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A Different View Of Ourselves: Thai Opinion


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A different view of ourselves

Veena Thoopkrajae

BANGKOK: -- One benefit of an overseas trip is that you have a chance to temporarily look at your own country from a "foreign" perspective. Being away for a while also makes you, perhaps unintentionally, come up with comparisons between your own country and the outside world.

I realised during a recent week away that my beloved nation still lives up to its reputation as "Amazing Thailand", albeit in a rather different way from the view promoted by the Tourism Authority of Thailand. No wonder many expatriates understand the logic (if there is any) behind many local news reports. The trick here is just to replace Thailand with any other country name into the same content, and see how you feel.

Here are five weird and bizarre news stories from the last week.

News: The Airport Rail Link (ARL) operator announced it does not have enough money to pay its staff, as it has run out of cash flow. Sky Electric Train Co still has no clue how to find the cash to pay staff salaries for the month of June. Earlier news was that the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) said it would incorporate the entity into its own operation to help solve the liquidity problem. The state enterprise is now waiting for approval from its board to embrace the problematic ARL.

Questions: What will happen next if the SRT can't rescue the ARL? Will trains be able to operate for the public? Who should take responsibility for the cash-strapped project? And if the ARL becomes a unit under under the SRT's umbrella, how is it going to benefit SRT, considering the SRT's financial status as the country's worst-performing state enterprise?

News: Six luxury cars are looking for owners. But the owners may not want them. They were being transported, but four of six, including a Lamborghini, a Bentley, a BMW and a Mercedes-Benz caught fire and burned out in Nakhon Ratchasima's Pak Chong district. Problem is, no one has come out to claim ownership of the cars. Police have no clues, and now the investigation involves supercar gurus, forensic experts and the Revenue Department. As usual, local police said the probe would take time, as they need more evidence that requires analysis in a laboratory.

Questions: How can six cars - altogether worth around Bt100 million - be transported without owners being known? How could they even be imported to Thailand in the first place?

News: The Education Ministry has made very expensive typos in its procurement document for school vans. The ministry's budget report for 1,000 12-seat diesel vans for schools sets a median price for bidding at Bt1.2 million per van, exceeding the market price of Bt956,000. In addition, it has put down Bt2.34 billion for the budget for 1,000 vans, which makes its most "desirable" school vans priced at Bt2.34 million each. Deputy Education Minister Sermsak Pongpanich told the House during the budget debate that it was all down to typing errors. He clarified that the actual fund the ministry wants is Bt1.23 billion.

Questions: How much would the typo have cost the taxpayer had the opposition failed to spot the costly error? Does such a ministry typo equal an "honest mistake"?

News: Earlier (before the typos made by the Education Ministry), the Commerce Ministry announced that Thailand's export growth for April was only 2.89 per cent year-on-year instead of its earlier report at 10.52 per cent. The ministry blamed the mistake in its report on inflated data supplied by the Customs Department, which wrongly reported the value of the Hong Kong export figure at US$2.177 billion instead of the correct figure of $887 million.

Question: If this is not the biggest case for educational reform, especially in maths, what is?

News: One positive report managed to squeeze in this week: Bangkok is the top city for travel. The Thai capital edges out great cities like London, Paris, Singapore and New York in the MasterCard annual global survey. Despite our notorious traffic and poorly functioning airport and Airport Rail Link, the city will see a total of 15.98 million tourist arrivals in 2013, pipping London at 15.96 million.

Question: Anyone who has a residence in London or Paris and wants to swap with me?

I have no more to say except that I totally agree with the deputy governor of TAT that "Amazing Thailand Always Amazes You". Just look at the five news stories I picked this week.

Welcome on board everyone!

-- The Nation 2013-06-01

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I don't dare tell my friends, here in Dallas, what goes on in Thailand for fear they will question my sanity for my all too frequent visits to the Kingdom. I did report the tourism story, though. They really couldn't have chosen a better slogan than 'Amazing Thailand' as I never cease to be amazed.

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Looks like the reality check is working , you were lucky to hear about Thailand Veena , outside of Thailand except in the travel section of the news paper, you never hear anything in Oz about Thailand, except when a tourist is murdered or some one burns down a city block and I can't leave out coup's, the negative message one hears certainly doesn't compare with T.A.T splendid version, then again it doesn't hurt to smile.biggrin.png

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I totally agree with the "Amazing Thailand" slogan. Why? Because every single day I see or read about things that are absolutely "amazing" in their stupidity and ignorance. Not to mention total arrogance towards just about anything and anyone.

