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Election Day In Thailand

Jai Dee

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TDRI analyzes TRT Party's decisions

An academic from Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), Mr. Somchai Jitsuchon (สมชัย จิตสุชน), stated that the future of Thai economy will rely on the decision of Thai Rak Thai Party Leader Thaksin Shinawatra. Mr. Somchai said if the Prime Minister decides to temporarily step down from his post and starts to reform Thai politics seriously, then the national economy would continue to move forward. However, if the premier perceives the election result one-sidedly, then the national economy may encounter negative consequences.

Mr. Somchai indicated that if Pol. Lt. Gen. Thaksin designates someone else, who is well-accepted by the majority of the Thai society, to be the new Prime Minister and the Leader of the Thai Rak Thai Party, the Thai economy will progress well consequently. However, that person has to declare his true intention to work out the political reformation and constitutional amendment. As a result, the annual GDP of Thailand should be around five percent this year.

However, if the Thai Rak Thai Party views that the election result is in favor of the party, and there is also a tendency that the government will use force to dissolve the demonstrations, Mr. Somchai said such decisions would not be constructive. He said foreign investors would lose confidence in the country’s security, and they would decide to invest elsewhere.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 April 2006

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Thaksin to go on TV at 8:30 pm to talk about election results

Caretaker Prime Minister and Thai Rak Thai Party leader Thaksin Shinawatra said he would go on Channel 11 at 8:30 pm to talk about the election results.

He told reporters at the Thai Rak Thai Party head office at 11:30 pm that he would go on Krong Sathanakarn TV programme on Channel 11 to talk about the election.

Thaksin said he would wait to see the results of the election before making a decision on his political future.

"Let's talk about it after seeing the results," Thaksin said.

"The media should suggest me ways of compromising. It could be any proposal that leads to unity. I don't need to be the prime minister. Tell me any proposal that will create unity in the country."

Source: The Nation - Breaking News

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"The media should suggest me ways of compromising. It could be any proposal that leads to unity. I don't need to be the prime minister. Tell me any proposal that will create unity in the country."

Inappropriate post deleted.


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Pol. Gen. Chitchai says that TRT meeting does not concern over the further political direction of the party

Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Chitchai Wannasathit (ชิดชัย วรรณสถิตย์), who is also the committee member of the Thai Rak Thai Party, disclosed that the recent meeting between his party members did not concern any matter regarding the political direction of the party.

Pol. Gen. Chitchai said that the meeting discussed and assessed the current political situation following the general election yesterday. In the meeting, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra also reaffirmed that he will uphold democracy, to contribute peace in the country.

As for the huge scores of “No Vote” in this election, Pol. Gen. Chitchai refused to comment on the news claiming that voters are signaling that they do not want Dr. Thaksin to continue his premiership. He added that such news should not be released as it may cause confusion among the general public.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 April 2006


Pol. Gen. Chitchai: "He added that such news should not be released as it may cause confusion among the general public. "

".....confusion among the general public.....?"

I don't think there's any confusion whatsoever - the Thai people have clearly indicated their preference.

As usual, Pol. Gen. Chitchai is muddying the water.

Basically what he is saying is that the massive 'no' vote should not be interpreted in any way whatsoever - the Thai people should be left totally clueless as to what it really signifies - even though it's glaringly obvious to all!

Another telltale indicator of what he really thinks of the people......tell 'em nothin'!

Counting down to 8.30 pm :o

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Mr. Phuttiphong said that the vote count has shown that people in Bangkok has not trusted in TRT Party

A committee member of the Democrat Party, Deputy Bangkok Governor Phutthiphong Punnakant (พุทธิพงษ์ ปุณณกันต์), said that the vote count in Bangkok has pointed out that the many Bangkokians do not rely on the Thai Rak Thai Party.

Mr. Phutthiphong indicated that this general election is different from other previous elections as it is not a competition between the main political parties. He said that the Thai Rak Thai Party is competing with itself. Hence, he argued that the outcome of the vote can represent that a number of people in Bangkok do not trust in the Thai Rak Thai Party.

He remarked that the Thai Rak Thai Party will have to think more cautiously, and it must carefully consider the ministerial positions of the new government. Besides, Pol. Lt. Col. Thaksin Shinawatra must answer public questions regarding his ambiguous activities.

According to the criticisms toward the Election Commission’s administration in the general election, Mr. Phutthiphong has demanded the EC to solve this issue before the senatorial election on April 19th.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 03 April 2006

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Here are the Chiang Mai results:

Chiang Mai

welcome back to the thread, otherstuff... ya big meanie for stoking up thaible... :D

now remember... this is the thaivisa peace rally...

have a seat.... get comfortable...




So looks like Mr Ts Sunshine *oys and girls have taken the lot........

...Golf anyone?

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"The media should suggest me ways of compromising. It could be any proposal that leads to unity. I don't need to be the prime minister. Tell me any proposal that will create unity in the country."

Inappropriate post deleted.


the really big "Abbot" has spoken...

need a bigger :o than this for this post.... :D


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"The media should suggest me ways of compromising. It could be any proposal that leads to unity. I don't need to be the prime minister. Tell me any proposal that will create unity in the country."

Inappropriate post deleted.


the really big "Abbot" has spoken...

need a bigger :o than this for this post.... :D




I caught the 'inappropriate post' before it got deleted - brought a smile to my face -

Answered Thaksin's request perfectly: "Tell me any proposal that will create unity in the country."

And any one of fifty expletives would have sufficed! :D

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To give you a further insight into how another news media reports/see,s the situation.

The following is part of an article in todays " The Independant Newspaper " in the U.K.

