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Buddhist Temples


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I was wondering if anyone had any first-hand info concerning what happens with the monies given to the various temples throughout the year. My thai g/f likes to give money everytime we visit one and she really doesn't have a lot to give so I generally help out to. She gets a lot of strength and peace by visiting these temples and great joy and satisfaction in giving. I would like to think that the majority of the monies given to the temples is eventually distributed back into the communities to individuals and families who are truly in need. If anyone has any first-hand info and not speculation, I would be very much interested in hearing about it. I realize that these temples play a major role in many thai's lives so please be respectful when replying. This is in no way to try and demean or discredit these temples. It is simply an attempt at fact finding to see if anyone might possibly know what becomes of these funds after given to the temples.

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If she gets "strength and peace" by giving a small amount, that is better than letting her go wild at the new Promenada.

Let her give and contribute a small amount if you feel it is necessary, but if it is giving her peace than it is doing its purpose

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Temples have enormous statues of gold. Do you not have any idea how mind-blowingly expensive that amount of gold is?? Even in a 1st world country the amount would make your head spin. Imagine that amount multiplied 6-8 times to know the thai buying-power equivalent.

I think you'll find that the only real gold Buddha statue in Thailand is at Wat Traimitr. All the rest of either paint or gold leaf.

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Unfortunately, many Thai temples are as corrupt as the rest of Thai institutions.

My wife chooses to give to temples out in the sticks believing they do better with the money. I'd prefer she give to Burmese temples.

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Unfortunately, many Thai temples are as corrupt as the rest of Thai institutions.

My wife chooses to give to temples out in the sticks believing they do better with the money. I'd prefer she give to Burmese temples.

You beat me to it.

If you hang around a city temple long enough at the end of the day and pay attention, you'll sometimes see plain clothed "handlers" show up and collect money. They usually drive big pick-up trucks. I can only assume this is nation wide.

However, I'm sure there are plenty that are legit. Like anything, finding the right one is the trick.

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I think you'll find that the only real gold Buddha statue in Thailand is at Wat Traimitr. All the rest of either paint or gold leaf.

i think hes probably right : )

heres one in his red undercaot on 16 feb 12

and his new coat of gold paint on 26 march 12




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Temples have enormous statues of gold. Do you not have any idea how mind-blowingly expensive that amount of gold is?? Even in a 1st world country the amount would make your head spin. Imagine that amount multiplied 6-8 times to know the thai buying-power equivalent.

I think you'll find that the only real gold Buddha statue in Thailand is at Wat Traimitr. All the rest of either paint or gold leaf.

Also none of them are being made today. I don't know when the last one was made for a temple but I would imagine the number of years would have three digits in them.

Why is it that people who don't like religion go to lengths to put it down. Buddhism may not be a religion but it is like Christianity with it's many churches There are several different types of Buddhism also. Makes no differences to these people all they do is look at what people are doing wrong and condemn the religon or life style. If it brings people happiness it iws OK WITH ME. THAT DOES NOT MEAN i embrace their principals or the actions of people but I

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Temples have enormous statues of gold. Do you not have any idea how mind-blowingly expensive that amount of gold is?? Even in a 1st world country the amount would make your head spin. Imagine that amount multiplied 6-8 times to know the thai buying-power equivalent.

Some basic info on buddhism - the thai way:

Thai buddhism is a half-assed shoot-off from what buddha actually taught. Buddhism teaches a philosophy (way to think), not a religion, but thai buddhism is very clearly a relgion. Buddha said not to look to some "god" entity for answers, but to meditate and think yourself to find the answers. Thai people found one of the smartest people who ever existed, and then did the opposite lol. They now have made him into a 'god' with their idiotic gold statues. Thai people give money to temples to "purchase luck". The whole thing is sad. Supporting that obvius b.s. would be like supporting the idiocy of western religions, which geroge carlin described better than anyone ever could:

George Carlin great source for knowledge.

Most Religious haters know nothing about what they talk of. Other than what there friends have tought them. they look at what some people do and if they don't approve of it they put the whole religion down. Buddhism is no different to them they say it is not a religion and then put it down because of what they don't like in others who believe in it. Buddhism is like Christianity it has different sects in Christianity they are called religions.

Why people feel the need to put down some thing that brings joy, pleasure and meaning into other peoples lives is beyond me.

Speaking of gold Statues how many are there and how many of them were built hundreds of years ago . Did George Carlin omit that.

