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White Masks Leave Virtual World For Real Rally In Bangkok


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"Dont protest.. Educate your stupid countrymen"

But we already have a Ministry of Education with a 420++ billion Baht budget doing that. Furthermore we have 'red-shirt schools' educating people in democracy and how they should see that. Surely there is no need for yet another educational institution? That would be counter productive and the idea needs to be suppressed for the good of the Nation. Remember, we Thai struggled for almost a decade to reach democracy as we have it now, as so clearly voiced by our PM in Mongolia.

You implied you were Dutch in the forum a couple of days ago - now you're Thai?

You might not be a native English speaker, so you might not understand 'figure of speech'. Look it up.

Following try to have topic related questions.

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How silly it is to call Thaksin a dictator and blame him for political problems six years after he was throw out by the military and left the country. If it is really true he's got that much power, the elites are much much more feeble minded than anyone could begin to imagine.

Left the country as in absconded from justice?

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Don't Protest?

Where on Earth would we be if no one had protested over the last 100 years? You thought about that?

Women would not be able to vote.

Coloured people in america would still be segregated

The Vietnam war and the ones in neighbouring Laos and Cambodia would have continued on causing countless more deaths

I could go on and on about the good things that protests achieve but feel it would be totally lost on a person like you.

"Are you ready to stop the dictator" ... ???

Thats why you have elections.... !!!

What a bunch of losers.... Dont protest.. Educate your stupid countrymen so they vote with their brains next time !!!

Use your brains and be pro active... dont just cry about it in protest!

Problem solved !

There are bigger issues that need standing up for !!!


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In trying to watch, listen, read, learn about the "White Masks", the thing that keeps coming to my mind is that the "fingerprints" of Sondhi, PAD, Pitak Siam, and multi-colored shirts are all over this, especially with the "obsession" of Thaksin and the Preah Vihear Temple. The Yellow Shirts have, IMHO, died. They can't begin to draw the numbers they once commanded in crowds. Sondhi has been pretty much relegated to the "Pay no attention to" list, even by many of his own. He's a non-entity who went from once claiming that Thaksin was the greatest PM in the history of Thailand, to the Devil himself when Sondhi's own financial kingdom came crashing down, for which he firmly planted the blame, rightly or wrongly, on Thaksin. I look at the White Masks as just another feeble attempt by those who formally had the power to oust governments, trying to find what they've lost. Reminds me of the song "Glory Days" by Bruce Springsteen, as they lament about what once was.

I would love to see a movement that was legitimately and objectively committed to the education of the masses to bring about awareness in them as to what this, and just about every other former government, is really all about - self gain, wealth, power - so that the people finally say "enough is enough" and do the things needed to make a change. Not on the streets with guns, grenades, knives and Molotov cocktails, but at the ballot box, supporting candidates of their own choosing who actually will work to make a difference for all Thai, and Thailand. Unfortunately, I doubt that I will see that in my lifetime.

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What we need are T-shirts and buttons with the Guy Fawkes image on them. Such items we can wear anywhere and always until these crooks are ousted. Keep the pressure on and they will surely collapse like the house of cards they are.

I was asked by a friend the other week to take a photograph of some friends relaxing by the pool using some kind of apple i-pad or other (don't know the model). As I held the thing up for the picture, it started drawing squares around everyones face, marked out where the eyes mouth and various other facial metrics, and I realised I was holding in my hand a GPS device with mobile telephone capability and a clock on it. Wearing a mask would really xxxx with their facial recognition systems, but location and time it wouldn't. Don't want to be overly paranoid, but this info could be stored for years and come back to haunt us.

Just my 2 BTC.

Edited by metisdead
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Good turnout. Less than 100!


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Doesn't really make sense because the protestors haven't been ignored, far from it.They have been certainly mocked because the Guy Fawkes masks they wear indicate an agenda opposite to what they profess.Still never mind, it's harmless enough.The much more absurd feature is their use of the term "Thai Spring" indicating they have no idea what was behind the Arab Spring - ie a popular revolt against the old entrenched establishment.It's important to understand there's nothing new about this movement - just another incarnation of PAD, Pitak Siam, the multicoloureds etc - just fronts populated by useful idiots (admittedly somtimes well meaning) for the old order.

The red shirts should go into gardening. They'll make a killing (pardon the pun) selling glass houses.
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What we need are T-shirts and buttons with the Guy Fawkes image on them. Such items we can wear anywhere and always until these crooks are ousted. Keep the pressure on and they will surely collapse like the house of cards they are.

I think those masks are a bit creepy to look at. What do you think WB?

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How silly it is to call Thaksin a dictator and blame him for political problems six years after he was throw out by the military and left the country. If it is really true he's got that much power, the elites are much much more feeble minded than anyone could begin to imagine.

Some one seems to have his/her head in the sand. No Skyping? No amnesty? No red shirt intimidation of the CC? PTP members are lying when they admit Thaksin tells them what to do? And so on.

Actually it's the 'retards' who know he has almost all the power he wants.