3 April 2006 15:25 ( Thai time )

Home > News > World > Asia

Chaos looms as Thailand's Prime Minister sweeps vote unopposed :- quote

Mr Thaksin was seen practising his golf swing on a suburban Bangkok driving range. "After the election, everyone should turn and face each other.

It's like a game, a sport. After the whistle is blown, 'tweet,' the game is over and everyone has to shake hands," he said.

Yet his foes are not keen to play by these rules. Professionals, students and labour activists have swarmed the capital's streets and intend to resume protests even after a legitimate victory, in order to eject a globalised businessman they condemn for manipulating the law to his advantage.

One day last month, some 130,000 anti- government protesters blocked the capital's notoriously jammed roads, and daily demonstrations continue to test the patience of Bangkok's residents.

People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), an anti-government coalition which suspended its protests this weekend, has vowed to continue its resistance by calling a large rally on Friday. Its volunteers monitored polling booths yesterday.

"There could be all kinds of vote rigging in those constituencies, from buying votes to getting government officials to fabricate the results," said Somchai Srisuthiyakorn of P-Net, an election watchdog.

It looks as if the opposition is gearing up for a prolonged political crisis, whatever the election results.

From economic saviour to 'square-faced tyrant'

Thaksin Shinawatra, 56, the nouveau riche Prime Minister who once looked ready to become South-east Asia's economic strongman, is fighting for his political future while normally demure Bangkok schoolgirls denounce him as an ethically challenged "square-faced tyrant".

Crowds gather outside shopping malls or besiege Government House in order to decry the way their Prime Minister gave lip service to law and order, only to plunder Thailand's economy and pervert its democracy for the benefit of his family and corporate friends.

While his effigy blazed in central Bangkok last month, the premier fled up-country to campaign in flyblown villages where he is still hailed as a champion of cheap health care and low-cost loans.

For the full article please go to the following :-


A quote taken from this excerpt ................................................................................


" It's like a game, a sport. After the whistle is blown, 'tweet,' the game is over and everyone has to shake hands," he said. "

The country,s in chaos and he comes up with his usual crap, he hasn,t got a clue.

What a B***** arrogant A*** ****

That,s what he thinks, he,s got no chance this time.

marshbags :o:D:D

Edited by marshbags
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"The media should suggest me ways of compromising. It could be any proposal that leads to unity. I don't need to be the prime minister. Tell me any proposal that will create unity in the country."

Inappropriate post deleted.


the really big "Abbot" has spoken...

need a bigger :o than this for this post.... :D




I caught the 'inappropriate post' before it got deleted - brought a smile to my face -

Answered Thaksin's request perfectly: "Tell me any proposal that will create unity in the country."

And any one of fifty expletives would have sufficed! :D

yes... we achieved that.... and now time to move to a higher plane....

to think at a level above what our adversary would.....


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- the world's first square face! :o

Actually, "Ai Na Liam" (translated: the rudest form of adress followed by 'square face') is a rather common insult in Thai language, therfore he is hardly the first one titled that way in Thailand.

Just clarifying...

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(the "rudest form of adress <sic>"... under some social situations) <<not that the song was not intended to be the rudest thing I have heard in the form of Thai music :o >>

but since Square face is not a common insult all over the world and the name has been reported in many places .... the point Bulmurche was making is valid

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Any news on the results of the party list ballot?

This is what TRT are saying Thaksin will base his decision on.

Back on topic, shall we?

I think that would be interesting, but so far nothing in the english language papers. Anyone know when the official results will be out?

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They said that the party list result would be slow because there's a lot of spoiled ballots, which take a long time to sort out. I'm surprised that there are no preliminary results though.

We don't even have the participation figures !

Something else surprises me : the high number of "invalid" ballots.

Check Chiang Mai :


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PAD's goal is removing Thaksin. Appealing to Royal intervention is a tactic , and not universally aggreed by all PAD leaders.

We don't know nationwide results yet, we don't know if TRT got 50%. Most probably it did, and PAD rallies will continue until Thaksin steps down.

His condition was never clear - number of constituencies "won" or "lost", like it's reported now, or total number of votes in all constituencies, or number of votes on party list ballots only.

Either way, the public perception, as reflected by our usual sources, is that TRT "lost", and candidates shouldn't take seats if they were beaten by "no vote" (according to ABAC polls).

The spreadsheet I made covers only data from The Nation - Bangkok, Khonkaen, Chiangmai, Chiangrai, Nongkai, and Rayong.

TRT won all except Bangkok and Rayong, and in total it's 2.4 mil vs. 1.65 mil to TRT.

Invalid ballots - a bit over 9%

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Yes, in the past it was unclear what Thaksin's conditions were.

Today, after TRT saw the results coming from the constituency poll, they said that it all depended on whether TRT got over 50% in the party list ballot.

Typical. It's hard to keep track of those goalposts when they're moving all the time!

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- the world's first square face! :o

Actually, "Ai Na Liam" (translated: the rudest form of adress followed by 'square face') is a rather common insult in Thai language, therfore he is hardly the first one titled that way in Thailand.

Just clarifying...


Good point ColPyat -

- but all those previously referred to as 'square face' - before Thaksin was tagged with this somewhat unfortunate label were, no doubt, 'nobodies' living here in Thailand.

Thaksin is surely the world's first 'celebrated' square face.



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Any news on the results of the party list ballot?

This is what TRT are saying Thaksin will base his decision on.

Back on topic, shall we?

I think that would be interesting, but so far nothing in the english language papers. Anyone know when the official results will be out?

Checked out both The Mirror and The Sun this afternoon. Not a word on the crisis here even though it's been the BBC's main news item all day.

I guess, in the case of The Sun, they wouldn't want to waste boring old print space on a big story like this when they could cover that same space with another pair of 'jubblies'.

Sun readers remain blissfully uninformed of another important news story. :o:D

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