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How do you live with permanent depression (obesity)


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Obese people in GENERAL are facing this.

Starvation for life unless in a gulag is not a realistic expectation for anyone.

Thin people don't get that. Obese people live in a very different world once that has happened.

So how to beat this reality ... for MOST?

There is no one answer.

It's a huge challenge ... for MOST obese people.

I don't pretend my answers will work for everyone or even me in the long run and certainly nobody ELSE has such an answer for everyone either.

But I do feel that I KNOW suggesting to most obese people to starve themselves for life is not good enough advice, because for the most part, that FAILS.


Tara Parker Pope at the New York Times ran down the explanations of why this is: Your body basically fights to stay the highest weight you've ever been. If you lose weight, your body floods with hormones that make you hungry. Your metabolism is also set at the point it was at your heaviest, meaning a person who weighs 150 pounds who used to be fat has to eat significantly fewer calories to stay at 150 pounds than someone who has always weighed 150 pounds. For a fat person to become a thin person, they have to embrace a lifestyle of constant starvation. Feeding a feeling of starvation is one of the strongest urges people have; faulting someone for eating when they feel they're starving is akin to faulting someone for wetting themselves if they've been denied a bathroom for 12 hours.

I haven't found that to be the case.

Exercise hard 3x a week, and I just don't feel hungry much any more.

The exercise has totally suppressed my hunger.

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I haven't found that to be the case.

Exercise hard 3x a week, and I just don't feel hungry much any more.

The exercise has totally suppressed my hunger.

I'd like to know your obesity history then. Fat baby? Obese child? How many times major weight loss? Level of obesity before? You might not be a typical obese person. The way I see it if you've EVER been obese you're an obese person no matter what your weight, similar to alcoholism.

I do agree exercise is helpful for most everyone but don't think most people need to take it to the gym rat level. That becomes an obsession for some and I consider that a lifestyle choice, not a requirement for health.

Edited by Jingthing
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I haven't found that to be the case.

Exercise hard 3x a week, and I just don't feel hungry much any more.

The exercise has totally suppressed my hunger.

I'd like to know your obesity history then. Obese baby? Obese child? How many times major weight loss? You might not be a typical obese person.

I waited until 33 to get fat, was fairly slim until then, the next 15 years I just got bigger 100Kg at the end.

Started walking in the hills back home, nearly every day. Lost quite a bit, down to 80Kg.

Got divorced, back to 90Kg in a flash and rising (depression made me do it!).

Last year was feeling pretty bad about my weight, started walking seriously, now in the hills around CM.

Just over 80Kg and still losing.

Was obese for about 20 years. Now I'm not.

(6ft tall by the way, aiming for a final weight around 76Kg)


Jeez, after reading that I'm feeling fat again, it recons I should get down to 67Kg.


Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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That tells me a lot.

You weren't an obese child and assuming normal height, you only became either JUST OVERWEIGHT or more likely moderately Level 1 obese.

I realize this forum is not only for obese people. Just too fat, not obese as well, but the problems I have been discussing are about people with serious chronic OBESITY histories.

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That tells me a lot.

You weren't an obese child and assuming normal height, you only became either JUST OVERWEIGHT or more likely moderately Level 1 obese.

I realize this forum is not only for obese people. Just too fat, not obese as well, but the problems I have been discussing are about people with serious chronic OBESITY histories.

Definition of Obese is 20% over normal weight.

If 67Kg is normal weight for my 6ft height, then 81+Kg is obese for me.

(at 100Kg I was 50% over my recommended weight)

In our world almost everyone is obese, many are way beyond that definition.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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That tells me a lot.

You weren't an obese child and assuming normal height, you only became either JUST OVERWEIGHT or more likely moderately Level 1 obese.

I realize this forum is not only for obese people. Just too fat, not obese as well, but the problems I have been discussing are about people with serious chronic OBESITY histories.

Your finding all kind of barriers to excuse yourself and others, 50 years ago there were not many obese people.. why because they ate less and exercised more. It still works its just hard work and that is just the thing people don't want to do anymore.

It takes effort to stay fit, you can't have it all. You have to make choices in life.. but its typical people want to be in shape while eating as much as they want. That is just not the case. To be in shape you need to change your lifestyle (for life) everyone that I know that is older and in shape puts effort in it.

I really don't understand why people expect things to go automatically

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OP: Do a google search for "Three Hundred Pounds Of Joy"+"Calorie Density". The title is pretty well self explanatory since the guy at that blog had 300 hundred pounds to lose, and he's almost achieved his target weight.

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I have a good solution for your problem, but its up to you if you succeed.

You can take diet after diet, but it wont work for you, as it looks like.

Start your life with weatgrass powder. its also for sale in Thailand.

Its the most healthy superfood you can find. I dont sell it, i am a user myself.

Everything you really need you will find in weatgrass powder. I changed my daily eat patron.

I start with a weatgrassshake and some fruit. 1 time per day dinner and 1 shake again. you ll hungry again take another shake.

You will feel great after a while.

You eat things your body cant handle.

