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I Really Felt Embarrassed For Someone Today


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Good morning

I own a laundry shop of which the mother in law and wife take care of.

Sitting out side the shop as I do everyday, the next thing I here is crunch.

The mother in laws motorbike, had been knocked over by a car. (I must add the bike was off the road and has never been hit in over 5 years in the same position).

I got up to take a look, I walked over to the Sheikh man in the car who was on his phone whilst having a cigarette and asked him to get out.

He looked at the bike and saw the damage and agreed he made a mistake.

And then....

He spoke good Thai almost fluent, I told him to speak to Mama!


The things he said shocked me, he was pleading guilty, apologies left right and centre, then started to say to the mama I am "Khun Thai" same you, "Mai Mi Ban Har" and continued.

We eventually asked for 1000 baht, to repair the motorbike, the light casing and front bumper is damaged, and is one piece to be replaced, he returned saying I will give you 300 baht, again saying I am "Khun Thai" bla bla. Same same thai pay.

At this point I walked away, I was embarrassed for him. I couldn't believe he tried so hard not to pay ( which eventually he just left as the mother in law new he wouldn't pay)!

It was pathetic.

A few occasions I have done wrong, I have crashed my motorbike into a car, damaged a bumper, and if course as was my mistake I paid for the repairs! Even singing silly when I broke my thai friends calculator in a shop whilst flicking a coin. Within an hour I had bought him a new one, no pressure just simple common decency!

Awaiting ones opinions!

Seriously though I was really shocked, the actual intention in his eyes, that he believed he was not wring in the incident, was unbelievable, I found it extremely pathetic.

Thank you

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Maybe it's karma restoring balance to the universe to make up for all the times a foreigner gets in an accident and is made to pay over the odds just because of their nationality. Ummmm

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its more pathetic you let him walk away without paying

Maybe so, but I really couldn't be bothered, I has just returned from Bangkok after collecting my wife's visa for the UK.

Didn't want to ruin my mood!

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It obviously depends on the make and model of the motorbike and how old it is (it belongs to your ML, so I assume that it is not "new"), but B300 sounds about right to replace one piece, including "the light casing and front bumper" that was damaged. And B1000 sounds like you were asking for too much, and perhaps trying to take advantage of the situation, hoping that he would pay to avoid a hastle and further argument. So, do you fee "embarrassed" for your behavior or his? Have you checked to see the actual cost of repairing the damage? If not, you should. You may be surprised to learn how cheap some of these minor repairs of motorbikes actually are.

Edited by Thailaw
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It's a brand new Honda Click, (2 months old).

The Bike fell onto its side, damaging the right side front, light, and casing! It is one piece and can only be replaced as one piece, and does cost 1000 baht to replace.

Just because you speak thai, live in thai and maybe take your shoes off before you go into a shop doesn't make you thai. And to plead this to get out of paying for something is embarrassing.

Even Thais pay, when they know they have done wrong.

The other way round he would wanted money from us, likely called the police etc etc...

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It obviously depends on the make and model of the motorbike and how old it is (it belongs to your ML, so I assume that it is not "new"), but B300 sounds about right to replace one piece, including "the light casing and front bumper" that was damaged. And B1000 sounds like you were asking for too much, and perhaps trying to take advantage of the situation, hoping that he would pay to avoid a hastle and further argument. So, do you fee "embarrassed" for your behavior or his? Have you checked to see the actual cost of repairing the damage? If not, you should. You may be surprised to learn how cheap some of these minor repairs of motorbikes actually are.

I have a fleet of motorbikes and know the cost of replacements, when you know he won't pay regardless of an amount, I really can't be bothered continuing with a distraction, of which he became.

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how do u know he is a seikh

The turban he was wearing was a giveaway!
There are some Brahmins that also wear a turban, but they are usually white in colour.

He was a Sikh.

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I dint want the conversation to turn into a racist slur oleasez

There are some Brahmins that also wear a turban, but they are usually white in colour.

He was a Sikh.

So even though you knew he was of Indian Sikh heritage, you referenced him in your post as an arrogant arab in order to garnish support from TV members. You know that the majority would be predisposed to disliking him if you referred to him as an arab in your post.. It comes across as a very Racist slur.

