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Bring Carl's Jr. to Chiang Mai, show your support.


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Yes I understand progress, but a Mall on every corner and giant hamburger signs all over is going to ruin the old charm of the city.

IMO, any charm CM once had has been ruined by the influx of 50,000 whiteys. May as well milk it for all it's worth now as there's no going back. whistling.gif

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Yes I understand progress, but a Mall on every corner and giant hamburger signs all over is going to ruin the old charm of the city.

IMO, any charm CM once had has been ruined by the influx of 50,000 whiteys. May as well milk it for all it's worth now as there's no going back. whistling.gif

The Koories (Aboriginals) in Australia and the Red Indians of the Americas would agree.

Nothing stays the same for long.

One Carl's Jnr is nothing compared to the 7-11 and D-Milk invasion.

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Is it any better than McDonald's and Burger King? If not, why bother?

I'm afraid that the beef available here is not good enough to make one stand out over another. Burger King uses much better beef in the USA than in Thailand - in SEA, they use the same mediocre stuff as Mickey Ds. I'm afraid that Carl's Junior will do the same.

Much better. Maccas and BK not even in the same league.

And they do the best milkshakes in SE Asia.smile.png

They are comparable to the Dukes and Hard Rock Cafe in style, cost and taste.

Dont knock till you try it.

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I am no expert on Ozzie burgers, but Woody's Ozzie burger tasted good to me and the fried egg and pickled beet root covered up the taste of the lousy Thai beef. tongue.png

Beetroot is almost as good as Vegemite.

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I like pickled beetroot, but can not understand why anyone would eat Vegemite willingly. I bet they serve it at Gitmo.

20 million souls will disagree with that.

My (half Thai) kids love it as well, and the misses to a degree.

Whereas all Aussies think that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are disgusting.

Horses for courses.

If Carl's Jnr comes to CM i will buy you lunch George. Then comment...But you must try their milkshakes or no deal.

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If Carl's Jnr comes to CM i will buy you lunch George. Then comment...But you must try their milkshakes or no deal.

Don't get me wrong. I liked Carl's Junior in the U.S. I am just afraid that - like Burger King - it will not be the same quality here. However, I even like McDonald's every once in a while, so I'm sure that it will be at least OK and IMO no one can ruin a milkshake. thumbsup.gif

As to Vegemite, I understand that it is an aquired taste and that many Aussies love it. I was just surprised how much I disliked it when I finally tried it as an adult that did not grow up with it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If Carl's Jnr comes to CM i will buy you lunch George. Then comment...But you must try their milkshakes or no deal.

Don't get me wrong. I liked Carl's Junior in the U.S. I am just afraid that - like Burger King - it will not be the same quality here. However, I even like McDonald's every once in a while, so I'm sure that it will be at least OK and IMO no one can ruin a milkshake. thumbsup.gif

As to Vegemite, I understand that it is an aquired taste and that many Aussies love it. I was just surprised how much I disliked it when I finally tried it as an adult that did not grow up with it.

I've only tried the ones in Singapore, but friends down south assure me they are identical and a tad cheaper than Singapore. lol re Vegemite. I was the same with peanut and jelly sandwiches..bah.gif

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There are many with different plans than yours though.

Don't think any of the places you mentioned will protest your absence.

Having said that i do agree the Dukes make the best burgers in town, the bacon and blue cheese one in particular.

Edited by DaamNaam
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After WWII, the Japanese diet changed considerably due to the influence of "American" cooking with increased meat and dairy in the diet. Of course, the incidence of cardiac disease skyrocketed!

So, I say, show your support!! "BAN Carl's Jr" and all its ilk, McDonalds, et al. That stuff is as dangerous as yaba and too easily available through Western chain restaurants and in your friendly Western-style Chiang Mai grocers' freezers ! Not that what is sold in local markets (such as any internal organs --- e,g,, liver) isn't as deadly, or even more so!

Edited by Mapguy
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After WWII, the Japanese diet changed considerably due to the influence of "American" cooking with increased meat and dairy in the diet. Of course, the incidence of cardiac disease skyrocketed!

So, I say, show your support!! "BAN Carl's Jr" and all its ilk, McDonalds, et al. That stuff is as dangerous as yaba and too easily available through Western chain restaurants and in your friendly Western-style Chiang Mai grocers' freezers ! Not that what is sold in local markets (such as any internal organs --- e,g,, liver) isn't as deadly, or even more so!

Ban happy food. I think not. If you knew what was in most Thai food you would think twice before posting this rubbish.

And you are telling me the Japanese were forced to eat hamburgers after WW2. Where did you get this info from? Truly hilarious.

Fear mongering probably causes more death than hamburgers.

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There are many with different plans than yours though.

Don't think any of the places you mentioned will protest your absence.

Having said that i do agree the Dukes make the best burgers in town, the bacon and blue cheese one in particular.

You are right. These places will never miss my business.

That would be the Joe's Famous Burger you are referring to, and yes it's my favorite too.

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I like pickled beetroot, but can not understand why anyone would eat Vegemite willingly. I bet they serve it at Gitmo.

Gitmo must also serve ribs - a form of torture up there with waterboarding.

I can never understand Americans' fixation with ribs. I used to buy them for my dog as they were very good at keeping his teeth clean.

I suppose it is like Vegemite, it is what you were brought up with.

Speaking of which I think I need some toast and Vegemite right now.

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