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Barking Dogs

The Skipper

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Next to my apartment are two Temples, each supporting a many many stray dogs.

They bark constantly, fighting, yelping, it sounds like a kennel, especially at night. It's rediculous.

How do the Thais tolorate this?

I cannot bring myself to poison 30 or 40 dogs.

I like dogs, and most of these would probably make great pets with a bit of care and training.

Is there a dog-catcher or humane society that I could call?

I'm willing to pay to have them removed.

YELP! er.. I mean HELP!

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Doesn't Phuket have a dog rescue like Samui or the Soi Dog Rescue in Bangkok? Have you tried contacting them to see if they could, at least, come and sterilize the many dogs there? It would make a surprising difference as there wouldn't be the fighting etc that usually goes on when a female dog goes into heat.

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Next to my apartment are two Temples, each supporting a many many stray dogs.

They bark constantly, fighting, yelping, it sounds like a kennel, especially at night. It's rediculous.

How do the Thais tolorate this?

I cannot bring myself to poison 30 or 40 dogs.

I like dogs, and most of these would probably make great pets with a bit of care and training.

Is there a dog-catcher or humane society that I could call?

I'm willing to pay to have them removed.

YELP! er.. I mean HELP!

Symphatize with your problem. I live in a house next door that has 4 dogs that constantly bark.

I've known them since I was a kid and have complained to them and even yelled at the dogs and the people living there eventhough this is something "normal" Thai won't or afraid to do.

In the States the cops could be called at night and during the day time the humane society can be called to resolve the problem. Unfortunately this is Thailand and not much can be done to fix this problem.

Well, looking at the bright side the neighbor do lock the dogs away at night so I least I can get some sleep and there is some consideration shown.

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apparently these dogs are 'temple' dogs ... imagine a state agency etc willing to come and act as dog catchers at a temple .... never happen ....

imagine taking the couple of opinions about killing them .... hmmmm

Move ... if you don't get why you should move then make sure you move to a farang compound!

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Next to my apartment are two Temples, each supporting a many many stray dogs.

They bark constantly, fighting, yelping, it sounds like a kennel, especially at night. It's rediculous.

How do the Thais tolorate this?

I cannot bring myself to poison 30 or 40 dogs.

I like dogs, and most of these would probably make great pets with a bit of care and training.

Is there a dog-catcher or humane society that I could call?

I'm willing to pay to have them removed.

YELP! er.. I mean HELP!

I feel your pain! I've long since realized that I've have some kind of barking dog curse. Every place i've lived for roughly 20 years has had at least one barking dog, loud, at night, irritating, i'm fixated on it and can't ignore it. I've been driven to throwing a poison meatball (but haven't gone that far, yet). The moron owners oblivious to the idiotic noise... If you move there'll be another one, rest assured. Sorry to hear about that!

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Next to my apartment are two Temples, each supporting a many many stray dogs.

They bark constantly, fighting, yelping, it sounds like a kennel, especially at night. It's rediculous.

How do the Thais tolorate this?

I cannot bring myself to poison 30 or 40 dogs.

I like dogs, and most of these would probably make great pets with a bit of care and training.

Is there a dog-catcher or humane society that I could call?

I'm willing to pay to have them removed.

YELP! er.. I mean HELP!

The temple is the seudo humane society for dogs in Thailand. This is where people take stray and unwanted dogs. As other posters have suggested , your best option is to move .

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  • 2 months later...

i would like some constructive advice on how to get rid of the dogs - the thais wont do anything and

I would like to do it as painlessly as possible and have heard that chocolate will kill a dog

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

for all the dog lovers all i can say is the dog is not the master and if it cant shut up then its time to shut up

there are some do gooders here that feed the strays - the strays then cause accidents on the road by chasing cars or aimlessly walking or sleeping on the road

at night they make a hel_l of a racket on the beach and bark to stop people exercising around the beach areas.

I didnt pay all this money to have mangy mongrels spoil my peace and quiet

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How do the Thais tolorate this?

They don't tolerate it - it doesn't bother them.

Good answer! :o

They don't tolerate it and in fact less than we do. While we wring our hands, they get on with the job. That's why the problem dog seems to disappear shortly thereafter 9usually within a couple of weeks).

As for Skipper..since they are at the Wat, you're probably stuck with it mate. At least the thunder storms may drown them out for awhile - get to sleep during the rain !!

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A lot of people (Thais included) don't like those barking soi dogs, but few go as far as to exterminate them and if you got caught your neighbors wouldn't like it too much. At a wat, it's tougher since it would look even worse if you went after them there. I'm not sure if chocolate would kill a dog, but rat poison would probably work; many people worldwide have used that one. Perhaps you can coax them outside the temple grounds and have some sort of stray dog organization pick them up. With that number of dogs and the fact that they're at a wat, you probably will have to move unless you can get somebody to relocate them. Good luck!

