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Why Did You Choose Chiangmai ?


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Hi all,

I am just interested to know why you chose to live in Chiangmai.

There have been a few negative threads about the area of late, polution, cost of living, is the its loosing its charm, etc..

BUT we are all still here.

Why did you choose to settle up here when many of you could have lived anywhere in LOS?

This is certainly the case for me. I could have chosen anywhere in Thailand and certainly checked most places out, but I personally felt that Chaingmai was charming, I like the weather, (well at least 4 months a year :D The people are by and large freindly, there does not seem to be much crime, the hospitals are pretty good if you compare them to somewhere like Hua Hin for example.

Most people's idea of "Paradise" is a place in the sun near the beach... why did you shun that opportunity? For me I am not a beach fan although I like to "holiday" by the beach..I beleive that the novelty would wear off week in week out. Plus beach resorts don't IMHO have reasonably good hospitals and I need to be near one at my age :o

So to those of you who could have lived anywhere... Why here?



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Flew into Bangkok, stepped outside, thought, jeez louise there's no way I'm staying here.

Spent one night at a guesthouse. Went to the train station the next day and asked where the next train was going. Lady said it was heading north to Chiang Mai. I bought a ticket.

And the rest, as they say, is history. Mind you, I swore up and down I was only staying for 1 year. And though it's not nearly as long as some of you, 7 and a half years later, there's really no sign of leaving in sight.... sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry :o



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To be quite honestly with you, I chose Chiang Mai because of The Duke's Restaurant. I went in there a couple of times and the manager made me feel so at home. I have been to many restaurants in Chiang Mai but I have to say , check it out!

What a scrote!

I came to CM for the chicks. :D:o

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To be quite honestly with you, I chose Chiang Mai because of The Duke's Restaurant. I went in there a couple of times and the manager made me feel so at home. I have been to many restaurants in Chiang Mai but I have to say , check it out!

How sad. :o

I also came here for the Thai ladies but have stayed because of the Thai food – I’m happy and expanding. :D

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Hi all,

I am just interested to know why you chose to live in Chiangmai.

There have been a few negative threads about the area of late, polution, cost of living, is the its loosing its charm, etc..

BUT we are all still here.

Why did you choose to settle up here when many of you could have lived anywhere in LOS?

This is certainly the case for me. I could have chosen anywhere in Thailand and certainly checked most places out, but I personally felt that Chaingmai was charming, I like the weather, (well at least 4 months a year :D The people are by and large freindly, there does not seem to be much crime, the hospitals are pretty good if you compare them to somewhere like Hua Hin for example.

Most people's idea of "Paradise" is a place in the sun near the beach... why did you shun that opportunity? For me I am not a beach fan although I like to "holiday" by the beach..I beleive that the novelty would wear off week in week out. Plus beach resorts don't IMHO have reasonably good hospitals and I need to be near one at my age :o

So to those of you who could have lived anywhere... Why here?



Nine years in Bangkok

Better climate

Reasonable cost of living

Lease up on the house in Bangkok

Between Contracts

Wife had regular business in CM

Good flight connections for overseas contracts

Reasonable communication facilities

A good expat social life - (not so great anymore)

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You are having a laugh or you are the owner...one of the two :o

I did check it out last week with some friends and I have to say it was good .....great burgers, will try something else next time!!


Yeah, just having a laugh.

I came to Chiang Mai because of the ladies. There should be a poll.

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You are having a laugh or you are the owner...one of the two :D

I did check it out last week with some friends and I have to say it was good .....great burgers, will try something else next time!!


Yeah, just having a laugh.

I came to Chiang Mai because of the ladies. There should be a poll.

Hmmm lets see what should the choices be;

The chix

The climate

The atmosphere

The inexpensive cost of living

The Duke's Restaurant :o

OK lets vote guys :D

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Unlike most here, I moved here cold, from California. Only knew Thailand from what I had read... Plus, while living in Hong Kong in 1980, someone mentioned Chiang Mai in passing, simply telling me that it was in Thailand, and you got there by overnight train. Something clicked, a bigger 'click' than for anywhere else. I decided then and there to explore that 'click'. I figured there was good reason for that click, and that I would never know unless I went. Something was destined for me there, I felt sure.

So, I moved here in 1986 and headed to Chiang Mai. Not sure what I'm destined for, but I'm still enjoying the ride. :o

Edited by Ajarn
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Well, i was curious about CM and when i first came to CM in 2003, i was impressed by this neat, orderly, laid back city compared to the horrendous traffic & crazy skycrapers in BKK. The cool winter temperature, mountain scenery, international airport & the low prices are definitely plus points.

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Why Chiang Mai? Like many of us, I am just in it for the jackfruit.

Came as an exchange student in 1990; lived with a Thai family, traveled the North, fell in love with Chiang Mai. Came back for several more years, lived in a different northern province, missed Chiang Mai, ended up marrying a Chiang Mai girl, went home again, then came back again after we decided that on balance life is better here. Will try to stay put for a while.

