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Ministry Wants To Make Thais Taller

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Isn't this in the same ballpark as old Adolf's racial tampering?

Maybe not.

"I can think of no better investment for any community then putting milk into babies.: - Winston Churchill

As I recall the two were not on good terms or likely to agree on any subject.

Edited by Bagwan
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Now I just read All 12 pages, a real amazing post!

I am milk adicted since my childhood!

Drink every day between one and 2 liter kakaao in morning then import mûsli

Chog chai is the best milk in thai but 7 not have it

I read the offer Also home delivery service anyone try it?

About the enzym I read, that Asian also cannot handle the same strength of alcohol because missing enzime is that true?

WhAt the cow eating here in the farms ?

Dried grass?

Yes I miss good milks from the alps here in Thailand

One time I brought with the Airplane fresh farmer milk from home and mixed here together with sweet thai banana. and that was real delicious this summer I bring thai banana to my home and make same again!

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I think it's a great idea to encourage Thais to drink more cows milk. Just think how it would increase the exports of New Zealand, with the largest dairy company in the world to promote the sales.smile.pngclap2.gif

Hopefully some bright spark will start pushing lamb next ....... I know, wishful thinking.

Won't be nice if the whole population goes baa. ohmy.png

Well it seems that to qualify to be a Thai Government Minister you have to be barmy.

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Don't worry about all that hocus pocus that milk increases hieght. I saw the size of thais being a problem long ago and that is why I created my special instant formular. Simply rub it on the skin and garanteed to increase hieght by 25 cm per year. Perfectly safe to use with conjuction whitening creams. I will have you looking like a farang in no time.

Chooka . Question: why do they want to look like a farang, I don't go around in Oz tryin to look like a Thai. Is it a direction from Dubai?
Often puzzles me why Thais want to be white. Seems to be a status symbol.

Did you *just* figure that out?

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Many Koreans certainly don't seem to be lactose intolerant. Especially the womenfolk, going straight to Starbucks for their 3rd daily fix of a venti caramel latte macchiato with extra whipped cream, between visits to Baskin Robbins and cheese covered sweet bread. I'm not observing them to grow taller over the last 5 years, but fatter. There must be a pound of sugar in their daily diet by now.

That aside, milk does not effect the genes. Tomorrow's 200 cm Thais will need to feed their kids on milk as well, or they'll end up with bonsai offspring. A sustainable business model for the dairy industry ;-)

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I do wish the medics would make up their minds on what is safe to take on board and what is not. 50 years ago I was advised by a dietician on how to lose weight. The regimen include the complete avoidance of sugar. (Yes, I know that it is impossible thanks to processed food.) I switched to saccharin in my coffee only to read a couple of weeks later that saccharin was a cancer inducing agent!

Now after nearly 80 years of active and healthy life I'm told not to put milk on my Weetabix? A couple of years ago a Thai doctor told me that I must have suicidal tendencies because I admitted to regularly eating cheese! So, you think that we in the developed world all have the lemming gene, I responded.

I do not go along with the philosophy of those who drink and smoke to excess on the grounds that they would rather have a shorter but more enjoyable life but I might take a few steps towards their camp if any medical nut thinks that I'm going to live on lettuce leaves, carrots and Evian water.

I am surprised that the subject of coconut milk has not arisen on this thread. Any expert views ( i jest) on that?

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Drink all the milk in the world, just stop companies sneaking 5 spoons of sugar in.

Promote milk and cut out the Falk damn sugar

Milk flavored poisons, that's what it is. Once I saw a post on this forum which said: the UHT milk tastes a bit "burned" to me. ????????

IT IS burned!!. Find out what UHT means and you'll never touch it.

Good old Thais, stay short and away from the dairy aisle in your supermarket.

Like the cop kicking out teeagers from MacS$%t and K"F"C.

Very smart!!

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I do wish the medics would make up their minds on what is safe to take on board and what is not. 50 years ago I was advised by a dietician on how to lose weight. The regimen include the complete avoidance of sugar. (Yes, I know that it is impossible thanks to processed food.) I switched to saccharin in my coffee only to read a couple of weeks later that saccharin was a cancer inducing agent!

