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Average Monthly Income For Farang?


Whats the average monthly income for farang in thailand  

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From what I can tell looking at the tax tables, the Thai tax on a US expat here is very similar to the US federal tax on the same pay for a US resident. That is, looking at the pay scales being talked about here for expat packages... say 200-400k baht per month. I didn't really try to study it to see how they might diverge when pay goes way above or below those numbers. The Thai scale ramps up more quickly, I think, but hits a maximum percentage at lower pay while the US federal rates climb further. Around this pay level, the bracket is charging roughly 30-40 percent. There may also be some differences for people getting dividends or capital gains, which isn't all that uncommon on such compensation packages (stocks and stock options).

Another thing to be careful about when comparing "buying power" is that an expat who is looking for temporary assignment is not that concerned with the buying power during his contract. He is concerned with the buying power of his savings and investments for the future which may be spent back in farangland. As a self-employed technical consultant, I definitely think about this rather than the local living expense. I am worried about being able to re-enter the US economy some day and feel like I've worked my way up in my career, rather than stumbling back to my lifestyle right out of college. I worry about being able to send kids to college in the US, even though I don't have any kids yet. I also worry about whether my time here impacts my ability to land work back in the US in my field.

I do think people are glossing over the fact that these visible expat packages are quite senior or specialist. I know that a Thai executive working in one of the higher up managerial positions in the financial sector can also be making upwards of 400k per month in BKK. I am sure other sectors have similar possibilities here. There is certainly a larger wealth disparity between the rich and poor here, and expats may be more visible than the rich Thais for some of us. But, I think these expats are not so far out of sync with their peers in the global market, which is where an expat professional must see and evaluate himself, assuming he does not choose to be a "lifer" who is exiting the global picture.

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Another thing to consider is if you remained in your home country, you would likely buy your own house and might be able to write off some or all of your interest payments on your taxes. In Thailand, you can't own real estate unless it's a condo, and for an expat who isn't sure how long his contract will last there, there's little chance of him deciding to buy a condo in Thailand. Also figure additional expenses he has to travel back to his homeland to visit family and friends, and for many a general incovenience of living so far from home and having to do without many of the familiar things from home. When all is said and done, most expats are able to save more than they would have in their home country, but for all the disadvantages of having to live in a foreign country it's not really all that much for most. To someone making only 30,000 Baht per month I know 200,000+ looks like a lot and they easily get jealous and wonder about the spending/saving habits of someone making that kind of money. But except in a few cases, the expats really aren't making out like bandits as you may think. They're doing well for themselves, but they would also be doing well for themselves if they remained in their home country.

Also consider the emotional toll living overseas takes on some individuals or their families. Some families choose for the breadwinner to go abroad and work, while the partner and children remain in their home country. Even if the family does move to Thailand, they may choose to keep their house in their home country and keep paying the mortgage. Renting it out may make up some of the difference, but probably not all and renting sometimes brings with it a lot of problems.

Edited by Soju
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Some of the logic on this post seems to be 'Thai' at best. :o

Why is it unreasonable to think that 1/3 of respondants earn over 200,000 a month? That isn't that much if you think about it. Ask the same question in the UK and you'll see that some people can take home £10,000 a year and others take home £150,000 a year. You wouldn't expect those on 150k to be saving 100k a year would you??

I worked for a law firm in London where trainees made £33,000 and associates made £80,000 plus. It it possible to be an associate as young as 25 years of age. Partners made considerably more. This company has an office in BKK.

Some of you may go away and stay in a 500 baht / night beach hut. Others will go and stay in a 10,000 a night luxury resort. You ain't gonna do that on 60k a month are you.

Some may live in a 5000 baht / month house and others have a 100k per month condo. Have you looked through the Post classifieds? Those property ads aren't aimed at 60k per month earners, are they?

There seems to be a lot of jealousy here too. Normally by those who stayed here after a holiday and decided to work. They realise they can't afford the life they wanted and show bitter resentment to those expat high earners that do exist in big numbers.

Thailand may be cheap on some level, but luxury items are roughly the same price as they are in the west. How long would it take to buy a new computer, a car, a nice house, when you're only pulling in small money?

Anyway... enough... It's stopped raining and I'm going out.

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Can someone please give me ane example of how you spend your money if you only make 20-40K baht/month?




Saving for the future


clothing/other material needs

Do you ever go home? A round trip plane ticket to the west is atleast 60-80K baht. That is 2-4 months salary alone.

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When I lived in Sa Kaeo these were my expenses each month.

Rent 4000/month

Food 3000/month

Entertainment 2000/month

transportation gas for motorcycle 800/month

clothing/other material needs UBC 2150/month DSL 750/month

Total Cost 12700

Saving for the future

If you make 20,000/month you can save 7300

If you make 30,000/month you can save 17,300


Now I live in Phayao and don't pay rent so I save more.

Also, I never go home. I consider Thailand my home now.

