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Cheapest way to withdraw money with a foreign card

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oops!!! Panic Button has been jhit and I need some guidance.crying.gif

The Aeon Atm located in Big C (Upstairs) failed to pay out my 17000 baht withdrawal. I checked my U.S. banking activity record (online) and noticed a withdrawal was charged for $551.48 at Carrefour 00009860 (AEON). I called an Aeon assistance number and was directed to go to their office at UD Town. They spoke to my wife, as their explanations were very confusing. First I was told that I was on the ATM too long (I was only on about 30 seconds.) Then they said everyone else that used that ATM had no problem. Then they said my magnetic stripe was not readible (impossible..its new and works everywhere else).

The typical crap you hear in Thailand when something goes wrong. "You are wrong and don't disturb our sleep!"

Unfortunately, there are several reports on Aeon where the ATM did not deliver the money and they still claim the customer got it. Normally, your home bank will refund the money if the ATM-bank admits it was not delivered. But if Aeon claims the money came out, what they can see in their records, then you have no chance.

That's why I avoid Aeon. A single 20000 Baht failed withdrawal, and your 150-Baht savings are void for a long time.

What you should do now, contact your home bank (fax/mail), with all the details, and try to get your money back. You may be lucky, but they need the cooperation from Aeon.

I had a similar case a while ago with Ayudhya Bank ATM. Money not delivered, but booked from my account. The Thais, as usual, totally uncooperative and desinterested. A few weeks later, my home bank refunded me.

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What you should do now, contact your home bank (fax/mail), with all the details, and try to get your money back. You may be lucky, but they need the cooperation from Aeon.

I had a similar case a while ago with Ayudhya Bank ATM. Money not delivered, but booked from my account. The Thais, as usual, totally uncooperative and desinterested. A few weeks later, my home bank refunded me.

Ok. well..you hit it all on the nose and confirmed my worst. I will follow your advice and let others beware. Pretty scarey that they said nothing wrong. Later I was told everyone had a problem after I left. It looks like Aeon just refused to admit a problem...and will only deal with my bank. I will post a followup tomorrow. I was so discouraged that I did not try to use my card at all this month and I just did a western union request at a loss of 30 dollars. Aeon is permanently off my list.

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Aeon will not help me because I am not a customer. I suppose their lack of concern is why they do not charge what the other ATMs charge.

Actually, under the circumstances, I suspect you would find just about the same level of disinterest from any of the Thai banks in a similar situation.

As for the facts, AEON certainly ought to be able to determine whether you received funds or not, based on the record kept by the ATM machine and its transactions.

But I suspect, the party that will be the most effective in resolving this will be your home country bank, which can deal with AEON and/or reverse the debit themselves.

BTW, you might get some better response from AEON if you contact their main office in BKK instead of the nitwits that likely staff their outpost offices.

More broadly, I don't think there's any evidence that AEON's ATMs are any more prone to malfunctions than those of the various Thai banks. And I can't recall ever hearing a report here of a TV member who had a faulty transaction at an AEON ATM and didn't unltimately get the funds restored.

Fortunately, the U.S. has pretty strong consumer protection laws for consumer banking transactions -- unlike Thailand, which basically has none. Also fortunately, since you were using a U.S.bank card issued by a U.S. institution, it's the U.S. laws that apply to the transaction, even though it occurred in Thailand.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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One piece of advice though, for those that might be worried about a potential ATM failure in your withdrawal.

Because the AEON ATMs charge no withdrawal fee, there's no reason not to break up any larger withdrawal into two smaller transactions, just to play on the safe side.

So instead of a single 20,000 baht withdrawal, for example, do two 10,000 baht withdrawals. That way, if there's any problem with the machine, the amount that needs to be remedied will be smaller and less of a nuisance.

In the end, all ATMs are just a combination of computer and cash dispenser that, like any machine, are prone to breakdown and failure from time to time.

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In 4 years I have never once found a working AEON atm machine that successfully finishes a withdrawal using my UK debit card. 8/10 times if I actually do find a AEON machine it is turned off - that goes for machines in banks, malls, on the street, in tourist areas, wherever.

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Not sure where you're trying your AEON ATM transactions...

But for me, living in BKK, I've done hundreds of AEON withdrawals over a period of years....and never have had a transaction where I didn't receive the funds that I was debited for. And only very rarely encounter an AEON ATM location where there's no working ATM available.