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Thais believe that they are superior than everyone else.

mongoloid comment, really.

all my thai friends consider thailand more developped than Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar but less developed than "the west" (and many other countries such as Japan, S-Korea, Singapore, etc). they consider most farang much more educated than thai. they are very much aware of the weaknesses of their country, the corruption, the political issues, etc . they all feel very uncomfortable (ie. sorry) they don't speak (hardly any) english. quiet a few of them have told me numerous times they wish they could have farang-style life, with less "casts", with less rigid acting/thinking, more personal freedom, etc. and no, my friends are not 20 year old bangkokian hipsters but all middle class 40+ living in your average thai city.

thais do believe thai food is superior to any other food.

The west has it's own problems and I believe it is becoming more like Thailand as far as it's economy. Thais mainly care about money. That's why they want a farang lifestyle. And I believe you have more personal freedom here than you do in the west. There are certain things you can't say here and the gov tries to censor some things but day to day living you don't really get harassed here like you do in the west. On the average I only have to pay tea money once every six months. Seldom over Bt300.

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I can see where there is a need for social and political improvement in Thailand, but I am certainly not amazed by the way things are done here. I lived in Los Angeles for 10 years. Now there's a place that needs an overhaul.

Edited by tonypace02
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Thais believe that they are superior than everyone else.

mongoloid comment, really.

all my thai friends consider thailand more developped than Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar but less developed than "the west" (and many other countries such as Japan, S-Korea, Singapore, etc). they consider most farang much more educated than thai. they are very much aware of the weaknesses of their country, the corruption, the political issues, etc . they all feel very uncomfortable (ie. sorry) they don't speak (hardly any) english. quiet a few of them have told me numerous times they wish they could have farang-style life, with less "casts", with less rigid acting/thinking, more personal freedom, etc. and no, my friends are not 20 year old bangkokian hipsters but all middle class 40+ living in your average thai city.

thais do believe thai food is superior to any other food.

Even here in the US, when Thai's go out to a restaurant, they go to a Thai restaurant.. rolleyes.gif

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It's patently obvious when you look at the rise and fall of nations, nationalism and national self contentment are the eventual downfall of many a country.

Self criticism, debate, continual evaluation and not being scared to change allow a country to go forward.

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It all starts with children getting a proper education. If you can't get that right, every other aspect of society is doomed. Period.

Knowing this, and know how horrible the Thai education system currently is with no effort whatsoever to improve it, then one can easily calculate that Thailand will remain "amazing" for generations to come. We will all be long dead, as will our children, before Thailand shows even a hint of real change for the better.

I want to add to this, Please......I fully agree with you, but the Education starts at home! The Education system can be as wonderful as can be, but if the society they grow up in has no real values, All will all go for a ball of Sh@t..... For example, The children pollute our village with paper/bottles/plastic/shoes/clothes etc etc.being thrown around and in the streets and nothing is said..........The elderly people clean up after them on a daily basis without saying a word!......... No, "Thank You" or "Please" or any respect for their elders/parents........I was invited to a sports day at our neighboring village where the children (8 years old) came to tell my wife to get up from her seat because they need it for themselves to sit down?? Education starts at home and if that fails, no school can help.

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It all starts with children getting a proper education. If you can't get that right, every other aspect of society is doomed. Period.

Knowing this, and know how horrible the Thai education system currently is with no effort whatsoever to improve it, then one can easily calculate that Thailand will remain "amazing" for generations to come. We will all be long dead, as will our children, before Thailand shows even a hint of real change for the better.

I want to add to this, Please......I fully agree with you, but the Education starts at home! The Education system can be as wonderful as can be, but if the society they grow up in has no real values, All will all go for a ball of Sh@t..... For example, The children pollute our village with paper/bottles/plastic/shoes/clothes etc etc.being thrown around and in the streets and nothing is said..........The elderly people clean up after them on a daily basis without saying a word!......... No, "Thank You" or "Please" or any respect for their elders/parents........I was invited to a sports day at our neighboring village where the children (8 years old) came to tell my wife to get up from her seat because they need it for themselves to sit down?? Education starts at home and if that fails, no school can help.

I hope she refused or did one of them say, "Do you know who my father is?"