I do not pretend to practice Buddhism or any religion but I do not put them down.I do admit I do have a problem with Islam. It has some practices I find hard to handle.

Sorry about the mix ups in previous posts.

Edited by hellodolly
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Temples have enormous statues of gold. Do you not have any idea how mind-blowingly expensive that amount of gold is?? Even in a 1st world country the amount would make your head spin. Imagine that amount multiplied 6-8 times to know the thai buying-power equivalent.

Some basic info on buddhism - the thai way:

Thai buddhism is a half-assed shoot-off from what buddha actually taught. Buddhism teaches a philosophy (way to think), not a religion, but thai buddhism is very clearly a relgion. Buddha said not to look to some "god" entity for answers, but to meditate and think yourself to find the answers. Thai people found one of the smartest people who ever existed, and then did the opposite lol. They now have made him into a 'god' with their idiotic gold statues. Thai people give money to temples to "purchase luck". The whole thing is sad. Supporting that obvius b.s. would be like supporting the idiocy of western religions, which geroge carlin described better than anyone ever could:

George Carlin great source for knowledge.

Most Religious haters know nothing about what they talk of. Other than what there friends have tought them. they look at what some people do and if they don't approve of it they put the whole religion down. Buddhism is no different to them they say it is not a religion and then put it down because of what they don't like in others who believe in it. Buddhism is like Christianity it has different sects in Christianity they are called religions.

Why people feel the need to put down some thing that brings joy, pleasure and meaning into other peoples lives is beyond me.

Speaking of gold Statues how many are there and how many of them were built hundreds of years ago . Did George Carlin omit that.

I do not pretend to practice Buddhism or any religion but I do not put them down.I do admit I do have a problem with Islam. It has some practices I find hard to handle.

Sorry about the mix ups in previous posts.

1. "George Carlin great source for knowledge"

You are being sarcastic, but he a brilliant critical thinker who used FACTS in his show. You, clearly have no ability to think critically and your lack of education is evident in your post.

2. "Buddhism is no different" (to other religions)

It is completely different the way Buddha taught it. He taught a way of "thinking". Religion is a way to stop people thinking and just mindlessly do what they are told. How you interpret that as "no different" is beyond me.

But yes, in Thailand, it has changed and "Thai Buddhism" is definitely a religion, but it shouldn't be called Buddhism since they do the opposite of what Buddha said.

Don't mistake the thai nonsense for what was taught by Buddha - which is the complete opposite of a religion.

Saying they are no different is ignorance.

3. "Why people feel the need to put down some thing that brings joy, pleasure and meaning into other peoples lives is beyond me."

Religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, murdering of albinos, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia, and rejection of science and reason could be some of the reasons?

4. "I do admit I do have a problem with Islam. It has some practices I find hard to handle."

LOL this his hilarious.

You defend religions in general, but have a problem with islam because the US govt has provided you with proganda to hate them so the US can go in and steal oil - and you aren't even aware that you have been manipulated.

What about christianity? How can you be so uneducated as to not know this stuff? Were you brought up without schooling?

Ever heard of the 'Crusades' where Christians committed GENOCIDE killing those who wouldn't convert?

Ever heard of Galileo by any chance? He was a genius and had a brilliant theory based on the FACTS of mathematics that the earth revolves around the sun, which was in conflict with the FICTION idea of the church that a "god" made humans who are the centre of everything and therefore everything revolves around the planet we live on. His friend who was kept prisoner for similar things was held prisoner for 8 YEARS and then BURNED ALIVE for it. This made Galileo see he had to recant his theories to survive, but even after that, Galileo was in home detention for the rest of his life for this until he died.

It is due to christianity that all science stopped for OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS.

My god man, how is it even possible you don't know this stuff?

You should be ashamed for spreading your baseless, false rubbish. Get an education.

Get your head out of the history books. this is 2013 not 1313. I have learned to dislike some of the Islamic teachings in the last 7 years living here in Thailand. Over 5,500 people slaughtered including teachers being killed right in front of their students. The way they treat women is also unacceptable to me. It is not a man thing it is a religious thing. Of that is acceptable to you so be it.

If you knew any thing at all about the Iraq war you would know that France had more to gain than the states and it was just an ego trip under incomplete false information put out by three men in position to do it.And perpetuated by a VP who had millions to gain through his association with a private contractor. Not a dimer of it coming from oil.

As for George Carlin any one can pick out what they want to believe and find facts to prove it.

If you would forget your bias you would note I said Buddhism was like Christianity in that it had different sects the same as Christianity has different churches. I did not say it was a religion.

