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I'm sure he matches his western prices with western wages.......LOL.

Speculation or do you know something? It's my understanding based entirely on hearsay that those in his employ are more than fairly compensated. But that assertion can be prove wrong I'm sure.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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A few thin skins on here, me thinks. That there is negativity, etc, is more a testament to the nature of online fora than real life--it's easier to get rifled by words, which can be misconstrued, and it's also easier to bite. If one wants all smiles and positivity (not the real world), best bet is to hit a hobbies forum: farming, butterflies or summat. This one is a free, catch-all fora (with money as its real focus) based around a love/hate kind of place, so, despite the 'rules', almost all content is good to go.

Also, bearing in mind, the expat populace in CM is something like 50,000 now, so bound to be a few more nincompoops than previous, but if you think this is bad, try having any sort of debate on YouTube (stroll on). You could always start your own forum, of course (it's free and easy), and then simply ban anyone who says the wrong thing.

Anyway, I'm not ready to denigrate the op for a bit of a rant. Anyone who can churn out great ribs, pizza and chicken for the price he does should be allowed a bit of leeway. rolleyes.gif

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Again, my dismay has nothing to do with my businesses. I've never claimed to be perfect. Maybe I don't find the right word sometimes and I can get hot headed. I just think that this forum could be a better place. Agree to respect one another. Simple concept. If I can do it then anyone probably can. I'd just like to see a change of direction here. That's about all my input. Go ahead and muddle it up.

I think that if you had posted your drivel at 10 am, as opposed to 2 am, more of us would have taken you seriously. As it is now, you started something you cannot control: self-implosion.

Perhaps his contribution was at 2:00 am because he works until 2:00 am. I'm confident that you have never had a work ethic like Dave's or at all. I also noticed that you like to laugh and are in bed with 7 dwarfs. You are using valuable people's oxygen. Can you please exit the gene pool

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I've always found CM forum to be one of the most calm and sensible on Tv.

Really don't know what the OP is on about, many of the posts just seem bonkers, if he wasn't a sponsor I'm thinking he would have been banned by now.

Dave, love your pizza, best in Cm.

But please try and regain a bit of self-control.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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"As much as we midlanders aren't allowed to get involved in this northern handbag session- his point is fair. Professionals and businesses often give back to the community- especially in societies that are not regularly stricken with natural disasters or profound poverty."

Generally to the less fortunate members of their community. Which the Dukes' does. I've been to several charitable events where the Dukes has donated generously. In fact, I don't think that there's any local business which does as much as The Dukes in this regard. But I don't think it was a charitable impulse that prompted the proposal that the Dukes host a free feast which the proposer can then attend. More like a sense of aggrievement.

Actually I dont want anything free, but the sentiment that if you dont spend 1000 baht to get in (then your considered a whiner) , then you are not wanted there.

To me is very crass, rude and non appreciative of the customers that have made him successful.

You know its funny that every other person i know, wont even go to ButterIsBetter because of your attitude, must be in the 'same league' as Dukes.

I go to both the Dukes and Butter is Better, I like their food thumbsup.gif , the places are clean, this includes the restrooms with soap and towels, staff are polite and respectful.....

Edited by PoorSucker
Name and shame removed...
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I am not afraid of the bullies and others. To think I am is to make a big mistake. Put me down, laugh at me... been there. You'd better get your balls out.

LOL you are delusional mate read your posts your all over the place

Bit of advice


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Dave, @thedukes

This is what arrogance can lead to.

Below is your reply when I only dared to critisize your friend from the Olde Bell about his cold fish and chips food. Just as the food we got served that day at the Olde Bell and the remarks we got after complaining; "below all standards".

This what I wrote:

This was your reply:

Posted 2012-06-22 16:29:39

As long as the Frenchman didn't eat at The Duke's I am happy. What with the Bush Burgers and Freedom Fries and all...

That being said it is good to see Kevin back in full form on the forum. Kevin I have to say that that is some of the funniest shit I've read in a while. Good to have you back.

If it isn't Kevin and Sweet and Sour didn't join Thaivisa and he isn't joking about getting the runs at The Nest and ranting and raving about his 3 USD Fish and Chips then the only other thing I can think of is that, well... what the hell is going on?

I say leave the shit so people can see what types of idiots troll around here.

Viva la France!


Posted 2012-06-22 16:32:15

I forgot to say "Pedro." Maybe an anti-Spanish-French thing. Thank someone we can put the American bashing to bed for a minute.