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The first main problem in Thailand is that Thais believe that they are superior than everyone else. The second is this massive inferiority complex called 'face' - which seems to be related to the first. Thailand is a very racist and discriminatory place. That is how the outside world sees Thailand, and it is a shame because it could be different. So much potential (land and people) but a country completely ruined by its people. And the Thais who can, and have the intelligence to make a difference haver to leave and do it elsewhere... because they run 'out of town' by the corrupt.

Sad really.

I disagree You say

"Thailand is a very racist and discriminatory place. That is how the outside world sees Thailand,"

I disagree with the raciest and discriminatory statement but I will leave that alone. Coming from the states where those two items are in your face. Mexicans colored people and native Americans I kind of don't see that much here.

How ever the second part of the statement stretches the imagination. Most people in the western world if you mention Thailand to them they will think of beaches and jungles. Maybe also the movie the King and I with Yul Brenner. They are completely unaware of any thing that goes on here in Thailand. People who travel may have those beliefs but people who have traveled to many countries will just shake their head when you say that about Thailand,

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Thais believe that they are superior than everyone else.

mongoloid comment, really.

all my thai friends consider thailand more developped than Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar but less developed than "the west" (and many other countries such as Japan, S-Korea, Singapore, etc). they consider most farang much more educated than thai. they are very much aware of the weaknesses of their country, the corruption, the political issues, etc . they all feel very uncomfortable (ie. sorry) they don't speak (hardly any) english. quiet a few of them have told me numerous times they wish they could have farang-style life, with less "casts", with less rigid acting/thinking, more personal freedom, etc. and no, my friends are not 20 year old bangkokian hipsters but all middle class 40+ living in your average thai city.

thais do believe thai food is superior to any other food.

Even here in the US, when Thai's go out to a restaurant, they go to a Thai restaurant.. rolleyes.gif

That is a really bad problem I have with the wife when traveling. We found a good Thai restaurant in Bali and she liked it OK but it needed some improving. The next year when we were in Bali she took them some Thai sauce mixes in packages.

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Thais believe that they are superior than everyone else.

mongoloid comment, really.

all my thai friends consider thailand more developped than Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar but less developed than "the west" (and many other countries such as Japan, S-Korea, Singapore, etc). they consider most farang much more educated than thai. they are very much aware of the weaknesses of their country, the corruption, the political issues, etc . they all feel very uncomfortable (ie. sorry) they don't speak (hardly any) english. quiet a few of them have told me numerous times they wish they could have farang-style life, with less "casts", with less rigid acting/thinking, more personal freedom, etc. and no, my friends are not 20 year old bangkokian hipsters but all middle class 40+ living in your average thai city.

thais do believe thai food is superior to any other food.

Even here in the US, when Thai's go out to a restaurant, they go to a Thai restaurant.. rolleyes.gif

That is a really bad problem I have with the wife when traveling. We found a good Thai restaurant in Bali and she liked it OK but it needed some improving. The next year when we were in Bali she took them some Thai sauce mixes in packages.

A few sauces mixes in packages no problem...be careful maybe next time she brings a little gaz stove whistling.gif

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The first main problem in Thailand is that Thais believe that they are superior than everyone else. The second is this massive inferiority complex called 'face' - which seems to be related to the first. Thailand is a very racist and discriminatory place. That is how the outside world sees Thailand, and it is a shame because it could be different. So much potential (land and people) but a country completely ruined by its people. And the Thais who can, and have the intelligence to make a difference haver to leave and do it elsewhere... because they run 'out of town' by the corrupt. Sad really.

Racist due to ignorance and selfproclaimed superiority. A beautiful country with a lot of arrogant and ignorant underachievers ! Sad indeed

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It all starts with children getting a proper education. If you can't get that right, every other aspect of society is doomed. Period. Knowing this, and know how horrible the Thai education system currently is with no effort whatsoever to improve it, then one can easily calculate that Thailand will remain "amazing" for generations to come. We will all be long dead, as will our children, before Thailand shows even a hint of real change for the better.

I want to add to this, Please......I fully agree with you, but the Education starts at home! The Education system can be as wonderful as can be, but if the society they grow up in has no real values, All will all go for a ball of Sh@t..... For example, The children pollute our village with paper/bottles/plastic/shoes/clothes etc etc.being thrown around and in the streets and nothing is said..........The elderly people clean up after them on a daily basis without saying a word!......... No, "Thank You" or "Please" or any respect for their elders/parents........I was invited to a sports day at our neighboring village where the children (8 years old) came to tell my wife to get up from her seat because they need it for themselves to sit down?? Education starts at home and if that fails, no school can help.