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there is some equipment for sale (over the net) that sends out high pitched tones (only dogs can hear) and that are activated through barking. something like 50 usd is the pricing... ultrasound. Not know if it works though. Google on it.

you can kill the dogs but you would be only temporary on relief. New dogs will be brought in and the fights about ranks will begin again...

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Noise is with you most places in Thailand.

My place in Udon province out in the sticks used to have a major problem with the cockrels crowing during the night.Cockrels went with bird flu scares.Then it was the dogs and if they were quiet then the cicardas would make up the difference.Not to mention the regular village parties that often went on to 4am.Then the early morning taktaks going to market their produce at 3.30 am.Even then you still get the boys on their souped up 2 strokes coming home in the early mornings.No chance.You will have to develope the thais capability of sleeping through any noise.I would finally get to sleep when the Hifis come on at 5.45 and then the village loudhailers at 6.00am

On Koh Chang its the fighting cocks that make most of the noise,but I can just about handle that now.

At the girlfriends family house in Nakorn Pathom I have great difficulty sleeping as they have 7 dogs in the house and another 6 outside and they don't get on with the dogs next door.They are just across the road from a major night club playing Boom boom music till 2.15am.Then if that wasn't enough her Dads transport company start operating at 3.30 am 6 days a week.Two large Izusus starting up and warming up and moving off very slowly with a lot of revs to move the heavy road stone they are overloaded with.I'm the only one awake in the house.

As for temple dogs even if you got rid of them more would soon appear.Bit by bit you slowly get used to it.My problem is I'm back in uk in a very quiet spot and will have to start all over again getting used to it when I return in a few months.

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How about some thing like this.


Have no idea if they actully work or not..but would be intrested to know if they do..because I have barking dog and shitting dog/cat problem that would be nice to get rid of !! :D

Otherwise it'll have to be the rat poison for them ( and that would be a real shame )

drive them away to someone else - not thanks - this is thai style - problem belongum you

I think the old bait will do as i dont see any dog catchers anywhere


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This whole thread is very funny: a group of aliens trying to create little islands of Westernation in a sea of Thai culture. Good luck.

i dont know i think its part of having a civilised society. Caring sharing empathy etc

What i have trouble with is that it is harming their business on the beach, causing accidents on the roads, they look bloody bad - all scaby and patchy, rabbies anyone?, biting kids that want to play with them.

Anyone with have a brain on the local council here would ban them from the beaches - :o

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One advice if you decided to kill the dogs as suggested by many posters.

You would never leave in peace again because you would be severly punished by Thais and eventually you would have to move out of where you are now.

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Get some 1080, inject it into some snags and throw them over the wat wall......... all quiet, very soon.

Jing - jing

I wouldn't want to get that close to them udon!! I find most soi dogs to be pretty passive...it's often people's pets that are scary; some of these big Rottweilers that try to take the gate down in order to have you for lunch.

Like your cat's hat :o

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Get some 1080, inject it into some snags and throw them over the wat wall......... all quiet, very soon.

Jing - jing

I wouldn't want to get that close to them udon!! I find most soi dogs to be pretty passive...it's often people's pets that are scary; some of these big Rottweilers that try to take the gate down in order to have you for lunch.

Like your cat's hat :D


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Actually, poisoning dogs at a wat is pointless as has been pointed out before, the wat is like the humane society and in a week there will be another set of dogs. As for blackjack, you don't say where you are located but many of the beach resorts do have dog rescue people that will come and pick up, treat and spay or neuter stray dogs. This would solve alot of the fighting problem and the barking problem as dogs usually exhibit this behavior when the females are in heat.

Also, you wouldn't then have to look at sick mangy dogs.

Just a thought, something constructive instead of destructive.

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Actually, poisoning dogs at a wat is pointless as has been pointed out before, the wat is like the humane society and in a week there will be another set of dogs. As for blackjack, you don't say where you are located but many of the beach resorts do have dog rescue people that will come and pick up, treat and spay or neuter stray dogs. This would solve alot of the fighting problem and the barking problem as dogs usually exhibit this behavior when the females are in heat.

Also, you wouldn't then have to look at sick mangy dogs.

Just a thought, something constructive instead of destructive.

Actually its the do gooders that are causing the problem

one old guy arrives each day and feeds the dogs - then they go on the lead a productive although mangy life - litter after litter

then there is another woman that feeds them in the morning - both farangs

they feed them but thats it - problem belongum someone else

I see one of the dogs got hit today by a car and is limping around

i think the shangai and the snags looks good - at least i can fire them within range of the hungry animals

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As the saying goes, If you can't beat em, join em.

Dogs are pack animals, as we know related to wolves, therefore they respect whoever is at the top of the pile.

If there was nothing left try, I would have tried getting them on my side first.


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