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I came to study Thai massage & was hooked. There seemed to be a good balance here - between city & country, between local culture & a decent sized expat community. I love the mountains & weather. And I knew I could find work here. But after almost 3 years the balance has shifted for me. I'm feeling too much city & I'm less inclined to enjoy the strong foreign presence here. So I may be moving on... but as you all know, CM isn't easy to leave!

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You are having a laugh or you are the owner...one of the two :D

I did check it out last week with some friends and I have to say it was good .....great burgers, will try something else next time!!


Yeah, just having a laugh.

I came to Chiang Mai because of the ladies. There should be a poll.

Hmmm lets see what should the choices be;

The chix

The climate

The atmosphere

The inexpensive cost of living

The Duke's Restaurant :o

OK lets vote guys :D

I came for the chicks.

I stayed because of the Duke's! :D

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Backpacked around Asia.

Settled down in Samui. In Samui people love your money and ripp your off all the time. After 1 and 1/2 year I moved up to CM since I liked the weather, not big as BK and that people dont try to ripp you off. They are also much more friendly here and you have an big airport. I love CM and I dont regret my desicion that I moved up here.



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You are having a laugh or you are the owner...one of the two :D

I did check it out last week with some friends and I have to say it was good .....great burgers, will try something else next time!!


Yeah, just having a laugh.

I came to Chiang Mai because of the ladies. There should be a poll.

Hmmm lets see what should the choices be;

The chix

The climate

The atmosphere

The inexpensive cost of living

The Duke's Restaurant :o

OK lets vote guys :D

I came for the chicks.

I stayed because of the Duke's! :D


If you had the dose of sh1ts I got from the Dukes last week I'm sure you wouldn't be so quick to recommend the place :D

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I have been to the Duke's almost every day for the last 3 months and have had no problems at all. The same goes for many of my friends.

I have one buddy who complains about getting the "sh1ts" in every restaurant that we go to ( he hasn't been to the Duke's as he is back in England now but he's always complaing about the buffet at the Sheraton/Weston), but no one else has gotten ill.

Maybe you had bad luck or maybe it's your immune system, but I wouldn't guess that it is the restaurant's fault. :o

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I have been to the Duke's almost every day for the last 3 months and have had no problems at all.

What is it with you UG and all this <deleted> about the Duke's? You and Bigeater make a good pair. Are you both getting free meals to plug the restaurant? If you're not, I would suggest you drop all the inane remarks as they have run their course.

I came here for my health!

Edited by Maejo Man
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I have been to the Duke's almost every day for the last 3 months and have had no problems at all. The same goes for many of my friends.

I have one buddy who complains about getting the "sh1ts" in every restaurant that we go to ( he hasn't been to the Duke's as he is back in England now but he's always complaing about the buffet at the Sheraton/Weston), but no one else has gotten ill.

Maybe you had bad luck or maybe it's your immune system, but I wouldn't guess that it is the restaurant's fault. :o

I've worked with food for a long time and have taken enough environmental health courses to trace any food poisoning to a particular meal pretty accurately.

It certainly wouldn't stop me going back - TIT and working with food in this heat is a nightmare. The Dukes is good, but it's not as great as certain members proclaim. I think TGI Friday back in Scotland is much better - but I'm grateful for anything half-decent here.

What would help improve his place is some draught beer (hint, hint!)

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I think TGI Friday back in Scotland is much better - but I'm grateful for anything half-decent here.

I'm sure it is, but we are in the middle of Southeast Asia in a second class city with second class restaurant suppliers.

The Duke's is excellent under the circumstances. :o

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I have been to the Duke's almost every day for the last 3 months and have had no problems at all.

What is it with you UG and all this <deleted> about the Duke's? You and Bigeater make a good pair. Are you both getting free meals to plug the restaurant? If you're not, I would suggest you drop all the inane remarks as they have run their course.

I guess that even trolls have opinions but yours get awful boring.

Can't you think of anything new to whine about? :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You are having a laugh or you are the owner...one of the two :D

I did check it out last week with some friends and I have to say it was good .....great burgers, will try something else next time!!


Yeah, just having a laugh.

I came to Chiang Mai because of the ladies. There should be a poll.

Hmmm lets see what should the choices be;

The chix

The climate

The atmosphere

The inexpensive cost of living

The Duke's Restaurant :o

OK lets vote guys :D

I came for the chicks.

I stayed because of the Duke's! :D

So you staying in CM UG has NOTHING to do with all the great businesses you own in CM then.

C'mon gimme me a break :D

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Let's just say I didn't move to CMai and stay for two years, just to eat the Thai food there. I used to enjoy BLT sandwiches at Outback Cafe south of Thae Pae gate (that's a plug for John and the guys). And Burger-King when I was...doing .... sociological research behind the Night Bazaar. And Sizzler, yes! And the better Italian restaurants, like Mi Casa (the one on the outside of the klong). What's that restaurant on Thae Phae road just before the moat - JJ's, or BJ's? Good food. Oh, and the S&P sit down restaurants are great for their club sandwich.

So, I moved myself to the opposite end of the world, to get Western food....there must be at least one other compelling reason.....cheap rent, that's it.

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