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Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

I honestly felt a little digusted with the post that got locked and am not quite sure if I want to go back. Seemed quite segregated.

I may not want to spend 1000 baht on a buffet ( i must be a whiner), but i suppose 400-700 per meal 4 times a month in the past just isnt good enough for you.

And maybe a successful hardware store should show it's gratitude by handing out free tools. Or a successful pharmacy give away some free meds. Or a doctor with a successful practice offer free exams. What is it about a business that deals in food that leads some people to believe they are entitled to freebies?

Hardware stores have free drawings and have been known to donate supplies during natural disasters, pharmaceutical companies donate free meds to impoverished countries and Humane doctors go on tour giving help to poverty stricken villages.

So whats your point? or would you like another shot at it ?

Are you seriously likening the The Dukes' clientele to to a population stricken by natural disasters or profound poverty? The Dukes' customers may eat like they are starving but they mostly look reasonably well fed to me. Still, if you insist on the aptness of the comparison, maybe we could create a poster showing a healthy looking well dressed child and caption it: Little Timmy has never had a third helping of dessert. But with your help, he can..Please, give generously.

As much as we midlanders aren't allowed to get involved in this northern handbag session- his point is fair. Professionals and businesses often give back to the community- especially in societies that are not regularly stricken with natural disasters or profound poverty.

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Glad the topic reopened.

The OP lambasted the users of the forum but does not explain why?

I, for one, would not want to eat at his establishments with such a nasty, crass and angry owner. Just saying................

I find your post highly interesting being you have been a member for 6 years. You all of a sudden come up with an opinion like that on a man who has been here and posted for several years.

Have you ever ate there I have many times and find the man to be a very easy man to get along with.

Of course I doubt people talk to him face to face and say things like you have just said face to face with him.

Well when you sit back and look at the whole picture you have to laugh. Some of these posters put up posts that would make you think they walk on water and had never got upset or if they had they didn't have the gut's to say any thing about it. Dave is not exactly an unknown face to posters here. He is not hiding behind a key board like most of us are.

I say more power to him for speaking his mind even if some people condemn him for it or disagree.

I have found that if I mention a preference for some thing he will go out of his way to supply it.

Well, Mr. 9440 posts. Never been afraid of speaking my mind in person. But I refuse to take anyone seriously from some brain farted post written at 2 am.

I am sure he is/was a nice guy before 1:59 am today. But the stink he started by a holier-than-though attitude was undeserved and only woke his apologists. (Phew, glad I have posted for 6 years. If I had posted only 10 times, you would have shot me dead).

2 am, I would have thought that was the end of his working day.

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"As much as we midlanders aren't allowed to get involved in this northern handbag session- his point is fair. Professionals and businesses often give back to the community- especially in societies that are not regularly stricken with natural disasters or profound poverty."

Generally to the less fortunate members of their community. Which the Dukes' does. I've been to several charitable events where the Dukes has donated generously. In fact, I don't think that there's any local business which does as much as The Dukes in this regard. But I don't think it was a charitable impulse that prompted the proposal that the Dukes host a free feast which the proposer can then attend. More like a sense of aggrievement.

Actually I dont want anything free, but the sentiment that if you dont spend 1000 baht to get in (then your considered a whiner) , then you are not wanted there.

To me is very crass, rude and non appreciative of the customers that have made him successful.

You know its funny that every other person i know, wont even go to ButterIsBetter because of your attitude, must be in the 'same league' as Dukes.

Edited by KRS1
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It is sad that a couple of people who have built up succesful businesses by working hard to please their customers and give good value seem to now have grown due to those customers and seem to have developed a contempt for those who helped build their custom. Maybe they have moved upmarket and consider they no longer need them.

Edited by harrry
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Actually I dont want anything free, but the sentiment that if you dont spend 1000 baht to get in (then your considered a whiner) , then you are not wanted there.

To me is very crass, rude and non appreciative of the customers that have made him successful.

So, buy a 7-eleven hamburger, sit on the Iron Bridge and watch the fireworks. Total spend: 24 baht.

That might actually be my plan; going with the family would cost 3200 baht which is an insane amount of money (for me), but if I have to complain about all things in the world that are cost prohibitive for me then there wouldn't be enough hours in the day.

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Let us hear why people should be allowed to be jerks, why people should be allowed to talk bad about other people. Dave

You're not allowed to talk bad about other people, it's in the forum rules. As for jerks, there are several kinds; there are actually very few real jerks who are just trolling and trying to offend people. I can think of one, but maybe there are two or three more that I can't think of right now. (That particular one I just ignore; he clearly wants a reaction, so he's really not getting one from me.)

