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Belgian man murdered by Thai lover at Pattaya apartment

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I wonder if Thailand's statistics are comparable with the USA?

On average, more than three women and one man are murdered by their intimate partners in this country (USA) every day. In 2000, 1,247 women were killed by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. Intimate partner homicides accounted for 30% of the murders of women and 5% percent of the murders of men.

(Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S. 1993-2004, 2006.)

Your comparison is pointless. But I guess you must be a Pattaya Apologist with vested interests there. If you compare the statistics on a per captor basis Pattaya is far more dangerous then the US

Why pointless, the arguments are over the same things money, fidelity, and what ever. Give us the stats that pattaya is more dangerous


I wonder if Thailand's statistics are comparable with the USA?

On average, more than three women and one man are murdered by their intimate partners in this country (USA) every day. In 2000, 1,247 women were killed by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. Intimate partner homicides accounted for 30% of the murders of women and 5% percent of the murders of men.

(Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S. 1993-2004, 2006.)

Your comparison is pointless. But I guess you must be a Pattaya Apologist with vested interests there. If you compare the statistics on a per captor basis Pattaya is far more dangerous then the US

Why pointless, the arguments are over the same things money, fidelity, and what ever. Give us the stats that pattaya is more dangerous

Who gives...?

The story is about some old boy being knifed to death by his 'lovely' lady

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i would not generalize and say that people look like murderers but this woman certainly looks like she was capable of murder

She does AND they all are.

They (all of them) cannot handle conflict, consequently calm and peaceful resolution is not possible.

A knife from the toilet, sounds like she (sic) must have had them planted all around the apartment.

"They (all of them) cannot handle conflict, consequently calm and peaceful resolution is not possible."

Whata pile of horse feathers (bullsh_t) you have managed to ethnically profile All Thai people with your closed minded opinion based on what? Because many can't handle conflict dose not mean all cannot handle it, wake up n smell the stuff your dribbling

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It's amazing the lengths some thai woman go to when the threat of losing their personal walking ATM is looming over them.

She will be out on bail and out of jail before we reach page 2 of this thread.

RIP old man.

Yes, but the question always is, why are these types of people here? The Belgian guy, I mean. If he could score some Belgian waffle at home (sure the wifey is getting a kick out of this story) then he may not be here and get himself killed. Cheap and available Pussy, anonymity, cheap and available prescription drugs, or what? He is 78 years old, there is no way he or any others could get a 37 year old woman in their home country (even if being paid) to be their "girlfriend".

However that does not mean he deserved to be killed.

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She doesn't look too bothered about being arrested for the murder of a farang.

She will probably know it's just a charade and all she has to do is have her picture taken for the papers and internet.

She will be in a bar near you soon asking you where you from? you on holiday?

R.I.P the Belgian man.

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i heard similar stories from friends that never made it to the news. i think foreigners should take extra precautions in dealing with thai girls. most of them are unable to communicate their emotions well so they resort to something like this.

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It's amazing the lengths some thai woman go to when the threat of losing their personal walking ATM is looming over them.

She will be out on bail and out of jail before we reach page 2 of this thread.

RIP old man.

Yes, but the question always is, why are these types of people here? The Belgian guy, I mean. If he could score some Belgian waffle at home (sure the wifey is getting a kick out of this story) then he may not be here and get himself killed. Cheap and available Pussy, anonymity, cheap and available prescription drugs, or what? He is 78 years old, there is no way he or any others could get a 37 year old woman in their home country (even if being paid) to be their "girlfriend".

However that does not mean he deserved to be killed.

quite simple many of those old guys think its love even if they are paying and don't realize that once they threaten to stop the money violence can occur. He certainly did not deserve to die she needs to be punished.


i heard similar stories from friends that never made it to the news. i think foreigners should take extra precautions in dealing with thai girls. most of them are unable to communicate their emotions well so they resort to something like this.

Agree with you to a point but believe it or not, there are many good Thai girls!biggrin.png

Look at where this 'lady' most probably come from. She more than probably worked in an illegal trade and in ANY country, girls like these are problematic, nothing to do with her nationality.

I am by no means saying the old boy deserved it, hell no but we all know that 'girls' like these should come with a warning and most of them have some serious issues for one reason or another.

Hope she does some serious time.