Now after nearly 80 years of active and healthy life I'm told not to put milk on my Weetabix? A couple of years ago a Thai doctor told me that I must have suicidal tendencies because I admitted to regularly eating cheese! So, you think that we in the developed world all have the lemming gene, I responded.

I do not go along with the philosophy of those who drink and smoke to excess on the grounds that they would rather have a shorter but more enjoyable life but I might take a few steps towards their camp if any medical nut thinks that I'm going to live on lettuce leaves, carrots and Evian water.

I am surprised that the subject of coconut milk has not arisen on this thread. Any expert views ( i jest) on that?

I've read somewhere a long time ago, can't remember where though these days, that coconut "milk" is very

fattening. What I see in SEA daily tells me otherwise.....sip satang there Bagwan

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Drink all the milk in the world, just stop companies sneaking 5 spoons of sugar in.

Promote milk and cut out the Falk damn sugar

Milk flavored poisons, that's what it is. Once I saw a post on this forum which said: the UHT milk tastes a bit "burned" to me. ????????

IT IS burned!!. Find out what UHT means and you'll never touch it.

Good old Thais, stay short and away from the dairy aisle in your supermarket.

Like the cop kicking out teeagers from MacS$%t and K"F"C.

Very smart!!

I would be happy if any of the companies would take the time to emblazon anything they have with ADDED SUGAR FREE. Problem is, then you get down to discussing corn syrup and that other crap. I quite like the analogy of how many spoons of sugar added. We all remember the fact that Coke apparently has 7 spoons per can. It doesn't mean anything to most people when the small print on the back has a percentage.

Vitamilk Low-Sugar Soy Milk is composed of nothing more than Soymilk (94.9 percent), sugar (4.5 percent)


So one t-spoon of sugar per 100gs or 3 spoons per coke can size? Great huh? Why?

Thai FDA Revising Standards and Labeling Requirements
for Cow’s Milk Products
This is absolute gobbledeegook.
Edited by Thai at Heart
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The Dairy Industry is really big business, with sales of billions for milk and

diary products annually, so you might expect hard line marketing

from them, but would you expect them to aggressively sell their products if

they were known to be harmful to people, especially to women and children?

The cholesterol content of three glasses of milk is equal to

what one would get from 53 slices of bacon.

Do you know of any doctor who recommends that much bacon per day?

In the animal Kindom no animals drink its mother’s milk in

adult life.

"It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk.

Human’s milk is for humans.

Cow's milk is for calves.

You have no more need of cow's milk than you do rats milk, horses

milk or elephant's milk. Cow's milk is a high fat fluid exquisitely designed to

turn a 65 lb baby calf into a 400 lb cow. That's what cow's milk is for!"

--Dr Michael Klaper MD

Please Google "The Dangers of Cow Milk"

its also worrying what they feed the cows to produce such vast quantities of milk, including antibiotics!!

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Nah, this campaign won't work. Besides, Thais have access to all the milk in the world at 7-11 stores, Farm Chokchai outlets in selected shopping centers (e.g. The Mall Bang Khae), supermarkets, many restaurants and other stores. Milk has been available in these outlets for many, many years. Problem is much of it contains large amounts of sugar. Even so, if Thais want to drink it or not, let them choose. You can't force them to drink milk and I don't see much changing here in years to come.

Average heights of Thais might be a little taller in 10-20 years from now but there won't be much difference compared to now.

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Is the Ministry also planning to increase brain capacity commensurate with the new Thai " Super Race " ?

I know we regard this government as ruthless and dictatorial but please don't tell me they are about to get into genetic modification as was much loved in Nazi ideology.

If this government were "ruthless and dictatorial"....aww nevermind. Not worth the time. Your post is absurd.blink.png

You should know taking the time to start and break off. Lost your sense of direction and humour ?