The type of 'jerk' that are far more common, and not really jerks in my book, are just people who have a different opinion, but perhaps a blunt way of making their point. But there is actually some content there. That I don't mind; you just ignore their discussion style and reflect on the actual points made.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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It is sad that a couple of people who have built up succesful businesses by working hard to please their customers and give good value seem to now have grown due to those customers and seem to have developed a contempt for those who helped build their custom. Maybe they have moved upmarket and consider they no longer need them.

As for moving upmarket, we wouldn't be as busy as we are if "upmarket" described our prices. As for the issue of contempt, I have never ever initiated a negative comment about anyone or anything on Thaivisa.com. But if I feel that some has said something unfair or untrue about Butter is Better or about anyone else, then I reserve the right to contest their assertions. In this case, I believe that a blatantly unfair and bizarre criticism of the Dukes was launched.

Also, I think you are confusing the negative posters on thaivisa.com with our customers. Not a lot of intersection there. We do have lots of customers who read thaivisa.com and theyr'e really nice kind people. But nice, kind people tend to shy away from posting on thaivisa.com because of the trolls. David's point was a good one. A lot more people would participate on thaivisa.com if it weren't for the unhappy few who get some strange satisfaction from making others miserable.

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There are tons of great people here and posters. How many calling me up today for a good laugh. Let's face it, sure life is good/great here. Meanwhile are the idiots and the jerks. OK maybe I am one of them but let us live better. Let us live and let us limit our posts to the positive. I'll do it. From this day forward I am willing to say that I will not post negative. I will not complain. We should be a community of friends, rather than adversaries. Sure you are a jerk. When you were younger you were a bully. Jerks go for it.

Edited by theDukes
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It is sad that a couple of people who have built up successful businesses by working hard to please their customers and give good value seem to now have grown due to those customers and seem to have developed a contempt for those who helped build their custom. Maybe they have moved upmarket and consider they no longer need them.

One of the most stupid post that I have seen. If you are referencing me then get a clue. I've said it before and I will say it again, this has nothing to do with my businesses.


Edited by LivinginKata
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Let us live and let us limit our posts to the positive. I'll do it. From this day forward I am willing to say that I will not post negative. I will not complain. We should be a community of friends, rather than adversaries.

One of the most stupid post that I have seen. If you are referencing me then get a clue.

Well, that didn't last long. smile.png Two minutes flat. thumbsup.gif

Also, here is the type of 'jerk' that actually isn't a jerk at all, he's a person you disagree with. You could either ignore it, or you could point out why you think he's wrong. But... you just call the post 'stupid' without revealing why, and then start calling him names.

I think the rationale for this topic is sound, but you're not living up to it yourself yet.


OK I'll agree. I've never claimed to be perfect. Just looking for the perfect world. Sure I can be a better person. Give me the chance.


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Let us live and let us limit our posts to the positive. I'll do it. From this day forward I am willing to say that I will not post negative. I will not complain. We should be a community of friends, rather than adversaries.

One of the most stupid post that I have seen. If you are referencing me then get a clue.

Well, that didn't last long. smile.png Two minutes flat. thumbsup.gif

Also, here is the type of 'jerk' that actually isn't a jerk at all, he's a person you disagree with. You could either ignore it, or you could point out why you think he's wrong. But... you just call the post 'stupid' without revealing why, and then start calling him names.

I think the rationale for this topic is sound, but you're not living up to it yourself yet.


OK I'll agree. I've never claimed to be perfect. Just looking for the perfect world. Sure I can be a better person. Give me the chance.


Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.

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I am not afraid of the bullies and others. To think I am is to make a big mistake. Put me down, laugh at me... been there. You'd better get your balls out.

Just try to get over yourself. "You'd better get your balls out"? What the hell does that mean? You really sound fearless with your bottle next to you typing incoherently from your little room. What a joke. Chiang Mai can be so proud to have a business owner who has it so together.

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Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.

Well.. he does run a pretty perfect restaurant. What do you run?

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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"As much as we midlanders aren't allowed to get involved in this northern handbag session- his point is fair. Professionals and businesses often give back to the community- especially in societies that are not regularly stricken with natural disasters or profound poverty."

Generally to the less fortunate members of their community. Which the Dukes' does. I've been to several charitable events where the Dukes has donated generously. In fact, I don't think that there's any local business which does as much as The Dukes in this regard. But I don't think it was a charitable impulse that prompted the proposal that the Dukes host a free feast which the proposer can then attend. More like a sense of aggrievement.

Actually I dont want anything free, but the sentiment that if you dont spend 1000 baht to get in (then your considered a whiner) , then you are not wanted there.

To me is very crass, rude and non appreciative of the customers that have made him successful.