That said, it seems I've heard that the folks in Pattaya seem to have a lot of trouble with their relatively few AEON ATM locations....perhaps because there's so many foreigners using them for cash withdrawals there, or perhaps the local maintenance staff in Pattaya reflect the broader malaise of Thais there.

In BKK, the bigger problem is waiting in long lines behind hordes of Thais paying interest on their loans around payday times each month. I visited an AEON ATM tonight in Central BKK, and at 5 pm, there was a line of at least 15 Thais waiting to use the two ATMs at that location. But they're mostly putting money IN, not taking money OUT. smile.png

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oops!!! Panic Button has been jhit and I need some guidance.:crying:

The Aeon Atm located in Big C (Upstairs) failed to pay out my 17000 baht withdrawal. I checked my U.S. banking activity record (online) and noticed a withdrawal was charged for $551.48 at Carrefour 00009860 (AEON). I called an Aeon assistance number and was directed to go to their office at UD Town. They spoke to my wife, as their explanations were very confusing. First I was told that I was on the ATM too long (I was only on about 30 seconds.) Then they said everyone else that used that ATM had no problem. Then they said my magnetic stripe was not readible (impossible..its new and works everywhere else). My wife later said she thought that she heard that there was no money in the machine. I was totally aghast, and said I would file a complaint of Bank Fraud (which would be done for me at my stateside bank). The end result is that I have to wait until 9pm tonight to call my bank and explain what happened. Aeon will not help me because I am not a customer. I suppose their lack of concern is why they do not charge what the other ATMs charge. I can never risk using Aeon again. It appears the machine was broken, but they will not admit this. Am I now a victim (perhaps they think I actually lied about not getting the money). I believe that these machines must have some kind of verification of inoperation. I received no receipt ...just a warning on the screen to call the bank. (Which I will). Also told that if my bank contacted AEON, that the money would be sent back to them (no idea of how long that will take). Any advice????[/quo

This happened to me a few years ago when it was Carrefour. Made the transaction and it seemed to take longer than normal and then the ATM said that it had timed out. I tried to withdraw again and it said insufficient funds. I knew there was plenty of money in so i checked my internet banking and the money had come out from the first transaction. I called my bank and they said that this is a common problem on that ATM i had used because of all the fraud in that area, that area being Pattaya. They told me that basiclly the ATM is just checking the transaction is legitimit and sometimes reacts too slow. This causes the money to be shown as withdrew from your account but you dont get it out of the ATM. They told me that the money would be back in my account the next day so not too worry. This has happened twice to me now, and sometimes I try to use my ATM card and it gets blocked because of the area Im trying to use it in, again Pattaya. Then the cost of the phone call to the UK costs a few quid so I no longer use it here anymore. Wire bulk to my Kasikorn and withdraw from that.

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guys, thanks for good information. First of all, I didn't know the 150 fee was changed to 180 bht. I heard some of foreign banks actually give this fee back (is there more info about this?).

I use MC debet card, today I want withdraw from Ayudha ATM (yellow), because I can take 30k. ATM wrotes invalid amount. I tried 20k. Invalid amount. I knew my card is OK. I went to Kasikorn ATM, they wrote me, limit for MC is 10.000 only! Wow, so new things: before I withdraw 30k for 150 bht, now it is 10k for 180 bht! <deleted> I said. I take 10k, and then I went to another ATM - orange one, I dont remember the name. It gives me 20k for 180 bht, well, at least something.

There is some new limits for MC being applied? Soon, we will be happy to get 5k from ATM...really horrible.

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oops!!! Panic Button has been jhit and I need some guidance.:crying:

The Aeon Atm located in Big C (Upstairs) failed to pay out my 17000 baht withdrawal. I checked my U.S. banking activity record (online) and noticed a withdrawal was charged for $551.48 at Carrefour 00009860 (AEON). I called an Aeon assistance number and was directed to go to their office at UD Town. They spoke to my wife, as their explanations were very confusing. First I was told that I was on the ATM too long (I was only on about 30 seconds.) Then they said everyone else that used that ATM had no problem. Then they said my magnetic stripe was not readible (impossible..its new and works everywhere else).

The typical crap you hear in Thailand when something goes wrong. "You are wrong and don't disturb our sleep!"