Let other people decide what kind of man you are Dave. BTW: I am fluent in 5 languages but I am sure you do much better.
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Let us live and let us limit our posts to the positive. I'll do it. From this day forward I am willing to say that I will not post negative. I will not complain. We should be a community of friends, rather than adversaries.

One of the most stupid post that I have seen. If you are referencing me then get a clue.

Well, that didn't last long. smile.png Two minutes flat. thumbsup.gif

Also, here is the type of 'jerk' that actually isn't a jerk at all, he's a person you disagree with. You could either ignore it, or you could point out why you think he's wrong. But... you just call the post 'stupid' without revealing why, and then start calling him names.

I think the rationale for this topic is sound, but you're not living up to it yourself yet.

Winnie that is a point of view it could be considered a positive statement.

Allowing or ignoring stupid statements can be considered by some to be negative things. To bring every thing out in the open can be a positive thing. Unfortunately given the climate we live in on Thai Visa it can be argumentative. Also vindictive.

I may have missed it but I can not remember a post where David was talking about his business yet look at the attacks on it. He was making a personal statement of what he thought of some of the posters here. Nothing to do with his business.

Like I said I could be wrong please any one direct me to where his statement was not a personal one but one from his business.

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Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.

Well.. he does run a pretty perfect restaurant. What do you run?

Being a successful restaurant owner allows him a pass to be insulting? The business that I have started have nothing to do with this thread. I'm not the one spouting off and telling people to "get their balls out". What a jerk. And you're defending this? You must be a very lonely person.

Dave made a personal statement nothing to do with his business. How would you like it if you made a personal unpopular statement and a lot of posters started posting negative things about youir business?

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I'm sure he matches his western prices with western wages.......LOL.

Speculation or do you know something? It's my understanding based entirely on hearsay that those in his employ are more than fairly compensated. But that assertion can be prove wrong I'm sure.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVi

Also proved rite depends on what the poster is trying to get put over.

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I think I understand were Dave is coming from, But some people might be thinking its starting to look like a Sponsor is getting a little bit of preferential treatment in letting this thread roll on so long. I think Dave has proven his point, 2038 views,102 reply's. Why are the mods letting this run so Long? It can't get any better.

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Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.

Well.. he does run a pretty perfect restaurant. What do you run?

Being a successful restaurant owner allows him a pass to be insulting? The business that I have started have nothing to do with this thread. I'm not the one spouting off and telling people to "get their balls out". What a jerk. And you're defending this? You must be a very lonely person.

Dave made a personal statement nothing to do with his business. How would you like it if you made a personal unpopular statement and a lot of posters started posting negative things about youir business?

Hellodolly, if you're referring to me, I didn't bring up the restaurant. I responded to the poster that did. But, since you've raised it, again, commentary about his business is often what lights his fuse - exacerbated by burp.gif . I've never read such obnoxious posts by a so-called businessman.

Someone previously raised the issue as to if there are other (comparable) restaurants in Chiang Mai. Le Crystal, Chez Marco, Lemongrass Thai (Fusion), Taj Mahal Indian Restaurant, Why Not (a personal favorite - fantastic Italian food with a wine buffet every Friday night), La Lanterna - best pizza I've ever had, etc. I could name more, but clearly the dukes is not the only place in town. It is however, one of the most expensive for what you get.

Edited by New2LOS
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"As much as we midlanders aren't allowed to get involved in this northern handbag session- his point is fair. Professionals and businesses often give back to the community- especially in societies that are not regularly stricken with natural disasters or profound poverty."

Generally to the less fortunate members of their community. Which the Dukes' does. I've been to several charitable events where the Dukes has donated generously. In fact, I don't think that there's any local business which does as much as The Dukes in this regard. But I don't think it was a charitable impulse that prompted the proposal that the Dukes host a free feast which the proposer can then attend. More like a sense of aggrievement.

Actually I dont want anything free, but the sentiment that if you dont spend 1000 baht to get in (then your considered a whiner) , then you are not wanted there.

To me is very crass, rude and non appreciative of the customers that have made him successful.

You know its funny that every other person i know, wont even go to ButterIsBetter because of your attitude, must be in the 'same league' as Dukes.

Every other person you know wont go to Butter is Better so if you know 10 people that would mean 5 will go.

Pretty high percentage I would say.

Nope actually the other half dont go there because they dont like it, the other half just dont like his attitude.

