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Global Fears Of The Masks, And What's Behind Them


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Global fears of the masks, and what's behind them

Jintana Panyaarvudh

BANGKOK: -- When anti-government groups on social media started using Guy Fawkes masks in their campaign against the so-called Thaksin regime and Yingluck Shinawatra's government, some wondered how long the iconic mask would last.

The Guy Fawkes mask, made famous by the 2005 movie "V for Vendetta" by Andy and Lana Wachovski, has become an international symbol of anarchism and revolution. It is also an emblem of the hacktivist group Anonymous.

From the 15M movement in Spain, to the Occupy movement in the US and many other groups in the Arab Spring uprising and beyond, the mask has become what the "V for Vendetta" comic's illustrator David Lloyd described as a "placard to use in protest against tyranny."

In some Middle East countries, governments were so concerned about protesters wearing the mask, they issued a ban on it.

The United Arab Emirates prohibited the mask in November - police issuing a warning that wearing it, especially on or before the UAE's National Day on December 2, would be a crime symbolising resistance to state authority.

Bahrain became the second Gulf state to outlaw the masks in February. The Industry and Commerce Ministry of Bahrain also banned importing the mask, which it referred to as a "revolution mask" due to concerns over "public safety". Anyone trying to get around this ban could, potentially, be arrested.

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of the Interior ordered last week the immediate confiscation and destruction, and prohibited the import and sale, of all Guy Fawkes masks. Its authorities claimed the masks promoted "a culture of violence and extremism," and "encouraged young people to breach security and spread chaos in society."

Last November, Canada's House of Commons approved a bill that banned citizens from hiding their faces or wearing masks during disturbances - in response to last year's Stanley Cup Riots in Vancouver where masked vandals smashed and set fire to the city after the team lost to the Boston Bruins. However, the bill does not apply to law-abiding protesters at peaceful demonstrations.

Back to Thailand: At first glance, it seemed the masks were being used by anti-Thaksin groups as a gimmick to draw attention. However, one week later, the Guy Fawkes white mask campaign gained more support from people and finally they came out to rally on the streets last weekend. The rally ended peacefully.

The government at first played down the mask campaign saying it would not have any impact or get public backing or become popular - but in the meantime the ruling Pheu Thai party, through spokesman Prompong Nopparit, threatened to take legal action against the Guy Fawkes-mask phenomenon.

A report on the Matichon website last week, after mainstream media stories of the masked groups, interviewed a shop vendor who sells the Guy Fawkes masks for collection or as toys.

The vendor said the mask had become a hot item after news about it broke out. Recently, he failed to fulfil an order for 5,000 masks he'd asked to be delivered to Sanam Luang. The order was supposed to have been used in a rally by the Thai Patriotic Front, which was demanding the Pheu Thai-led government resign.

It remains to be seen how long Guy Fawkes will stay in Thai politics. But hopefully, the Thai government will not be overly worried about the power of the mask and try to quell the ongoing protests in the country by following in the Gulf states' footsteps.

-- The Nation 2013-06-04

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The fear and the comments are becoming the same all over. I heard the Turkish PM condemning the protesters there and he could have been speaking in Bangkok. The thrust was no criticism of the government was right, the protesters are completely wrong and he described Twitter as his country's greatest public enemy. Different national language but identical thoughts.

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The headline really takes stupidity and gullibility to the next level. If it's a Thai, then wearing a mask is akin to a mask behind a mask, or a FACE in this instance. What is idiotic is being able to wear a mask and feel comfortable enough to begin to show the signs of truth about one's feelings, and then removing it and going back to one's lying and deceptive ways. There is a psychological term for that kind of behavior I believe. Maybe that's why they tint their automobile wind screens so dark, so they can be a god hiding in a steel cage of destruction during the time it takes to drive from here to there. Who knows? My speculation is possibly just as absurd as this article's sensationalism. One never really knows with these people.

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Behind the mask , old and new coup makers cronys of military , Democratic party and PAD. Jealous people's afraid of the future.


Yep, good point.

Behind the mask, old and young, Thaksin's thugs, Puea Thai Party, Redshirts. Stupid people with no idea about the future. whistling.gif

Edited by ratcatcher
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you gotta wear a mask,you know how sad the reds get when people say their wrong,,all the toys thrown out of the pram,,if these governments/dictatorships respected,or even,treated their own people with a little respect ,,maybe just maybe,,,,,,,,,,,

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Behind the mask , old and new coup makers cronys of military , Democratic party and PAD. Jealous people's afraid of the future.

With Dr. Thaksin's government in total command of the economics of the Kingdom, even the Red Shirt supporters should be afraid of the future.

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