Before I was married, every 3 months, I had to do a visa run to Laos. That was about 10,000 for the entire trip (transportation, lodging, food, visa, and entertainment). Now that I am married, I don't even have to do that. I just get an extension and never leave Thailand.

Edited by richard10365
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I guess it depends on the lifestyle your looking for. There are pleanty of apartments in Bangkok you can rent for 4000/month. I could live the same life in Bangkok as I do else where. You just have to know how to shop. It also helps if you can speak Thai a little more than your average farang tourist.

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I am only interested in those living in BKK on 20-40K.

I don't live permanent in BKK but when there I pay the following:

Apartment, incl electric, water & ubc; 15000/month

Food&Sigarettes; 6000-7500/month

Entertainment; varies from 0-2500/day on average 15000/month.

Future: don't bother :o

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There seems to be a lot of jealousy here too. Normally by those who stayed here after a holiday and decided to work. They realise they can't afford the life they wanted and show bitter resentment to those expat high earners that do exist in big numbers.

The best summary of the last few pages.

It's all relative anyway. X amount will be peanuts (or riches) to many, the same can be said for 10X a month as well.

It would probably be better if those who are so easily offended by other's generalizations learn how to deal with their own sensitivities more constructively -for example if they aren't happy with their own income level, they should channel those energies into actually increasing their income-.


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Can someone please give me ane example of how you spend your money if you only make 20-40K baht/month?




Saving for the future


clothing/other material needs

Do you ever go home? A round trip plane ticket to the west is atleast 60-80K baht. That is 2-4 months salary alone.

Before I even waiste the energy to answer your question...let me point out one clue that tells me why you might find it difficult for someone to live off of 20-40,000 baht a month.

I have never paid 60-80,000 baht for a round trip ticket to Colorado (In the past 5 years, I have traveled to/fro three times)

Actually, more like half that...20-30,000 baht...And this is another example of targeted markets...

While Joe Blo A thinks it's normal to pay 70,000 baht for a round trip ticket to USA

Joe Blo B knows the eco rate for travel to USA is 20-30,000 baht

Joe Blo A is willing to pay 3,200 baht for a plastic wash tub

Joe Blo B knows that Big C sells the same thing for 199 baht

Joe Blo A thinks its essential to send his offspring to a 400,000 baht/year international school

Joe Blo B realizes that home is the best international school, and Thai social system isn't so bad

Joe Blo A makes 100-200,000 baht/month but is still living on his home standards, self aware

Joe Blo B makes 20-40,000 baht/month and has adapted to local standards, culturally aware

Joe Blo A has a higher standard of living...he is elite...he has power...he has his own future in mind

Joe Blo B gets by and is content with his own living...though despises the arrogance and ignorance of Joe Blo A...

Life goes on...and Joe Blo B realizes that despite being much lower on the social ladder than Joe Bloe A, he still is much higher than 95 percent of the world...

Joe Blo A is on top of his children's future....closing a multi-million $$$ baht deal at the office

Joe Blo B is hungry from drinking and thinking so much...then he meets Sue Blo A at the pub---drunk and lonely... :o:D

Edited by greenwanderer108
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When I woz 14, I lived in my parents attic conversion with en suite bathroom for free (about 50 sqm). Now I'm a bit older, I don't want to live in a bed-sit (because my wife's not having an extra-marital, and I'm not having a breakdown), so I need (yes, really, need) more than pocket money to live here.

But, if you are living on the poverty line, bless your soul. Amen.

PS. I am an ars3h013!!

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1. There are so many votes claiming incomes above 200,000 baht, I would have loved to see break points at 250,000, 300,000, 350,000, and 400,000 baht per month. I wonder what the highest salary claim is.

2. I believe the mean household income in the US is about $40,000 U.S. per year. That is about 130,000 baht per month. A third of the survey responders claim to make more than that here in Thailand. Since it is generally easier to make money in the U.S., I assume these people would claim they are very clever at earning money.

3. I must keep company with people who are quite different than the ones who responded to this survey, since I know very few foreigners who make over 200,000 baht per month in Thailand.

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Can someone please give me ane example of how you spend your money if you only make 20-40K baht/month?

Rent in BKK ---- 6500 baht ... 1 BR apartment

Utilities/phone etc ... 6,000/mo

Food--- approx 250 baht/day

Entertainment varies ... a couple of 2000 baht a night drinking parties with friends a month .... the rest is just cheap

Saving for the future---

transportation 2000/mo Taxis .... BTS/MRTA maybe 1000 a month

clothing/other material needs ... very little ... maybe 1000/mo

roughly 26k is doable .....

Minimum wage for a qualified Yank is 60k a month

Do you ever go home? A round trip plane ticket to the west is atleast 60-80K baht. That is 2-4 months salary alone. (your numbers are WAY off for RT trips)

OK ... here are my qualifiers ... I don't work here ... have an income of above 40k but I keep my spending down :-) Granted every 3-4 months I take a major trip somewhere .... like 10 days at a nice beach resort ... or travelling aroound the region

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Udon .... 1/3rd of the respondants ........ 1/3rd make more than 1.5% of the average salary paid in the USA ...