4. "I do admit I do have a problem with Islam. It has some practices I find hard to handle."

That is honesty as seen through the facts I have seen. Just as George Carlin based his talk on.

You on the other hand laugh and use that old chestnut "well 1,000 years ago" blah blah blah

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I don't often get p----ed-off at posters. After all, not everyone has the same opinions as I might have on any given subject.


Is Christianity bogus because Jim Bakker was a crook? An abuse by one does not the entirety shake.

I as will most TV watchers, will find some of the comments in this thread to be very offensive. To Buddhism, to Buddha, to the Thai people, and to my local temple which tries very hard with its limited resources, to take care of those who have no one else to turn to.

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1. "George Carlin great source for knowledge"

You are being sarcastic, but he a brilliant critical thinker who used FACTS in his show. You, clearly have no ability to think critically and your lack of education is evident in your post.

2. "Buddhism is no different" (to other religions)

It is completely different the way Buddha taught it. He taught a way of "thinking". Religion is a way to stop people thinking and just mindlessly do what they are told. How you interpret that as "no different" is beyond me.

But yes, in Thailand, it has changed and "Thai Buddhism" is definitely a religion, but it shouldn't be called Buddhism since they do the opposite of what Buddha said.

Don't mistake the thai nonsense for what was taught by Buddha - which is the complete opposite of a religion.

Saying they are no different is ignorance.

3. "Why people feel the need to put down some thing that brings joy, pleasure and meaning into other peoples lives is beyond me."

Religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, murdering of albinos, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia, and rejection of science and reason could be some of the reasons?

4. "I do admit I do have a problem with Islam. It has some practices I find hard to handle."

LOL this his hilarious.

You defend religions in general, but have a problem with islam because the US govt has provided you with proganda to hate them so the US can go in and steal oil - and you aren't even aware that you have been manipulated.

What about christianity? How can you be so uneducated as to not know this stuff? Were you brought up without schooling?

Ever heard of the 'Crusades' where Christians committed GENOCIDE killing those who wouldn't convert?

Ever heard of Galileo by any chance? He was a genius and had a brilliant theory based on the FACTS of mathematics that the earth revolves around the sun, which was in conflict with the FICTION idea of the church that a "god" made humans who are the centre of everything and therefore everything revolves around the planet we live on. His friend who was kept prisoner for similar things was held prisoner for 8 YEARS and then BURNED ALIVE for it. This made Galileo see he had to recant his theories to survive, but even after that, Galileo was in home detention for the rest of his life for this until he died.

It is due to christianity that all science stopped for OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS.

My god man, how is it even possible you don't know this stuff?

You should be ashamed for spreading your baseless, false rubbish. Get an education.

Get your head out of the history books. this is 2013 not 1313. I have learned to dislike some of the Islamic teachings in the last 7 years living here in Thailand. Over 5,500 people slaughtered including teachers being killed right in front of their students. The way they treat women is also unacceptable to me. It is not a man thing it is a religious thing. Of that is acceptable to you so be it.

If you knew any thing at all about the Iraq war you would know that France had more to gain than the states and it was just an ego trip under incomplete false information put out by three men in position to do it.And perpetuated by a VP who had millions to gain through his association with a private contractor. Not a dimer of it coming from oil.

As for George Carlin any one can pick out what they want to believe and find facts to prove it.

If you would forget your bias you would note I said Buddhism was like Christianity in that it had different sects the same as Christianity has different churches. I did not say it was a religion.

4. "I do admit I do have a problem with Islam. It has some practices I find hard to handle."

That is honesty as seen through the facts I have seen. Just as George Carlin based his talk on.

You on the other hand laugh and use that old chestnut "well 1,000 years ago" blah blah blah


Ignore all of history? Really?

When I mention to chrisitans who say they read the bible and I point out that it says in the bible to kill non-believers, they often lie and say they never saw it (and occasionally later admit they lied), and then they always go on and tell me of all the good parts of the bible and totally ignore what I pointed out.

No, you don't ignore the bad stuff and only look at the good, or Hitler will seem to be a great guy because he loved his dog very much (just ignore the "other stuff"). What kind of insane thing to say is that?? Ignore history??

Oh lets have a debate, but ... you can only talk about these 3 points relating to your argument and nothing else.

You might get away with saying this to someone who isn't too bright, but sorry to say my faculties are in tact and to even say what you said is laughable.