Unfortunately, there are several reports on Aeon where the ATM did not deliver the money and they still claim the customer got it. Normally, your home bank will refund the money if the ATM-bank admits it was not delivered. But if Aeon claims the money came out, what they can see in their records, then you have no chance.

That's why I avoid Aeon. A single 20000 Baht failed withdrawal, and your 150-Baht savings are void for a long time.

What you should do now, contact your home bank (fax/mail), with all the details, and try to get your money back. You may be lucky, but they need the cooperation from Aeon.

I had a similar case a while ago with Ayudhya Bank ATM. Money not delivered, but booked from my account. The Thais, as usual, totally uncooperative and desinterested. A few weeks later, my home bank refunded me.

Same with me but I got my money back in my UK account the next day, another reason why I transfer from UK to Kasikorn, if I bank with them and use their ATM's they have to at least try and help if something is wrong, I emphasise on the "try"

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Seriously, unless you are dealing in large amounts, why should you expect to take advantage of these 'unattainable' rates? Why should they be passed on to you at no cost?

First, can we agree that the huge Visa and MC networks -- with their huge volume -- certainly realize a semblance of the premier Interbank Exchange Rate? In fact, their volume heavily influences this rate.

Sure, the published BOT "weighted average" IER is just that -- a single snapshot of various wholesale FX rates -- . The rate Visa and MC actually achieve -- when the money finally moves -- won't be exactly the average published rate, of course, but it will resemble it, plus or minus.

That Visa projects the daily rate it will offer to its issuing banks (at 0001 New York time), has some risk, especially in a volatile market. Thus, the published rate on-line has some hedge factor, coming in below any published IER. But, when all's said and done, they build in enough extra hedge to pocket some spread. MC builds in somewhat more hedge -- or is that greed?

So, yeah, in a single day's quote fits all situation, you wouldn't expect Visa and MC to pass on the Interbank Exchange rate to its issuing banks -- in fact, with a constantly moving IER, marrying up a predictive rate with the subsequent actual rate would not be possible. Thus, of necessity, the hedge requirement.

It's one thing to quote an Interbank rate, but who actually has access to the rate that you claim is quoted by the BOT?

Visa and MC, right? Or at least a semblance, plus or minus, of BOT's published rate (or Oanda, whomever).

The Telex rate IS an Inter bank rate.

Yeah, but not THE Interbank Exchange Rate. And is seen for lower volume EFTs. And, it's not really germane when discussing Visa and MC network transactions -- except as a benchmark for comparison, as in "the Visa rate the cardholder realizes averages 7-8 satang more than the buying TT rate."

I'm sorry, but your post is a lot of pointless blather.

If there is an Inter-bank rate, then it is certainly not for you. It is not a consumer rate, is it? So why should you, as a consumer expect to receive it. Quoting it is a nonsense.

It has already been indicated that your figures don't stand up when it comes to European cardholders. The VISA/Mastercard networks give you the opportunity to access wholesale exchange rates. If you have a problem with them and think that they are greedy, don't use them. Pop over to the most convenient Bureau de Change or approach your bank and insist that they exchange your money at your chosen 'Interbank' rate.

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guys, thanks for good information. First of all, I didn't know the 150 fee was changed to 180 bht. I heard some of foreign banks actually give this fee back (is there more info about this?).

I use MC debet card, today I want withdraw from Ayudha ATM (yellow), because I can take 30k. ATM wrotes invalid amount. I tried 20k. Invalid amount. I knew my card is OK. I went to Kasikorn ATM, they wrote me, limit for MC is 10.000 only! Wow, so new things: before I withdraw 30k for 150 bht, now it is 10k for 180 bht! <deleted> I said. I take 10k, and then I went to another ATM - orange one, I dont remember the name. It gives me 20k for 180 bht, well, at least something.

There is some new limits for MC being applied? Soon, we will be happy to get 5k from ATM...really horrible.

Foreign card fee charged by Thai banks is now Bt180 for MC; remained at Bt150 for Visa. Changed over the last month or so.

AEON ATMs (Japanese company) do not charge a foreign card fee.

Since Bangkok Bank gives good info on their web site, below is a cut and paste from one of their webpages describing the foreign card fees. Other banks are probably charging the same since fees between Thai banks are very, very, very similar to identical.