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RIP and condolences to friends and family of the 78 year old Belgium and the moral of this story Just have a new Thai girl every night its usually a safer option and can often work out cheaper in the long run ..

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I wonder if Thailand's statistics are comparable with the USA?

On average, more than three women and one man are murdered by their intimate partners in this country (USA) every day. In 2000, 1,247 women were killed by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. Intimate partner homicides accounted for 30% of the murders of women and 5% percent of the murders of men.

(Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S. 1993-2004, 2006.)

Your comparison is pointless. But I guess you must be a Pattaya Apologist with vested interests there. If you compare the statistics on a per captor basis Pattaya is far more dangerous then the US

I wasn't being an apologist for anything, I am just interested in the comparison between this type of domestic violence in Thailand (not just Pattaya) and other countries. If you can produce the statistics for Pattaya it would be interesting and your point may well be right.


All those lessons and talks at the village all down the drain... wait ..wait... wait... and be good for him... then and only then do you get everything....


Why was the Belgian guy in Pattaya?

If he had holiday in Europe nothing had happened.

It's almost illegal to publish such stories and let shine out that Thailand would be a dangerous country.

Printing such stories brings the good ties between Thailand and Belgium in danger.


RIP the Belgian guy

Yeah, nothing bad ever happens in Europe..........

I don't know, tell us, how common are relationships between 76 year old men and 37 year old women in Europe?

Such relationships are not as common in Europe, as far as I know, except in the red light districts of course. But shit happens everywhere. I feel sorry for this guy who found a girl he wanted to be with and it turned out this way.

The only reason why it's not as common in Europe is because it costs a lot more. One night with a "girlfriend" in Europe would cost more than one month in Thailand.

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Poor old dude. Unfortunately, wisdom does not always accompany age.

(Add "slight chance of knife in rib cage" to Viagra's known side effects?)

True, but at least they are now less expensive now the patent licence has expired. RIP poor Belgian Gentlemanwai.gif


i would not generalize and say that people look like murderers but this woman certainly looks like she was capable of murder

You did just generalize!

as i wrote it i knew someone would say that

a predictable reaction for TV

What do you expect? If we don't alert each other to when we are being dumb, we will never learn

and we all have our moments.

Remember when you say something dumb, it becomes just a memory and fades with time but when

you put it in writing . . . . . !

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

i heard similar stories from friends that never made it to the news. i think foreigners should take extra precautions in dealing with thai girls. most of them are unable to communicate their emotions well so they resort to something like this.

Agree with you to a point but believe it or not, there are many good Thai girls!biggrin.png

Look at where this 'lady' most probably come from. She more than probably worked in an illegal trade and in ANY country, girls like these are problematic, nothing to do with her nationality.

I am by no means saying the old boy deserved it, hell no but we all know that 'girls' like these should come with a warning and most of them have some serious issues for one reason or another.

Hope she does some serious time.

i have nice thai friends myself but i think 5 to 1 is considered "most". i have lived there for 4 years. as a girl, i have an insider's access as to how a thai girl's brain works. laughed with them, ate with them, shared bed and secrets with them. dont get me wrong. i dont hate thai girls. i have had fun times hanging out with them. but i think im stating a fact when i say most of them are unable to communicate their feelings well...

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The image of the woman cannot be trusted.

I don't believe that they argued about the woman slept with another man.

O don't think other man desires to sleep (and have sex) with that woman's look.

They argued about money...


Why was the Belgian guy in Pattaya?

Who keeps a knife in the bedroom?

Small condos like these, are only ONE room and a toilet. The only place you have for washing dishes is in the bathroom sink. Of course, the knife would be in the ONLY sink for washing.


Nirun condos...keeping it classy.

I have lived in Nirun Condos for 5 years and have only seen the police here a handful of times. Remember, that Nirun Condos has over 2,000 condos and maybe 6,000- 8,000 people living there. With such a large amount of condos and people you are bound to have some problems from time to time.


i would not generalize and say that people look like murderers but this woman certainly looks like she was capable of murder

"i would not generalize and say that people look like murderers"

But you will anyway!

  • Like 1

I wonder if Thailand's statistics are comparable with the USA?