You miss the point in the educationsystem in thailand. Parents expect that their children are being properly taught regarding manners etc AT THE SCHOOLS !!!!!!. That is how it is. Nonconfrontation, sabai sabai and maj pen rai, cause its only young kids, prevents proper education at home.

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The first main problem in Thailand is that Thais believe that they are superior than everyone else. The second is this massive inferiority complex called 'face' - which seems to be related to the first. Thailand is a very racist and discriminatory place. That is how the outside world sees Thailand, and it is a shame because it could be different. So much potential (land and people) but a country completely ruined by its people. And the Thais who can, and have the intelligence to make a difference haver to leave and do it elsewhere... because they run 'out of town' by the corrupt. Sad really.

Not how the outside world sees it. They do not know and care. Ask any westerner on their streets about thailand and they will not give that reply. Its how WE, the expats, learned to see it by being not treaten on the same way as the locals.

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Thais mainly care about money.

True, many Thai care about money just like almost every other person in this world-where-money-talks. But Thai with (enough) money (to make it to the end of the month) still know the art of sharing money. I can't count how many times some total stranger paid for my food after I had only a short chat with him at a stall or restaurant. My landlady gives me freebies every week. Sure, it's cheap, 40 bath here, 80 bath there, but where do you find this in the west ? My Thai friends pay for dinner when we eat out since they are all older than me.

I've stated this before and will state it again: I've been here for quite some years now and ultra rarely I have been treated differently in a bad way because I'm farang. Too often the opposite happens to me, I get privileges. I think that if you're a decent chap and people like your attitude/approach/character, Thailand is the perfect place. Stay away from politics, stay clear from farang-reserves (ie. disneyland NOT genuine thailand) and keep a low profile and everything is very sabai sabai.

Anyway, off for yet another free lunch at my neighbour now...

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Thais mainly care about money.

True, many Thai care about money just like almost every other person in this world-where-money-talks. But Thai with (enough) money (to make it to the end of the month) still know the art of sharing money. I can't count how many times some total stranger paid for my food after I had only a short chat with him at a stall or restaurant. My landlady gives me freebies every week. Sure, it's cheap, 40 bath here, 80 bath there, but where do you find this in the west ? My Thai friends pay for dinner when we eat out since they are all older than me.

I've stated this before and will state it again: I've been here for quite some years now and ultra rarely I have been treated differently in a bad way because I'm farang. Too often the opposite happens to me, I get privileges. I think that if you're a decent chap and people like your attitude/approach/character, Thailand is the perfect place. Stay away from politics, stay clear from farang-reserves (ie. disneyland NOT genuine thailand) and keep a low profile and everything is very sabai sabai.

Anyway, off for yet another free lunch at my neighbour now...

Lived here 18 years.

Its easy living with Thais,if you have a good sense of humour.

You should not get annoyed at a guy driving the wrong way up a one way St, getting angry at you the Falang in his way.

With his superiority complex, he can do that today, and he can get away with it tomorrow. But he can't get away with it everyday!

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Thais mainly care about money.

True, many Thai care about money just like almost every other person in this world-where-money-talks. But Thai with (enough) money (to make it to the end of the month) still know the art of sharing money. I can't count how many times some total stranger paid for my food after I had only a short chat with him at a stall or restaurant. My landlady gives me freebies every week. Sure, it's cheap, 40 bath here, 80 bath there, but where do you find this in the west ? My Thai friends pay for dinner when we eat out since they are all older than me.

I've stated this before and will state it again: I've been here for quite some years now and ultra rarely I have been treated differently in a bad way because I'm farang. Too often the opposite happens to me, I get privileges. I think that if you're a decent chap and people like your attitude/approach/character, Thailand is the perfect place. Stay away from politics, stay clear from farang-reserves (ie. disneyland NOT genuine thailand) and keep a low profile and everything is very sabai sabai.

Anyway, off for yet another free lunch at my neighbour now...

Where are you hiding then? Can we join you?

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It all starts with children getting a proper education. If you can't get that right, every other aspect of society is doomed. Period. Knowing this, and know how horrible the Thai education system currently is with no effort whatsoever to improve it, then one can easily calculate that Thailand will remain "amazing" for generations to come. We will all be long dead, as will our children, before Thailand shows even a hint of real change for the better.