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In 4 years I have never once found a working AEON atm machine that successfully finishes a withdrawal using my UK debit card. 8/10 times if I actually do find a AEON machine it is turned off - that goes for machines in banks, malls, on the street, in tourist areas, wherever.

I'm in Bangkok and in the 5 years I've been using AEON ATMs with my U.S. debit cards, probably at least once a week, I've never had a problem that resulted in a mischarge. I have 4 different AEON ATMs I frequently use in various malls. To the best of my memory there was only one time a AEON ATM failed to complete the transaction and didn't spit out any money...I didn't retry...went home and checked my home country bank account and no charge had hit the account. I went back the next day to try the same AEON ATM again, which is inside my nearby Lotus mall, and the machine worked no problem. And in my personal experience, the AEON ATMs I use are much less likely to be out of cash like some Thai bank ATMs...but I expect how often an ATM runs out of cash can vary greatly from location to location, day of the week/month, etc.

Now, I wish I could say the same for using Thai bank ATMs like Bangkok Bank, K-Bank, SCB, etc., as I've had at least a half dozen incomplete transactions that didn't spit out any money...I don't retry the same machine when that happens...I just find another machine...but when I get home I check my account online and so far none of those incomplete transactions that didn't spit out any money did not cause a charge to my account.

Knock on wood.

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One piece of advice though, for those that might be worried about a potential ATM failure in your withdrawal.

Because the AEON ATMs charge no withdrawal fee, there's no reason not to break up any larger withdrawal into two smaller transactions, just to play on the safe side.

So instead of a single 20,000 baht withdrawal, for example, do two 10,000 baht withdrawals. That way, if there's any problem with the machine, the amount that needs to be remedied will be smaller and less of a nuisance.

In the end, all ATMs are just a combination of computer and cash dispenser that, like any machine, are prone to breakdown and failure from time to time.

I guess that would be the way to go. There is a 1 percent fee, but that wouldn't matter as the total would be the same. Might just as well withdraw 3 times...first 1000 to test, then split the rest. Might try that next time

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New update on my progress in getting my 17000 baht withdrawal (charged by my US bank but never issued by a faulty AEON ATM located upstairs in the new Big C, Udon Thain).

1. AEON said I must have my stateside bank call them

2. My stateside bank so no. The will not call AEON....that AEON must contact them first.

3. Went back to AEON and talked with the main office in Bangkok. They emailed me a letter to send to my bank. I told them to attach the ATM JOURNAL LOG for payouts at that ATM and they said they would..but they never sent it.

4. I went ahead and forwarded their email to my bank....(Why do they fail to talk to each other???)

5. Will wait 2 more days for a reply, then I will contact the issuer of my Debit Card...acMASTERCARD. Its not a credit card....and ask for further instructions.

6. Researched online and found that all ATM's have an optical scanner, so they kncoow if cash was issued or not issued. My bank verified this and said that the ATM had an internal record (Journal) of transactions with failed payouts. AEON should provide me a copy on request. They failed to do that. Found out Every single customer that used that machine that day had similar problems. I think AEON is embarrassed to provide proof that the machine was not being serviced properly. Must be a cover up.

7. My bank in the US said not to worry....the machine normally corrects itself and the money should be redeposited back into my account by AEON. I received no confirmation of this from AEON/

thats it...will post in two more days if anything happens. Good advice...wmeithdraw only a thousand before getting the rest....a previous poster mentioned something similar. Always check you online account if you can, right after every withdrawal.

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I dunno if this would help or not...but if you want to try to motivate AEON further to contact your bank or give you the ATM info you need, you could tell them you're going to file a Thai police complaint against them for theft of your funds unless they're more helpful.

The part about the ATM doing a self-correction and issuing a refund to your account is an interesting notion. I wonder if the technology really is set up to accomplish that when the ATMs go belly up.... Probably best to give that a day or two to see if it occurs.

Meanwhile, you may also have recourse in the US with your home bank for a faulty electronic funds transaction if your bank fails to correct it. You would have the ability to file a federal complaint against your bank with its regulator... if nothing results otherwise.

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Actually Aeon is correct, it is the card issuing bank which is supposed to contact the ATM owner.

I have never heard of such issue not getting resolved. Might take a little when the card is issued by an overseas bank.