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Using the word "Spring" does not derive from the "arab spring" but actually from the 1968 changes in the Czechoslovakia over that spring, and that were quickly put down by mid summer by the rest of the Warsaw pact countries invading them... so it didn't result in any major changes in the country despite Mr Dubcek's best efforts. Obviously it is now being hijacked for any change in an oppressive regime to help people... or at least that is perhaps what they intend. Thai spring.... when UDD is populated by former communist party team and then this group is also led by them we could be in for interesting times... at least they are willing to express their opinions and distrust of the Shinawatra clan's regime and its attempts to control parliament and government administration.

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Using the word "Spring" does not derive from the "arab spring" but actually from the 1968 changes in the Czechoslovakia over that spring, and that were quickly put down by mid summer by the rest of the Warsaw pact countries invading them... so it didn't result in any major changes in the country despite Mr Dubcek's best efforts. Obviously it is now being hijacked for any change in an oppressive regime to help people... or at least that is perhaps what they intend. Thai spring.... when UDD is populated by former communist party team and then this group is also led by them we could be in for interesting times... at least they are willing to express their opinions and distrust of the Shinawatra clan's regime and its attempts to control parliament and government administration.

"UDD is populated by former communist party team"

Well, former communist 'intellectual' UDD leader dr. weng is now Pheu Thai party list MP. Of course it may be that he's just working against the Shinawatra Clan from the inside, like his wife Ms. Thida chairperson of the UDD is doing from the outside.smile.png

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Good turnout. Less than 100!


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Doesn't really make sense because the protestors haven't been ignored, far from it.They have been certainly mocked because the Guy Fawkes masks they wear indicate an agenda opposite to what they profess.Still never mind, it's harmless enough.The much more absurd feature is their use of the term "Thai Spring" indicating they have no idea what was behind the Arab Spring - ie a popular revolt against the old entrenched establishment.It's important to understand there's nothing new about this movement - just another incarnation of PAD, Pitak Siam, the multicoloureds etc - just fronts populated by useful idiots (admittedly somtimes well meaning) for the old order.

Indeed, the t shirts was a little original, but bear in mind every Thai knows a color for the day of the week and all the symbolism.

So they graduated to bandanas, and even flip flops but that was decided to be too offensive.

So the v for vendetta mask is quite a change because it is copied 100% from overseas and has a real meaning politically as opposed to a t shirt color.

Thing is, if the people really getting politically principled it is a scary thought for either side of the to echelons of Thai politics. Imagine if the "white masks" stand stand on principle against corruption. They will protest all sides all the time. Imagine if they protest incompetence, they will be out protesting for ever.

You see it's nice when the political landscape is split along loving or hating Thaksin. It's essentially a hypocritical standpoint.

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White masks. What next?

Probably red masks!

Done. No word on how many "retards" in their red masks showed up.

Supporters of the government, meanwhile, called a gathering at the BTS Siam station, which is not far from Central World.

Groups that call themselves Ultra Red and Daeng Sayiew planned their demonstration at 5pm. Participants have been asked to wear red masks or any other style other than the white Guy Fawkes mask of their rivals.


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White masks. What next?

Probably red masks!

Done. No word on how many "retards" in their red masks showed up.

>>Supporters of the government, meanwhile, called a gathering at the BTS Siam station, which is not far from Central World.

Groups that call themselves Ultra Red and Daeng Sayiew planned their demonstration at 5pm. Participants have been asked to wear red masks or any other style other than the white Guy Fawkes mask of their rivals.


I guess that means shopping complexes there will close before 5PM on Sunday. 50,000 police officers to control the protesters, shoppers, traffic, etc.

Interesting is that the ultra and other reds are told they "should hold placards with the message "Protect the monarchy".". Probably really heartfelt then. Also the more sturdy the placard the better it can be used to ... ...

Edited by rubl
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>>Supporters of the government, meanwhile, called a gathering at the BTS Siam station, which is not far from Central World.

Groups that call themselves Ultra Red and Daeng Sayiew planned their demonstration at 5pm. Participants have been asked to wear red masks or any other style other than the white Guy Fawkes mask of their rivals.


Isnt BTS Siam station the one the reds targeted with grenades and killed a lady.

Perhaps they chose it so they could support that lady's family and make donations to them.

But then again maybe they just didn't think.

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The Anons in BKK are growing fast. Good...

Greetings from the Anons Vienna...

We are Anonymous

We are Legion

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us.

anonymous need to learn thai

Anonymous currently uses Microsoft Sam, so tell Bill Gates he needs to add Microsoft Sombat to the roster of choices that his Microsoft Narrator currently uses.


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The masks are to protect that person from victimisation, harassment , court action and all the other below the belt schemes the PTP can throw at someone , just because they wish to voice their opposition , the placard the good lady is holding , Say's it all, I wish them good luck with Yingluck.

What is most likely is that the White Guy Fawks masks and intended to disconect them from a cause that is childish and their Lese Majest in trying to bring down the constitutional Monarchy for the second time in 10 years. In fact all participants in their campaign are traitors just as the original Guy Fawkes is.
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The masks are to protect that person from victimisation, harassment , court action and all the other below the belt schemes the PTP can throw at someone , just because they wish to voice their opposition , the placard the good lady is holding , Say's it all, I wish them good luck with Yingluck.