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Let me do a sample reply to the 'why not free' argument:

Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

I may not want to spend 1000 baht on a buffet ( i must be a whiner), but i suppose 400-700 per meal 4 times a month in the past just isnt good enough for you.

Actually I dont want anything free, but the sentiment that if you dont spend 1000 baht to get in (then your considered a whiner) , then you are not wanted there.

It is a business. That means he works his butt off to provide the environment, food and entertainment that hopefully people will enjoy, and will feel like they got a great night out and good value for their money. Dukes/River Market is pioneering in organizing special Western/American events in addition to the regular Thai ones such as Loy Krathong and New Year's. That takes a lot of damned hard work, and taking business risks. It does not mean you are not valued as a customer; running a business you wake up thinking about your customers and you go to bed thinking about your customers, and how to keep them happy, and coming back. For anyone NOT running a business, by all means go organize something, free of charge, with good company and be merry; chances are you'll have a great time, too.

Can you not read? He said if and i quote " If your not in the same league dont bother".....

<deleted> is that suppose to mean.

But anyway, this is his plan to get free publicity, i believe he did the same thing last year...any publicity is good publicity, and there's nothing better than controversy to stir the pot.

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I'm really rather astounded (though I suppose I shouldn't be,) that when someone asks to make the forum a more positive place to post, we get five pages of people upset about it.

I'm not generally known for using curse words when I speak or write, but this is just <deleted> amazing....

Back in the mid-70's a newspaper started up with the mission statement of only printing positive news. It folded withing 6 months for lack of readers...

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I think what set Dave off is the problems that previous 4th July events have had in ChiangMai. I recall a few years ago there was one at the sports stadium,.....posts indicated it a disaster...another with a concert aparently did not have the acts advertised and only limited food. Again people were upset (andd I think had every right to be so,)

In both of these events Dave was involved ....not I think for the profit but because it was good to do so. His involvement did not gain him good publicity.

I understand he is worried that his efforts may turn out this way again. Well they may or they may not. I am sure everyone that goes will leave with a full stomach after a pleasant night but there is no excuse that justifies his snarkiness in the anouncement post ( which started this series of posts so to seperate the business from Dave in this case is rather hard).

I for one do not like to see the personal abuse he is throwing around. It has been responded to and he cannot complain about that.

I do have a lower opinion of him than I did before but I realise that as I am no longer in ChiangMai that is no loss to him.

If there is a further problem than the stress I hope things get sorted soon.

Edited by harrry
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Well.. he does run a pretty perfect restaurant. What do you run?

Being a successful restaurant owner allows him a pass to be insulting? The business that I have started have nothing to do with this thread. I'm not the one spouting off and telling people to "get their balls out". What a jerk. And you're defending this? You must be a very lonely person.

Dave made a personal statement nothing to do with his business. How would you like it if you made a personal unpopular statement and a lot of posters started posting negative things about youir business?

Hellodolly, if you're referring to me, I didn't bring up the restaurant. I responded to the poster that did. But, since you've raised it, again, commentary about his business is often what lights his fuse - exacerbated by burp.gif . I've never read such obnoxious posts by a so-called businessman.

Someone previously raised the issue as to if there are other (comparable) restaurants in Chiang Mai. Le Crystal, Chez Marco, Lemongrass Thai (Fusion), Taj Mahal Indian Restaurant, Why Not (a personal favorite - fantastic Italian food with a wine buffet every Friday night), La Lanterna - best pizza I've ever had, etc. I could name more, but clearly the dukes is not the only place in town. It is however, one of the most expensive for what you get.

Interesting you talk about his burp.gifand then bring up fantastic Italian food with a wineburp.gif buffet.

Could have been your business dosen't make a difference the question was how would you like it. You neatly evaded the answer. Well not neatly you evaded it. It was a yes or no question.

to be honest I am not familiar with the post that set him off on this tangent about but I will repeat the OP

"Posted Yesterday, 02:18



Why close a tread about making this a better place. Bring it on. Do you think I can't stand up for my thoughts and values? Let the train wreck. Let us hear why people should be allowed to be jerks, why people should be allowed to talk bad about other people and why people should be allowed to ruin other people's lives. Dave"

What had that to do with his business?

All though he never posted on Thai Visa if you read the biography of Steve Jobs you will be glad he didn't he would make every one here look like a light weight and if the moderators didn't like it he would have bought the company and fired them. Yet he was a good businessman and put out a great product.