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And the government actually pays this numb nut to come up with stupid ideas like this. This project is almost as well thought out as the rice pledging project. Amazing Thailand!

Need taller Thais? Have them wear higher heel shoes.

Edited by Traveling Sailor
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I do wish the medics would make up their minds on what is safe to take on board and what is not. 50 years ago I was advised by a dietician on how to lose weight. The regimen include the complete avoidance of sugar. (Yes, I know that it is impossible thanks to processed food.) I switched to saccharin in my coffee only to read a couple of weeks later that saccharin was a cancer inducing agent!

Now after nearly 80 years of active and healthy life I'm told not to put milk on my Weetabix? A couple of years ago a Thai doctor told me that I must have suicidal tendencies because I admitted to regularly eating cheese! So, you think that we in the developed world all have the lemming gene, I responded.

I do not go along with the philosophy of those who drink and smoke to excess on the grounds that they would rather have a shorter but more enjoyable life but I might take a few steps towards their camp if any medical nut thinks that I'm going to live on lettuce leaves, carrots and Evian water.

I am surprised that the subject of coconut milk has not arisen on this thread. Any expert views ( i jest) on that?

I've read somewhere a long time ago, can't remember where though these days, that coconut "milk" is very

fattening. What I see in SEA daily tells me otherwise.....sip satang there Bagwan

Coconut milk is a source of vitamins such as vitamin C, folate, choline as well as being a great source of saturated fat. If you think eating fat will make you fat, google Barry Groves, Eat Fat Get Thin and if you fear saturated fat will 'clog your arteries' watch this vid from Dr. Donald Miller, heart bypass surgeon

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This is the most laughable thing I've heard in ages.....this guy obviously doesn't know a thing about science or human nutrition...A marked increase in dairy consumption will just increase rates of obesity and obesity related disorders like diabetes and heart disease. Oh, yeah, and the notion that milk builds strong bones is also BS. Why is it that countries with the highest milk consumption also have the highest rates of osteoporosis in old age?

Let me enlighten you with a quote from a real doctor who specializes in nutritional research.

"there is a strong association between dairy lactose and ischemic heart disease. There is also a clear association between high growth promoting foods such as dairy products and cancer. There is a clear association between milk consumption and bladder, prostate, colorectal, and testicular cancers. Dairy fat is also loaded with various toxins and is the prime source of our nation's (USA) high exposure to dioxin."

and .....

"In April 2000 the Physician's Health Study reported that having 2.5 servings of dairy each day boosted prostate cancer risk by more than 30%"

The above quotes are from Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman M.D.

So unless the ministry wants to enrich the diary industry some more, decrease the general health of the population whilst placing an increased weight on an inadequate health care system and enriching the pharmaceutical sector....I'd say they're on the wrong track.

Maybe encouraging Thais to read more and watch less TV would help.... but who'd make any money?

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I do wish the medics would make up their minds on what is safe to take on board and what is not. 50 years ago I was advised by a dietician on how to lose weight. The regimen include the complete avoidance of sugar. (Yes, I know that it is impossible thanks to processed food.) I switched to saccharin in my coffee only to read a couple of weeks later that saccharin was a cancer inducing agent!

Now after nearly 80 years of active and healthy life I'm told not to put milk on my Weetabix? A couple of years ago a Thai doctor told me that I must have suicidal tendencies because I admitted to regularly eating cheese! So, you think that we in the developed world all have the lemming gene, I responded.

I do not go along with the philosophy of those who drink and smoke to excess on the grounds that they would rather have a shorter but more enjoyable life but I might take a few steps towards their camp if any medical nut thinks that I'm going to live on lettuce leaves, carrots and Evian water.

I am surprised that the subject of coconut milk has not arisen on this thread. Any expert views ( i jest) on that?