On average, more than three women and one man are murdered by their intimate partners in this country (USA) every day. In 2000, 1,247 women were killed by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. Intimate partner homicides accounted for 30% of the murders of women and 5% percent of the murders of men.

(Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S. 1993-2004, 2006.)

Your comparison is pointless. But I guess you must be a Pattaya Apologist with vested interests there. If you compare the statistics on a per captor basis Pattaya is far more dangerous then the US

Why pointless, the arguments are over the same things money, fidelity, and what ever. Give us the stats that pattaya is more dangerous

The homicide rate for Thailand for 1995-2011 was the same as for the USA at 4.8 per 100,000. Thailand is a black spot for homicides compared to almost the whole of Asia. It stands out like a sore thumb. See Wikipedia:

List of countries by intentional homicide rate

Since I guess the homicide rates in Thailand are the highest in Bangkok and Pattaya, you don't need further stats specific for that city - it stares u in the face that the rate must be higher than the USA as a whole.

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Looking at that vacant face, it is easy to see that there aren't too many neurons firing in that brain. She will get off with a warning.

Looking at that vacant face, it is easy to see that there aren't too many neurons firing in that brain. She will get off with a warning.

I would be curious to find out how many people accused of murder here in the LOS actually spend time in prison? The court system here seems quite feeble. Does anyone in the justice system here have any information about this? Does it depend on how much one can afford for an attorney, or which judges get paid off? Or, is there any sort of real justice in the system here? Of course murdering fools can be found everywhere. But, the question that comes to mind in this instance, is why did he not just walk away? Four months is not alot of time invested. She was a bit older, and not all that fine. So, what is the issue here? Why the desperation? This is not Europe. There are alot of birds here looking for farengs to give them some financial security. So, why not just find a new bird? Why stick with one you think is cheating on you? Did he not have any idea she was insane, and homicidal?

I know of at least 2 that got off Scot free


I wonder if Thailand's statistics are comparable with the USA?

On average, more than three women and one man are murdered by their intimate partners in this country (USA) every day. In 2000, 1,247 women were killed by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an intimate partner. Intimate partner homicides accounted for 30% of the murders of women and 5% percent of the murders of men.

(Bureau of Justice Statistics Crime Data Brief, Intimate Partner Violence, 1993-2001, February 2003. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Intimate Partner Violence in the U.S. 1993-2004, 2006.)

Your comparison is pointless. But I guess you must be a Pattaya Apologist with vested interests there. If you compare the statistics on a per captor basis Pattaya is far more dangerous then the US

Why pointless, the arguments are over the same things money, fidelity, and what ever. Give us the stats that pattaya is more dangerous

The homicide rate for Thailand for 1995-2011 was the same as for the USA at 4.8 per 100,000. Thailand is a black spot for homicides compared to almost the whole of Asia. It stands out like a sore thumb. See Wikipedia:

List of countries by intentional homicide rate

Since I guess the homicide rates in Thailand are the highest in Bangkok and Pattaya, you don't need further stats specific for that city - it stares u in the face that the rate must be higher than the USA as a whole.

Thanks. I was more interested in the rates for domestic homicide (or doemstic violence generally) like this one.


Why was the Belgian guy in Pattaya?

If he had holiday in Europe nothing had happened.

It's almost illegal to publish such stories and let shine out that Thailand would be a dangerous country.

Printing such stories brings the good ties between Thailand and Belgium in danger.


RIP the Belgian guy

Plenty of people get murdered in Europe.

Nothing to do with Thai-Belgian ties. This is a domestic dispute, She didn't kill him because he was Belgian.


Probably washes dishes in the toilet area as there is no kitchen in many apartments/small houses here.

We have a knife in our bathroom at the moment. Traveling, so no place else to wash the dishes. Quite common.

A 78 year old Belgian was fatally stabbed by his 37 year old lover in his Central Pattaya Apartment on Saturday Night at the culmination of a heated argument over allegations directed at his partner relating to her sleeping with another man.

RIP the soul.

What is happening in Thailand every now and then. Are people getting materialistic mindset? Or is it due to generation gap? Or due to lack of moral values in life?

In my humble opinion, getting involved with sexully active partner, is very dengerious esp. if you are not capable.

There are lots of brothels in Bangkok and in upcountry indeed.

For life partner or mutual relationship 5 (+/- 2) years gap is okay per my knowledge.

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