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How to find a family oriented thai wife? Suggestions?


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I agree with Klubex99, why on earth would you ask a bunch of strangers on an anonymous forum on where to meet someone.

You claim to be in your late 20’s and you're asking advice from people, many of whom where in their 20’s decades ago, for advice ?

Just ask your Grandfather, at least you know him.

The problem is both of my grandfathers died many years ago.

The second reason is: its much more easy to be frank with strangers than with friends, relatives, colleagues etc. At least for me.

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Answer the questions so I can continue to give my opinionated answers to your OP.

ok, got it

A Do you want to / have to stay in one place and make a living, be a stable part of a community while you are looking?

yes, but seems like this place must be not far away from Pattaya, because of my job. Can be 20km around

Are you willing/able to dedicate yourself to this mission and scour the country in your search? I can spend one or two month in search all around the country.

In either case, the key is having a valid "context" within which people will interact with you. Do you have resources to set up your own company/NGO or whatever? What is your profession?

As I told you, my job is related to travel industry, I am on a position of something like a "junior partner" now, and I am satisfied with this. It would be perfect if my wife can help me in my business. You know, it's always good to have a Thai person, you can trust, in business.

Another huge factor is do you require education and knowledge about the world, or would a girl straight off the rice farm be OK, given that you can provide her with those?

A girl "straight from the rice farm" would be OK. I don't have any requirements about that.

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A Do you want to / have to stay in one place and make a living, be a stable part of a community while you are looking?

yes, but seems like this place must be not far away from Pattaya, because of my job. Can be 20km around


Huge disadvantage there, that is the ONE place in the country where you're least likely to find a girl that hasn't already been polluted by all the standard scammer ideas.

If you can afford to buy a car and live as far away as you can stand, ideally over the border that would be a start for the community-based strategies.

Are you willing/able to dedicate yourself to this mission and scour the country in your search?

I can spend one or two month in search all around the country.


Enough for quick recon visits, but not for the long-term touring options I was entertaining.


In either case, the key is having a valid "context" within which people will interact with you. Do you have resources to set up your own company/NGO or whatever? What is your profession?

As I told you, my job is related to travel industry, I am on a position of something like a "junior partner" now, and I am satisfied with this. It would be perfect if my wife can help me in my business. You know, it's always good to have a Thai person, you can trust, in business.


But the fact that context is located in the center of that cesspit makes it IMO very very difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff, in that neck of the woods there's no way to tell, even a total virgin has received a full briefing in the "catch a farang" game, and some play the long con for years before showing their true colors.

I just wouldn't bother fishing in those waters at all myself.

Another huge factor is do you require education and knowledge about the world, or would a girl straight off the rice farm be OK, given that you can provide her with those?

A girl "straight from the rice farm" would be OK. I don't have any requirements about that.


Well that's good anyway, but you will need to get as fluent in Thai ASAP.

Very tough case this one.

I have had luck a few times catching a complete newcomer fresh off the bus, forced by circumstances to enter the game there but so far too shy/afraid/inexperienced, and "rescued" her so that she only had to have the one customer (me) at a very low monthly rate - in those days B4000 per month, now probably double that.

She really really didn't want to work in the sex industry, was a keen student learned English from me then school very quickly. After two years she started to put the pressure on to have kids (clock ticking at just over twenty!) but I said no, so she gave me three months' notice and started the online game.

Now married in the UK with three kids happy as a clam, she was a good one.

But that was one out of literally thousands, very difficult to find in that part of the country.

I'd say a better bet would be to cultivate relationships with people that come from upcountry, and sponsor trips back to their home towns to experience rural culture. The ideal context for getting to know the locals is to attend weddings, so maybe set yourself up as doing an online sociological degree or something where you want to observe as many ceremonies as possible per trip, get the upcountry relatives to coordinate with the local Wats and puyai baans so you can maybe attend three or four celebrations in a week or 10-day trip.

Don't openly advertise anything about the fact that you're looking for a mate, if you're known to be single that will happen anyway and you're trying to avoid attracting any explicit scams. Don't discuss what your target profile is anyway or the girls will all be lined up ready to tell you what you want to hear.

Here's what I look for myself, adjust to taste:

Never left the family home village, so no experience with foreigners at all, no tattoos, smoking, drinking obviously no English or computer experience. Most likely left school at 12-14 because the family couldn't afford the expenses. However you can tell pretty quickly (once you learn Thai) who the clever ones are, how keen they are to improve their situation.

Very likely the girl will have heard all about the "catching farang" industry if your contact is working in Pattaya there will be others in the village and even in her family in the business, just look for nice houses between the dirt shacks and those are mia farang. But she most likely won't want to do it the traditional BG way and may be willing to hitch up with a guy with a good reputation in order to help her family down the road.

You won't be allowed to be alone with her, any dating will be chaperoned, traditional village wedding before sex. Maybe a straight job can be found for her in P so you can get to know each other without you having to shuttle back and forth, but that will require an auntie trusted by the family to watch her (and you) like a hawk.

If you think you have any secrets there you don't be honest with her about your butterfly past and you'll be OK if you promise you're a reformed man, just don't lie and make sure she understands how important honesty is to farang culture, any lies and she's out.

I could obviously go on, but time for you to give feedback on this so far.

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Look no further.

Walen school of dance.


Yes krisb, it is a definite possibility. Lots of wonderful Thai women are looking for husbands and dance classes are a fun way to meet new people. There are also usually more women than men at dance schools. I also believe women are more attracted to guys who can dance as it shows their "soft side". Macho tough guys scare most of them away. 