Domestically it's the same procedure, had it happen with a Bkk bank card used in a faulty SCB ATM, SCB didn't want to do anything, had to contact Bkk bank.

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Open a HSBC account in the UK, sign up for HSBC advance and enjoy worldwide free ATM withdrawals.

To avoid being charged in Thailand use Aeon, they are easy to find and do not charge the 150 baht that others charge.

For the last few weeks that 150 baht fee is now 180 baht.

A completely invidious charge the like of which is only usually applied by banks in banana republics and cash-strapped African countries.

Compare the reverse, using a Thai bank debit card in France or Spain, which I frequently do. Neither my Siam Comm nor my Bangkok Bank card gets any fee applied by any French or Spanish bank when I draw cash at their ATMs.

The Thai bank ATM fee on foreign cards is a blatant rip-off.

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On the subject of using Thai bank cards abroad, I've never done that personally.

But I do know, most of the Thai banks have disclosure language on their websites saying that if you use their cards outside Thailand you can be charged a 2+% foreign exchange fee by the Thai bank based on the amount of your transactions, either ATM or POS.

I don't know whether they charge that fee as a standalone item, or just deduct it from the exchange rate they give on the transactions.

Inside Thailand, many/most of the Thai banks have recently raised their ATM withdrawal fee for using foreign MasterCards to 180 baht. The comparable fee for using foreign VISA logo cards has remained at 150 baht per withdrawal.

I've yet to see any formal announcement of that change re the MCs or any explanation of why the fee was increased.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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followup to my previous post of AEON MACHINE not dispensing money

I forwarded an email from AEON to my bank in the USA. The email confirms that my 17000 was not dispensed. My bank replied and is taking it for action. They said it could take up to 45 days. I will be calling Mastercard tonight...At least I have confirmation from both banks of the problem. Now I can forward all that to Mastercard ... Its a debit card...not credit card.

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followup to my previous post of AEON MACHINE not dispensing money

I forwarded an email from AEON to my bank in the USA. The email confirms that my 17000 was not dispensed. My bank replied and is taking it for action. They said it could take up to 45 days. I will be calling Mastercard tonight...At least I have confirmation from both banks of the problem. Now I can forward all that to Mastercard ... Its a debit card...not credit card.

That's good news, but why forward the info to MasterCard? Your US bank is the one that issued the card (be it MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, whatever)...it would be your US bank taking the necessary investigative action/messaging back through the network and ultimately take action to credit your account (which would include AEON confirming no money was dispensed I guess).

Edited by Pib
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followup to my previous post of AEON MACHINE not dispensing money

I forwarded an email from AEON to my bank in the USA. The email confirms that my 17000 was not dispensed. My bank replied and is taking it for action. They said it could take up to 45 days. I will be calling Mastercard tonight...At least I have confirmation from both banks of the problem. Now I can forward all that to Mastercard ... Its a debit card...not credit card.

That's good news, but why forward the info to MasterCard? Your US bank is the one that issued the card (be it MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, whatever)...it would be your US bank taking the necessary investigative action/messaging back through the network and ultimately take action to credit your account (which would include AEON confirming no money was dispensed I guess).

yes...i agree with you. but somebody suggested if i had contacted mastercard first, then the money would be redeposited faster.... i will give it some time

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followup to my previous post of AEON MACHINE not dispensing money

I forwarded an email from AEON to my bank in the USA. The email confirms that my 17000 was not dispensed. My bank replied and is taking it for action. They said it could take up to 45 days. I will be calling Mastercard tonight...At least I have confirmation from both banks of the problem. Now I can forward all that to Mastercard ... Its a debit card...not credit card.

That's good news, but why forward the info to MasterCard? Your US bank is the one that issued the card (be it MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, whatever)...it would be your US bank taking the necessary investigative action/messaging back through the network and ultimately take action to credit your account (which would include AEON confirming no money was dispensed I guess).

Yippeeeee .... My bank just credited my account with the proper amount that the Aeon ATM bilked me out of. Also the International fee was refunded. Happy now, but what a bunch of B.S, What did the trick was the email Aeon sent me recognizing that the money was not issued. I had to forward that to my bank. Again...was a debit card..not credit card. Never called Mastercard (thats the logo on the debit card). problem solved....but next time skipping AEON.. at least the machine I used in Big C udon thani Airport ring road.