"Sheikh man in the car who was on his phone whilst having a cigarette"

Sheikh : Sheikh (pronounced /ˈʃk/ sheek or /ˈʃk/ shayk; Arabic: شيخšayḫ, mostly pronounced [ʃeːx], plural شيوخ šuyūḫ)—also spelled Sheik or Shaikhor Shekh, or transliterated as Shaykh—is an honorific in the Arabic language that literally means "elder" and carries the meaning "leader and/or governor". It is commonly used to designate the front man of a tribe who got this title after his father, or an Islamic scholar who got this title after graduating from the basic Islamic school.

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I dint want the conversation to turn into a racist slur oleasez

There are some Brahmins that also wear a turban, but they are usually white in colour.

He was a Sikh.

So even though you knew he was of Indian Sikh heritage, you referenced him in your post as an arrogant arab in order to garnish support from TV members. You know that the majority would be predisposed to disliking him if you referred to him as an arab in your post.. It comes across as a very Racist slur.

"Sheikh man in the car who was on his phone whilst having a cigarette"

Sheikh : Sheikh (pronounced /ˈʃk/sheek or /ˈʃk/shayk; Arabic: شيخšayḫ, mostly pronounced [ʃeːx], pluralشيوخšuyūḫ)—also spelled Sheik or Shaikhor Shekh, or transliterated as Shaykh—is an honorific in the Arabic language that literally means "elder" and carries the meaning "leader and/or governor". It is commonly used to designate the front man of a tribe who got this title after his father, or an Islamic scholar who got this title after graduating from the basic Islamic school.

I never once mentioned the word Arab, I was being descriptive.

The fact is If he was Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian or even Thai. I was have described the person involved in the correct manner, without racism.

The fact was the driver of the car was A Sikh/Sheik/Seik man.

I do t look for kudos from a Topic or a post I make. I expressed myself, how I choose to do so.

Don't imply what hasn't been implied.

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What i dont get is you didnt bother to get any money, even the 300 because you didn't want the hassle, but make a thread about it?

He has no money I assume, so why have any.

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He probably is Thai. Sikhs have been living in Thailand since the end of the 19th century and there are many Thai citizens who are Sikh.

That may be so, but when talking to a Thai Thai Thai national, he is not Thai in there eyes. Regardless if they are or not.

I have rented my bikes to Thai nationals, if its been damaged they have always paid the full repair amount with no qualms.

It's funny how everyone starts to defend the one who has done wrong, certainly the biggest problem in this world.

If this man or any other man damages your goods are you telling me you wouldn't want the repairs paid for.

Of course you would. This man regardless of race pleaded he was Thai and his cheekiness towards a Thai national was pathetic, claiming he can't afford I will give you so much!

I guarantee to you, if I hit his car with my bike and dented the body work, he would have wanted it repairing paid for by me. You all know this.

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It's amazing how ones morales and principles change.

People be honest or don't post.

People moan about baht bus prices go up by 10 baht or pork stick at the market gone up 5 baht. It's ridiculous the sympathy given and what people post.

I had a rant, it happened, I was not being racist, and didn't expect sympathy.

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He probably is Thai. Sikhs have been living in Thailand since the end of the 19th century and there are many Thai citizens who are Sikh.

That may be so, but when talking to a Thai Thai Thai national, he is not Thai in there eyes. Regardless if they are or not.

I have rented my bikes to Thai nationals, if its been damaged they have always paid the full repair amount with no qualms.

It's funny how everyone starts to defend the one who has done wrong, certainly the biggest problem in this world.

If this man or any other man damages your goods are you telling me you wouldn't want the repairs paid for.

Of course you would. This man regardless of race pleaded he was Thai and his cheekiness towards a Thai national was pathetic, claiming he can't afford I will give you so much!

I guarantee to you, if I hit his car with my bike and dented the body work, he would have wanted it repairing paid for by me. You all know this.

Can you point out the words I used to defend him? I was just pointing out that he's probably a Thai citizen - no more - no less. Please don't read things into my words that aren't there.

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Just to make it clear, I was in no way referring to anyone being racist, I was actually stating a fact. That most people believe that if a person is wearing a turban, they are a Sikh. Which they may not be.

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