What is most likely is that the White Guy Fawks masks and intended to disconect them from a cause that is childish and their Lese Majest in trying to bring down the constitutional Monarchy for the second time in 10 years. In fact all participants in their campaign are traitors just as the original Guy Fawkes is.

Where on earth have you got the idea that they are anti-monarchy from?

Why do you call them traitors? Do you have ANY proof at all of this?

Their cause is not childish at all, it is a legitimate proest movement. Is there any rule or law banning the wearing of masks by ANY protestors?

I suspect that if you are on medication it is not working and if you are not then you should be.

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Good turnout. Less than 100!


Two very pertinent things can be taken from your 'sarcastic' 6 words - RT

1) you clearly don't support freedom of speech or the right to demonstrate

2) you seem to believe that might = right

It appears the 'mask' of red democracy has slipped a wee bit there and the real face has been exposed - Nice one RT


Interesting to find a Red definition of Democracy. Any takers?
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The masks are to protect that person from victimisation, harassment , court action and all the other below the belt schemes the PTP can throw at someone , just because they wish to voice their opposition , the placard the good lady is holding , Say's it all, I wish them good luck with Yingluck.

What is most likely is that the White Guy Fawks masks and intended to disconect them from a cause that is childish and their Lese Majest in trying to bring down the constitutional Monarchy for the second time in 10 years. In fact all participants in their campaign are traitors just as the original Guy Fawkes is.

Where on earth have you got the idea that they are anti-monarchy from?

Why do you call them traitors? Do you have ANY proof at all of this?

Their cause is not childish at all, it is a legitimate proest movement. Is there any rule or law banning the wearing of masks by ANY protestors?

I suspect that if you are on medication it is not working and if you are not then you should be.

No, he's actually a brilliantly satirical poster, who, by pointing out all the worst traits of the reds, by trying to ridiculously transfer them to any opposition group, serves to expose the hypocrisy, tyranny and shear ineptitude of the current government and its red goons.

Check out the other thread where he compares the "sick" Thaksin, who fled the country and hasn't the balls to face up to his crimes, with those "hiding" behind white masks, yet still having the courage to stand up in person for their rights.

Edited by ballpoint
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The masks are to protect that person from victimisation, harassment , court action and all the other below the belt schemes the PTP can throw at someone , just because they wish to voice their opposition , the placard the good lady is holding , Say's it all, I wish them good luck with Yingluck.

What is most likely is that the White Guy Fawks masks and intended to disconect them from a cause that is childish and their Lese Majest in trying to bring down the constitutional Monarchy for the second time in 10 years. In fact all participants in their campaign are traitors just as the original Guy Fawkes is.

Where on earth have you got the idea that they are anti-monarchy from?

Why do you call them traitors? Do you have ANY proof at all of this?

Their cause is not childish at all, it is a legitimate proest movement. Is there any rule or law banning the wearing of masks by ANY protestors?

I suspect that if you are on medication it is not working and if you are not then you should be.

No, he's actually a brilliantly satirical poster, who, by pointing out all the worst traits of the reds, by trying to ridiculously transfer them to any opposition group, serves to expose the hypocrisy, tyranny and shear ineptitude of the current government and its red goons.

Check out the other thread where he compares the "sick" Thaksin, who fled the country and hasn't the balls to face up to his crimes, with those "hiding" behind white masks, yet still having the courage to stand up in person for their rights.

If that's the case, then he's done spectacularly at highlighting their hypocrisy. Although Bill's medication point can't be overlooked.

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The masks are to protect that person from victimisation, harassment , court action and all the other below the belt schemes the PTP can throw at someone , just because they wish to voice their opposition , the placard the good lady is holding , Say's it all, I wish them good luck with Yingluck.

What is most likely is that the White Guy Fawks masks and intended to disconect them from a cause that is childish and their Lese Majest in trying to bring down the constitutional Monarchy for the second time in 10 years. In fact all participants in their campaign are traitors just as the original Guy Fawkes is.

Where on earth have you got the idea that they are anti-monarchy from?

Why do you call them traitors? Do you have ANY proof at all of this?

Their cause is not childish at all, it is a legitimate proest movement. Is there any rule or law banning the wearing of masks by ANY protestors?

I suspect that if you are on medication it is not working and if you are not then you should be.

No, he's actually a brilliantly satirical poster, who, by pointing out all the worst traits of the reds, by trying to ridiculously transfer them to any opposition group, serves to expose the hypocrisy, tyranny and shear ineptitude of the current government and its red goons.

Check out the other thread where he compares the "sick" Thaksin, who fled the country and hasn't the balls to face up to his crimes, with those "hiding" behind white masks, yet still having the courage to stand up in person for their rights.

Well from most of the threads of his that I read satire didn't seem to be there, just blind support for Thaksin and the Red Shirts.

Alternative I am not as bright as I thought I was.

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