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followup to my previous post of AEON MACHINE not dispensing money

I forwarded an email from AEON to my bank in the USA. The email confirms that my 17000 was not dispensed. My bank replied and is taking it for action. They said it could take up to 45 days. I will be calling Mastercard tonight...At least I have confirmation from both banks of the problem. Now I can forward all that to Mastercard ... Its a debit card...not credit card.

That's good news, but why forward the info to MasterCard? Your US bank is the one that issued the card (be it MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, whatever)...it would be your US bank taking the necessary investigative action/messaging back through the network and ultimately take action to credit your account (which would include AEON confirming no money was dispensed I guess).

Yippeeeee .... My bank just credited my account with the proper amount that the Aeon ATM bilked me out of. Also the International fee was refunded. Happy now, but what a bunch of B.S, What did the trick was the email Aeon sent me recognizing that the money was not issued. I had to forward that to my bank. Again...was a debit card..not credit card. Never called Mastercard (thats the logo on the debit card). problem solved....but next time skipping AEON.. at least the machine I used in Big C udon thani Airport ring road.

That's good news...now when the same thing happens again in the future but this time on a Thai bank ATM vs an AEON ATM you will know exactly the steps to take. wink.png

Seriously, for me, I've had more ATM transactions glitches (i.e., it just aborts/gives an error message without spitting out money) on Thai bank ATMs than AEON ATMs. Now, I'm not talking a lot...maybe around a half dozen times over 5 years. But fortunately, none of those transaction glitches hit my account with a charge...but it sure gives you a scare until you are able to check your online bank account. Knock on wood--my head.

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Seriously, for me, I've had more ATM transactions glitches (i.e., it just aborts/gives an error message without spitting out money) on Thai bank ATMs than AEON ATMs. Now, I'm not talking a lot...maybe around a half dozen times over 5 years. But fortunately, none of those transaction glitches hit my account with a charge...but it sure gives you a scare until you are able to check your online bank account. Knock on wood--my head.

Pib, I know you also deposit money via machine. Any glitches doing that?

(For me, the idea of feeding my money to a machine, and then have it go unacknowledged, has prevented me from ever doing that, Thailand or Stateside. Maybe at the machine attached to my bank -- but, in that case, I'd just go inside and do a face-to-face deposit.)

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Seriously, for me, I've had more ATM transactions glitches (i.e., it just aborts/gives an error message without spitting out money) on Thai bank ATMs than AEON ATMs. Now, I'm not talking a lot...maybe around a half dozen times over 5 years. But fortunately, none of those transaction glitches hit my account with a charge...but it sure gives you a scare until you are able to check your online bank account. Knock on wood--my head.

Pib, I know you also deposit money via machine. Any glitches doing that?

(For me, the idea of feeding my money to a machine, and then have it go unacknowledged, has prevented me from ever doing that, Thailand or Stateside. Maybe at the machine attached to my bank -- but, in that case, I'd just go inside and do a face-to-face deposit.)

I've never had a glitch. Quite a few times after using both of my debit cards to get a total of Bt60K (60 one thousand baht bills fresh from the ATM) from my U.S. accounts via an AEON ATM, I walk around the corner in my Lotus mall to the Bangkok Bank Cash Deposit Macine (CDM), slide my debit card in, enter my PIN, it asks me if I want to deposit to the account on the card, I say yes, it then asks me to insert the money in the hole (cash counting/scanning chamber), I insert the money, and the counting process begins.

Quite often it initially rejects "some" of the bills (let's say 5 of the bills or 5,000 baht), asks you to retrieve them, then the screen shows the amount counted/accepted which would have been Bt55,000 in this example, and asks if you want to Continue or Add More. I select Add More and the hole slot opens again and I insert the 5 bills initially rejected, it starts he verification/count on those 5 bills, and hopefully it accepts all of them this time. It may accept some and reject some and then I just do that Add More thing again and almost always get them all to accept. I guess the CDM just needed to relook at them several times to ensure they are not counterfeit. I thing there has only been one occasion where I couldn't ge all the bills to be accepted...like one or two 1000 baht bills. I would just stick them in my billfold (use them later to buy something) and continue on with finishing the deposit process. One time I inserted 60 bills and it rejected about half of them, I reinserted them and it accepted all of them on the second check. It's not uncommon for a few to not be accepted on the first count, but insert them again and they almost always are accepted...if not, just stick them in your billfold to spend later (or maybe pull another one from you billfold to insert in the machine...I've did that once or twice when the bill had rejected three times) and continue on with depositing the bills that were accepted. When I deposit funds it's almost always 30,000 or 60,000...I've done it dozens and dozens of times.