Part of the problem here is every one assumes that Dave is nothing but a businessman who is capable of and does put out controversial posts. He is much more than that. If I was to inspect all the kitchens of your recommendation and the toilets would I find the same high standards. If I was to check the quality of the raw ingredients he uses would I find the same high quality. I am reasonably sure that there are others to match but not that many and definatly not at cheap prices. In passing it was mentioned that Dave does a lot of free civic work but no body wants to look at that and Dave is not a boastful man. So it goes unnoticed except by the people that receive the benefits. I know Dave well enough to know that he is a humble man and is content with just seeing the joy and does not need his picture in the paper or the applause of the people. Just contributing to his fellow man is enough of a reward for him.

I was over at the expats breakfast this morning and all the tables had a notice on them to please fill in a comment card as they need out side opinion to improve. Are your list of recommendations that open. I personally have had talks with Dave some complaints some suggestions they are all equally received with a thank you.wai2.gif

I do agree his opening post was a little aggressive shall we say but not deserving of the attacks he received for his business. unless of course one is jealous. Or insecure in their own businesssmile.png ,

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I think what set Dave off is the problems that previous 4th July events have had in ChiangMai. I recall a few years ago there was one at the sports stadium,.....posts indicated it a disaster...another with a concert aparently did not have the acts advertised and only limited food. Again people were upset (andd I think had every right to be so,)

In both of these events Dave was involved ....not I think for the profit but because it was good to do so. His involvement did not gain him good publicity.

I understand he is worried that his efforts may turn out this way again. Well they may or they may not. I am sure everyone that goes will leave with a full stomach after a pleasant night but there is no excuse that justifies his snarkiness in the anouncement post ( which started this series of posts so to seperate the business from Dave in this case is rather hard).

I for one do not like to see the personal abuse he is throwing around. It has been responded to and he cannot complain about that.

I do have a lower opinion of him than I did before but I realise that as I am no longer in ChiangMai that is no loss to him.

If there is a further problem than the stress I hope things get sorted soon.

In both those events Dave was not the organizer if he had been there would have been less complaints. He kuje the other particapants just did what they were allowed to do.

Here is a reprint of his opening post here

"Posted Yesterday, 02:18



Why close a tread about making this a better place. Bring it on. Do you think I can't stand up for my thoughts and values? Let the train wreck. Let us hear why people should be allowed to be jerks, why people should be allowed to talk bad about other people and why people should be allowed to ruin other people's lives. Dave"

I see nothing in there about business.

this thread has taken the typical pattern of many threads people do not read the Original Post just jump in on what some one else has said not realizing that it has nothing to do with the OP

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I'm really rather astounded (though I suppose I shouldn't be,) that when someone asks to make the forum a more positive place to post, we get five pages of people upset about it.

I'm not generally known for using curse words when I speak or write, but this is just fuc_king amazing....

Back in the mid-70's a newspaper started up with the mission statement of only printing positive news. It folded withing 6 months for lack of readers...

Bit of a no brainer.

In the media in general the only good news is bad news!

It does however come across from thedukes is that he has more than just a problem with jerks, but that is simply my opinion based on some of the posts he has made in this thread.

And yes, I too think the thread has run it's course. But that of course that would be up to the op or the mods.

Edited by Thailand
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I think what set Dave off is the problems that previous 4th July events have had in ChiangMai. I recall a few years ago there was one at the sports stadium,.....posts indicated it a disaster...another with a concert aparently did not have the acts advertised and only limited food. Again people were upset (andd I think had every right to be so,)

In both of these events Dave was involved ....not I think for the profit but because it was good to do so. His involvement did not gain him good publicity.

I understand he is worried that his efforts may turn out this way again. Well they may or they may not. I am sure everyone that goes will leave with a full stomach after a pleasant night but there is no excuse that justifies his snarkiness in the anouncement post ( which started this series of posts so to seperate the business from Dave in this case is rather hard).

I for one do not like to see the personal abuse he is throwing around. It has been responded to and he cannot complain about that.

I do have a lower opinion of him than I did before but I realise that as I am no longer in ChiangMai that is no loss to him.

If there is a further problem than the stress I hope things get sorted soon.

In both those events Dave was not the organizer if he had been there would have been less complaints. He kuje the other particapants just did what they were allowed to do.

