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Mr the dukes

Can you slow down and tell us the issue. Without the details we can only think that whoever gets you this stressed has seriously dented your income. You must be successful to be doing in what your doing.

Don't worry. Chill out

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Yes there are plenty of jerks on this forum,probably more than a fair share.

However,it is a popular fairly well moderated open forum,leave it to them to do their job.

And at the end of the day the old idiom applies- "if you don't like the heat etc -----.

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Hi Dave. I'm the guy who blew up all the fire works at you riverfront restaurant last new year. Don't see what your on about. Your a good dude and you have have two really great eateries. What's stressing you bud? These keyboard naysayers and know it all's gettin ya down? Relax. I've met you several times and know a few folk who have known you personally for many years. All I hear is positive stuff. And some a these guys I know are pretty hard ass picky shits too! Whatever it is man, I hope it resolve s and smooth sailing ahead. Cheers Dave. :)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Just found the thread your referring to. Now I understand. Seemed it preemptive of the moderator. Perhaps the harshness of you op was a bit to the point? So much so that it stirred the truth in some that don't want to her it? I personally have no problems with the post and hope it spurs a good healthy debate and possibly some tempering of the offenders. Good luck. :)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I agree this forum has a very negative energy. It can be real drag if you are researching Thailand. Of course it depends on the topic of the thread and the brain chemistry of the people involved. I find the farming threads to be positive and some of the motorcycle threads. But this just seems to be a place to bash Thailand on every level. Can't even read about computers or photography without Thailand bashing

So don't forget you are doomed if you come to Thailand, you are going die in prison after you get hit by a car driven by your Thailand girlfriend.

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I thought the purpose of the Chiang Mai forum was to help,be helped,inform,

discuss subjects in a reasonable manner,provide news about whats happening in Chiang Mai,

and yes there are a few members on here whom are overly quick to come out with snide remarks,

they never post anything that is of real use to anyone else,just negative remarks.

I lurked about the forum for a couple of years before I found the courage to make my first post,

as I had seen how others where demolished over very little,and no one likes to be made a fool

of ,even if its not justified ,by our peers.its easy to hide behind keyboard and screen and say

negative things ,must make them feel good,or something is missing in their lives,maybe in the

real world they are different people ?, who knows .

There is enough negativity in the World lets make the Chiang Mai forum a better place,instead

of acting like politicians ,with all the back biting trying to score points at others expense.

Thats it I have been wanting to say this for a while, now I wait for the negativity to roll in !

Looking at other Forums on ThaiVisa I don't see this problem .

Regards Worgeordie

Interesting avatar for a peace lover. No criticism. I enjoyed Clockwork Orange and I agree with you 100%. In addition to your brave and wise observation is that, unfortunately, some 'contributors crazy.gif ', for whatever reason, appear to be able to post assaults fueled by burp.gif with absolute immunity.

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Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

Well said. And there are so many restaurant choices in Chiang Mai that not only survive, but are quite successful absent the vitriol.

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Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

Well said. And there are so many restaurant choices in Chiang Mai that not only survive, but are quite successful absent the vitriol.

I wouldn't worry too much about it he just needed to get something off his chest. I am sure he is a charming man at his establishments. But I also would like to know what particular event or posting lit his fuse.

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Aside from the CM forum, I follow a couple of other forums on thaivisa, cycling and organic farming. On the whole, those discussions are more civil, useful, and constructive than we have on the CM forum. It seems that when people have a hobby or interest in common it is easier to form some sense of community online. But for local forums, although living in the same city might suggest that we also have something in common, I don't find the same civility or positive vibe. It's a false affinity, I guess.

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Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

Well said. And there are so many restaurant choices in Chiang Mai that not only survive, but are quite successful absent the vitriol.

I wouldn't worry too much about it he just needed to get something off his chest. I am sure he is a charming man at his establishments. But I also would like to know what particular event or posting lit his fuse.

Take a moment and go back , scroll down in the CM Forum...... you will see the thread posted by the Dukes and now Closed......

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Hi Dave. I'm the guy who blew up all the fire works at you riverfront restaurant last new year. Don't see what your on about. Your a good dude and you have have two really great eateries. What's stressing you bud? These keyboard naysayers and know it all's gettin ya down? Relax. I've met you several times and know a few folk who have known you personally for many years. All I hear is positive stuff. And some a these guys I know are pretty hard ass picky shits too! Whatever it is man, I hope it resolve s and smooth sailing ahead. Cheers Dave. smile.png

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Exactly Dave, these "Black Cloud" jerk's seem to sit here all day and contribute nothing but rubbish, what I don't understand is how they've been able to hijack the forum?

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You have the best American style restaurant in Chiang Mai. I wouldn't be concerned about what anyone says on this site. smile.png

Yup that's the fact "Good Food", I like the Dukes, David and all the staff!clap2.gif

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Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

That's your right, your money. your taste.... which is exactly the point!

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Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

I honestly felt a little digusted with the post that got locked and am not quite sure if I want to go back. Seemed quite segregated.

I may not want to spend 1000 baht on a buffet ( i must be a whiner), but i suppose 400-700 per meal 4 times a month in the past just isnt good enough for you.

Edited by KRS1
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Who said it had anything to do with my restaurants? It has nothing to do with my businesses. People respecting people. A new concept. I see it all over the internet on many forums and I am bewildered. We have a great community here in Chiang Mai. Whenever I'm looking for something on Goggle in Chiang Mai this forum comes up. I say it's time to clean it up but if everyone enjoys the garbage then this is all just falling on deaf ears.

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I must say that I've been surprised at the negativity I've seen on this site, and often wonder why people stay here if it's so bad.

However, I've met some charming people face-to-face from this site, and I've appreciated the contacts and friends made. clap2.gif

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Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

The most obvious reason is that if it was free the people showing up at the buffet would most likely not bee the same people who made Duke's a successful business. There is no shortage of farang parasites in Chiang Mai, and offering anything for free is sure to attract them.

Edited by AngelsLariat
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Who said it had anything to do with my restaurants? It has nothing to do with my businesses. People respecting people. A new concept. I see it all over the internet on many forums and I am bewildered. We have a great community here in Chiang Mai. Whenever I'm looking for something on Goggle in Chiang Mai this forum comes up. I say it's time to clean it up but if everyone enjoys the garbage then this is all just falling on deaf ears.

And who are you to judge who what and where to clean up? Your post astounds me. And that kind of vitriol at 2 am., I would never blame a Pepsi for that.whistling.gif

And you are incorrect. YOU ARE YOUR BUSINESS. You cannot separate the two when you are also the sponsor of a forum where you are critical of people who disagree with you over the past few years.

Take a chill pill. Join the Disney forum, where everyone loves everyone. thumbsup.gif

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