When you are though depositing bills the final screen will show the account the money is going to be deposited to, asks you to confirm or cancel. I always confirm since it read my account number directly from the card plus I know my account number. I confirm and it prints out a receipt of the deposit. If I had my passbook with me I could slide over the Passport Update machine, slide in the passbook and it updates the passbook to reflect the deposit. But I never carry my passbook...I just keep the receipt until I check my ibanking to confirm the deposit reflects...it always has.

Now, I don't know what would happen if I had not did the last confirmation and hit cancel instead...I hoping all the money would have been spitted back out or it would have asked what account number is the correct number. But as mentioned your account number is read from your debit card and you are given the chase to see the account number on the screen and confirm that is the one you want to deposit to. I always do the deposits during the day when the little Bangkok Bank branch outlet in my Lotus mall is open just in case something goes wrong and I need to grab a clerk. But nothing has never went wrong after doing dozens upon dozens of deposits this way.

Using a CDM sure beat standing in a queue line, filling out a deposit slip, showing your passport, showing your passbook, etc. Give it a try one time...you can deposit a single 100 bill...maybe get brave and try two 100 baht bills...build up that courage until you feel comfortable depositing those thirty 1000 baht bills you got from the AEON ATM using your foreign debt card. Don't be fearful of that CDM puka hole...it's a nice puka.

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Thanks for the CDM info, Pib. I guess after losing a few dollar bills to a coke machine, I lost interest in handing any big time money to a machine.

Don't be fearful of that CDM puka hole...it's a nice puka.

Ah, nice to hear Hawaiian. Nevertheless, some pukas require condums smile.png

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I've had similar experiences to Pib with cash deposit machines here.

Pretty regularly, the ones I use seem to reject some bills, even if they've come straight out of another bank's ATM machine.

The first times that happened, it kind of freaked me out and started me fretting, was I given counterfeit bills?

But then with more experience, I found, that just reinserting the same bills a second time, or even third time sometimes, usually will get the CDM to recognize them.... assuming they're not physically damaged, etc etc.

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Does anyone have any helpful advice re. card exchange rates, given the following experiences?

I have HSBC UK debit and credit cards (Mastercard), and find that the exchange rates they apply are always below the rate here in Thailand, usually by 1 to 1.5 Baht. Earlier this month I booked a flight to London, and the exchange rate used was a full 2 Bahts below the Kasikorn rate, and so cost me a fair lump of cash.

I will be grateful for any advice that may help me to avoid this kind of rip-off, but please something more practical and detailed than - change your card!

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Does anyone have any helpful advice re. card exchange rates, given the following experiences?

I have HSBC UK debit and credit cards (Mastercard), and find that the exchange rates they apply are always below the rate here in Thailand, usually by 1 to 1.5 Baht. Earlier this month I booked a flight to London, and the exchange rate used was a full 2 Bahts below the Kasikorn rate, and so cost me a fair lump of cash.

I will be grateful for any advice that may help me to avoid this kind of rip-off, but please something more practical and detailed than - change your card!

Sounds like you HSBC debit/credit cards have a foreign transaction fee in the 3% neighborhood. Here's a HSBC foreign transaction fee/exchange rate adjustment link to some of their current credit cards...although your credit card may be an earlier card no longer available and not reflected on the list. And here's a Link to one of their debit cards and it says a 2.75% foreign transaction fee applies.

And hopefully you are not accepting Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) transactions where the merchant charges you in your home country currency versus Thai baht--that's a sure way to get approx. a 3 to 4% lower exchange rate....and that lower rate would be on top of any foreign transaction fee the card issuing bank may charge. DCC bad, very bad for the customer; DCC good, very good for the merchant/bank.

How do you get rid of foreign transaction fees? Well, usually you have to change your bank/credit card account to a bank/credit card company that does not charge a foreign transaction fee. I know you said you didn't want to hear that, but that's life.

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