Here is a reprint of his opening post here

"Posted Yesterday, 02:18



Why close a tread about making this a better place. Bring it on. Do you think I can't stand up for my thoughts and values? Let the train wreck. Let us hear why people should be allowed to be jerks, why people should be allowed to talk bad about other people and why people should be allowed to ruin other people's lives. Dave"

I see nothing in there about business.

this thread has taken the typical pattern of many threads people do not read the Original Post just jump in on what some one else has said not realizing that it has nothing to do with the OP


was the original post in which he comenteed about people he did not want.


Was his particuarly abusive post which ended in that topic being closed.

There was also an interveningf topic he posted regarding a lease problem with Succumvit.

I think y ou have to read them to find the real Original post....did you? or did you just jump in?

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Again, my dismay has nothing to do with my businesses. I've never claimed to be perfect. Maybe I don't find the right word sometimes and I can get hot headed. I just think that this forum could be a better place. Agree to respect one another. Simple concept. If I can do it then anyone probably can. I'd just like to see a change of direction here. That's about all my input. Go ahead and muddle it up.

I think that if you had posted your drivel at 10 am, as opposed to 2 am, more of us would have taken you seriously. As it is now, you started something you cannot control: self-implosion.

Perhaps his contribution was at 2:00 am because he works until 2:00 am. I'm confident that you have never had a work ethic like Dave's or at all. I also noticed that you like to laugh and are in bed with 7 dwarfs. You are using valuable people's oxygen. Can you please exit the gene pool

Krap pom.jerk.gif

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Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.


Well, that didn't last long. smile.png Two minutes flat. thumbsup.gif

Also, here is the type of 'jerk' that actually isn't a jerk at all, he's a person you disagree with. You could either ignore it, or you could point out why you think he's wrong. But... you just call the post 'stupid' without revealing why, and then start calling him names.

I think the rationale for this topic is sound, but you're not living up to it yourself yet.


OK I'll agree. I've never claimed to be perfect. Just looking for the perfect world. Sure I can be a better person. Give me the chance.


What kind of post is this? What bottles, are you on some type of step program?

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Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.

Well.. he does run a pretty perfect restaurant. What do you run?

Being a successful restaurant owner allows him a pass to be insulting? The business that I have started have nothing to do with this thread. I'm not the one spouting off and telling people to "get their balls out". What a jerk. And you're defending this? You must be a very lonely person.

New2LOS, well you clever little devil you, everyone knows who David is, but who are you with your goofy little pet name? What is your contribution to CM, besides hiding behind your goofy pet name? clap2.gif What would make the OP lonely? Loser!

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Dear Mr. Hellodolly:

In response to:

"Interesting you talk about his burp.gifand then bring up fantastic Italian food with a wineburp.gif buffet.

Could have been your business dosen't make a difference the question was how would you like it. You neatly evaded the answer. Well not neatly you evaded it. It was a yes or no question."

I do not evade questions. You inaccurately accused me of bringing up his business. Look at the posts and you will read that I did not bring his business into the thread but RESPONDED (which means answering a poster's comment(s)). Hopefully this will clear your confusion regarding the business issue.

Yes, I enjoy wine. Why would this be contradictory or hypocritical (I'm assuming that was your suggestion)? I challenge you to find any thread where I am posting in a manner that would lead one to believe I was inebriated. However, there are many examples of the OP so engaging for all to see.

Now you appear to be one who almost idolizes the OP. Good for you. Apparently you've never been subject to one of his legendary hateful, menacing attacks. I know of at least 3 such victims. Consider your bootlicking-self lucky.

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I am not afraid of the bullies and others. To think I am is to make a big mistake. Put me down, laugh at me... been there. You'd better get your balls out.

LOL you are delusional mate read your posts your all over the place

Bit of advice


Where can he get help with his drinking problem? From you? Are you cured, maybe you and that New2LOS can teach a course or a step program.....

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Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.

Well.. he does run a pretty perfect restaurant. What do you run?

Being a successful restaurant owner allows him a pass to be insulting? The business that I have started have nothing to do with this thread. I'm not the one spouting off and telling people to "get their balls out". What a jerk. And you're defending this? You must be a very lonely person.

New2LOS, well you clever little devil you, everyone knows who David is, but who are you with your goofy little pet name? What is your contribution to CM, besides hiding behind your goofy pet name? clap2.gif What would make the OP lonely? Loser!

"hiding behind your goofy pet name"? As opposed to the revealing 'SDH'? You're joking, right? What are you, 6 years old? BTW, re-read the posts (or have someone read them to you) - I never called the OP lonely.

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