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Kan Win

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Fantasist teacher leaves Bedales

By Finian Davern, Evening Standard 18 February 2004 .

A teacher has resigned from a leading public school after being exposed for a fourth time as a fantasist claiming to be a Scottish gentleman.

Dr Scott Peake has left his post as a classics teacher at Bedales School in Hampshire only three years after he was forced to resign as head of a Scottish heritage society and a teacher at two top Scottish schools.

For all four posts, the popular teacher had claimed a long Scottish lineage and a Hebridean upbringing on a remote island near Skye.

He is in fact a Londoner who grew up in a council house in Woolwich.

Dr Peake studied at St Andrews University in Scotland in the early Nineties and since then has adopted a Western Isles accent, learned to speak Gaelic fluently and claims to have won caps representing Scotland in cricket and shinty.

Staff at Bedales, whose alumni include actors Minnie Driver and Daniel Day-Lewis, were confused by revelations of his Walter Mittylike fantasies. They issued a statement confirming Dr Peake has left the school and "will be pursuing a career outside teaching".

Dr Peake has retreated to his late mother's two-bed semi in Woolwich since leaving Bedales. He said he left the school for "health reasons".

"I can't talk about it because I am mentally shot," he said. "My departure from Bedales was not connected to what happened in the past. People are just putting two and two together and assuming."


Kan Win:-

How many of you are mentally shot and/or have done this one? Professors and Teachers.



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Guest IT Manager

Reminds me of the fantasist scotch ex-army chappie in Thailand, works as part time informer for several brown shirt organisations.

Not at his best at 8.00 AM IMHO.

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