Good luck, whatever you choose to do

Where would I be able to find wheatgrass in Thailand ?

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That is way too simplistic but we can agree to disagree, as usual.

It's very simplistic because it is very simple. Please do the following.

Weigh yourself on Sunday evening. Starting from the next Monday, only eat 1000 calories / day , of whatever food you want, but keep it all at 1000 calories / day. (bear in mind, this is a very small amount of food)

2 weeks later, weigh yourself on Sunday evening and tell us the results. Simple

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That is way too simplistic but we can agree to disagree, as usual.

It's very simplistic because it is very simple. Please do the following.

Weigh yourself on Sunday evening. Starting from the next Monday, only eat 1000 calories / day , of whatever food you want, but keep it all at 1000 calories / day. (bear in mind, this is a very small amount of food)

2 weeks later, weigh yourself on Sunday evening and tell us the results. Simple

For a person who weighs 265 lbs, eating 1,000 calories a day will NEVER work.

They will feel intense hunger, and that feeling will defeat everything else.

It sounds like a great idea, but sorry, it is bad advice.

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DNP is the most effective fat burner there is, as an extra plus, it also has the chance to end it all

Yes it is the best fat burner ever and also one of the most dangerous ones but still some people could use it. But using it in a hot country makes it even harder to do.

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That is way too simplistic but we can agree to disagree, as usual.

It's very simplistic because it is very simple. Please do the following.

Weigh yourself on Sunday evening. Starting from the next Monday, only eat 1000 calories / day , of whatever food you want, but keep it all at 1000 calories / day. (bear in mind, this is a very small amount of food)

2 weeks later, weigh yourself on Sunday evening and tell us the results. Simple

For a person who weighs 265 lbs, eating 1,000 calories a day will NEVER work.

They will feel intense hunger, and that feeling will defeat everything else.

It sounds like a great idea, but sorry, it is bad advice.

I'm not giving advice, I'm proving a point. If he does it (and I have done it), then the weight will come off.

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This is about weight loss without diet or exercise. Seems to be creating a big amount of interest.

See what you think.


There are many supplements and some work for some people it can be a good thing to try a few things. Sometimes it is just the push in the right direction that you need. There are of course things like sibutramine that works (but with side effects) and others but its better to try the lighter stuff first.

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You can talk to therapists until you are blue in the face, but it won't shed the lbs. Only one way. Eat less garbage and exercise more. You have only one life to live, being a reasonable weight will make everything better.

Your depression is probably a result of being fat. I go through the same thing. When I am fat I feel horrible. Everybody is the same. Anyone who says they are comfortable being fat is FoS.

Go running. No excuses. If you run 30 min 4-5X per week you can eat normal meals that taste good, without having to resort to a depressingly bland diet. I see my friends control their weight by eating like a rabbit. Personally that isn't for me. I love pizza, burgers, rice, curry, mocha frappaccinos, etc. so I run.

Thailand is a great place to exercise. So many interesting places to walk/run.

I'm comfortable being fat, it doesn't bother me in the least. It doesn't prevent me from doing anything, I'm completely healthy, so who cares. The only time it really matters is doing KOM races on the bike, hauling the extra 20-30kg up hill means I can never compete!

Right now I'm sitting around 107kg, earlier this year I ran a marathon, in a normal week I'll put 150km or more on the bike. I spend an hour at the gym 3-4 days a week too. I just like my food and booze, in the end all is well, who cares what other people think. In fact I'm probably more fit then anyone who looks down on me.

If you were able to run a marathon, I believe you will be fitter than anyone who looks down on you, I have never smoked or drunk alcohol, 6ft and 75 Kilo, I spoil myself every night with a mug of tea and about four or five biscuits, but exercise five days a week for about 30 mins a day. You at 107 Ks (what height?) will be a bit fitter than me, but you use a lot of cals as well as you like your food. Good on you.

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You can talk to therapists until you are blue in the face, but it won't shed the lbs. Only one way. Eat less garbage and exercise more. You have only one life to live, being a reasonable weight will make everything better.

Your depression is probably a result of being fat. I go through the same thing. When I am fat I feel horrible. Everybody is the same. Anyone who says they are comfortable being fat is FoS.

Go running. No excuses. If you run 30 min 4-5X per week you can eat normal meals that taste good, without having to resort to a depressingly bland diet. I see my friends control their weight by eating like a rabbit. Personally that isn't for me. I love pizza, burgers, rice, curry, mocha frappaccinos, etc. so I run.

Thailand is a great place to exercise. So many interesting places to walk/run.

I'm comfortable being fat, it doesn't bother me in the least. It doesn't prevent me from doing anything, I'm completely healthy, so who cares. The only time it really matters is doing KOM races on the bike, hauling the extra 20-30kg up hill means I can never compete!

Right now I'm sitting around 107kg, earlier this year I ran a marathon, in a normal week I'll put 150km or more on the bike. I spend an hour at the gym 3-4 days a week too. I just like my food and booze, in the end all is well, who cares what other people think. In fact I'm probably more fit then anyone who looks down on me.

