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Major Dams In Thailand Ordered To Adjust Water Management Plans


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Major dams ordered to adjust water management plans
By English News


BANGKOK, June 5 -- Thailand's Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has ordered the agencies concerned to adjust their water management plans for major dams after the water level was lower than earlier forecast.

Permanent Secretary for Agriculture Chavalit Chookajorn said the water level at major dams and reservoirs were worrisome as the volumes of water were below the plan.

He said the Meteorological Department reported that rainfall has been normal this year but water supply in the dams and reservoirs are limited, with most used during the dry season.

Taking into consideration normal rainfall, it is expected that the water in the dams and reservoirs would not be enough for the dry season next year, Mr Chavalit said.

The ministry has ordered the agencies concerned to jointly analyse the situation and seek measures to prevent a water supply shortage, Mr Chavalit said. The measures will cover the water management plan for the next dry season including artificial rainmaking to increase water volume in the dams and reservoirs. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-06-05

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normal rainfall not enough, 2011 rainfall, 20,000,000,000 whales of cubic meters of water coming to Bangkok due to these guys management... I guess they are hoping for some July tropical rain storms to fill up on this year... watch this space coffee1.gif

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Oh hell no here we go.

The baht is in freefall, Yingluck doesn't know what's going on, Nuttawat is off on an egg chase.

Aaaaagggggh. The sky is falling

And don't let the water out of the damns because there won't be enough for a rice harvest..... As though they need any more.

We all know what happened last time with trying to time the rice and letting the water out. That's it. I'm off for a beer. I can't take any more of the bad news for the day.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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So some are told to 'do' something in order to make sure there will be enough water for next year's dry season.

Luckily we're at the begin of the rainy season and still have enough time to collect till overflowing :-)

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Simple really, all the have to do is arrange for more rain.


We are organizing Rain Dances upstream from all major dams.

Free food and drink.

Bring all your friends and relations.

Signed, Permanent Secretary for Agriculture Chavalit Chookajorn

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It's a constant knee-jerk. They had a drought the year before the flood. Then, the flood. Now, they're over-reacting to perceived lower water levels again. These guys can't plan lunch.

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The teachings of the Rain God.

One day, many years ago, the elephant said to the Rain God: You should be very satisfied, for you managed to cover all earth in green; but what will happen if I tear off all the grass, all the trees and the bushes?
No green will be left! Then what?

The Rain God answered him:

If I stopped sending rain, no more green will grow, and you would have nothing to eat. What will happen then?

But the elephant wanted to challenge him, and began tearing off all the trees, the bushes and the grass with his trunk, to destroy all the green of the earth.

So, the Rain God, offended, made the rain stop, and deserts extended everywhere. The elephant was dying of thirst; he tried to dig where the rivers were, but couldn’t find a drop of water. In the end, he praised the Rain God:

Sir, I misbehaved. I was arrogant, and I repent. Please, forget it and let the rain come.

But the Rain God remained silent.

Days went by, and every day it was more dry than the day before. The elephant sent the rooster to praise the Rain God for him. The rooster looked for him everywhere, and in the end he found him hidden by a cloud. He said who he was, and he praised for rain with so much eloquence that the Rain God decided to send a little rain. The rain fell as the Rain God had promised the rooster, and it formed a little pool just in front of where the elephant lived.

That same day, the elephant went to the wood to eat and left the tortoise the duty of protecting the pool, with these words: Tortoise, if somebody comes to drink here, you will tell them that this is my
personal pool and that nobody can drink from here.

When the elephant left, many thirsty animals came to the pool, but the tortoise would not leave them drink, saying: This water belongs to His Majesty the Elephant; you cannot drink it.

But when the lion came, he was not impressed from the words of the tortoise. He looked at her and told her to keep out, and began drinking water till histhirst was calmed. Then he left without saying anything else. When the elephant came back, very little water was left in the pool. The tortoise tried to defend herself:

Sir, I am just a little animal and the other animals have little respect for me. The lion came, and I just went out of the way. What could I do? After that, all animals drank freely.

Furious, the elephant raised the foot and stamped on the tortoise with the intention of crashing her. Fortunately, the tortoise is very strong and she managed survive. But since then, the tortoise is a bit flat below. Suddenly all animals heard the voice of the Rain God which said:

Don’t do as the elephant did. Don’t challenge those who are more powerful than you, don’t destroy what you could need in the future, don’t ask a feeble one to defend your property, and don’t punish an innocent servant. But, more than all, don’t be arrogant and don’t try to own it all; let those who need it share your fortune.

Edited by billd766
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