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Thai diplomat accused of assault acted in self-defence: Foreign Ministry


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The other paper's article yesterday on the woman being recalled said she will face a fact-finding inquiry here in Thailand and, according to the MFA Permanent Secretary, will face disciplinary action if she's found to have acted inappropriately for her diplomatic status.

Perhaps they'll be looking for an "inactive post" somewhere... Except, I think the RTP have pretty much used up every possible inactive post that's anywhere to be found. tongue.png

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Interesting, the Thai National News Bureau also had a news release on this yesterday that pretty much concedes as fact that there was a verbal and physical assault by the Thai staffer on the Egyptian lady...and kind of publicly apologizes using typical diplomatic-speak of "expressed regret."

BANGKOK, 18 June 2013 (NNT) - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed regret over a verbal and physical assault by a female Thai diplomat in Egypt and affirmed that she has been ordered to return to Thailand to face a disciplinary investigation.

The diplomat, with identification withheld, has been accused of assaulting an Egyptian lawyer during a night out at an exclusive five-star hotel.

The Ministry confirms that if the lady is proven guilty, she will face harsh disciplinary action. The diplomat earlier stated that she acted in self-defense.

Meanwhile, the Thai embassy in Cairo will summon both parties to provide their statements to consular officials next week.

A statement from the ministry further asserted that the incident was personal and would not affect bilateral ties.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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I think she will be toast after this little event.

Did you say the same about all the others that have preceded her: Chalerm's son, the Red Bull grandson, the hi-so teen-ager who plowed into the van killing its passengers, the Mercedes car killer, etc etc etc.???

And this was just a "cat fight" in a bar with some scrapes and bites.... Not anyone killed or seriously injured....

I understand your point...in diplomatic terms... But Thailand has an amazing capacity to forgive...for those with the right connections.

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You know, in the husband's account of events posted and linked above, there was an interesting little tidbit of him recounting part of what the Thai lady was saying in the early going that's never been explained or elaborated on...

Even as she was inviting us to a [future] farewell party,

I wonder who it was a farewell party for? As it turns out, the party probably arrived a lot sooner than she was expecting.

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Silly b**ch has probably been fantasising about emulating Thai soap stars and then claiming diplomatic immunity for ages.

I thought Thai soaps revolved around the women being tied up by the baddies, and rescued just in time by the goodies. Mind you, it might have been a dream 55
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I'm truly amazed and quite pleasantly surprised that none of the usual suspects have popped up to be racist against the Egyptian couple,

wonders never cease.

she sounds like my 1st Thai GF after a few too many,

its amazing(Thailand) how quickly one learns(although some unfortunately don't) to get the hell away from the ting tong baa baa bo bo ones :P

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Whether it was self-defence or defence of her country, whether she was provoked or not, whether she was drunk, baa-baa'ed or not, -

DIPLOMAT and DRUNK CAT FIGHT is bad face for THAILAND. But if she is RELATED - she will never be kicked out of a lucrative job.

Sensitive Thai face can be washed, powdered, made-up or simply exchanged for a different mask (say, WHITE?) giggle.gif

Edited by ABCer
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Thai diplomat accused of assault acted in self-defence: Foreign Ministry

If this is self-defence then gawd help anyone who pi55es her off w00t.gif

She pushed her on the couch, kicked her over 5 times in the face and head with her heels, pulled her hair out, bit her until she bled and through all of this, my wife had let go.

Whenever we tried to pull her off, she would bite or pull harder. It was a completely one sided fight.

My wife ended up with a black eye, an open wound in her head, scratches all over her body, 4 deep bite marks on her arm and emotional distress.

A Proper Little Madam by the sounds of things whistling.gif


What I find hard to believe is the egyptian guy could not incapacitate a 40-50kgThai woman and stop his wife from being repeatedly kicked and bitten.

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@ canman

Who said:

>>What I find hard to believe is the egyptian guy could not incapacitate a 40-50kgThai woman and stop his wife from being repeatedly kicked and bitten.<<

Oh, come on now canman.

Try to contain your contempt for the man long enough to appreciate that he was sophisticated and worldly enough to know that any woman, but a coked up Thai women in the diplomatic corps in particular would be able to waterboard this story into the most self-serving iteration imaginable.

If he'd piled on she'd have had a heyday.

One look at this harridan's account for the hometown crowd and you can see he made a sound decision not to lay a hand on this maniac.

Have you ever seen one of these over-30 maniacs in action after a noseful and few glasses of wine ????

Picture your basic ignored 14-year-old with diplomatic privileges who feels herself under-revered in a "dark-skinned" jurisdiction.

This poor Egyptian gentleman FULLY aware what might ensue if things escalated, decorously hesitated a few seconds and this kha-monster got in some serious hairpulling, 4 bites and 5 kicks.

Want proof that he acted with restraint and diplomacy ?????

He STILL refrained from posting photos and vids of this vicious attack on his wife by an insanely intoxicated Thai woman who actually believes that Egypt should be grateful to have her in their country.

Don't think this was miked and shot?

Lets wait and see what gets banned in Thailand.

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