If you were able to run a marathon, I believe you will be fitter than anyone who looks down on you, I have never smoked or drunk alcohol, 6ft and 75 Kilo, I spoil myself every night with a mug of tea and about four or five biscuits, but exercise five days a week for about 30 mins a day. You at 107 Ks (what height?) will be a bit fitter than me, but you use a lot of cals as well as you like your food. Good on you.

I doubt many people would look down on you.. i look down on those who say it cant be done and make up all kinds of excuses. Not the ones that are happy at their weight. Actually when i see someone overweight I hardly give it a second thought.. except those that can hardly walk.. then I ask myself how people can let that happen as then it really starts to impact your life.

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You can talk to therapists until you are blue in the face, but it won't shed the lbs. Only one way. Eat less garbage and exercise more. You have only one life to live, being a reasonable weight will make everything better.

Your depression is probably a result of being fat. I go through the same thing. When I am fat I feel horrible. Everybody is the same. Anyone who says they are comfortable being fat is FoS.

Go running. No excuses. If you run 30 min 4-5X per week you can eat normal meals that taste good, without having to resort to a depressingly bland diet. I see my friends control their weight by eating like a rabbit. Personally that isn't for me. I love pizza, burgers, rice, curry, mocha frappaccinos, etc. so I run.

Thailand is a great place to exercise. So many interesting places to walk/run.

I'm comfortable being fat, it doesn't bother me in the least. It doesn't prevent me from doing anything, I'm completely healthy, so who cares. The only time it really matters is doing KOM races on the bike, hauling the extra 20-30kg up hill means I can never compete!

Right now I'm sitting around 107kg, earlier this year I ran a marathon, in a normal week I'll put 150km or more on the bike. I spend an hour at the gym 3-4 days a week too. I just like my food and booze, in the end all is well, who cares what other people think. In fact I'm probably more fit then anyone who looks down on me.

If you were able to run a marathon, I believe you will be fitter than anyone who looks down on you, I have never smoked or drunk alcohol, 6ft and 75 Kilo, I spoil myself every night with a mug of tea and about four or five biscuits, but exercise five days a week for about 30 mins a day. You at 107 Ks (what height?) will be a bit fitter than me, but you use a lot of cals as well as you like your food. Good on you.

I doubt many people would look down on you.. i look down on those who say it cant be done and make up all kinds of excuses. Not the ones that are happy at their weight. Actually when i see someone overweight I hardly give it a second thought.. except those that can hardly walk.. then I ask myself how people can let that happen as then it really starts to impact your life.

Good answer Robblok.

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try this website.. it works for me.... i use it once every couple of years for a few months. its all about numbers. if you consume less than you use you WILL loose weight. some quicker than others depending on your motabolism. but you WILL loose weight. i got down from 92kgs to 77kgs in about 3 months first time i used it...

the site actually gives you something to concentrate on. turns it into a project. a hobby almost....


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yeah well I live in the real world mate where not everyone is perfect like yourself obviously...

I am so not perfect. I just know YOYO is not good.

I think that is bad advice ... sorry ... CRASH diets.

They almost always result in YOYOs. I have documented that already with links.

Healthwise, and this is known by science, NO DIET is better than a YOYO cycle.

The Mayo Clinic experts suggest a better approach: commit to permanent changes in your diet and exercise habits.

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yeah well I live in the real world mate where not everyone is perfect like yourself obviously...

I am so not perfect. I just know YOYO is not good.

I think that is bad advice ... sorry ... CRASH diets.

They almost always result in YOYOs. I have documented that already with links.

Healthwise, and this is known by science, NO DIET is better than a YOYO cycle.

The Mayo Clinic experts suggest a better approach: commit to permanent changes in your diet and exercise habits.

who said anything about a crash diet?... its a calorie controlled diet.... anyway, I was just trying to help the guy...

and how is a Mayoclinic going to help anyone... everytime you go you`ll just be thinking about a ham and mayonaise butty....

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What they really say is: commit to starvation & boring food. sod it, i eat my dnp when need be

yoyo diets are gr8... 2 year cycle... 3 months eating boring food, no beer, no chocolate etc etc

21 months eating as much pizza, burgers, beer and woman as your tongue can cope with...

howz that for a diet...

Edited by kristophon
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Losing weight is of course harder as staying on target but again everyone can do it mostly people don't think its worth the effort. It is hard to lose weight but not impossible and the attitude displayed here shames all of us that do exercise and mind their food. People now want a free ride.. 50 years back people were not obese why.. they were more physical active and ate less.. Genes don't change in 50 year so the genetic crap is BS.

The problem is that there is loads of caloric dense delicious food available at a good price everywhere we go. Sizes of ice-cream and drinks have increased and so has our food intake. People are less physical active then before.

I grant you that some people with mental problems and others that have their body-type against them (like me but i succeeded) will have a harder time as others. But the attitude displayed that it is impossible is just crazy. Just don't expect fast and easy results.

What he says.

Eat less, exercise more.

Faddy diets are a waste of your time (and money).

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