I want to add to this, Please......I fully agree with you, but the Education starts at home! The Education system can be as wonderful as can be, but if the society they grow up in has no real values, All will all go for a ball of Sh@t..... For example, The children pollute our village with paper/bottles/plastic/shoes/clothes etc etc.being thrown around and in the streets and nothing is said..........The elderly people clean up after them on a daily basis without saying a word!......... No, "Thank You" or "Please" or any respect for their elders/parents........I was invited to a sports day at our neighboring village where the children (8 years old) came to tell my wife to get up from her seat because they need it for themselves to sit down?? Education starts at home and if that fails, no school can help.

You miss the point in the educationsystem in thailand. Parents expect that their children are being properly taught regarding manners etc AT THE SCHOOLS !!!!!!. That is how it is. Nonconfrontation, sabai sabai and maj pen rai, cause its only young kids, prevents proper education at home.

Both wrong! Manners here dictates that an adult will give up their seat to a child. You will see this for example on the BTS. The signs do not say give up your seat for old people, they say give up your seat for children. So who's missing the education and manners in terms of local customs now ?

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The first main problem in Thailand is that Thais believe that they are superior than everyone else. The second is this massive inferiority complex called 'face' - which seems to be related to the first. Thailand is a very racist and discriminatory place. That is how the outside world sees Thailand, and it is a shame because it could be different. So much potential (land and people) but a country completely ruined by its people. And the Thais who can, and have the intelligence to make a difference haver to leave and do it elsewhere... because they run 'out of town' by the corrupt.

Sad really.

I disagree You say

"Thailand is a very racist and discriminatory place. That is how the outside world sees Thailand,"

I disagree with the raciest and discriminatory statement but I will leave that alone. Coming from the states where those two items are in your face. Mexicans colored people and native Americans I kind of don't see that much here.

How ever the second part of the statement stretches the imagination. Most people in the western world if you mention Thailand to them they will think of beaches and jungles. Maybe also the movie the King and I with Yul Brenner. They are completely unaware of any thing that goes on here in Thailand. People who travel may have those beliefs but people who have traveled to many countries will just shake their head when you say that about Thailand,

You are both completely wrong. Most people in the western work will think about prostitution and ladyboys when you mention thailand.
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It all starts with children getting a proper education. If you can't get that right, every other aspect of society is doomed. Period.

Knowing this, and know how horrible the Thai education system currently is with no effort whatsoever to improve it, then one can easily calculate that Thailand will remain "amazing" for generations to come. We will all be long dead, as will our children, before Thailand shows even a hint of real change for the better.

I want to add to this, Please......I fully agree with you, but the Education starts at home!


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It all starts with children getting a proper education. If you can't get that right, every other aspect of society is doomed. Period. Knowing this, and know how horrible the Thai education system currently is with no effort whatsoever to improve it, then one can easily calculate that Thailand will remain "amazing" for generations to come. We will all be long dead, as will our children, before Thailand shows even a hint of real change for the better.

I want to add to this, Please......I fully agree with you, but the Education starts at home! The Education system can be as wonderful as can be, but if the society they grow up in has no real values, All will all go for a ball of Sh@t..... For example, The children pollute our village with paper/bottles/plastic/shoes/clothes etc etc.being thrown around and in the streets and nothing is said..........The elderly people clean up after them on a daily basis without saying a word!......... No, "Thank You" or "Please" or any respect for their elders/parents........I was invited to a sports day at our neighboring village where the children (8 years old) came to tell my wife to get up from her seat because they need it for themselves to sit down?? Education starts at home and if that fails, no school can help.

You miss the point in the educationsystem in thailand. Parents expect that their children are being properly taught regarding manners etc AT THE SCHOOLS !!!!!!. That is how it is. Nonconfrontation, sabai sabai and maj pen rai, cause its only young kids, prevents proper education at home.

Both wrong! Manners here dictates that an adult will give up their seat to a child. You will see this for example on the BTS. The signs do not say give up your seat for old people, they say give up your seat for children. So who's missing the education and manners in terms of local customs now ?

Giving up your seat to an elder is more about manners and respect than it is a school education. Both are important, but you can be a world class prick with a great education and still get a good job, while a well mannered person with no education will still end up with a crappy, dead in job, or a prostitute.

Education here is abysmal. I actually feel sorry for the kids. If I could be 100% sure one of the neighbors wouldn't call immigration on me, I would tutor all the kids around our house just to *try* to give them some real information that may help them someday. But since I would be breaking the law by doing so, these little devils are on their own. I hope they enjoy hard labor, Pattaya, Bangkok red light areas, and prison, because that is where 90% of them will end up.

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