I've read somewhere a long time ago, can't remember where though these days, that coconut "milk" is very

fattening. What I see in SEA daily tells me otherwise.....sip satang there Bagwan

Coconut milk is a source of vitamins such as vitamin C, folate, choline as well as being a great source of saturated fat. If you think eating fat will make you fat, google Barry Groves, Eat Fat Get Thin and if you fear saturated fat will 'clog your arteries' watch this vid from Dr. Donald Miller, heart bypass surgeon

Show me anyone who has consistently over a long time frame (years) eaten fat to get thin. This is snake oil sales at it's best. Total BS. Go read The China Study by Dr. Colin Campbell. If you eat fat you'll be fat. Just look around at half the kids these days. High calorie foods with low nutrient loads make you fat. Period.

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As long as the Thais feet get bigger so I dont have to keep asking for what they call a massive size 45 or 46 I will be happy. Tell them to drink milk and eat grass for all I care.


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Just as a matter of interest, how many dairy herds are there in Thailand. Nearest fresh milk, which I assume the article is about, is about 30kn from our home.

Not sure, but the emaciated cows that I've seen in most of the country would probably not produce much milk anyway in comparison to a proper dairy herd. Maybe it's time to start a dairy farm with some recognised breeds. The increased consumption the government is decreeing is huge and I'm sure they have not done the math on how big the dairy industry has to grow to meet that consumption level.

They have done the Math.

A cow gives naturally only 1-4 pounds of milk a day.

Now cows are tweaked and shot-up with Posilac to produce up

to 55 or more pounds of milk per day... almost all year long...

Our Jersey cows at the ranch produced more than 5 gallons per day, 10 months out of a year. That's on just home grown feed - mostly hay with a little corn and wheat grain. No supplements. That's more than 40 pounds per day and sometimes 6 gallons or 48 pounds. Per cow.

Jerseys produce a high fat milk, and after running it through the separator, about 7% was fat leaving non-fat and cream. There was no way we could use that much cream even churning butter and other ways, so most of it went to the hogs.

I've never heard of a cow that gave 4 pounds (1/2 gallon) of milk per day but then I've never milked a scrawny no-name Thai cow.

I can imagine how a good diet as opposed to a really poor diet could make a child taller perhaps, and if milk was the only real food available I'd feed it, but I've never heard this one before, that milk would make a child taller.

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I do wish the medics would make up their minds on what is safe to take on board and what is not. 50 years ago I was advised by a dietician on how to lose weight. The regimen include the complete avoidance of sugar. (Yes, I know that it is impossible thanks to processed food.) I switched to saccharin in my coffee only to read a couple of weeks later that saccharin was a cancer inducing agent!

Now after nearly 80 years of active and healthy life I'm told not to put milk on my Weetabix? A couple of years ago a Thai doctor told me that I must have suicidal tendencies because I admitted to regularly eating cheese! So, you think that we in the developed world all have the lemming gene, I responded.

I do not go along with the philosophy of those who drink and smoke to excess on the grounds that they would rather have a shorter but more enjoyable life but I might take a few steps towards their camp if any medical nut thinks that I'm going to live on lettuce leaves, carrots and Evian water.

I am surprised that the subject of coconut milk has not arisen on this thread. Any expert views ( i jest) on that?

I've read somewhere a long time ago, can't remember where though these days, that coconut "milk" is very

fattening. What I see in SEA daily tells me otherwise.....sip satang there Bagwan

Coconut milk is a source of vitamins such as vitamin C, folate, choline as well as being a great source of saturated fat. If you think eating fat will make you fat, google Barry Groves, Eat Fat Get Thin and if you fear saturated fat will 'clog your arteries' watch this vid from Dr. Donald Miller, heart bypass surgeon

Show me anyone who has consistently over a long time frame (years) eaten fat to get thin. This is snake oil sales at it's best. Total BS. Go read The China Study by Dr. Colin Campbell. If you eat fat you'll be fat. Just look around at half the kids these days. High calorie foods with low nutrient loads make you fat. Period.

I'll show you Barry Groves who had been eating fat for 40 years: http://leicester.truthjuice.co.uk/index.php/2012/05/barry-groves-presents-homo-carnivorous-in-leicester-on-200812/

But one example is merely anecdotal and proves nothing much - unless the one is you.