I know a couple of people that fall in the 150k/month income bracket from working inThailand .... (had one hit me up for a loan last month!)

I know mostly retired guys ... living at aroubd 80k a month

and have met a ton of "English teachers" like the OP living on less than 40k


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I must keep company with people who are quite different than the ones who responded to this survey, since I know very few foreigners who make over 200,000 baht per month in Thailand.

I think that maybe some people voted cos they live in Thailand and work offshore/overseas jobs paying more than 200,000 baht per month.

I also voted and did not realise that this poll was for Money paid whilst employed IN Thailand.

I change my vote to ZERO as I earn notning in Thailand.

Edited by Maigo6
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200,000 bhat a month is not that much for an "expat package", if you think about it it's about 3,000 pounds a month UK (I assume before tax) thats 36,000 UK a year. Well I recon most expats on a package here would of been filling pretty senior positions or have much sought after skills, 36,000 a year in Uk is not that much and you would'nt expect them to come and work here for less. Add things like accomadation alowences, mabye a car, education ect and it's not really hard to get to the 200,000 fig.

If I had came over on a package I would of expected at least that, not that I make anything like it now, but I'm here by choice, doing what I want to do. Theres is a big differance between those that are sent here, those that retire here and those that have to try and make a living here.


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The Dude has shovels and rakes to deal with all his cash. He is a big believer in cash buying happiness. He feels that a day without unlimited cash in Thailand is like night. Dig?
money cant buy you happiness.....but sure makes being unhappy a lot more fun :o
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200,000 bhat a month is not that much for an "expat package", if you think about it it's about 3,000 pounds a month UK (I assume before tax) thats 36,000 UK a year. Well I recon most expats on a package here would of been filling pretty senior positions or have much sought after skills, 36,000 a year in Uk is not that much and you would'nt expect them to come and work here for less. Add things like accomadation alowences, mabye a car, education ect and it's not really hard to get to the 200,000 fig.

If I had came over on a package I would of expected at least that, not that I make anything like it now, but I'm here by choice, doing what I want to do. Theres is a big differance between those that are sent here, those that retire here and those that have to try and make a living here.


I agree with your point but the thing is that people saying they need to be making over B200,000 here just "to get by" are talking rubbish.

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Sometimes making a lot of money isn't as great as it sounds. When I came here in 1991 I was making about ten times more than the Thai engineers were making. After a while I figured out why I was making that much. The pressure and amount of hours I put in made my old job in the USA look pretty good. To make a long story short I finished up what I had commited to do and quit after about two years. It simply wasn't worth it. The worst part was that when I quit everything was running pretty well and the job wasn't too bad.

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I am only interested in those living in BKK on 20-40K.

When i came to life here first in Bangkok i had on average only 15K a month for the first few years. That today after the devaluation would be about similar to 25K a month.

I was very happy. I rented a lovely house for 2500 baht including water and electricity. Rarely used taxis, but knew most of the busroutes. I ate mostly Thai food. I made many trips to the weirder parts of Asia on the cheap.

Had hardly any savings. Life was great.

Now i have a lot more money available.

I rent a lovely house for 8000 baht a month, said good bye to the busroutes, spend a shitload on the various items i collect, eat both Thai food and western food, dish out the occasional fortune for delicacies. I make many trips to the weirder parts of Asia, regardless of how much i have to spend to get there (within limits).

Have hardly any savings. Life is still great.

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Where do people get the idea that earning a good income automatically comes with horrendous hours and a miserable working environment?

Not all high paying jobs are tough. An Australian I worked with knew nothing, did nothing and didn't worry about anything. He made MORE money than I did. In fact one of the reasons i quit was to put him on the spot. :o

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The Dude has shovels and rakes to deal with all his cash. He is a big believer in cash buying happiness. He feels that a day without unlimited cash in Thailand is like night. Dig?

Do you know this guy..."The Dude"? :D:o


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Perhaps it would have been a better poll if it had said "How much do you earn IN Thailand" and or "How much do you spend IN Thailand". I suppose I could spend 200,000 baht per month but I would be wasting a lot of it. :D

You sure would be :o

I think the question as I saw it was how much you think most fharlangs earn in Thailand. There fore if you take all the bullshit stories about teachers earning crap wages 30,000 to 50,000 that's why the 2nd most earnings % is 40000 + :D

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200000 baht is US$5000 a month or $1250 a week or $60000 a year.I think a lot more than 1.5% of the US population make more than that and many a lot more.Someone who retires with a net worth of $1 million and gets 10% in interest and dividends could make almost twice the top amount without touching his principal.I will really like trying to find ways to spend my retirement.

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The Dude has shovels and rakes to deal with all his cash. He is a big believer in cash buying happiness. He feels that a day without unlimited cash in Thailand is like night. Dig?

money cant buy you happiness.....but sure makes being unhappy a lot more fun :D

Ask 100 different people what "happiness" is and you'll get 100 different answers. All I know is money buys the freedom to explore more options :o

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