You know its funny that every other person i know, wont even go to ButterIsBetter because of your attitude, must be in the 'same league' as Dukes.

Every other person you know wont go to Butter is Better so if you know 10 people that would mean 5 will go.

Pretty high percentage I would say.

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Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.

Well.. he does run a pretty perfect restaurant. What do you run?

Being a successful restaurant owner allows him a pass to be insulting? The business that I have started have nothing to do with this thread. I'm not the one spouting off and telling people to "get their balls out". What a jerk. And you're defending this? You must be a very lonely person.

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It is sad that a couple of people who have built up succesful businesses by working hard to please their customers and give good value seem to now have grown due to those customers and seem to have developed a contempt for those who helped build their custom. Maybe they have moved upmarket and consider they no longer need them.

As for moving upmarket, we wouldn't be as busy as we are if "upmarket" described our prices. As for the issue of contempt, I have never ever initiated a negative comment about anyone or anything on Thaivisa.com. But if I feel that some has said something unfair or untrue about Butter is Better or about anyone else, then I reserve the right to contest their assertions. In this case, I believe that a blatantly unfair and bizarre criticism of the Dukes was launched.

Also, I think you are confusing the negative posters on thaivisa.com with our customers. Not a lot of intersection there. We do have lots of customers who read thaivisa.com and theyr'e really nice kind people. But nice, kind people tend to shy away from posting on thaivisa.com because of the trolls. David's point was a good one. A lot more people would participate on thaivisa.com if it weren't for the unhappy few who get some strange satisfaction from making others miserable.

I am with you on this. What ever possessed any one to say that you and Dukes are moving upmarket. I have eaten at Dukes for about four years and at your establishment since it opened and the food really needed working on. (not the baking) I find nothing different with either one of you. Except your food has improved a lot.

It is unfortunate that people feel the need to attack each other but that is just part of being human. But when the attacks are based on the fact that people are successful it denotes a lot of insecurity in the attacker.

Edited by hellodolly
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Let me do a sample reply to the 'why not free' argument:

Why not have a free July 4th buffet and give back to all the people that have made you rich with a successful business?

I may not want to spend 1000 baht on a buffet ( i must be a whiner), but i suppose 400-700 per meal 4 times a month in the past just isnt good enough for you.

Actually I dont want anything free, but the sentiment that if you dont spend 1000 baht to get in (then your considered a whiner) , then you are not wanted there.

It is a business. That means he works his butt off to provide the environment, food and entertainment that hopefully people will enjoy, and will feel like they got a great night out and good value for their money. Dukes/River Market is pioneering in organizing special Western/American events in addition to the regular Thai ones such as Loy Krathong and New Year's. That takes a lot of damned hard work, and taking business risks. It does not mean you are not valued as a customer; running a business you wake up thinking about your customers and you go to bed thinking about your customers, and how to keep them happy, and coming back. For anyone NOT running a business, by all means go organize something, free of charge, with good company and be merry; chances are you'll have a great time, too.

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Give you a chance? For what. Put down the bottles and listen to yourself. Never "claimed to be perfect"? You'll never have to be concerned about people confusing you with someone 'perfect'. Have no fear.

Well.. he does run a pretty perfect restaurant. What do you run?

Being a successful restaurant owner allows him a pass to be insulting? The business that I have started have nothing to do with this thread. I'm not the one spouting off and telling people to "get their balls out". What a jerk. And you're defending this? You must be a very lonely person.

I have Thaivisa to keep me warm. thumbsup.gif

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Not really

There are so many people banned that just come on with a new name. Joining yesterday does not mean you haven't posted thousands of times under other names.

I personally agree with his original post that got banned. He just over did it quite a bit. Every once in a while it is not a bad idea to let others know you see what they are up to. I just wonder what post set him off.

I had a couple of posters following me around to make inane remarks. I just let it go ever once in a while I would take a cheap shot at them. In fact one got so mad at me he sent me a threatening PM I just laughed it off and he quit following me with inane posts. He still puts up a lot of inane posts but with no insult intended and he is a good source of information in some areas.

To be honest with you I fail to see how one post can elicit so much anger out of you.

LOL. Not anger, amusement, truth be told.

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I am not afraid of the bullies and others. To think I am is to make a big mistake. Put me down, laugh at me... been there. You'd better get your balls out.

Just try to get over yourself. "You'd better get your balls out"? What the hell does that mean? You really sound fearless with your bottle next to you typing incoherently from your little room. What a joke. Chiang Mai can be so proud to have a business owner who has it so together.

Never heard that expression before and I am a "merkin". I think it means that if your balls are hot, take them out and give them some air?



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