China Study.... yawn. http://www.stevepavlina.com/forums/health-fitness/48864-yet-another-independent-debunking-china-study-book.html

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What's so great about being tall? I'm tall and it has both it's pros and cons. For one thing, airline and bus seats are all made to fit midgets.

And another thing. Never mind milk - the thing that is already making the Thais taller is the Thai woman/tall foreign man breeding program. My wife's home village looks like the United Nations with all the little Luk Krung kids running around.

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The Dairy Industry is really big business, with sales of billions for milk and

diary products annually, so you might expect hard line marketing

from them, but would you expect them to aggressively sell their products if

they were known to be harmful to people, especially to women and children?

The cholesterol content of three glasses of milk is equal to

what one would get from 53 slices of bacon.

Do you know of any doctor who recommends that much bacon per day?

In the animal Kindom no animals drink its mother’s milk in

adult life.

"It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk.

Human’s milk is for humans.

Cow's milk is for calves.

You have no more need of cow's milk than you do rats milk, horses

milk or elephant's milk. Cow's milk is a high fat fluid exquisitely designed to

turn a 65 lb baby calf into a 400 lb cow. That's what cow's milk is for!"

--Dr Michael Klaper MD

Please Google "The Dangers of Cow Milk"

Haven't seen so many falsehoods and sheer nonsense in a single post frequently. Here is the actual amount of cholesterol in milk http://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/cholesterol_content_of_foods/

You have to drink a couple of litres in one go to rival a single egg. None of the foods we consume comes with the label 'I evolved for the purpose of human consumption', we turn to food whatever is edible and available. Happens to be cow milk because we keep more than a billion of cattle, it's the only animal able to produce dozends of litres of milk every day, and was bred to do exactly this. Goat and horse milk are also consumed. Quite a lot of milk isn't consumed directly, but processed to yoghurt, butter, cheese, chocolate, infant formula etc etc. And milk powder, one of few nonperishable foods that can be stored almost indefinetely. In some areas of the world, milk is the most important, and sometimes only staple food. Usually from the yak. So much for "It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk." Last but not least, milk and milk products are delicious.

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Nah, this campaign won't work. Besides, Thais have access to all the milk in the world at 7-11 stores, Farm Chokchai outlets in selected shopping centers (e.g. The Mall Bang Khae), supermarkets, many restaurants and other stores. Milk has been available in these outlets for many, many years.

Up until 9 months ago, I would have to make a 50 km round trip to buy a bottle of milk, I would usually make a 160km round trip, buy 10 litres and freeze it. Cow milk wasn't even on the radar for most families here, I tried eating corn flakes with soy milk but that was a truly disgusting experience for me.

Then our town got a Tesco Lotus Xpress, at first the shelves had a sparse selection of milk, sometimes none. Then the locals discovered it and I can now buy it 24/7 with never a bottle getting even close to its best before date.

The campaign will work on one level, it will increase the sales of milk (its primary intent anyway) but the lie created to achieve that, is just a lie.

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"It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk.

Seeing as humans are basically 'hunter gatherers' ... and cows milk, along with birds eggs, grasshoppers, animal meat etc are hunted and/or gathered ... what would you suggest is 'natural' for humans to eat? Anything in a styrofoam box?

We started as hunter gatherers but we havent been for a long time. We can afford to be more aware of what we eat now because we are not hunter gatherers that will eat anything just to survive. Now we know the effects of certain foods to our body we can plan the most suitable diet because we have so much choice as to what we consume.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sugar in Milk

Sugar can have some negative connotations, especially

among dieters or those trying to eat healthily. But many foods, including milk,

contain some amount of natural sugar, and the type of sugar found in milk is

known as lactose. Milk is low on the glycemic index, meaning it will not raise

your blood sugar as much as foods that are higher on the index. While both

natural and added sugars can be harmful when consumed in excess, sugar is a form

of carbohydrate, which your body needs for energy. Drinking milk is a good way

to give your body the carbs it needs while providing additional health benefits

as well.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/519468-how-much-sugar-is-in-a-glass-of-milk/#ixzz2V98DRQPP

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"It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk.

