laugh when I see the words 'may contain traces of nuts' on the side of supplement packs.

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  • 4 months later...

I have two close friends who did body building when they were young. They both won awards. Now they are old grossly overweight and look really ugly. All that muscle has turned into fat

Nonsense, Muscle doesn't turn into fat.

correct, muscle and fat and are 2 completely different things, can only lose or gain fat and muscle, the choice is yours ! :)

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I knew a guy who used to send his wife up to Bangkok to buy steroids for him. I'd see him one week and he was huge (ugly IMHO), the next week he'd be flabby with a big gut. I knew his wife was due for another trip. He went completely insane, three heart attacks, severe mood swings/depression, threatening behaviour, and finally killed himself. Shame, he used to be a nice guy.

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its not just the young ,i have seen some foriengers in thier 50's and 60's all juiced up,with the huge neck and arms and the skinny little legs....training is a seroius thing it is about reistance and muscle isolation,i havnt seen to many bulked up thais...having a lean healthy body is one thing but the adiction to bigger bigger bigger is why so many use....how big is big enough??...personally i think it all about ego,the ones who love to be looked at,the ones who stand out in the clubs,youth is wasted on the young..training is great, the comradary and the drive to push yourself and the thrill of seeing the results...but juice is not the way to do it......

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well, i'm quite amazed by all the medical professionals on this board who are gracious to give us their time explaining the horrible dangers of anaboic steroids. not. reall guys?? this website is full of ludicrous assumptions and blatant misinformation by people who think they know everything about everything. that said, perhaps i can shed some light on this topic to balance the typical hysteria.

i am no expert by any means and do not profess to be. however, i have personally used anabolic steroids for over twenty years and have had no, read ZERO, heath issues related to my use of these medicines. i have my bloodwork done bi-annully and am in perfect heatlh according to my physician. as i work in the medical profession, i am very keen to keep myself as healthy as possible - i do not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol and hit the gym a minimum of three times a week. i began using anabolics once i moved here to Thailand a couple of decades ago as it was much cheaper than in my home country. believe me, i try very hard not to do anything detrimental to my body and if anabolics were even the slightest bit dangerous i would not take them. the only side-effects i have had over my 20+ years of use is my body is stronger, recovers quicker, and i feel like i'm 18 again even though i'm in my late 40's. yes, children and women should not use these substances obviously. but healthy adult males over 25 can use these meds responsibly and should be able to. after all, who is the owner of my body?? surely not the government 55555.

much like the reasons that cannabis is prohibited in the west, anabolic steroids are illegal not because they are dangerous substances but because the governments want control over every aspect of our lives and our bodies. do you realize these substances were once legally available in even the draconian police state of the USA until as recently as 1990??? the reason they became illegal is because the americans are obsessed with rules and regulations and saw steroids as "cheating" and a threat to their very lucrative professional sports industrial complex.

don't beleive me?? check out this video and see for yourself:

i realize i won't change many people's minds here on this forum. i just want to show you the other side of this story and that maybe, just maybe, your assumptions are incorrect as you have beleived the government's propaganda in this global "war on drugs". why the outrage at steroids and steroid users?? really guys, let's hate and be angry at other things that are really serious problems in life not what i choose to put into my body.

peace to you all.

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Paramedic22- how many juiced up doctors have u ever seen? Not many....and there's a reason for it. They know the dangers. You are late 40s and dont have any negative effects - yet... Lets hear from you in another ten years on whether your 20 years of AS steroid use has been worth it. And why the need for a paramedic to use anyhow? I thought all ambulances used hydraulic trolleys these days? So your use is for pure vanity, just like all the other fools who painfully try to justify themselves?

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