Mr Walen, I'm not sure you think I was being cynical or not. I'm actually being serious. I know there's majority ladies at dance schools and its a great place for meeting them. Its a well suited option other than bars or clubs, gyms, workplace or the internet. Yours is the only dance school I know about so I mentioned it. Does that mean a free lesson next time I'm in CM?


I can give you a free lessen but you must listen to me sing also. Posted Image .............Posted Image 
I hear you know a few Pink Floyd songs TA...:D
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Here's a thought and maybe a different perspective for the OP.


If you are, to use a metaphor, throwing you line into barren waters

maybe it's time to up anchor and to relocate to an ocean where a

suitable catch might be found.

So maybe Pattaya is a barren ground, Thailand being a tourist destination

I'm sure there are many other places where you could wet your line

... just make sure your bait is set correctly.


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Boosta, Thanks a lot, I red your advices carefully. Seems like the best way is to go upcountry myself. Which area you could recommend? Isaan?

Should I go by my own car (I have one) or by bus? I think "play a tourist" would be better.

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Overnight minivan recommended OP.


He's looking for a nice young girl not the Pattaya returnees.


Boosta, Thanks a lot, I red your advices carefully. Seems like the best way is to go upcountry myself. Which area you could recommend? Isaan? Should I go by my own car (I have one) or by bus? I think "play a tourist" would be better.

Own car, especially if it's a reasonably nice-looking one, but if it's a beater rent, nice as you can afford.

I think you missed a key part - you're going to the hometown areas accompanied by Thais that know you well and can vouch for your character, not just randomly driving around that would not be an efficient use of time. And yes in P most people come from the Isaan, but anywhere's fine in fact outside of the usual mia farang provinces there's a bit less of the scamming farang methodology built into the tribal DNA.

You're arriving as an honored guest at wedding parties, and word has spread throughout the surrounding villages so the family's very happy to have lots of guests as everyone has to contribute - you're donating at least 500, maybe a 1000 toward the pigs that have been slaughtered, cases of whiskey, tower of power speaker rentals etc.

If you're maximizing your efficiency you're covering three or four of these gigs in one trip, obviously your referrer won't be as well known but that's OK, friend of an uncle's brother in law's close enough.

Show up on your own how do they know you're not a pervert sex-slave trader?

PS what's your nationality?

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Because I actually don't care what you think or what you believe, so why should I waste my time and gasoline to prove you anything? I have much more interesting things to do in my life, believe me.

So if you agree to pay me a 100 euro - please contact me in private, if not - I will not bother to answer you anymore

good luck

By reading what one writes sometimes you can gauge one's character and intelligence...thumbsup.gif

And by reading how one writes you can get an idea about the Master's Degree one holds.

I'm not a pick-n-choose for English Grammar and Lexical Expressions, especially here on TV, but in this case I smell something stronger than Durian...

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Because I actually don't care what you think or what you believe, so why should I waste my time and gasoline to prove you anything? I have much more interesting things to do in my life, believe me.

So if you agree to pay me a 100 euro - please contact me in private, if not - I will not bother to answer you anymore

good luck

By reading what one writes sometimes you can gauge one's character and intelligence...thumbsup.gif

And by reading how one writes you can get an idea about the Master's Degree one holds.

I'm not a pick-n-choose for English Grammar and Lexical Expressions, especially here on TV, but in this case I smell something stronger than Durian...

I smell a brag..

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yeah. But if he gets the overnight minivan chances are he won't be returning to Pattaya.

50/50 chance he won't get to Isan.


Aha. Thought you meant he should be driving one down himself for convenient in-the-back sessions out in the rice fields.

Actually those minivan's aren't too bad, probably safer than most people driving themselves.

Just not a time of year when everyone's drunk on the roads.

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Why bother raising a kid in this corrupt country?

With that sort of attitude, it's great that YOU don't have any kids. Less ignorant bigots in the gene pool is certainly a good thing.

Have you ever made a positive comment on here because if you have,I've never seen it?sick.gif

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Pot, kettle, black

I don't lie about moving back home to pay my landlady the back rent of 14-15 months that I owe her though,do I?Are you not ashamed of yourself,I'm surprised you have the gall to keep posting on here anymore after your shocking admissions of "finishing schools for young Isaan girls" and the like,an absolute disgrace!

You,(BigJohnnybkk,Funfon,diddums,boosta et al.) really are the very,very last person on here to take anyone to task!rolleyes.gif

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Pot, kettle, black

I don't lie about moving back home to pay my landlady the back rent of 14-15 months that I owe her though,do I?Are you not ashamed of yourself,I'm surprised you have the gall to keep posting on here anymore after your shocking admissions of "finishing schools for young Isaan girls" and the like,an absolute disgrace!

You,(BigJohnnybkk,Funfon,diddums,boosta et al.) really are the very,very last person on here to take anyone to task!rolleyes.gif

Need to keep up with the times ole' chap ... BigJohnnybkk and Funfon are not longer with us with those nicks ...

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Pot, kettle, black

I don't lie about moving back home to pay my landlady the back rent of 14-15 months that I owe her though,do I?Are you not ashamed of yourself,I'm surprised you have the gall to keep posting on here anymore after your shocking admissions of "finishing schools for young Isaan girls" and the like,an absolute disgrace!

You,(BigJohnnybkk,Funfon,diddums,boosta et al.) really are the very,very last person on here to take anyone to task!rolleyes.gif

Need to keep up with the times ole' chap ... BigJohnnybkk and Funfon are not longer with us with those nicks ...

Same,same poster,not different was my point.He normally gets re-banned around this time anyway!The sooner the better,utter waster!

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