Seeing as humans are basically 'hunter gatherers' ... and cows milk, along with birds eggs, grasshoppers, animal meat etc are hunted and/or gathered ... what would you suggest is 'natural' for humans to eat? Anything in a styrofoam box?

We started as hunter gatherers but we havent been for a long time. We can afford to be more aware of what we eat now because we are not hunter gatherers that will eat anything just to survive. Now we know the effects of certain foods to our body we can plan the most suitable diet because we have so much choice as to what we consume.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sugar in Milk

Sugar can have some negative connotations, especially

among dieters or those trying to eat healthily. But many foods, including milk,

contain some amount of natural sugar, and the type of sugar found in milk is

known as lactose. Milk is low on the glycemic index, meaning it will not raise

your blood sugar as much as foods that are higher on the index. While both

natural and added sugars can be harmful when consumed in excess, sugar is a form

of carbohydrate, which your body needs for energy. Drinking milk is a good way

to give your body the carbs it needs while providing additional health benefits

as well.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/519468-how-much-sugar-is-in-a-glass-of-milk/#ixzz2V98DRQPP

I like my products as they are and if I want to add sugar, that's up to me.

Ever tried a tuna sandwich from 711? Bleeeuch! If I have to tell the girl in my coffee shop to lay off the condensed milk and use fresh milk one more time, I am gonna scream.

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few interesting stats, and you try to figure out what the thais are up to.

1,shorter people are healthy than taller people greater longevity of shorter people appeared in the Bulletin of the

World Health Organization in 1992. Since then we have presented

substantial findings showing that shorter, smaller people live longer.

The reason for this is that bigger bodies have more cells and these

cells are subject to replacement due to wear or damage.

2. at the end of world war 2 the japs and chinese were the same avg. height, americans bought cows to jap feed them u.s. style milk the japs are on avg 4- 6 inches taller than avg chinese now. chinese 10 years ago bought a 100,000 cow herd from iowa to ship to china.american breed and feed cows read growth hormones they shoot up the cows with. what do you think they are up too?

May not be the milk (only), but the general better life style in Japan after the War, than in China.

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The Dairy Industry is really big business, with sales of billions for milk and

diary products annually, so you might expect hard line marketing

from them, but would you expect them to aggressively sell their products if

they were known to be harmful to people, especially to women and children?

The cholesterol content of three glasses of milk is equal to

what one would get from 53 slices of bacon.

Do you know of any doctor who recommends that much bacon per day?

In the animal Kindom no animals drink its mother’s milk in

adult life.

"It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk.

Human’s milk is for humans.

Cow's milk is for calves.

You have no more need of cow's milk than you do rats milk, horses

milk or elephant's milk. Cow's milk is a high fat fluid exquisitely designed to

turn a 65 lb baby calf into a 400 lb cow. That's what cow's milk is for!"

--Dr Michael Klaper MD

Please Google "The Dangers of Cow Milk"

its also worrying what they feed the cows to produce such vast quantities of milk, including antibiotics!!


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I am really staggered by the number of people on here that actually think milk will help you grow taller....genuinely staggered. One bonus of milk is calcium, which incidentally can be got from many normal food sources. Calcium does not make you grow taller, it aids healthy strong bones, Milk does not make you grow taller, if it did I would be 2.5M tall. Your height is down to genetics and those genes can be from either your parents or grandparents. It seems the knowledge of biology on here is little or no different to the crackpot Minister in the OP. If they want to make the average height taller then just stop people under 165 cm from ever having children

Actually, it goes further than that. Milk DOES contain calcium, but research shows that the calcium in milk is in a form that is very difficult to get. It has been found in numerous studies that drinking cows milk actually increases osteoporosis (bone degeneration). You'd be better off eating black sesame seeds, and small fish where you can eat the bones (like tinned sardines).

Height is genetics + good all-round nutrition.

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