I don't even know where to continue, because when you say something like that, you are just sprouting nonsense, and I have to waste time explaining the gaping insanity of your points before even explaining the OTHER gaping problems with your logic.

I give up. You win by reason of me being unwilling to waste my time explaining illogical/nonsensical reasoning attempts.

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1. "George Carlin great source for knowledge"

You are being sarcastic, but he a brilliant critical thinker who used FACTS in his show. You, clearly have no ability to think critically and your lack of education is evident in your post.

2. "Buddhism is no different" (to other religions)

It is completely different the way Buddha taught it. He taught a way of "thinking". Religion is a way to stop people thinking and just mindlessly do what they are told. How you interpret that as "no different" is beyond me.

But yes, in Thailand, it has changed and "Thai Buddhism" is definitely a religion, but it shouldn't be called Buddhism since they do the opposite of what Buddha said.

Don't mistake the thai nonsense for what was taught by Buddha - which is the complete opposite of a religion.

Saying they are no different is ignorance.

3. "Why people feel the need to put down some thing that brings joy, pleasure and meaning into other peoples lives is beyond me."

Religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, murdering of albinos, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia, and rejection of science and reason could be some of the reasons?

4. "I do admit I do have a problem with Islam. It has some practices I find hard to handle."

LOL this his hilarious.

You defend religions in general, but have a problem with islam because the US govt has provided you with proganda to hate them so the US can go in and steal oil - and you aren't even aware that you have been manipulated.

What about christianity? How can you be so uneducated as to not know this stuff? Were you brought up without schooling?

Ever heard of the 'Crusades' where Christians committed GENOCIDE killing those who wouldn't convert?

Ever heard of Galileo by any chance? He was a genius and had a brilliant theory based on the FACTS of mathematics that the earth revolves around the sun, which was in conflict with the FICTION idea of the church that a "god" made humans who are the centre of everything and therefore everything revolves around the planet we live on. His friend who was kept prisoner for similar things was held prisoner for 8 YEARS and then BURNED ALIVE for it. This made Galileo see he had to recant his theories to survive, but even after that, Galileo was in home detention for the rest of his life for this until he died.

It is due to christianity that all science stopped for OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS.

My god man, how is it even possible you don't know this stuff?

You should be ashamed for spreading your baseless, false rubbish. Get an education.

Get your head out of the history books. this is 2013 not 1313. I have learned to dislike some of the Islamic teachings in the last 7 years living here in Thailand. Over 5,500 people slaughtered including teachers being killed right in front of their students. The way they treat women is also unacceptable to me. It is not a man thing it is a religious thing. Of that is acceptable to you so be it.

If you knew any thing at all about the Iraq war you would know that France had more to gain than the states and it was just an ego trip under incomplete false information put out by three men in position to do it.And perpetuated by a VP who had millions to gain through his association with a private contractor. Not a dimer of it coming from oil.

As for George Carlin any one can pick out what they want to believe and find facts to prove it.

If you would forget your bias you would note I said Buddhism was like Christianity in that it had different sects the same as Christianity has different churches. I did not say it was a religion.

4. "I do admit I do have a problem with Islam. It has some practices I find hard to handle."

That is honesty as seen through the facts I have seen. Just as George Carlin based his talk on.

You on the other hand laugh and use that old chestnut "well 1,000 years ago" blah blah blah


Ignore all of history? Really?

When I mention to chrisitans who say they read the bible and I point out that it says in the bible to kill non-believers, they often lie and say they never saw it (and occasionally later admit they lied), and then they always go on and tell me of all the good parts of the bible and totally ignore what I pointed out.

No, you don't ignore the bad stuff and only look at the good, or Hitler will seem to be a great guy because he loved his dog very much (just ignore the "other stuff"). What kind of insane thing to say is that?? Ignore history??

Oh lets have a debate, but ... you can only talk about these 3 points relating to your argument and nothing else.

You might get away with saying this to someone who isn't too bright, but sorry to say my faculties are in tact and to even say what you said is laughable.

I don't even know where to continue, because when you say something like that, you are just sprouting nonsense, and I have to waste time explaining the gaping insanity of your points before even explaining the OTHER gaping problems with your logic.

I give up. You win by reason of me being unwilling to waste my time explaining illogical/nonsensical reasoning attempts.

No you win because I never read the bible although I have nine and a half years of Catholic schooling. Can't argue with a comic and the Bible a winning pair for sure.

Really can't remember talking about the Bible I will have to take your word for it. I do know that the old testament is part of the Koran though.

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